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Collection Profile for:
New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium (NY-Vascular Plants)

With more than 7.8 million preserved specimens, the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium is the largest herbarium in the Western Hemisphere. Specialty Taxonomic Coverage: Algae, bryophytes, fungi, pteridophytes and angiosperms Geography: Worldwide with greatest strength in tropical America and North America


Collection Statistics

  • 22,922 specimen records
  • 7,414 (32%) georeferenced
  • 19,324 (84%) with images (20,048 total images)
  • 19,509 (85%) identified to species
  • 269 families
  • 2,445 genera
  • 8,533 species
  • 8,985 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 August 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: Import from IPT - vascular
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Abrus (8)
  • Acacia (132)
  • Achyronia (1)
  • Adenocarpus (5)
  • Adenodolichos (6)
  • Adenolobus (1)
  • Adenopodia (1)
  • Aeschynomene (42)
  • Afzelia (7)
  • Aganope (14)
  • Airyantha (1)
  • Albizia (61)
  • Alysicarpus (17)
  • Amphithalea (3)
  • Andira (1)
  • Angylocalyx (7)
  • Anila (1)
  • Anthonotha (14)
  • Apaloxylon (1)
  • Aphanocalyx (1)
  • Apodynomene (1)
  • Argyrolobium (21)
  • Aspalathus (19)
  • Astragalus (2)
  • Augouardia (1)
  • Baikiaea (3)
  • Baphia (58)
  • Baphiopsis (5)
  • Bauhinia (17)
  • Berlinia (21)
  • Biancaea (1)
  • Bikinia (25)
  • Bituminaria (1)
  • Bobgunnia (1)
  • Bowringia (1)
  • Brachystegia (32)
  • Buchenroedera (2)
  • Bussea (1)
  • Caesalpinia (2)
  • Cajanus (2)
  • Calopogonium (2)
  • Calpocalyx (11)
  • Calpurnia (2)
  • Camoensia (3)
  • Canavalia (10)
  • Cassia (12)
  • Centrosema (4)
  • Chamaecrista (17)
  • Chamaecytisus (2)
  • Chasmone (3)
  • Chirocalyx (1)
  • Clitoria (11)
  • Copaifera (1)
  • Cordyla (7)
  • Craibia (5)
  • Crotalaria (164)
  • Crudia (1)
  • Cryphiantha (1)
  • Cryptosepalum (2)
  • Cyclopia (1)
  • Cylicodiscus (1)
  • Cynometra (8)
  • Cytisus (2)
  • Dalbergia (62)
  • Dalhousiea (14)
  • Daniellia (1)
  • Deguelia (1)
  • Delonix (2)
  • Derris (4)
  • Desmodium (60)
  • Detarium (1)
  • Dewevrea (1)
  • Dialium (42)
  • Dichrostachys (23)
  • Didelotia (2)
  • Dioclea (2)
  • Dipogon (1)
  • Distemonanthus (4)
  • Dolichos (34)
  • Droogmansia (3)
  • Dumasia (1)
  • Duparquetia (3)
  • Elephantorrhiza (2)
  • Eligmocarpus (1)
  • Eminia (1)
  • Englerodendron (2)
  • Entada (18)
  • Eriosema (59)
  • Erythrina (29)
  • Erythrophleum (7)
  • Eurypetalum (2)
  • Fagelia (1)
  • Fillaeopsis (4)
  • Flemingia (5)
  • Galactia (2)
  • Geissaspis (4)
  • Genista (2)
  • Gilbertiodendron (11)
  • Gilletiodendron (4)
  • Glycine (1)
  • Gossweilerodendron (2)
  • Griffonia (3)
  • Guibourtia (7)
  • Guilandina (2)
  • Haplormosia (1)
  • Hylodendron (5)
  • Hymenaea (2)
  • Hymenostegia (16)
  • Indigastrum (1)
  • Indigofera (156)
  • Inga (3)
  • Intsia (1)
  • Isoberlinia (1)
  • Julbernardia (18)
  • Kotschya (4)
  • Lablab (4)
  • Lathriogyna (1)
  • Lathyrus (3)
  • Lebruniodendron (1)
  • Leonardoxa (1)
  • Leptoderris (7)
  • Lessertia (1)
  • Leucaena (2)
  • Leucomphalos (4)
  • Librevillea (17)
  • Lonchocarpus (13)
  • Lotononis (1)
  • Lotus (12)
  • Machaerium (1)
  • Macrolobium (6)
  • Macroptilium (1)
  • Macrotyloma (7)
  • Melliniella (1)
  • Melolobium (4)
  • Millettia (43)
  • Mimosa (20)
  • Monopetalanthus (2)
  • Mucuna (8)
  • Mundulea (6)
  • Myroxylon (1)
  • Neochevalierodendron (3)
  • Neonotonia (14)
  • Neorautanenia (5)
  • Neptunia (1)
  • Newtonia (8)
  • Oddoniodendron (5)
  • Ononis (1)
  • Ophrestia (5)
  • Ormocarpopsis (1)
  • Ormocarpum (9)
  • Ostryocarpus (1)
  • Ostryoderris (1)
  • Otholobium (2)
  • Otoptera (1)
  • Parkia (4)
  • Parkinsonia (2)
  • Parochetus (3)
  • Pearsonia (2)
  • Pellegriniodendron (2)
  • Peltophorum (4)
  • Pentaclethra (10)
  • Pericopsis (16)
  • Phaseolus (4)
  • Philenoptera (2)
  • Physostigma (1)
  • Piliostigma (2)
  • Piptadenia (9)
  • Pithecellobium (3)
  • Plagiosiphon (5)
  • Platycelyphium (1)
  • Platysepalum (6)
  • Podalyria (5)
  • Pomaria (1)
  • Priestleya (1)
  • Prioria (1)
  • Prosopis (1)
  • Pseudarthria (16)
  • Pseudoeriosema (2)
  • Pseudoprosopis (4)
  • Pseudovigna (1)
  • Psophocarpus (1)
  • Psoralea (2)
  • Pterocarpus (23)
  • Pterolobium (1)
  • Pueraria (2)
  • Pycnospora (3)
  • Pynaertiodendron (1)
  • Rafnia (1)
  • Rhynchosia (65)
  • Samanea (1)
  • Schotia (5)
  • Scorodophloeus (7)
  • Scorpiurus (1)
  • Senna (58)
  • Sesbania (24)
  • Sindora (4)
  • Sindoropsis (2)
  • Smithia (4)
  • Sophora (1)
  • Sphenostylis (4)
  • Stemonocoleus (1)
  • Stuhlmannia (6)
  • Stylosanthes (1)
  • Sutherlandia (1)
  • Swartzia (5)
  • Tamarindus (8)
  • Tephrosia (94)
  • Teramnus (7)
  • Tessmannia (14)
  • Tetraberlinia (12)
  • Tetrapleura (5)
  • Trifolium (8)
  • Tylosema (1)
  • Uraria (1)
  • Vaughania (1)
  • Vicia (2)
  • Vigna (45)
  • Wiborgia (1)
  • Xanthocercis (1)
  • Xylia (1)
  • Zornia (12)
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