iNaturalist:Research Grade
8730776 James Steamer 2017-09-25
Oromia, Goba, Ethiopia, 7.009482 39.973068
iNaturalist:Research Grade
21029858 robeyns 2016-10-17
Amhara, North Gondar, Éthiopie, 13.211568 37.97847
MO:Seed Plants
101266143 Mesfin Tadesse 5375 1986-08-15
Ethiopia, Bale, Dello Awraja, c. 5 km N of Rira village, SE slopes of Sanetti, above tree line: Erica arborea bushland. c. 0.5 - 2 m high with scattered small trees of Hypericum revolutum and bushes of Senecio spp. commonly along road margins., 6.77 39.75, 3330m
MO:Seed Plants
101266148 Jan J.F.E. de Wilde 5834 1969-10-18
Ethiopia, Harrar Prov. South-face of Gara Mulatta Mts, about 50 km due W. of Harrar, formerly mountain forest, now most of the slopes deforested and planted with Barley, 9.2166667 41.7666667, 2700m
MO:Seed Plants
101266153 Jonquil W. Ash 2038 1973-09-08
Ethiopia, Shoa province, Sq 58D. Entoto Ridge, at northern periphery of Addis-Ababa.
MO:Seed Plants
101266142 Michael G. Gilbert 499 1975-09-03
Ethiopia, Gamo Gofa, Eastern slopes of Gughe highlands above Arba Minch., 6.05 37.5666667, 2200 - 2250m
MO:Seed Plants
101266150 Jan J.F.E. de Wilde 5671 1969-08-29
Ethiopia, Gamo Gofa, Mountains about and just S of Gidole., 5.6 37.5, 2200 - 2400m
MO:Seed Plants
101266151 Willem J.J.O. de Wilde 6752 1970-07-23
Ethiopia, Bale, About 25 km W of Dinshu, and about 135 km E of Shashamane, along road to Goba., 7.0833333 39.6666667, 2500m
MO:Seed Plants
101266141 Willem J.J.O. de Wilde 8000 1965-09-09
Ethiopia, Lower sloesp of Mt. Cilalo, Asella near Swedish Mission., 200m
MO:Seed Plants
101266152 Willem J.J.O. de Wilde 8549 1965-10-30
Ethiopia, Mt. Zuquala, about 60 km S of Addis Ababa, open mixed Juniperus-Erica scrub, in light shade places., 3000m
MO:Seed Plants
101266154 M.I. Thulin 3961 1980-05-26
Ethiopia, Gojam, 5 km on he Dembecha-Debre Markos, road., 10.55 37.5, 2100m
K000256161 Schimper 752 1838-07-31
36610.000 Gilbert, M.G.
Addis Ababa
35915.000 Ash, Mrs 1737