MO:Seed Plants
3270640 P.L. Jannerup 95 2001-01-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru North Catchment Forest Reserve: On the path Tegetero-Luhungo, above "four-way" crossing, halfway between Bondwa Peak and Tegetero Mission St. Closed forest on slope to E. Some trees 50m, lower storey 20m. Impatiens on forest floor., -6.91666 37.7, 1500m
MO:Seed Plants
3270214 P.L. Jannerup 147 2001-01-14
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, T6: Uluguru North Catchment Forest Reserve: On the path Tegetero-Luhungo where it passes the ridge from Bondwa Peak to Nziwane. Open forest on deep humic soil on ridgetop. Canopy 15-20m. Trees with mossy cover. Allanblackia, Ocotea, Syzygium, Agauria salicifolia, Podocarpus. Shrub layer with pure stands of Lasianthus peduculatus & L. wallacei., -6.915 37.675, 1950m
MO:Seed Plants
3270216 P.L. Jannerup 243 2001-01-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, T6: Uluguru North Catchment Forest Reserve: E-side of the ridge from Bondwa Peak to Nziwane. Closed forest on slope, canopy 25-30m with Podocarpus, Allanblackia, Syzygium, Schefflera. Lasianthus in shrublayer., -6.91666 37.7, 1680m
MO:Seed Plants
3270212 P.L. Jannerup 114 2001-01-13
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, T6: Uluguru North Catchment Forest Reserve: On the path Tegetero-Luhungo, between "four-way" and 3rd river below camp 3. Steep rocky slope in forest with Lannea, Bridelia. Lower storey made of Lasianthus glomeruliflorus., -6.91666 37.7, 1660m
MO:Seed Plants
3270215 P.L. Jannerup 242 2001-01-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, T6: Uluguru North Catchment Forest Reserve: E-side of the ridge from Bondwa Peak to Nziwane. Closed forest on slope, canopy 25-30m with Podocarpus, Allanblackia, Syzygium, Schefflera. Lasianthus in shrublayer., -6.91666 37.7, 1680m
MO:Seed Plants
3270638 P.L. Jannerup 77 2000-06-04
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru North Catchment Forest Reserve: Lower part of forested slopes to E above Tegetero Mission station. Slope to W in closed forest. Canopy: 30-40m, Newtonia, Erythrina, Cyathea., -6.9166667 37.6833333, 1500m
K000316041 Jannerup, P.L.; Mhoro 95 2001-01-12
on the path Teregero-Luhungo, above 'four-way' crossing, halfway between Bondwa Peak and Tegetero Mission St., -6.93 37.72
K000172721 Wallace, G.B. 491 1932-11-25
Morogoro District.
K000316045 Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. 1765 1953-03-23
Hill, -6.82 37.82
K000316044 Semsei, S.R. 1219
above, -6.88 37.67
K000316050 Hall, Dr J.B.; Hedberg, O.; Borhidi, A. 82271 1982-02-28
above; on the W slope of Mt. Palata, -6.82 37.67
K000316047 Bruce, Miss E.A. 978
-7.13 37.63
K000172720 Wallace, G.B. 491 1932-11-25
Morogoro District.
47615.000 Wingfield, R.; Polhill, R. 4606 1974-12-29
K000316038 Jannerup, P.L.; Mhoro 77 2000-06-04
lower part of forested slopes to E above, -6.93 37.72
K000316048 Bruce, Miss E.A. 978
-7.13 37.63
K000316040 Jannerup, P.L.; Mhoro 242 2001-01-20
E side of the ridge from Bondwa Peak to Nziwane, -6.82 37.82
K000316039 Jannerup, P.L.; Mhoro 243 2001-01-20
E side of the ridge from Bondwa Peak to Nziwane, -6.82 37.82
K000316043 Harris, B.J.; Hedberg, O.; Mwasumbi, L.B. 1134 1967-11-15
-7.17 37.67
K000316049 Eggeling, W.J. 6449
[Baudare] Peak, -7.17 37.67
K000316042 Polhill, R.M.; Wingfield, R.C. 4606 1974-12-29
-6.9 37.67