Collection Profile for: Herbier National de Guinée (HNG) Collection de données sur la biodiversité végétale de la Guinée destinée à mieux connaitre la flore du pays. Data collection on the vegetal biodiversity of Guinea, aiming to provide a better knowledge of the country's flora.
Directeur Général: Basile Camara,
Directeur Général Adjoint: Sékou Magassouba,
Collection Statistics
6,021 specimen records
5,157 (86%) georeferenced
5,413 (90%) identified to species 161 families 778 genera 1,579 species 1,665 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
15 May 2023
Usage Rights:
Rights Holder:
Herbier National de Guinée (HNG)
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Aeschynomene (1 ) Afzelia (3 ) Albizia (6 ) Amphimas (4 ) Anthonotha (3 ) Berlinia (3 ) Cassia (1 ) Chamaecrista (4 ) Copaifera (1 ) Crotalaria (3 ) Crudia (5 ) Dalbergia (2 ) Dalbergiella (3 ) Daniellia (3 ) Desmodium (1 ) Dialium (2 ) Distemonanthus (1 ) Dolichos (7 ) Droogmansia (3 ) Entada (1 ) Eriosema (12 ) Erythrina (5 ) Erythrophleum (15 ) Guibourtia (1 ) Indigofera (2 )