barcode-02389115 [data not captured] 6336 1934-04-00
Kenya, Aberdare Mts, Kinangop.
barcode-02389114 R. B. Drummond & J. H. Hemsley 2475 1953-05-10
Tanzania, About 2 miles N.E. of Bumbuli Mission on path to Mazumbai, W.Usambaras; Lushoto District, 1850m
barcode-02389113 R. M. Polhill & S. Paulo 1487 1962-02-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Dabaga Highlands, Ihangana Forest Reserve, near Kibengu, 18 ml. S. of Dabaga, 152m
iNaturalist:Research Grade
47085618 Bart Wursten 2013-03-10
Kasese, Nyakalengija, Rwenzori foothills Kasese, Uganda, 0.36358 30.01598
iNaturalist:Research Grade
65272214 Linda Loffler 2020-11-17
Hhohho, Nkhaba, Hhohho, Eswatini, -26.001586 31.103736
iNaturalist:Research Grade
150799629 Bart Wursten 2021-11-29
Manica, Chimanimani National Park, Sussundenga, Mozambique, -19.75706 33.0826
iNaturalist:Research Grade
18406580 Linda Loffler 2017-03-17
Hhohho, Hhohho Region, Swaziland, -26.1295 31.1942
MO:Seed Plants
633403 J.C. Lovett 1242 1986-12-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Mt. Selegu. Grassland with forest clumps. In forest clumps; Podocarpus latifolius, Rapanea melanophloeos. Large rocks covered in lithophytes., -7.5 36.16666, 2100 - 2400m
MO:Seed Plants
669373 Duncan W. Thomas 3768 1984-10-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Mwanihana Forest Reserve, above Sanje village.Forest on steep slope with small streams and swamps, and patches of elfin forest on ridge top. "Expedition supported by the National Geographic Society.", -7.7833333 36.8666667, 1400 - 1700m
MO:Seed Plants
1547808 D. Price WK361 2000-02-11
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains. West Kilombero Forest Reserve. Epiphytic on Diospyros tree., -7.77944 36.47388, 1700m
MO:Seed Plants
669560 Duncan W. Thomas 3812 1984-10-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Mwanihana Forest Reserve, above Sanje village.Forest on steep slope with small streams and swamps, and patches of elfin forest on ridge top. "Expedition supported by the National Geographic Society.", -7.7833333 36.8666667, 1400 - 1700m
MO:Seed Plants
101597114 Heidi H. Schmidt 1211 1993-11-22
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, 16.0 km W of Sumbawanga-Mbala (Zambia) Road, on vehicle track to Kamkolwe. At Kalambo River at S edge of "Vyura Mbuga" (frog marsh) in meadows and riverine woodland. Collected with R.E. Gereau, M.J. Kayombo & M.A. Mwangoka., -8.4636111 31.3538889, 1520m
MO:Seed Plants
103052546 João Farminhão 206 2018-01-25
Rwanda, Cyangugu, Rwanda. Cyamudongo Forest, Kaboza., 2081m
MO:Seed Plants
103360050 Stephanus (Fanie) Venter 1221 1967-11-15
South Africa, Transvaal, Eastern Transvaal. Letaba Dist. on top of the Drakensberg Escarp Halfway from Metz to Strijdom Tunnel.
MO:Seed Plants
103360052 G. Hemm 375 1977-11-25
South Africa, Transvaal, Tate Vonda.
MO:Seed Plants
103360053 Stephanus (Fanie) Venter 243012 1976-11-15
South Africa, Transvaal, Eastern Transvaal. Letaba Dist. On top of the Drakensberg escarp halfay from Metz to Strijdom Tunnel.
MO:Seed Plants
2981240 Moses A. Mwangoka 4553 2005-11-07
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Montane evergreen dry forest with Myrsine melanophloeos, Ocotea usambarensis and Maesa lanceolata., -7.6833333 36.9, 2325m
MO:Seed Plants
103475288 H.J. Schlieben 3535 1933-02-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Uluguru-Geb. Lukwangule Plateau, Nebelwaldrand., -7.15 37.6333333, 2400m
MO:Seed Plants
103475294 H.J. Schlieben 3535 1933-02-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Uluguru-Geb. Lukwangule Plateau, Nebelwaldrand., -7.15 37.6333333, 2400m
MO:Seed Plants
103475291 Tom Müller 3300 1976-11-01
Zimbabwe, District Inyanga. Nyazengu Ridge; 1832 B4; 36KVQ842716., 2060m
MO:Seed Plants
103475292 Hiram Wild 5542 1961-12-03
Zimbabwe, Umtali District. Burma Valley, Bomponi., 1219m
MO:Seed Plants
103475296 Antonio R. da Torre 12443 1965-10-19
Mozambique, Manica e Sofala. Gorongosa, Monte Nhandore, descida para a base (Ei)., 1830m
MO:Seed Plants
103476432 C.E.N. Ewango 2140 1999-07-25
Rwanda, Gikongoro, Commune Kivu. UTM 9705737 n, 0766706 W, 2270m
NY:Vascular Plants
04132992 H.-J. E. Schlieben 3535 1933-08-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Dist. Morogoro, Uluguru, Lukwangule Plateau, Tanganjika Territory, 2400m
53566.000 Nsolomo, V.R. 88016/U 1989-02-12
K000613934 Timberlake, J. 5206 2007-11-17
Mt Namuli. Waterfall into small Rio Licungo valley, slopes of Serra Pesse, plant on overhanging branch with moss, -15.39 37.03
24643.000 Polhill, R.; Paulo, S. 1839 1962-03-23
Iringa District
20080.000 Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P. 8915 1956-02-29
Songea Distr.
44009.000 Owen, D. 018 1980-01-20
9202.000 Pullen, I.B. 1942-12-13
Mondul Mtn, West of Arusha
K000718693 Timberlake, J. 5864 2007-11-21
Gurue Distr, Mt Namuli, Muretha Plateau, by edge of Manho forest., -15.4 37.04
17054.000 Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P. 8174 1956-01-10
Songea Distr.
21260.000 Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. 1671 1953-03-17
S. Uluguru forest reserve, edge of Lukwangule Pl
42781.000 La Croix, E.; la Croix, I. 27
50914.000 Jenkins, P.
20083.000 Eggeling, W.J. 6370
Southern Prov.
35762.000 Cribb, P.; Grey-Wilson, C. 10710 1976-02-14
T7, Bundali
599.000 Richards, Mrs H.M. 10476 1959-01-04
Rumpi Distr.
9203.000 Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. 2475 1953-05-10
Usambara Mtns, N.E. of Bumbali Mission
71162.000 Mhoro, B.; Jannerup, P.L. 0392 2001-02-03
T6: S Uluguru Mts, Morogoro District, W edge of Lukwangule Plateau., -7.12 37.62
9191.000 Germain, R. 3914 1945-06-08
9193.000 Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. 1299 1953-02-24
Arusha Distr. S. slopes of Mt. Meru
1814.000 Richards, Mrs H.M. 14125 1961-01-22
Mbeya Distr.
35771.000 Cribb, P.; Grey-Wilson, C. 10461 1976-01-27
Lukwangule T6
1800.062 Williamson, G. 225
20082.000 Eggeling, W.J.
Kigezi, Kumba
K000242304 Kirk, Dr. s.n.
Dzomba: Zambesia
25124.000 Polhill, R.; Paulo, S. 1487 1962-02-15
Iringa Dist.
37467.000 Leedal, G.P. 2628
Idunda, Tanganyika
71167.000 Mhoro, B.; Jannerup, P.L. 0391 2001-02-03
T6: S Uluguru Mts, Morogoro District, W edge of Lukwangule Plateau., -7.12 37.62
27235.000 Polhill, R.; Paulo, S. 1645 1962-03-02
Iringa District
9204.000 Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. 1575 1953-03-13
Morogoro Distr, Lukwangule Plateau, above Chenz
28317.000 Morris, B. 32A
20081.000 Copley, Mrs. H. 68
Maragwe, Nyeri Chania
48355.000 Lovett, J. 302 1984-06-14
K000614217 Harris, T. 632 2008-10-21
Mt Mabu., -16.3 36.39