F:In process
V0578931F J. Louis 11641 1938-10-08
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Lusambila Valley
190619 Jongkind, CCH; Valkenburg, JLCH van; Niangadouma, R; Mabicka, AJ 5772 2003-11-25
Gabon, Nyanga, Doudou Mountains, Chantier SFN-Bakker., -2.893889 10.510833, 60m
MO:Seed Plants
531512 Duncan W. Thomas 5366 1986-01-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem., 5.0833333 9.7, 800 - 1600m
MO:Seed Plants
1600403 Gretchen Walters 960 2001-11-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Batéké Plateau, Mpassa River. Embarkment for Station of Projet Protection des Gorilles, 17 linear km away. Riverine forest. Collections made within 0.5 km of GPS point and alcohol dried., -1.97583 14.00583
MO:Seed Plants
1600309 Gretchen Walters 926 2001-11-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Batéké Plateau, Mpassa River. Embarcadère 17 linear km from Projet de Protection des Gorilles. Moist forest next to stream 1 km from savanna edge., -1.97305 14.00833, 400m
US 2091471 J. Louis 13320 1939-01-12
Congo Belge, Yangambi; plateau de l'Isalowe
US 2091449 J. Louis 11641 1938-10-08
Congo Belge, Yangambi
NY:Vascular Plants
05032639 G. M. D. J. Troupin 5509 1958-01-09
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sud-Kivu, Kalehe (Zone), Vers Km 110 route Kavumu-Walikale;Irangi, réserve IRSAC., 900m
NY:Vascular Plants
05032461 J. Louis 11641 1938-10-08
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yangambi, 470m
NY:Vascular Plants
05032462 G. A. Zenker 708 1896-00-00
Cameroon, Kamerun, Yaúnde
NY:Vascular Plants
05032638 J. Louis 11641 1938-10-08
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yangambi, valleé de la Lusambila
K000346925 Zenker 708
Yaúnde, Urwaldgebiet.
K000026288 Thomas, D.W. 5366
Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem., 5.08 9.7
RSA0572206 Jean Louis 11716 1938-10-13
Congo, ile Esali, en face de Yangambi. [Esali Island, opposite Yangambi.], 470m