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Collection Profile for:
iNaturalist Plant Observation - Research Grade (iNaturalist-Research Grade)

iNaturalist research grade plant observations made within one of the following countries: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia

Records were filtered from the following GBIF data download

GBIF.org (20 September 2023) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.k4gyh4 


Collection Statistics

  • 199,133 specimen records
  • 199,133 (100%) georeferenced
  • 189,158 (95%) with images (424,675 total images)
  • 197,613 (99%) identified to species
  • 432 families
  • 3,414 genera
  • 14,047 species
  • 15,558 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
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Collection Type: Observations
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 20 September 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: DWC-A Import from GBIF
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Acampe (94)
  • Aerangis (233)
  • Aeranthes (73)
  • Afropectinariella (2)
  • Agrostophyllum (2)
  • Anacamptis (124)
  • Ancistrochilus (2)
  • Ancistrorhynchus (1)
  • Angraecopsis (5)
  • Angraecum (606)
  • Ansellia (85)
  • Arundina (26)
  • Auxopus (2)
  • Beclardia (20)
  • Benthamia (32)
  • Bolusiella (7)
  • Bonatea (10)
  • Brachycorythis (61)
  • Brownleea (7)
  • Bulbophyllum (523)
  • Calanthe (109)
  • Calyptrochilum (41)
  • Centrostigma (3)
  • Cephalanthera (39)
  • Cheirostylis (1)
  • Corycium (9)
  • Corymborkis (7)
  • Cryptopus (8)
  • Cynorkis (644)
  • Cypripedium (1)
  • Cyrtorchis (36)
  • Dactylorhiza (114)
  • Dendrobium (2)
  • Diaphananthe (25)
  • Disa (226)
  • Disperis (104)
  • Dracomonticola (1)
  • Eggelingia (1)
  • Epidendrum (7)
  • Epipactis (15)
  • Epipogium (1)
  • Erasanthe (2)
  • Eulophia (865)
  • Eurychone (2)
  • Galeola (1)
  • Gastrodia (2)
  • Gennaria (127)
  • Goodyera (5)
  • Grammangis (17)
  • Graphorkis (14)
  • Habenaria (273)
  • Hederorkis (1)
  • Hetaeria (1)
  • Himantoglossum (80)
  • Holothrix (16)
  • Jumellea (94)
  • Lemurella (21)
  • Lemurorchis (2)
  • Limodorum (26)
  • Liparis (72)
  • Listrostachys (2)
  • Malaxis (16)
  • Manniella (2)
  • Microcoelia (89)
  • Mystacidium (16)
  • Neobathiea (27)
  • Neobolusia (1)
  • Neotinea (84)
  • Nervilia (70)
  • Oberonia (35)
  • Oeonia (69)
  • Oeoniella (21)
  • Ophrys (1167)
  • Orchis (258)
  • Platanthera (1)
  • Platycoryne (21)
  • Platylepis (9)
  • Plectrelminthus (6)
  • Podangis (2)
  • Polystachya (204)
  • Porpax (3)
  • Pterygodium (3)
  • Rangaeris (23)
  • Rhipidoglossum (10)
  • Roeperocharis (3)
  • Satyrium (222)
  • Schizochilus (7)
  • Serapias (90)
  • Sobennikoffia (38)
  • Solenangis (5)
  • Spathoglottis (31)
  • Sphyrarhynchus (1)
  • Spiranthes (37)
  • Stenoglottis (21)
  • Tridactyle (33)
  • Tylostigma (5)
  • Vanilla (114)
  • Ypsilopus (12)
  • Zeuxine (3)
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