MO:Seed Plants
404980 Duncan W. Thomas 7248 1987-07-21
Cameroon, East, Forest along the west bank of the Sangha River, opposite Mike Fay's camp at Ndakan. Floodplain forest with Guibourtia demeusei and drier, low-lying forest with scattered tall trees and numerous gaps. Herb larger dominated by Marantac., 2.36666 16.13333, 350m
MO:Seed Plants
406256 David J. Harris 1533 1988-11-04
Cameroon, East, Kiloua Island and adjacent islands on Sangha River. Riparian forest with Uapaca heudelotii and Irvingia smithii. Precp. 1400 m., 2.38333 16.13333, 350m
MO:Seed Plants
406336 David J. Harris 880 1988-08-02
Cameroon, East, West bank of the SANGHA river opposite NDAKAN gorilla study area. Riparian forest with Uapaca heudelotii, Trichilia retusa and Irivingia smithii. Precp. 1400 m., 2.35 16.15, 350m
MO:Seed Plants
408792 David J. Harris 1050 1988-09-03
Cameroon, East, West bank of Sangha River South for 1 km. Riparian forest with Trichilia retusa, Irvingia smithii and Uapaca heudelotii. Precp. 1400 m., 2.3 16.16666, 350m
MO:Seed Plants
103143588 Ehoarn Bidault 4981 2020-02-20
Liberia, Grand Cape Mount, Lofa River, village Lofa Congo., 7.096289 -10.835905, 105m
MO:Seed Plants
103243807 Fabrice Nzoyeuem Djonko 67 2022-03-16
Cameroon, Littoral, Kikot, berges du fleuve Sanaga., 4.171651 11.026546, 355m
MO:Seed Plants
103452448 Ehoarn Bidault 6086 2023-02-22
Cameroon, Central, Noun, en aval du pont, vers la confluence., 4.914409 11.090904, 550m
MO:Seed Plants
103495065 Cameroun Relevé 332 2024-01-21
Cameroon, Central, Grandes chutes du Noun en aval de Deuk., 4.914447 11.090905, 542m
US 1239490 -. Gossweiler 8298 1921-06-00
Cuanza Sul, Quissama County. On the bank of river Longa
US 2515677 A. Aubréville 2362
Service forestier de la Cote d'Ivorie
NY:Vascular Plants
04998563 J. Louis 14518 1939-04-07
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Oriental Isangi Yangambi, 470m
K000435261 Mildbraed, J. 8396
Übergangs- und Kampfgebiet gegen die Savanne an der Nord - grenze der Hylaea südlich des Sanaga zwischen Jaunde und Dengdeng unweit der Vereinigung von Lom (Sanaga) und Djerem. Etwa 165km N O Jaunde
63373.000 Fay, J.M.; Harris, D.J. 1050 1988-09-03 of Sangha River
K000435256 Warnecke 326
Togo prope Lome
K000435257 Warnecke 311
Togo prope Lome