66468 Wilde, JJFE de; Arends, JC; Bruijn, J de; Maesen, LJG van der 8892 1986-11-21
Gabon, Estuaire, Ca. 3 km along the track Alen Nkomo - Andok-Foula., 0.25 10.083333, 30m
66601 Wilde, JJFE de; Arends, JC; Bruijn, J de 9035 1986-11-29
Gabon, Nyanga, c. 46 km along the track Doussala-Igotchi, in a SW direction from Doussala., -2.666667 10.533333, 160m
67268 Breteler, FJ; Moussavou, J-M; Nang-Essouma, G 14367 1998-07-09
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Rabi-Kounga., -1.9 9.866667
67954 Breteler, FJ; Azizet Issembé, Y; Moussavou, J-M; Pascal, O 14700 1999-01-20
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué., -0.683333 11.916667
190428 Valkenburg, JLCH van; Jongkind, CCH; Niangadouma, R; Mabicka, AJ 2611 2003-11-23
Gabon, Nyanga, chantier SFN, Igotchi., -2.638833 10.5235, 260m
1136029 Choo, J 840 2007-03-06
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Rabi. South of Divangui Road., -1.9 9.916667
252383 Sosef, MSM; Couvreur, TLP; Botermans, M; Azizet Issembé, Y; Boussiengui, J-N 2121 2005-10-31
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, Chantier Bambidie, c. 53 km on the road to Okondja - Lelama, just S of the Sebe river., -0.936667 13.365, 280m
1282623 Dauby, GV; Nguema Ekomo, D; Mounoumoulossi, E; Bissiemou, P 2167 2010-01-25
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Rabi-Shell concession, Rabi, N of airport., -1.92767 9.87398, 56m
2526493 Lachenaud, OLS; Ikabanga, DU; Akouangou, E; Serein, JY; Bidault, E; Azizet Issem 1595 2013-11-24
Gabon, Ngounié, concession Maurel & Prom près du Lac Ezanga., -1.114444 10.228889, 58m
MO:Seed Plants
783613 Gordon McPherson 15076 1991-01-07
Gabon, Estuaire, South of Estuaire du Gabon along Remboué River; British Gas site., -0.2 10.01666, 10m
MO:Seed Plants
3434101 Johanna Choo 840 2007-03-06
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Rabi. South of Divangui Road., -1.9 9.91666
MO:Seed Plants
101147768 Patricia Barberá 2593 2019-03-10
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni, Concession BSG, entre Kougouleu et Médouneu., 0.8558889 10.4080278, 757m
MO:Seed Plants
143473 Duncan W. Thomas 6461 1986-06-17
Gabon, Ngounié, Komi, near Sindara., -1.0666667 10.8, 100 - 400m
MO:Seed Plants
147993 Gordon McPherson 15426 1991-10-23
Gabon, Estuaire, S of Estuaire du Gabon along Remboué River; British Gas site; along newly built road to drill-hole number 2., 10m
MO:Seed Plants
101448268 Gordon McPherson 15592 1991-11-26
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Near Rabi, Shell Oil Company's camp., -1.9166667 9.9166667, 100m
MO:Seed Plants
102733714 Gilles Dauby 2167 2010-01-25
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Concession de Rabi-Shell, entre le site de Rabi et le site de Toucan., -1.92767 9.87398, 56m
MO:Seed Plants
102877342 Olivier Lachenaud 1595 2013-11-24
Gabon, Ngounié, Concession Maurel & Prom près du Lac Ezanga., -1.1145833 10.2287778, 58m
MO:Seed Plants
103045612 Nicolas Texier 1762 2017-12-18
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, South of Road Lopé-Lastoursville. About 60 km from Lastoursville, logging concession SBL. Roadside., -0.72257 12.47505, 445m
MO:Seed Plants
103045144 Nicolas Texier 1669 2017-12-13
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, SIAEFG logging concession, 30 km north of Pana. Monts Birougou, Ramsar area. Valley, along Bouenguidi River. Flat area. Sandy soil., -1.52472 12.51052, 563m
MO:Seed Plants
103083709 F.J. Breteler 14700 1999-01-20
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué., -0.683333 11.9167
MO:Seed Plants
103083354 H. P. Bourobou 985 2002-10-11
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Toucan, -1.783333 9.883333
MO:Seed Plants
103085761 F.J. Breteler 14367 1998-07-09
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Rabi-Kounga., -1.9 9.86667
MO:Seed Plants
103086694 Carvalho 5212 1993-01-10
Equatorial Guinea, Litoral, Bata - Dibolo: Estrada kms 55-56., 2.149606 9.834722
MO:Seed Plants
103083568 F.J. Breteler 5802 1968-10-03
Gabon, Ngounié, 50 km SE of Lambaréné, -1.066667 10.5
MO:Seed Plants
103091085 J.M. Reitsma 2768 1987-01-06
Gabon, Nyanga, Forest fringe in savannah, ca 40 km S of Doussala., -2.56667 10.6
MO:Seed Plants
103092229 Johannes Leonardus Cornelis Hendrikus van Valkenburg 2611 2003-11-23
Gabon, Nyanga, chantier SFN, Igotchi., -2.63883 10.5235, 260m
MO:Seed Plants
103091715 Marc S.M. Sosef 2121 2005-10-31
Gabon, Ogooué-Lolo, Chantier Bambidie, c. 53 km on the road to Okondja - Lelama, just S of the Sebe river., -0.936667 13.365, 280m
MO:Seed Plants
103096195 Jan J.F.E. de Wilde 8892 1986-11-21
Gabon, Estuaire, Ca. 3 km along the track Alen Nkomo - Andok-Foula., 0.25 10.0833, 30m
MO:Seed Plants
103096253 Jan J.F.E. de Wilde 9035 1986-11-29
Gabon, Nyanga, c. 46 km along the track Doussala-Igotchi, in a SW direction from Doussala., -2.66667 10.5333, 160m
MO:Seed Plants
103374456 Olivier Lachenaud 4160 2022-12-09
Gabon, Estuaire, Concession Africa View Estuaire, ± 36 km à vol d'oiseau au SSE de Cocobeach et 20 km à l'est de la côte., 0.75201 9.78532, 104m
NY:Vascular Plants
04072488 J. M. Reitsma 2768 1987-01-06
Gabon, ca. 40 km S of Doussala, -2.57 10.6
K000425815 Klaine 642