Taxa with Images

This page provides a complete list of taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Strophanthus amboensis
Strophanthus angusii
Strophanthus arnoldianus
Strophanthus barteri
Strophanthus bequaertii
Strophanthus boivinii
Strophanthus bullenianus
Strophanthus caudatus
Strophanthus congoensis
Strophanthus courmontii
Strophanthus eminii
Strophanthus gardeniiflorus
Strophanthus gerrardii
Strophanthus gracilis
Strophanthus gratus
Strophanthus hispidus
Strophanthus holosericeus
Strophanthus hypoleucos
Strophanthus kombe
Strophanthus ledienii
Strophanthus luteolus
Strophanthus mirabilis
Strophanthus mortehanii
Strophanthus nicholsonii
Strophanthus parviflorus
Strophanthus petersianus
Strophanthus preussii
Strophanthus preussii var. preussii
Strophanthus sarmentosus
Strophanthus sarmentosus var. sarmentosus
Strophanthus speciosus
Strophanthus thollonii
Strophanthus vanderijstii
Strophanthus welwitschii
Strophanthus zimmermannianus