barcode-00101198 Mann 1336 1862-01-00
Cameroon, Cameroon Mountains, 2743m
barcode-00082863 Mann 1336 1862-01-00
Cameroon, Cameroon Mountains, 2743m
barcode-01943740 R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 6485 1963-10-28
Cameroon, Buea., 975m
barcode-01943741 R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 6485 1963-10-28
Cameroon, Buea., 975m
P00328572 Jaeger, P. 131 1944-10-15
Guinea, Source du Niger, 10.22689167 -11.02293889, 488m
iNaturalist:Research Grade
107695632 ernstklimsa 2022-01-10
Príncipe, Pague, São Tomé und Príncipe, 1.621589 7.401115
iNaturalist:Research Grade
144413924 Bart Wursten 2013-07-03
Orientale, Yangambi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 0.8141 24.49372
MO:Seed Plants
103147161 Diosdado Nguema 3323 2020-02-27
São Tomé and Príncipe, São Tomé, Nord de Porto Alegre, Transect 18., 0.09567 6.52688, 254m
MO:Seed Plants
667146 Duncan W. Thomas 5275 1986-01-03
Cameroon, Southwest, Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem., 5.0833333 9.7, 800 - 1600m
MO:Seed Plants
669353 Duncan W. Thomas 8834 1991-11-09
Republic of the Congo, Sangha, District de Souanké: ca. 52 km SW of Souanké along Garabinzam road. Map 200,000 Mekambo NA-33-VIII. Bessié village (near "Koulmélen", misnamed on map)., 1.9333333 13.9, 510m
MO:Seed Plants
102539444 Miguel E. Leal 255 2005-02-10
Gabon, Estuaire, Mont Cristal, Mbe National Park, S of Mont Mbilan. On rocks on flat (marshy) humid area between stream., 0.4561111 10.2577778, 500m
MO:Seed Plants
102546629 Miguel E. Leal 2078 2007-11-15
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Belinga Hills. Close to rocky stream., 1.1134722 13.2138889, 730m
MO:Seed Plants
102758177 Moussa Diabaté 1198 2012-02-08
Guinea, Nzérékoré, Lola, Guinée Forestière. Les Monts Nimba, zone du patrimoine mondial. Rives de la rivière Véblo., 7.7069444 -8.3383333, 473m
MO:Seed Plants
103271408 John K. Morton A2938 1958-01-09
Ghana, Aleud Range F.R. nr. Bond
MO:Seed Plants
1697557 L. Festo 1601 2001-07-12
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Kinwa Kyaishemweru forest area SE of Minziro Village., -1.10555 31.57694, 1150m
MO:Seed Plants
103371953 Jan J.F.E. de Wilde 219 1980-01-21
São Tomé and Príncipe, São Tomé, Vila Jose, NW of Ribeira Peixe. Track between Vila Jose and Cao Grande., 0.1166667 6.5666667, 150 - 250m
MO:Seed Plants
103372037 D. Gledhill s.n. 1960-01-06
Sierra Leone, Tingi Mts.
MO:Seed Plants
103372091 A. A. Enti GC36630 1967-12-13
Ghana, Atewa Range F. R., 762m
MO:Seed Plants
103372104 Johan C. Arends 680 1984-12-07
Gabon, Ogooué-Maritime, Doudou Mountains, on Western flanc., -2.25 10.3333333, 580m
MO:Seed Plants
103492570 Diosdado Nguema 3647 2024-01-13
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Belinga., 1.120933 13.209959, 1029m
NY:Vascular Plants
04103597 A. Enti GC36630 1967-12-13
Ghana, Atewa Range F.R., 762m
NY:Vascular Plants
04103598 J. M. Reitsma 1832 1986-02-04
Gabon, ca. 25 km ESE of Medouneu., 0.88 11.07, 500m
K000106185 Cheek, M. 7167 1995-01-25
Path from village, along Esene river to centre of mountain; this point in forest up steep ridge flanking close to right of Kupe Rock."Uvariopsis ridge", 4.78 9.68
61618.000 et al.; Cable, S. 448 1993-12-08
Etinde,Upper Boando
K000581189 Tchiengue, B. 2625 2006-02-25
Ntoo forest at Fosimondi Forest., 5.63 9.96
K000106596 Thomas, D.W. 5275 1986-01-03
Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem., 5.08 9.7
K000106186 Cheek, M. 6055 B 1995-01-16
Esense river near farm of Philip Taza, 4.77 9.67
K000106995 Cable, S. 646 1993-12-19
Shrike Trail. Lowland/submontane transitional forest with semi-open canopy., 4.82 9.7
K000242210 Mann, G. 1336
Cameroon Mount.
49601.000 Hepper, F.N. 7918 1984-01-30
K000107011 Cheek, M. 9006 1998-01-21
Ela Ndib Emechang waterfall., 5 9.7
K000106042 Cheek, M. 7770 1995-11-14
path to top of Kupe rock., 4.77 9.68
K000106597 Tekwe, C. 311 1992-09-14
4.12 9.2
60081.000 et al.; Thomas, D.; Harris, D. 8834 1991-11-09
Sangha,52km SW of Souanke
61620.000 et al.; Cable, S. 646 1993-12-19
77424.000 Cheek, M. 7770 1995-11-14
Kupe - Muanenguba. Kupe Village. Path to top of Kupe Rock., 4.77 9.68