Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Grewia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2138

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia parvifolia Hochst. ex A. Rich.
PH00013119Lewis David von Schweinitz   s.n.
Senegal, West Africa

PH00226655J. de Koning   63091975-12-23
Cote D'Ivoire, Abidjan

Image Associated With the Occurence
PH00013118A. Stolz   18791912-00-00
Tanzania, Nyassa Hochland--Station Kyimbila, 900m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM322588Reitsma, J.M.   16201985-10-16
Gabon, chantier CEB, ca 50 km SW of Doussala, -2.6 10.5833333333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM322897Reitsma, J.M.   14521985-09-13
Gabon, between Cap-Esterias & Cap Santa Clara, 0.533333333333333 9.31666666666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM336271Reitsma, J.M.   28301987-01-11
Gabon, ca 25 km SW of Doussala, -2.56666666666667 10.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM505067Kuchar, P.   247202001-06-23
Tanzania, Singida, Singida, 21 km from Singida on Mwanza rd, -4.63611111111111 34.6569444444444, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM505068Kuchar, P.   247192001-06-23
Tanzania, Singida, Singida, 21 km from Singida on Mwanza rd, -4.63611111111111 34.6569444444444, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM505069Kuchar, P.   231942000-03-20
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural Dist., 12 km on Dodoma rd from Manyoni, -5.71666666666667 34.95, 1140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia pubescens P. Beauv.
CM336252Reitsma, J.M.   33131987-04-17
Gabon, ca 25 km S of Doussala

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM506272Kibure, O.   5371999-11-06
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji District, Matumbi Hills, Nyamakutwa-Nyaumete Forest Reserve, near Mbwara Village, -8.18333333333333 39.2166666666667, 150 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM508969Mwangoke, M.A.   28082002-03-05
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni District, Pande Forest Game Reserve, E of Mpiji Magowe Village, -6.7325 39.0797222222222, 132m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia forbesii Harv. ex Mast.
CM508968Mwangoke, M.A.   28162002-03-06
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni District, Pande Forest Game Reserve, -6.73166666666667 39.0827777777778, 166m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia arborea (Forssk.) Lam.
CM508544Kuchar, P.   225481999-11-14
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural Dist., N of Makiungu jct, -4.82916666666667 34.8833333333333, 1770m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia arborea (Forssk.) Lam.
CM508545Kuchar, P.   223061999-07-31
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural Dist., about 4 km from Makiungu jct on rd to Mgori, -4.85166666666667 34.9097222222222, 1620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM505066Kuchar, P.   242782001-03-31
Tanzania, Singida, Singida, about 10 km NW of Singida, -4.7625 34.6625, 1510m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia densa K. Schum.
CM182675Paulo, S.   4761960-06-30
Kenya, NFP, Korokora, N bank of Garissa, 305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia goetzeana K. Schum.
CM508488Kibure, O.   4391999-06-08
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji Distr., Matumbi Hills, Kiwengoma Forest Reserve, near WWF office, along Nanungu River, -8.31666666666667 38.9666666666667, 200 - 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM460411Tanner, R.E.   26901956-03-28
Tanzania, Tanga, Pangani, Karoti hamlet, Mkwaja Ranch, Mkwaja Subchiefdom, Mwera Chiefdom, 76m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM492117Thompson, S.A.   57901988-12-31
Malawi, Chitipa District, 18 km SSE of Chisenga, Jembya Forest Reserve, 1870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia similiopsis C. T. Whitehouse
CM508543Kuchar, P.   229542000-01-30
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural Dist., 9 km E of village, -4.83194444444444 35.2583333333333, 1425m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM492116Thompson, S.A.   61011989-01-21
Malawi, Chitipa District, 18 km SSE of Chisenga, Jembya Forest Reserve, 1870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM492127Thompson, S.A.   59751989-01-14
Malawi, Chitipa District, 18 km SSE of Chisenga, Jembya Forest Reserve, 1870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM532729Thompson, S.A.   58831989-01-07
Malawi, Chitipa District, 18 km SSE of Chisenga, Jembya Forest Reserve, 1870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM182672Paulo, S.   7461960-09-03
Tanzania, Tanganyika, L. Province, Ikoma, Musoma Dist, along Ikoma-Banangi road

CAS - California Academy of Sciences Vascular Plants

Grewia L.
65404Almeda, Frank   82251998-11-20
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Middle and upper slopes of Mt. Vatovavy (the Impenetrable Maiden), 2-3 km E of Ambolotara., -21.3883333333 47.9405555556, 335 - 396m

Grewia L.
65405Almeda, Frank   79921998-11-04
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Fianarantsoa Province: About 1 km NW of the village of Ranomafana enroute to the entrance of Ranomafana National Park., -21.3 47.45, 731m

Grewia L.
246955Ranarivelo, Heritiana   6652005-10-04
Madagascar, Atsimo Atsinanana, Vondrozo, -22.81667 47.28333, 437m

Grewia L.
246979Ranarivelo, Heritiana   6492005-10-03
Madagascar, Atsimo Atsinanana, Vondrozo, -22.81667 47.28333, 437m

Grewia L.
247225Ranarivelo, Heritiana   2812003-10-08
Madagascar, Atsimo Andrefana, Toliara, -23.43333 43.9

Grewia L.
247935Ranarivelo, Heritiana; Ravelonarivo, Desire   7452005-12-10
Madagascar, SAVA, Andapa, Marojejy, Marojejy National Park, trail between camp 2 and 3, -14.43333 49.71667

Grewia L.
635265Ranarivelo, Heritiana   11752007-01-10
Madagascar, Analanjirofo, Fenoarivo, -17.4 49.35

26087Capuron, R.   20678-SF1962-01-13
Madagascar, Sud-Oust: au Nord de Beloha

26072Capuron, R.   20923-SF1962-02-24
Madagascar, Oust (Nord): de la Montagne de Francais: vallee de l'Andevakoera

27417Capuron, R.; Chauvet, F.   20861-SF1962-01-04
Madagascar, Sud-Ouest: Ancienne route de Anjamala (Gorges du Fiherenana) a Andranovory.

705028Andriamihajarivo, Tefy; Letsara, Rokiman; Rakotonasolo, Franck; et al.   ATH 16472009-02-18
Madagascar, Atsimo-Andrefana, Sakaraha, Marotsiraka, Analavelona forest, -22.4 44.1205, 869m

27419Capuron, R.   20257-SF1961-04-11
Madagascar, Sud-Ouest: a 4 km au Sud de la bifurcation de la route Ambatry-Soalary et Ambatry-Efoetse.

483758Chauvet, F.   2481962-01-00
Madagascar, (Sud-Ouest) Plateau de Vineta, entre Tulear at Sakaraha, Andravindaly

483759Capuron, R.   20702-SF1962-01-14
Madagascar, Ouest (confins Sud-Ouest): forêts du haut bassin de la Sakoa (route Betioky-Bekily).

Grewia monantha Capuron ex Mabb.
483755Capuron, R.   20727-SF1962-12-00
Madagascar, *

26086Capuron, R.   20789-SF1962-01-00
Madagascar, *

27421Capuron, R.   22654-SF1963-04-04
Madagascar, Ouest: Foret d'Andranomena (Marofandilia) au NE de Morondava

Grewia androyensis Capuron & Mabb.
27416Capuron, R.   20468-SF1961-12-11
Madagascar, Sud-Ouest: Bush, a l'Est d'Amboasary entre Amboasary et Ranomainty.

Grewia androyensis Capuron & Mabb.
648830Letsara, Rokiman; Faramalala; Rakotonasolo, Franck   LRK 7292008-12-07
Madagascar, Toliara, Anosy, Taolagnaro (F-Dauphin), Tsimelahy, Andohahela NP, -24.95 46.6477777778, 196m

Grewia androyensis Capuron & Mabb.
648877Letsara, Rokiman; Rakotonasolo, Franck   LRK 7892008-12-15
Madagascar, Toliara, Atsimo Andrefana, Betioky, Tsimanapetsotsa, -24.05 43.7536111111, 8m

65408Ranarivelo, Heritiana Soloniaina   182003-01-18
Madagascar, Toamasina, Fivondronana d'ambatondrazaka, Commune de Manakambahiny Est, Foret d'Andohatapenaka, Parc National de Zahamena, a 4 km d'Andranomalaza, 18 km d'Andreba., -17.6391666667 48.6436111111, 1080m

65406Ranarivelo, Heritiana Soloniaina   622003-01-20
Madagascar, Toamasina, Fivondronana d'ambatondrazaka, Commune de Manakambahiny Est, Foret d'Andohatapenaka, Parc National de Zahamena, a 4 km d'Andranomalaza, 18 km d'Andreba., -17.6405555556 48.6394444444, 1095m

483760Capuron, R.   20873-SF1962-01-18
Madagascar, A Betsipotika, a l'Est de Morondava

697138Andriamihajarivo, Tefy; Letsara, Rokiman; Rakotomaro, J. C.; et al.   ATH 15382008-11-10
Madagascar, Anosy, Amboasary Sud, Atsonjo Analamainty, Betsimalaho. Ankotsy, -24.2955555556 46, 453m

700986Andriamihajarivo, Tefy; Letsara, Rokiman; Rakotonasolo, Franck; et al.   ATH 16662009-02-21
Madagascar, Atsimo-Andrefana, Sakaraha, Marotsiraka, Analavelona forest, along the Amparaky River, -22.393 44.1123, 1045m

Grewia aprina Capuron (ined.)
26090Capuron, R.   20553-SF1961-12-09
Madagascar, Est: Forest d'Ilandy, au Nord de Fort. Dauphin.

Grewia aprina Capuron (ined.)
65407Ranarivelo, Heritiana Soloniaina; Lezoma   1872003-03-30
Madagascar, Fianarantsoa, Fivondronana de Farafangana, Commune d'ankarana, Reserve Speciale de Manombo, Parcelle 2. Foret d'Analazaha., -23.0458333333 47.7713888889, 19m

DAV - UC Davis Herbarium

Carol Humphry   381987-09-20
Niger, Department of Zinder, Arrondissement of Magaria, Canton of Bandé, near town of Bandé. 2 km north of village of Dan Tchediya.

Carol Humphry   761987-10-22
Niger, Department of Zinder, Arrondissement of Magaria; Canton of Wacha; 2 km northeast of town of Wacha., 61m

Grewia flavicans Boiv. ex Baill.
Carol Humphry   771987-10-22
Niger, Department of Zinder, Arrondissement of Magaria; Canton of Wacha; 2 km northeast of Wacha.

Field Museum of Natural History - Specimens being processed

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0601727FJ. L. Sidey   19811950-10-01
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Drakensberg

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0601733FJ. L. Sidey   32811958-08-00
South Africa, Piggs Peak area

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605691FR. B. Faden   77/5621977-02-20
Kenya, Tana River District, Garsen-Witu road, Lango la Simba, north side of road, -2.266667 40.233333, 10m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605730FR. B. Faden   77/4621977-02-17
Kenya, Kwale District, Mwachi Forest, south end near bridge across Mwachi River, -4.01666 39.53333, 5 - 10m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605745FJ. L. Zarucchi   74811991-05-24
Madagascar, Toliara, Ca. 60 km west of Fort Dauphin (Tôlanaro), on way to Ambovombe (Route Nationale 13), -24.983333 46.55, 70m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605747FG. Zenker   s.n.1911-04-00
Cameroon, Lokundje River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605903FR. Seydel   4551955-03-29
Namibia, Namibrand, SW of Karibib

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605904FG. Zenker   36191908-00-00
Cameroon, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605905FG. Zenker   s.n.1912-01-00
Cameroon, Lokundje River

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605906FJ. Kirk   s.n.1862-06-00
Mozambique, Shupanga

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605907FG. Zenker   s.n.1911-04-00
Cameroon, Mimfia

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605908FB. O. Daramola   2441993-07-29
Nigeria, Toro-Diringi village seasonal road

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605909FB. O. Daramola   2801993-07-30
Nigeria, Ca. 30 m from Bauchi-Gomber road, near Yardinbishi village

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605910FB. O. Daramola   2821993-07-30
Nigeria, Ca. 30 m from Bauchi-Gomber road, near Yardinbishi village

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605911FB. O. Daramola   2801993-07-30
Nigeria, Ca. 30 m from Bauchi-Gomber road, near Yardinbishi village

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605912FB. O. Daramola   2821993-07-30
Nigeria, Ca. 30 m from Bauchi-Gomber road, near Yardinbishi village

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605913FB. O. Daramola   2441993-07-29
Nigeria, Toro-Diringi village seasonal road

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605914FR. B. Faden   77/368A1977-02-14
Kenya, Kwale District, Lungalunga-Vanga road, ca. 6.5 km from Vanga, -4.616667 39.166667, 30m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605915FR. B. Faden   77/3681977-02-14
Kenya, Kwale District, Lungalunga-Vanga road, ca. 6.5 km from Vanga, -4.616667 39.166667, 30m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605916FR. B. Faden   77/6031977-03-02
Kenya, Kwale District, Muhaka Forest, -4.333333 39.516667, 30 - 45m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605917FB. Randriamampionona   5261993-07-05
Madagascar, Toliara, Andohahela Reserve, Parcel 1, Esomony, -24.516667 46.633333, 600 - 1700m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia L.
V0605918FB. Randriamampionona   5911993-08-09
Madagascar, Toliara, Andohahela Reserve, parcel 1, SW of Eminiminy, Manatavona River, -24.666667 46.8, 200 - 700m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605688FP. B. Phillipson   29551988-12-22
Madagascar, Toliara, Andohahela Reserve, parcel 2, near Hazofotsy, -24.833333 46.533333

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605709FW. C. Burger   503
Ethiopia, 3 km east of Jiga on road to Dangila

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605710FJ. L. Sidey   24591955-01-10
South Africa, Limpopo, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605711FH. J. E. Schlieben   7252a1955-10-16
South Africa, Limpopo, Soutpansberg District, ca. 42 miles west of Louis Trichardt, 900m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605712FJ. M. Wood   79771900-11-29
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Wagon Hill near Ladysmith, 914 - 1219m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605713FL. Bernardi   90591962-04-11
South Africa, North of Pretoria, Wonderboom

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605714FR. J. Rodin   21171947-10-26
Namibia, Near Okahandja

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605715FJ. L. Sidey   24591955-01-10
South Africa, Limpopo, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605723FJ. L. Zarucchi   75581991-06-08
Madagascar, Toliara, Ca. 17 km from Toliara on Route Nationale 7 on way to Andranovory, ca. 8.5 km past airport, -23.383333 43.816667, 90m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605748FP. MacOwan   92
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Near Grahamstown, 610m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605749FJ. M. Wood   123661913-12-05
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605752FP. MacOwan   92
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Near Grahamstown, 610m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605753FK. A. Dahlstrand   14111964-04-16
South Africa, Southern slopes of Soutpansberg near Mountain Inn Hotel

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605754FR. J. Rodin   30671948-01-01
South Africa, Near Hout Bay

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605755FJ. L. Sidey   24661955-01-10
South Africa, Limpopo, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
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V0605756FJ. L. Sidey   17341949-09-22
South Africa, Near Mossel Bay

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605757FR. Pott   51121915-12-00
South Africa, Nooitgedacht

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605758FH. J. E. Schlieben   75571955-11-10
South Africa, Limpopo, Soutpansberg District, ca. 9 miles east of Louis Trichardt, Farm Rustfontein, 1400m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605759FH. J. E. Schlieben   74601955-10-28
South Africa, Limpopo, Soutpansberg District, ca. 30 miles west of Louis Trichardt, 1100m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605760FJ. L. Sidey   30181956-10-00
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Bains Drift

F:In process
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V0605761FJ. L. Sidey   38421963-09-00
South Africa, Eastern Cape, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
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V0605762FJ. L. Sidey   30321956-12-00
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, [precise locality unknown]

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0605763FJ. L. Sidey   36491962-10-00
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, [precise locality unknown]

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