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Collection Profile for:
New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium (NY-Vascular Plants)

With more than 7.8 million preserved specimens, the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium is the largest herbarium in the Western Hemisphere. Specialty Taxonomic Coverage: Algae, bryophytes, fungi, pteridophytes and angiosperms Geography: Worldwide with greatest strength in tropical America and North America


Collection Statistics

  • 22,922 specimen records
  • 7,414 (32%) georeferenced
  • 19,324 (84%) with images (20,048 total images)
  • 19,509 (85%) identified to species
  • 269 families
  • 2,445 genera
  • 8,533 species
  • 8,985 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 August 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: Import from IPT - vascular
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Acanthospermum (3)
  • Acmella (4)
  • Adenostemma (8)
  • Agathaea (4)
  • Ageratina (2)
  • Ageratinastrum (1)
  • Ageratum (10)
  • Ambrosia (1)
  • Anaxeton (2)
  • Andryala (2)
  • Anisochaeta (1)
  • Anisopappus (8)
  • Anisothrix (1)
  • Anthemis (2)
  • Apodocephala (2)
  • Arctotis (6)
  • Artemisia (1)
  • Aspilia (13)
  • Asteriscus (2)
  • Athanasia (3)
  • Athrixia (9)
  • Athroisma (1)
  • Austrosynotis (1)
  • Baccharoides (7)
  • Berkheya (8)
  • Berkheyopsis (1)
  • Bidens (19)
  • Blainvillea (1)
  • Blepharispermum (6)
  • Blumea (13)
  • Bothriocline (13)
  • Brachylaena (3)
  • Cadiscus (1)
  • Callilepis (2)
  • Calostephane (1)
  • Carduus (8)
  • Centaurea (1)
  • Chrysanthellum (3)
  • Chrysanthemoides (2)
  • Chrysocoma (3)
  • Cineraria (19)
  • Cirsium (7)
  • Conyza (24)
  • Coreopsis (2)
  • Cosmos (1)
  • Cotula (4)
  • Crassocephalum (27)
  • Crepis (3)
  • Crystallopollen (12)
  • Cullumia (3)
  • Cyanopis (2)
  • Cyanthillium (1)
  • Denekia (3)
  • Dianthoseris (1)
  • Dichrocephala (7)
  • Dicoma (5)
  • Dimorphotheca (2)
  • Diplostemma (1)
  • Dipterotheca (2)
  • Disparago (2)
  • Distephanus (5)
  • Echinops (3)
  • Eclipta (6)
  • Elephantopus (6)
  • Eleutheranthera (2)
  • Elytropappus (2)
  • Emilia (20)
  • Enydra (1)
  • Erigeron (4)
  • Eriocephalus (3)
  • Erlangea (2)
  • Erythrocephalum (10)
  • Ethulia (12)
  • Eumorphia (1)
  • Eupatorium (1)
  • Euryops (6)
  • Felicia (28)
  • Francoeuria (1)
  • Fresenia (1)
  • Galinsoga (8)
  • Gamolepis (2)
  • Gazania (11)
  • Geigeria (4)
  • Gerbera (9)
  • Gibbaria (1)
  • Gnaphalium (5)
  • Grangea (4)
  • Guizotia (9)
  • Gutenbergia (8)
  • Gymnanthemum (22)
  • Gymnodiscus (1)
  • Gynura (7)
  • Haplocarpha (1)
  • Hedypnois (2)
  • Helichrysum (193)
  • Helipterum (3)
  • Hertia (4)
  • Hieracium (1)
  • Hilliardiella (1)
  • Hinterhubera (1)
  • Hirpicium (1)
  • Hoplophyllum (1)
  • Hymenolepis (2)
  • Hypochaeris (1)
  • Ifloga (1)
  • Inula (6)
  • Inulaster (2)
  • Kleinia (2)
  • Lactuca (13)
  • Laggera (16)
  • Launaea (5)
  • Lepidostephium (1)
  • Leysera (2)
  • Linzia (7)
  • Lipotriche (6)
  • Litogyne (2)
  • Lopholaena (2)
  • Lowryanthus (1)
  • Macledium (7)
  • Macowania (2)
  • Metalasia (7)
  • Microglossa (9)
  • Mikania (14)
  • Mikaniopsis (1)
  • Mollera (1)
  • Morysia (6)
  • Neojeffreya (1)
  • Nicolasia (3)
  • Nidorella (18)
  • Nolletia (2)
  • Oedera (1)
  • Oldenburgia (1)
  • Oligothrix (1)
  • Oncosiphon (1)
  • Osteospermum (12)
  • Othonna (3)
  • Pechuel-loeschea (2)
  • Pegolettia (1)
  • Pentzia (6)
  • Pericallis (1)
  • Phymaspermum (2)
  • Platycarpha (1)
  • Pleiotaxis (1)
  • Pluchea (16)
  • Poecilolepis (1)
  • Porphyrostemma (1)
  • Prestinaria (1)
  • Pseudoconyza (2)
  • Pseudognaphalium (4)
  • Psiadia (4)
  • Psilothamnus (1)
  • Pteronia (8)
  • Pterothrix (1)
  • Pulicaria (2)
  • Pyrrhopappus (1)
  • Relhania (1)
  • Rhynea (1)
  • Rochonia (1)
  • Rosenia (2)
  • Schaffnera (2)
  • Schistostephium (2)
  • Schkuhria (2)
  • Senecio (94)
  • Silybum (1)
  • Solanecio (7)
  • Sonchus (9)
  • Sphaeranthus (10)
  • Spilanthes (1)
  • Stoebe (6)
  • Stomatanthes (5)
  • Struchium (2)
  • Syncarpha (1)
  • Synedrella (6)
  • Tagetes (8)
  • Taraxacum (1)
  • Tarchonanthus (8)
  • Tenrhynea (1)
  • Tithonia (4)
  • Tolpis (1)
  • Tridax (1)
  • Ursinia (3)
  • Vernonia (151)
  • Vernoniopsis (1)
  • Wedelia (1)
  • Wirtgenia (1)
  • Wuerschmittia (1)
  • Xanthium (1)
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