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Collection Profile for:
Field Museum of Natural History - Specimens being processed (F-In process)

Collection Statistics

  • 22,067 specimen records
  • 2,873 (13%) georeferenced
  • 22,067 (100%) with images (22,212 total images)
  • 18,539 (84%) identified to species
  • 232 families
  • 2,063 genera
  • 8,275 species
  • 8,610 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
Digital Metadata: EML File
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Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Agathisanthemum (3)
  • Aidia (3)
  • Antirhea (1)
  • Aoranthe (9)
  • Argostemma (1)
  • Bertiera (20)
  • Borreria (16)
  • Brenania (1)
  • Breonadia (1)
  • Breonia (2)
  • Burchellia (8)
  • Callipeltis (3)
  • Canephora (1)
  • Canthium (36)
  • Catunaregam (6)
  • Cephalanthus (6)
  • Chassalia (17)
  • Cinchona (2)
  • Coffea (30)
  • Conostomium (1)
  • Coptosperma (1)
  • Cordylostigma (7)
  • Corynanthe (27)
  • Craterispermum (10)
  • Cremaspora (7)
  • Crossopteryx (6)
  • Crucianella (5)
  • Cuviera (17)
  • Danais (7)
  • Didymosalpinx (2)
  • Diodia (3)
  • Euclinia (2)
  • Fadogia (9)
  • Feretia (5)
  • Gaertnera (41)
  • Galium (50)
  • Galopina (5)
  • Gardenia (19)
  • Geophila (11)
  • Heinsenia (1)
  • Heinsia (12)
  • Hekistocarpa (1)
  • Hymenocoleus (5)
  • Hymenodictyon (7)
  • Hyperacanthus (3)
  • Ixora (27)
  • Keetia (10)
  • Kohautia (19)
  • Kraussia (3)
  • Lamprothamnus (1)
  • Lasianthus (3)
  • Massularia (11)
  • Meyna (1)
  • Mitracarpus (4)
  • Mitragyna (16)
  • Mitrastigma (1)
  • Mitriostigma (2)
  • Morelia (4)
  • Morinda (11)
  • Mussaenda (19)
  • Nauclea (12)
  • Oldenlandia (26)
  • Otiophora (1)
  • Otomeria (2)
  • Oxyanthus (38)
  • Palicourea (1)
  • Pauridiantha (21)
  • Pavetta (73)
  • Payera (1)
  • Pentanisia (9)
  • Pentas (14)
  • Pentodon (2)
  • Peponidium (1)
  • Plectronia (7)
  • Pleiocoryne (1)
  • Plocama (9)
  • Polysphaeria (10)
  • Pouchetia (2)
  • Psychotria (116)
  • Psydrax (5)
  • Putoria (3)
  • Pygmaeothamnus (1)
  • Pyrostria (3)
  • Randia (34)
  • Rothmannia (25)
  • Rubia (16)
  • Rutidea (23)
  • Rytigynia (17)
  • Sabicea (23)
  • Sacosperma (2)
  • Saldinia (1)
  • Sarcocephalus (2)
  • Schismatoclada (1)
  • Schumanniophyton (1)
  • Sherbournia (2)
  • Spermacoce (6)
  • Trichostachys (1)
  • Uncaria (3)
  • Urophyllum (7)
  • Valantia (2)
  • Vangueria (18)
  • Vangueriella (10)
  • Vangueriopsis (2)
  • Virectaria (6)
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