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Collection Profile for:
New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium (NY-Vascular Plants)

With more than 7.8 million preserved specimens, the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium is the largest herbarium in the Western Hemisphere. Specialty Taxonomic Coverage: Algae, bryophytes, fungi, pteridophytes and angiosperms Geography: Worldwide with greatest strength in tropical America and North America


Collection Statistics

  • 22,922 specimen records
  • 7,414 (32%) georeferenced
  • 19,324 (84%) with images (20,048 total images)
  • 19,509 (85%) identified to species
  • 269 families
  • 2,445 genera
  • 8,533 species
  • 8,985 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 August 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: Import from IPT - vascular
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Beccariophoenix (1)
  • Borassus (3)
  • Chamaerops (1)
  • Deckenia (1)
  • Dypsis (113)
  • Elaeis (1)
  • Eremospatha (23)
  • Hyphaene (5)
  • Jubaeopsis (3)
  • Laccosperma (18)
  • Lemurophoenix (2)
  • Lodoicea (1)
  • Marojejya (5)
  • Masoala (1)
  • Nephrosperma (2)
  • Nypa (1)
  • Oncocalamus (18)
  • Orania (3)
  • Phoenicophorium (1)
  • Phoenix (19)
  • Podococcus (9)
  • Raphia (10)
  • Ravenea (13)
  • Sclerosperma (6)
  • Syagrus (1)
  • Tahina (1)
  • Verschaffeltia (1)
  • Voanioala (1)
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