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Collection Profile for:
New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium (NY-Vascular Plants)

With more than 7.8 million preserved specimens, the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium is the largest herbarium in the Western Hemisphere. Specialty Taxonomic Coverage: Algae, bryophytes, fungi, pteridophytes and angiosperms Geography: Worldwide with greatest strength in tropical America and North America


Collection Statistics

  • 22,922 specimen records
  • 7,414 (32%) georeferenced
  • 19,324 (84%) with images (20,048 total images)
  • 19,509 (85%) identified to species
  • 269 families
  • 2,445 genera
  • 8,533 species
  • 8,985 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 August 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: Import from IPT - vascular
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Achyrodes (2)
  • Acrachne (1)
  • Acritochaete (1)
  • Acroceras (4)
  • Agrostis (5)
  • Aira (1)
  • Alloteropsis (1)
  • Andropogon (28)
  • Anthephora (2)
  • Anthoxanthum (7)
  • Aristida (27)
  • Arthraxon (1)
  • Arundinaria (3)
  • Avena (1)
  • Axonopus (2)
  • Beckera (1)
  • Beckeropsis (2)
  • Bewsia (1)
  • Bothriochloa (10)
  • Brachiaria (27)
  • Brachypodium (1)
  • Briza (2)
  • Bromus (4)
  • Catalepis (1)
  • Cenchrus (16)
  • Centotheca (4)
  • Chasmopodium (1)
  • Chloridion (3)
  • Chloris (24)
  • Chrysopogon (2)
  • Coix (1)
  • Cortaderia (1)
  • Craspedorhachis (2)
  • Crypsis (1)
  • Ctenium (5)
  • Cymbopogon (13)
  • Cynodon (12)
  • Cyrtococcum (1)
  • Dactyloctenium (14)
  • Danthonia (1)
  • Deschampsia (3)
  • Dichanthium (2)
  • Diectomis (1)
  • Digitaria (33)
  • Dignathia (1)
  • Diheteropogon (2)
  • Dinebra (1)
  • Diplachne (1)
  • Echinochloa (24)
  • Echinolaena (1)
  • Ehrharta (1)
  • Eleusine (14)
  • Elionurus (7)
  • Elytrophorus (1)
  • Enneapogon (1)
  • Enteropogon (1)
  • Eragrostis (111)
  • Eriochrysis (1)
  • Euclasta (1)
  • Eustachys (1)
  • Exotheca (3)
  • Festuca (7)
  • Fingerhuthia (1)
  • Habrochloa (1)
  • Hackelochloa (2)
  • Harpachne (5)
  • Helictotrichon (2)
  • Heteropogon (6)
  • Hyparrhenia (41)
  • Hyperthelia (1)
  • Imperata (8)
  • Isachne (3)
  • Ischaemum (5)
  • Koeleria (2)
  • Lagurus (1)
  • Leersia (7)
  • Leptaspis (5)
  • Leptocarydion (1)
  • Leptochloa (3)
  • Lolium (1)
  • Loudetia (9)
  • Manisuris (1)
  • Megastachya (1)
  • Melanocenchris (1)
  • Melinis (10)
  • Merxmuellera (2)
  • Microcalamus (1)
  • Microchloa (10)
  • Miscanthus (2)
  • Monocymbium (3)
  • Nassella (1)
  • Olyra (8)
  • Oplismenus (12)
  • Oropetium (2)
  • Oryza (3)
  • Oryzopsis (1)
  • Oxyrhachis (1)
  • Oxytenanthera (1)
  • Panicum (77)
  • Pappophorum (2)
  • Paratheria (1)
  • Paspalidium (1)
  • Paspalum (12)
  • Pennisetum (34)
  • Pentaschistis (4)
  • Perotis (5)
  • Phalaris (3)
  • Phragmites (3)
  • Poa (9)
  • Pobeguinea (1)
  • Poecilostachys (1)
  • Pogonarthria (3)
  • Pogononeura (1)
  • Polypogon (3)
  • Prosphytochloa (1)
  • Pseudechinolaena (3)
  • Pseudobromus (3)
  • Puelia (1)
  • Rattraya (1)
  • Rendlia (1)
  • Rhynchelytrum (4)
  • Rhytachne (1)
  • Richardsiella (2)
  • Rottboellia (5)
  • Sacciolepis (8)
  • Schismus (1)
  • Schizachyrium (10)
  • Schmidtia (2)
  • Schoenefeldia (3)
  • Setaria (52)
  • Snowdenia (1)
  • Sorghastrum (5)
  • Sorghum (3)
  • Sporobolus (54)
  • Stenotaphrum (5)
  • Stereochlaena (1)
  • Stiburus (2)
  • Stipagrostis (2)
  • Streblochaete (2)
  • Streptogyna (3)
  • Tetrachne (1)
  • Tetrapogon (3)
  • Themeda (13)
  • Trachypogon (5)
  • Tragus (3)
  • Tribolium (1)
  • Tricholaena (3)
  • Trichopteryx (4)
  • Tripogon (7)
  • Tristachya (6)
  • Urelytrum (4)
  • Urochloa (5)
  • Vetiveria (1)
  • Vossia (1)
  • Zea (1)
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