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Collection Profile for:
Field Museum of Natural History - Specimens being processed (F-In process)

Collection Statistics

  • 22,067 specimen records
  • 2,873 (13%) georeferenced
  • 22,067 (100%) with images (22,212 total images)
  • 18,539 (84%) identified to species
  • 232 families
  • 2,063 genera
  • 8,275 species
  • 8,610 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
Digital Metadata: EML File
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Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Acanthospermum (1)
  • Acanthoxanthium (1)
  • Achillea (1)
  • Achyranthemum (11)
  • Adenostemma (12)
  • Afroaster (17)
  • Ageratina (2)
  • Ageratum (20)
  • Ambassa (2)
  • Anaxeton (5)
  • Anderbergia (2)
  • Andryala (8)
  • Anisopappus (5)
  • Anvillea (4)
  • Apodocephala (1)
  • Arctotheca (2)
  • Arctotis (13)
  • Artemisia (44)
  • Aspilia (9)
  • Aster (9)
  • Asteriscus (19)
  • Athanasia (15)
  • Athrixia (18)
  • Atractylis (17)
  • Baccharoides (1)
  • Bellis (12)
  • Berardia (1)
  • Berkheya (42)
  • Bidens (46)
  • Blumea (12)
  • Bombycilaena (2)
  • Bothriocline (8)
  • Brachylaena (20)
  • Brocchia (3)
  • Calendula (20)
  • Callilepis (8)
  • Calomeria (1)
  • Caputia (3)
  • Carduncellus (1)
  • Carduus (10)
  • Carlina (13)
  • Carthamus (28)
  • Catananche (15)
  • Centaurea (66)
  • Centauropsis (2)
  • Chiliadenus (1)
  • Chromolaena (2)
  • Chrysanthellum (3)
  • Chrysanthemoides (3)
  • Chrysanthemum (26)
  • Chrysocoma (15)
  • Cineraria (26)
  • Cirsium (7)
  • Cloiselia (1)
  • Conyza (36)
  • Cosmos (2)
  • Cotula (23)
  • Crassocephalum (18)
  • Cullumia (8)
  • Curio (8)
  • Cyanthillium (2)
  • Delairea (2)
  • Dendrosenecio (3)
  • Dicerothamnus (4)
  • Dichrocephala (13)
  • Dicoma (17)
  • Didelta (3)
  • Dimorphotheca (23)
  • Disparago (11)
  • Distephanus (11)
  • Echinops (15)
  • Edmondia (4)
  • Emilia (15)
  • Epaltes (4)
  • Erechtites (2)
  • Erigeron (14)
  • Eriocephalus (16)
  • Ethulia (4)
  • Eupatorium (9)
  • Euryops (60)
  • Felicia (33)
  • Filago (8)
  • Flaveria (4)
  • Foveolina (2)
  • Gamochaeta (2)
  • Gamolepis (7)
  • Garuleum (4)
  • Gazania (16)
  • Geigeria (18)
  • Gerbera (25)
  • Gnaphalium (6)
  • Gorteria (7)
  • Guizotia (10)
  • Gutenbergia (7)
  • Gynura (3)
  • Haplocarpha (7)
  • Hedypnois (1)
  • Helichrysum (399)
  • Helipterum (1)
  • Heterolepis (7)
  • Heterorhachis (3)
  • Hieracium (2)
  • Hilliardiella (17)
  • Hippia (4)
  • Hirpicium (4)
  • Hubertia (1)
  • Hymenolepis (5)
  • Hypericophyllum (1)
  • Hypochaeris (11)
  • Inula (9)
  • Inulanthera (9)
  • Iphiona (8)
  • Jacobaea (7)
  • Jeffreycia (2)
  • Kinghamia (2)
  • Klasea (1)
  • Kleinia (7)
  • Lachnospermum (3)
  • Lactuca (4)
  • Launaea (30)
  • Lepidostephium (1)
  • Leuzea (5)
  • Leysera (9)
  • Linzia (3)
  • Litogyne (1)
  • Lopholaena (4)
  • Macledium (6)
  • Matricaria (4)
  • Melanthera (6)
  • Metalasia (36)
  • Microglossa (21)
  • Micropus (3)
  • Mikania (16)
  • Monosis (1)
  • Muscosomorphe (1)
  • Myrovernix (4)
  • Nidorella (43)
  • Nolletia (3)
  • Odontospermum (2)
  • Oedera (27)
  • Oldenburgia (2)
  • Oliganthes (1)
  • Oncosiphon (6)
  • Onopordum (4)
  • Osteospermum (2)
  • Pegolettia (7)
  • Pentanema (2)
  • Pentzia (18)
  • Pericallis (9)
  • Perralderia (1)
  • Petalacte (7)
  • Phaenocoma (11)
  • Phagnalon (17)
  • Phaneroglossa (1)
  • Phymaspermum (12)
  • Picridium (1)
  • Platycarpha (1)
  • Plecostachys (3)
  • Plectocephalus (1)
  • Pluchea (9)
  • Podospermum (2)
  • Porphyrostemma (1)
  • Pseudognaphalium (2)
  • Pseudopodospermum (2)
  • Psiadia (18)
  • Pteronia (33)
  • Pulicaria (49)
  • Reichardia (8)
  • Relhania (2)
  • Rhynchopsidium (3)
  • Santolina (2)
  • Schistostephium (13)
  • Schizogyne (1)
  • Scolymus (9)
  • Scorzonera (1)
  • Senecio (317)
  • Seriphium (5)
  • Sigesbeckia (1)
  • Solanecio (1)
  • Sonchus (28)
  • Sphacophyllum (1)
  • Sphenogyne (1)
  • Stoebe (27)
  • Struchium (1)
  • Syncarpha (41)
  • Tanacetum (3)
  • Taraxacum (2)
  • Tarchonanthus (20)
  • Tenrhynea (6)
  • Tithonia (1)
  • Tolpis (17)
  • Troglophyton (6)
  • Urospermum (1)
  • Ursinia (33)
  • Varthemia (2)
  • Vellereophyton (5)
  • Vernonia (162)
  • Vernoniastrum (4)
  • Volutaria (8)
  • Xanthium (2)
  • Zinnia (7)
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