barcode-00066178 31 1939-04-14
Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Katomia (Congo Belge)
MO:Seed Plants
1733729 Luis Wettnich Carrisso 190 1927-07-25
Angola, Lunda, Saurimo- nas chanas.
MO:Seed Plants
103438127 Paul Jaeger s.n.
7 x 43
MO:Seed Plants
103477785 J.V. da G. do Espirito Santo 1214 1938-12-09
Guinea-Bissau, Bissau, Pussubé.
MO:Seed Plants
103479602 Young, Ralph George Norwood 352 1932-08-04
Angola, Dala-Saurimo Road.
US 1940899 I. B. Pole-Evans & J. Erens 638 1938-06-08
Nyasaland 14 miles North of Dwanga
US 1751743 -. Gossweiler 10638 1957-06-22
Benguela, Caconda, Cuiva-Catumbela
US 1751916 -. Gossweiler 11547 1937-04-00
Regio Lunda, Dala, Chiumbe
US 1347659 A. Stolz 2633 1915-00-00
Tanganyika Territory, Kyimbala District, North of Lake Nyasa
USw17012 A. Bullock 1002
NY:Vascular Plants
04808606 Mrs. H. M. Richards 19429 1965-01-06
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Chipulu Farm, 1500m
NY:Vascular Plants
04808601 L. J. Brass 17387 1946-08-23
Malawi, North Road between Mzimba and Kasugu, 1400m
NY:Vascular Plants
4808603 L. J. Brass 16951 1946-07-26
Malawi, Nkhotakota, Nchisi Mountain, 1400m
NY:Vascular Plants
4808604 L. J. Brass 17110 1946-08-02
Malawi, Nkhotakota, Nchisi Mountain, 1400m
NY:Vascular Plants
04808602 A. F. Stolz 2633
Tanzania, Kyimbia District (North of Lake Nyasa)
NY:Vascular Plants
04808605 R. H. Bunting 2 1913-12-18
Sierra Leone, Near Moyamba
128993 H.L. Shantz 4178 1956-11-30
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia, 10 miles northeast of Mpika.