CM329545 Barnett, L. 390 1985-01-23
Madagascar, Antananarivo, 5.5 km NW of Ambohitsaratelo-Bebao (NW of Tsiroanomandidy), 1200m
1062 Haba P.K. 213 2008-08-09
Guinea, Guinée forestière, Simandou Range Nord du sommet du pic de Dabatini, Forêt de montagne, Sur les roches, 8.6833333 -8.6333333
1081 Darbyshire I. 514 2008-10-22
Guinea, Guinée forestière, Mont Ziama, forest on E side of Seredou-Macenta road above Seredou town, 8.5461111 -9.4694444
1098 B.Tchiengue 3312 2008-08-27
Guinea, Guinée forestière, Simandou Range , South of Pic de Fon, on the western slopes of Pic de Foko, 8.6833333 -8.6333333
1101 M. Cheek 13185 2006-07-02
Guinea, Guinée forestière, Simandou Range , South of track from Pic de Fon to hill 1310, known locally as Foko, 8.6833333 -8.6333333
iNaturalist:Research Grade
120852409 dscherberich 2022-04-16
Antsiranana, Madagascar, Province d'Antsiranana, MG, -12.958992 49.147178
MO:Seed Plants
100340674 Tariq Stévart 3200 2009-10-20
Cameroon, Southwest, Mount Kupe, West part of Cameroon. Path to summit of Mont Kupe from Nyasoso village., 4.8135833 9.7089333, 1664m
MO:Seed Plants
374287 B.E. Mhoro 5680 1988-02-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Mzelezi Forest Reserve, Mahenge., -8.81666 36.73333
MO:Seed Plants
384225 J.M. Fay 5973 1983-10-19
Central African Republic, Bamingui-Bangoran, Plants of the Manovo-Gounda-St. Floris National Park. WWF Inter. Elephant Cons. Project. Matakil Falls. 8º33'N, 21º11'E. Elev. 530 m; prec. 1200 mm. Soil: shallow organic loam on granite., 8.55 21.18333, 530m
MO:Seed Plants
100426983 Gordon McPherson 21360 2011-09-20
Guinea, Nzérékoré, Lola, Forestiere Prov. Nimba Mountains, SMFG iron mining concession. Forested slopes of Gba Valley, following trail from Zougué pump station. Collected with Jean-Yves Serein., 7.6763889 -8.3883333, 1000m
MO:Seed Plants
100865703 John K. Morton 2503 1965-11-14
Sierra Leone, Half way between Kaneron and Kurubonla.
MO:Seed Plants
101404250 Moses A. Mwangoka 10146 2021-12-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ibata Village Forest Reserve of Mhanga, riverine forest dominated by Strombosia scheffleri and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20618 36.05548, 1330m
MO:Seed Plants
102479135 Fabien Barthelat 1560 2006-02-05
Comoros, Mayotte, Grande Terre - Mamoudzou. RF de Majimbini Convalenscence Forêt humide.
MO:Seed Plants
103125361 Ehoarn Bidault 4779 2019-10-06
Guinea, Nzérékoré, Monts Nimba, ombrière de la SMFG., 7.6975 -8.3975, 745m
MO:Seed Plants
103345296 J.-G. Adam 22760 1965-12-24
Sierra Leone, Kabala Mt. Loma
MO:Seed Plants
103345302 François Malaisse 8703 1972-11-18
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kipopo prov. Katanga, 1200m
MO:Seed Plants
103345304 Paul Jaeger 945 1945-08-11
MO:Seed Plants
103345312 J.-G. Adam 30017 1975-10-24
Liberia, C.A. Yekepa. Village: Tokadeh
US 2540388 J. Bogner 161 1967-12-01
Prov. Diégo-Suarez, Préf. Antalaha, Sous-Préf. Andapa, bei Belaoka (Lokoho), Réserve Naturelle no. 12 (Marojezy).
US 3277584 L. C. Barnett, L. J. Dorr, A. Rakotozafy & R. Rajemisa 390 1985-01-23
Bongolava / Menabe, 5.5 km NW of Ambohitsaratelo-Bebao (NW of Tsiroanomandidy).
K000107836 Cheek, M. 7616 1995-11-02
Max's trail., 4.82 9.7
K000107828 Balding, S.; Sivell D. 70 1993-07-25
Max's Trail. Closed canopy submontane rain forest, with Carapa grandifolia, Allanblackia floribunda, Santeria trimera and Entandrophragma angolensis. Soil: fertile micro-aggregated humic cambisol of volcanic parent material., 4.83 9.67
K000499423 R.K.Brummitt, S.M. Chisumpa; Polhill, R.M. 14015 1975-01-23
1139s 2427 e NW province, Mwinilunga District. West Lunga River 8 km N of Mwinilunga
00556550 Lisa Barnett|Laurence J. Dorr|A. Rakotozafy|R. Rajemisa 1985-01-23
Madagascar, Antananarivo, 5.5 km NW of Ambohitsaratelo-Bebao (NW of Tsiroanomandidy).