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Collection Profile for:
University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

The University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS) contains ca. 500,000 specimens. The earliest specimens date to the early 1800s. The geographic coverage of this dataset is central Africa. The FLAS acronym is the Index Herbariorum abbreviation, derived from its early association with the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. The herbarium was established in 1891 by Peter H. Rolfs of Florida Agricultural College in Lake City, and later moved to the University of Florida in Gainesville in 1906. The vascular plant collection (ca. 320,000 specimens) includes significant holdings of J.R. Abbott, A.W. Chapman, A.H. Curtiss, A. Cuthbert, R.L. Dressler, A.P. Garber, A.K. Gholson, S.C. Hood, H.H. Hume, W.S. Judd, W.A. Murrill, P.H. Rolfs, F. Rugel, J.K. Small, E.P. St. John, R.P. St. John, D.B. Ward, E. West, and W.M. Whitten. The bryophyte collection (ca. 70,000 specimens) and lichen collection (ca. 16,000 specimens) include many from W.W. Calkins, D.G. Griffin III, W.S. Judd, J.B. McFarlin, S. Rapp, R. Rosentreter, and J.K. Small. The wood collection (ca. 16,000 specimens) includes many tropical woods. The algal collection includes ca. 3,500 specimens, mainly from Florida. The Fungal Herbarium contains ca. 55,000 specimens (non-lichenized fungi and slime molds), including many of W.A. Murrill and zygomycetes of R.K. Benjamin and G. Benny. The digitization effort has been supported by the Florida Museum of Natural History, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, National Science Foundation, United States Department of Agriculture (Hatch Project FLAS-HRB-04170), UF Libraries Digital Library Center, Florida Center for Library Automation, Florida Museum Associates, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This digital dataset serves the vascular plant collection, of which ca. 2/3 are digitized, including ca. 500 type specimens (holo-, lecto-, iso-, neo-, syn-, or epi-types).



Collection Statistics

  • 499 specimen records
  • 164 (33%) georeferenced
  • 445 (89%) with images (530 total images)
  • 316 (63%) identified to species
  • 96 families
  • 272 genera
  • 248 species
  • 255 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 February 2025
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: FLAS IPT
Usage Rights:
Rights Holder: University of Florida