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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Dioscorea quartiniana (Dioscorea quartiniana var. latifolia, Dioscorea quartiniana var. schliebenii, Dioscorea quartiniana var. stuhlmannii, Dioscorea pentaphylla, Botryosicyos pentaphyllus, Dioscorea anchiatasi, Dioscorea anchietae, Dioscorea angolensis, Dioscorea apiculata, Dioscorea beccariana, D... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 382

iNaturalist Plant Observation - Research Grade

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
5112447feno   2017-01-25
Mahajanga, Near Befandrama-Analalava (Antsohihy), -14.911333 47.760917

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
10004113feno   2017-04-11
Antsiranana, Anjiakely-Ambodimanary-Montagne des francais, -12.376294 49.324471

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
27147214Fetra Randriatsara   2019-05-21
Toliary, Belon'i Tsiribihina, Madagascar, -19.728654 44.82066

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
137858137Bart Wursten   2007-03-05
Sofala, Path between Morumbodzi Falls and forested slopes, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa, Mozambique, -18.472 34.045242

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
19985100David Rabehevitra   2019-01-26
Mahajanga, Sofia, Madagascar, -14.900988 47.763648

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
61286657feno   2020-05-19
Antsiranana, Ankarana, MG-AS-DI, MG-AS, MG, -12.868604 49.22859

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
10004084feno   2017-04-11
Antsiranana, Anjiakely-Ambodimanary-Montagne des francais, -12.376294 49.324471

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
1253737Romer Rabarijaona   2015-01-22
Fianarantsoa, Itremo, -20.595751 46.63298

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
5027718Landy Rita   2017-01-20
Mahajanga, Melaky, MG-MA, MG, -18.017811 44.465976

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
20075380feno   2019-01-26
Mahajanga, Sofia, MG-MA, MG, -14.901037 47.763616

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
6774265Franck Rakotonasolo   2017-06-18
Fianarantsoa, Amoron'i mania, MG-FI, MG, -20.547799 46.8587

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
619168J. Lewalle   14501967-01-07
Burundi, Muramvya, Bugarama. Chemin en lisière de la forêt., 2200m

MO:Seed Plants
619800J.D. Chapman   72351986-02-20
Malawi, Southern, Mt. Mulanje, Linji (upper fLitchenya) Plateau., 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
620084Roy E. Gereau   42851991-03-14
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains; steep-walled SE-facing valley of Ikelenge River (tributary of Nyamatuli River) on E side of Masusa Mountain., -9.75 34.3666667, 1210m

MO:Seed Plants
619047J.C. Lovett   12841987-01-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lake Ngwazi Dam end. Brachystegia, Parinari curatifolia stunted woodland with canopy 2 m. tall. With densely vegetated termite mounds with Croton, Apodytes dimidiata, Prunus africana, canopy 4-8 m. tall., -8.5166667 35.1666667, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
619322B.E. Mhoro   56821988-02-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Mzelezi Forest Reserve, Mahenge., -8.81666 36.73333

MO:Seed Plants
619067S. Ann Robertson   49341987-07-21
Kenya, Coast, K7, Kilifi District: Malindi. Coral rag thicket., -3.2 40.08333, 10m

MO:Seed Plants
2853856G.M. Sangu   732005-05-07
Tanzania, Mtwara, Newala, Mkunya River forest reserve, on the makonde scarpment and its foot hills characterised by legume dominated forest with Brachystegia speciformis, Brachystegia microphylla, Millettia stuhlmannii, Diplorhynchus condylocarpon and Combretum spp., -10.97888 39.44944, 120m

MO:Seed Plants
176866C.M. Taylor   84971989-01-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi tree clumps on Brooke Bond plantation; pasture and thicket., -8.51666 35.16666, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
619024P.K. Rwaburindore   33361991-12-27
Uganda, Southern, W. Ankole (U2); Buhweju. Entere, near Bisya. TQ-64-19. Riverine bushland., -0.33333 30.46666, 1680m

MO:Seed Plants
620100Roy E. Gereau   42011991-03-03
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Livingstone Mountains; minor foot trail N of Isalala River and below ridge top trail from Bumbigi, in dense forest above riverine Sinarundinaria alpina zone., -9.18333 33.86666, 1850 - 1880m

MO:Seed Plants
619833J.D. Chapman   95061989-03-25
Malawi, Southern, Mt. Mulanje base in the Likabula Valley. Grid Ref.: 680365, 800m

MO:Seed Plants
619103J.D. Chapman   94721989-01-05
Malawi, Southern, Mt. Mulanje. Lichenya Plateau. Nessa Path. Forest. Map Ref.: 743297, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
619038J.C. Lovett   13361987-01-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, Ruaha National Park. Mwayenge. Ruaha River Camp. Rock outcrop on banks of river Ruaha. Commiphora woodland with riverine thicket., -7.75 34.83333, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
1546484O.A. Kibure   3291999-01-28
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Forest near WWF Office., -8.31583 38.96083, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
1546572A.R. Marshall   WK3732000-02-14
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains. West Kilombero Forest Reserve., -7.75277 36.52333, 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
100314666Zachary S. Rogers   13022009-01-24
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Kranskloof Nature Reserve, Uve trail, along riverbank trail at bottom of gorge. Specimens preserved in alcohol., -29.7619444 30.855, 192m

MO:Seed Plants
100650190Moses A. Mwangoka   88062013-04-13
Tanzania, Lindi, Lindi Rural, Rondo Plateau Forest Reserve, coastal woodland along road to Ndara Village., -10.1888889 39.1916666, 720m

MO:Seed Plants
101009539O.A. Kibure   18772014-02-15
Tanzania, Tabora, Urambo, Isawima Forest Reserve., -4.94504 31.50912, 1090m

MO:Seed Plants
101023742J.O. Ndege   212017-07-14
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2667833 39.4151167, 7m

MO:Seed Plants
101749420Ben Luwiika   6731997-03-17
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe-Munyumbwe District: Collecting along the road between Bbondo and Munyumbwe Local Forests, 12.8 km from the junction., -16.6033333 27.8813889, 540m

MO:Seed Plants
102194916W. R. Q. Luke   110712005-06-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve pt17 - pt18. Montane forest with grassy glades/hilltops & swamps., -7.11666 36.65, 2030m

MO:Seed Plants
103045666Fabien Barthelat   12832004-01-13
Mayotte, Petite Terre, Labattoir. Moya. Presqu'ile de Moya

MO:Seed Plants
103045673Fabien Barthelat   12842004-01-13
Mayotte, Petite Terre, Labattoir. Moya. Presqu'ile de Moya

MO:Seed Plants
103045678Fabien Barthelat   17532007-02-07
Mayotte, Mayotte: Grand Terre - Mtsamboro. Hachirongou.

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 807016J. Buchanan   6421891-00-00
Malawi, Nyassa land.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2061727L. J. Brass   163251946-06-09
Malawi, Vernay Nyasaland. Zomba Plateau, Zomba District., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 806767J. Buchanan   2641891-00-00
Malawi, Nyassa land.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2091761F. Carnochan   1841928-12-22
Tanzania, Tanganyika Terr. Tindi, about 40 km. north of Nzega.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1969089A. Pappi   18531902-09-25
Eritrea, Africa Orientale. Eritrea-Ocule Cusai torrente Mai Aini., 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2913826A. Noirfalise   6231950-07-12
Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Uele, Congolana. Territ. Dungu. Parc nat. de la Garamba, env. Bagbele (Mabianga). Statio.: champ de manioc.

New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dioscorea quartiniana var. vestita R.Knuth
04123179A. Peter   235201918-05-23
Tanzania, Ost Usambara, Wald der Hochweiden von Monga, 1100m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dioscorea quartiniana var. vestita R.Knuth
04243260A. Peter   125091915-08-05
Tanzania, O. Usambara, Ngambo-Magunga, 600m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04181113A. Peter   354411926-01-25
Tanzania, Unyamwesi, Kombe Westl.-Usinge, 1100m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04736784L. J. Brass   163251946-06-09
Malawi, Zomba, Zomba Plateau, 1500m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4736789Mrs. H. M. Richards   196951965-02-12
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Abercorn District: Top of Kalambo Falls by top Rondaval, 1200m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4736791G. M. D. J. Troupin   55781958-02-08
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sud-Kivu, Kabare (Zone), Centre I.R.S.A.C. Lwiro., 1700m

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146282Quarré   963
Congo Belge. Elisabethville.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146304Reekmans, M.   98051981-03-08
Prov. Bubanza, Gihungwe., -3.13 29.28

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146936s.coll   431
[Flora of Uganda, Karamaja, Lodoketemit catchmont.], 2.23 34.07

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147042Vollesen, K.; Bidgood, S.; Mbago, F.   24631994-02-25
Flora of Tanzania, T4. Sumbawanga Distr.: Tatanda Mission., -8.53 31.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146975Newbould, J.G.B.   31661958-12-10
Flora of Kenya, Ngeng-Mathews Ra, Kenya: Isiola (K1 & K4) to Mathews Range & Mt. Nyiru (K1). Samburu Dist.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147033s.coll   246/48
Flora of Tanganyika, Amani, E. Usambara.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147024Shabani, S.   3811969-04-10
Flora of Tanzania T3, Wanguwe river area, Lushoto District, T3.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147084Kirk, Dr.   s.n.
[Flora Germana East Africa, Bagamoyo in Usaramo.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147077Milne-Redhead, E.W.B.H.; Taylor, P.G.   91501956-03-13
Tanganyika: Songea District, 32 km. E. of Songea, in riverine forest by R. Mkukira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147083Vollesen, K.; Bidgood, S.; Abdallah, R.   15791991-02-15
Flora of Tanzania, T8. Lindi Distr.: Rondo Plateau, Rondo Forest Reserve., -10.12 39.22

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147835Richards, Mr. H.M.   190161964-02-13
Northern Rhodesia, Abercorn District. Woodland Ndundu Drive.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147834Richards, Mr. H.M.   190161964-02-13
Northern Rhodesia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147828Brummitt, Dr. R.K.; Banda, E.A.   103871970-05-04
Southern Region, Zomba District. Zomba Plateau, west side, by stream north of summit, U.T.M. grid ref. 744:8303.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147846Milne-Redhead, E.W.B.H.   44981938-02-08
Source of R. Kanyamwana, just W of Dobeka Plain, Northern Rhodesia, Mwinilunga District.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146279Lebrun   3381
Congo Belge. Faradje (Uele).

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146565Jansen, P.C.M.   23691975-07-27
Along road from Jimma (Kefa region) to Ghion (Shoa region)., 8.1 37.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146568Thulin, M.; Gilbert, M.G.   8061975-09-17
Wollega Region: 40 km on Ghimbi-Asosa road., 9.4 35.58

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146967Peal, J.   51957-09-30
[Uganda, U4, Muberde.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146976Tweedie, Miss E.M.   1404
Flora of E.Africa, N.E. Elgon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146994Tweedie, Mrs. D.R.   205
S.W. slopes of Mt.Elgon, Kenya Colony.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147018Koritschoner   651
Flora of W. Usambaras, T.T, Makuyuni Dist.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147034Kisera, J.   s.n.1985-03-14
Flora of Tanzania T3, Lushoto District.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147094Stuhlmann, C.C.   6589
[German East Africa: Usaramo; Bagomoyo, Dents. Z. Ostafrika.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147088Polhill, R.M.; Paulo, S.   12021962-01-07
Tanganyika: Koudoa District.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147064Polhill, R.M.; Paulo, S.   15571962-02-21
Tanganyika: Iringa District, Dabaga Highlands, Kibengu, 18 ml. S. of Dabaga, Iringa Distr, Tanganyika.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147099Kirk, Dr.   s.n.
[Flora of Tropical Africa, Flora German East Africa, Rayamoyo in Usaramo.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147808Robson, N.K.B.   15991959-02-14
Road nr. L. Nyasa Hotel, nr. Salima. Nyasaland, Central Province.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147826Chapman, J.D.   61111982-02-06
MT. Mulanje F./Reserve, close to the Forestry Dept. Hut on Lichenya. Grid: 36LYT7433.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147822Brummitt, Dr. R.K.; Banda, E.A.   98961970-04-16
Southern Region, Mlanje District. Fort Lister Gap, foot of Mchese Mountain.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147819Burtt, B.L.; Hilliard, O.M.   45781967-01-21
Mt. Mlanje: Chambe basin.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147884Mutimushi, J.M.   JMM40
Kitwe, N. Rhodesia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147868Best, E.B.   275
Flora of N.Rhodesia, Chongwe river bridge, 30 miles east Lusaka.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001145530Sharland, R.E.   501
N. Nigeria. [Kagoro, Kaduna State].

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146274Mildbraed   10238

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146305Reekmans, M.   98061981-03-08
Prov. Bubanza, Gihungwe., -3.13 29.28

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146563Forbes, M.   89
Prov. Sudan.Dist. Imatong Mts.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146992Luke, W.R.Q.   2965
Flora of: Kenya K6 (K4), Chyulu Hills, Below Ol Donyo Wuas Camp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146995Graham, R.M.   2817
Coll. Londiani, LD 881, Forestry Department, Kenya.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147037Kisena   814
[Tanzania T3, Same District, Chengena F.R. near Tosi river.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147067Gereau, R.E.; Kayombo, C.J.   42011991-03-03
Tanzania, Mbeya: Rungwe District, Livingstone Mountains; minor foot trail N of Isalala River and below ridge top trail from Bumbigi, in dense forest above riverine Sinarundinaria alpina zone., -9.18 33.87

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147071Milne-Redhead, E.W.B.H.; Taylor, P.G.   91491956-03-13
32 km. E. of Songea, in riverine forest by R. Mkukira, Tanganyika: Songea District.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147793Balsinhas, A.; Marrime, L.   4051961-04-15
Distrito de Moçambique, Nampula: na estrada de Nampula para Nametil.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147797Brummitt, Dr. R.K.; Polhill, R.M.; Patel, I.H.   159161982-02-16
Southern Region, Mulanje District. Mulanje Mt, by Litchenya Forestry Depot.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147824Brass, L.J.   163251946-06-09
Plants of Africa, Vernay Nyasaland, Zomba Plateau, Zomba District.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147853Richards, Mr. H.M.   220691967-02-17

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147851Mutimushi, J.M.   JMM1845

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146288s.coll   1158
Nioka (Ituri).

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146285Quarré, P.   5294
Zaire. Agricole de Keyberg.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146576Burger, W.C.   30461963-07-28
Harar Prov. Uadendeo plateau, 36 km ESE of Harar on road to Djigdjigga (Jijiga) and 20 km south., 9.07 42.38

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146939Bally, P.R.O.; Hardy, S.   107401956-09-05
Uganda, Karamoja, Moroto Mt..

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146978Bogdan, A.   9771956-08-15
Flora of Kenya, Kital, Edge of riparian forest. Occasional.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001146973Gillett, J.B.   129341952-04-25
Bissagombo (Boran). Moyale.

Image Associated With the Occurence
K001147003Faden, R.B.   70/1981970-06-22
Flora of Kenya, K7, Kwale District. Jardini Hotel Forest, S. of Mombasa.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 382


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