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Collection Profile for:
Field Museum of Natural History Pteridophyte Collection (F-Pteridophyte)

The pteridophyte collection ranks fourth in the nation in size and includes more than 106,000 specimens of ferns and fern allies, including 373 types. The collection is worldwide in scope but has a strong concentration in tropical America. The Ferns and Fern Allies of Guatemala and Pteridophyta of Peru were based primarily on our holdings. Central American and Mexican collections include the outstanding material of Standley, Steyermark, Molina and L. O. Williams (Guatemala), Matuda, Ringle and Purpus (Mexico), Molina, Williams, Shimek (Nicaragua), and Brenes and Austin Smith (Costa Rica). South American material includes specimens from J. F. Macbride, Mexia, Killip and Smith, and both Carlos and José Schunke (Peru), Cuatrecasas (Colombia), Steyermark and Llewelyn Williams (Venezuela), Acosta Solis (Ecuador), Buchtien and Steinbach (Bolivia), and Brade (Brazil). Although Old World specimens are not especially numerous, they include valuable collections of Blanchard (Africa), Boivin and Humblot (Réunion, Madagascar) and Zenker (Cameroon).

Collection Statistics

  • 1,917 specimen records
  • 1,523 (79%) georeferenced
  • 1,914 (100%) with images (2,110 total images)
  • 1,777 (93%) identified to species
  • 33 families
  • 117 genera
  • 581 species
  • 588 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 15 May 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: FM IPT Pteridophyte Collection
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