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Collection Profile for:
New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium (NY-Vascular Plants)

With more than 7.8 million preserved specimens, the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium is the largest herbarium in the Western Hemisphere. Specialty Taxonomic Coverage: Algae, bryophytes, fungi, pteridophytes and angiosperms Geography: Worldwide with greatest strength in tropical America and North America


Collection Statistics

  • 22,922 specimen records
  • 7,414 (32%) georeferenced
  • 19,324 (84%) with images (20,048 total images)
  • 19,509 (85%) identified to species
  • 269 families
  • 2,445 genera
  • 8,533 species
  • 8,985 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 August 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: Import from IPT - vascular
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Afrocanthium (4)
  • Agathisanthemum (9)
  • Aidia (10)
  • Alberta (1)
  • Anthospermum (16)
  • Antirhea (4)
  • Aoranthe (1)
  • Argocoffeopsis (3)
  • Atractogyne (1)
  • Aulacocalyx (7)
  • Belonophora (1)
  • Bertiera (24)
  • Breonadia (4)
  • Breonia (1)
  • Burchellia (1)
  • Calycosiphonia (1)
  • Canthium (19)
  • Carpacoce (1)
  • Carphalea (1)
  • Chapelieria (1)
  • Chassalia (24)
  • Coddia (3)
  • Coffea (14)
  • Conostomium (1)
  • Coptosperma (3)
  • Cordylostigma (4)
  • Corynanthe (12)
  • Craterispermum (13)
  • Cremaspora (11)
  • Crocyllis (1)
  • Crossopteryx (12)
  • Cuviera (6)
  • Declieuxia (1)
  • Didymosalpinx (1)
  • Diodia (2)
  • Edrastima (2)
  • Eriosemopsis (1)
  • Euclinia (1)
  • Fadogia (9)
  • Feretia (6)
  • Gaertnera (8)
  • Galiniera (2)
  • Galium (12)
  • Galopina (2)
  • Gardenia (8)
  • Geophila (9)
  • Globulostylis (2)
  • Grumilea (4)
  • Guettarda (3)
  • Hedyotis (3)
  • Hedythyrsus (2)
  • Heinsenia (2)
  • Heinsia (5)
  • Hutchinsonia (1)
  • Hymenocoleus (3)
  • Hymenodictyon (5)
  • Hyperacanthus (1)
  • Ixora (24)
  • Keetia (34)
  • Kohautia (7)
  • Kraussia (1)
  • Lamprothamnus (6)
  • Lasianthus (6)
  • Leptactina (11)
  • Massularia (3)
  • Mitracarpus (6)
  • Mitragyna (9)
  • Mitrastigma (1)
  • Morinda (4)
  • Multidentia (3)
  • Mussaenda (17)
  • Nauclea (5)
  • Neorosea (1)
  • Nichallea (3)
  • Oldenlandia (25)
  • Otiophora (1)
  • Otomeria (4)
  • Oxyanthus (19)
  • Pachystigma (1)
  • Paederia (4)
  • Pamplethantha (4)
  • Paracorynanthe (3)
  • Parapentas (1)
  • Pauridiantha (13)
  • Pausinystalia (6)
  • Pavetta (50)
  • Pentanisia (9)
  • Pentas (16)
  • Pentodon (7)
  • Phyllis (1)
  • Phyllopentas (1)
  • Plectronia (2)
  • Plectroniella (1)
  • Poecilocalyx (4)
  • Polysphaeria (35)
  • Porterandia (8)
  • Pouchetia (3)
  • Pseudogardenia (1)
  • Psychotria (87)
  • Psydrax (14)
  • Ptychostigma (1)
  • Pyrostria (5)
  • Randia (10)
  • Rhodopentas (3)
  • Richardia (2)
  • Rothmannia (17)
  • Rubia (13)
  • Rutidea (12)
  • Rytigynia (12)
  • Sabicea (30)
  • Sacosperma (1)
  • Schismatoclada (1)
  • Schumanniophyton (1)
  • Sericanthe (9)
  • Sherbournia (3)
  • Spermacoce (34)
  • Stipularia (2)
  • Stylocoryna (1)
  • Tapinopentas (1)
  • Tapiphyllum (1)
  • Tarenna (38)
  • Temnocalyx (1)
  • Temnopteryx (1)
  • Triainolepis (1)
  • Tricalysia (56)
  • Uncaria (1)
  • Urophyllum (5)
  • Vangueria (19)
  • Vangueriella (2)
  • Virectaria (7)
  • Xeromphis (5)
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