CM548033 Balkwill, K. 13400 2014-12-17
South Africa, Mpumalanga, Barberton District, Crocodile Gorge, along track, 418m
F:In process
V0570911F N. C. Chase 5500 1955-03-06
Zimbabwe, [precise locality unknown], 1219m
LSU:Vascular Plants
NO0084552 N. C. Chase 5500 1955-06-03
Zimbabwe, Umtali-Bassydale, 1219m
MO:Seed Plants
103628440 Tom Müller 2514 1976-06-22
Zimbabwe, Umtali District; Stapleford Forest Reserve, near John Meikle Research Station, 1832 D2., 1340m
MO:Seed Plants
103628442 N.C. Chase 8113 1964-01-25
Zimbabwe, Umtali District, East of Umtali., 1128m
MO:Seed Plants
103628439 B. Goldsmith 41/71 1971-12-00
Zimbabwe, Tarka Forest Reserve, near the Timbiri river., 1000m
MO:Seed Plants
103628438 B. Goldsmith 28/47 1947-07-22
Zimbabwe, Umtali District; Banti Forest Reserve. North aspect., 1524m
MO:Seed Plants
103628437 N.C. Chase 3113 1964-01-25
Zimbabwe, Umtali District; Drumfield, East of Umtali., 1128m
MO:Seed Plants
103628443 N.C. Chase 7977 1963-04-01
Zimbabwe, Umtali District; near reservoir south of Umtali., 472m
MO:Seed Plants
103628441 Tom Müller 2519 1976-06-23
Zimbabwe, Umtali District; Stapleford Forest Reserve, near John Meikle Research Station, 1832 D2., 1320m
K000315048 Chapman, J.D. 547 1958-04-08
Growing on the steep bank of the Chi-Palombe stream where it descends from mountains to 'Brachystegia' woodland - about a mile up from G.V.H. Bwana-Aissa's, along with "Mwabi", "Mkweranyani", "Msopa",. MAL-S, -15.77 35.5
K000315051 Goldsmith, B. 41/71
[?] Torka Forest Reserve, in gwash near the [?] Timbiri river
K000315054 Ferrar, E. s.n.
ZAM-W, -12.48 27.87
RSA0147460 Kevin Balkwill 13400 2014-12-17
South Africa, Mpumalanga, Barberton District, Crocodile Gorge. Along track. Locality: 2531CB., -25.5252778 31.2552778, 418m