barcode-00024686 P. J. Greenway 6556 1942-07-05
Tanzania, Tanga, Pare, South Pare Mountains, Mtonto, 6500 feet
barcode-00024689 H. J. E. Schlieben 3175 1932-12-28
Tanzania, Uluguru, NW-Seite, Nebelwald des Lupangaberges, 1800 m
barcode-00024687 A. Michelson 742 1947-12-12
Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Kivu, Mayamoto, foret ombrophile de montagne, fond de ravin, 2350 m
barcode-00024688 G. Mann 1066 1859-00-00
Sao Tomé and Príncipe, West Trop. Africa [protologue: "Summit of the peak of St. Thomas" Sao Tome]
barcode-00549086 G. Mann 1066 1859-00-00
Sao Tomé and Príncipe, West Trop. Africa [protologue: "Summit of the peak of St. Thomas" Sao Tome]
iNaturalist:Research Grade
99527780 Marco Schmidt 2021-09-01
Iburengerazuba, -2.405807 29.190288
MO:Seed Plants
101339898 Olivier Lachenaud 3427 2021-09-23
São Tomé and Príncipe, São Tomé, Mesa, descente vers point d'eau., 0.27093 6.54458, 1899m
MO:Seed Plants
103129308 Olivier Lachenaud 2871 2019-11-05
São Tomé and Príncipe, São Tomé, chemin entre Mesa et le sommet du Pico de São Tomé., 0.2688833 6.5419667, 1987m
MO:Seed Plants
103213155 Olivier Lachenaud 3383 2021-09-20
São Tomé and Príncipe, São Tomé, Entre Estação Sousa et Mesa., 0.26846 6.54773, 1846m
MO:Seed Plants
103213173 Olivier Lachenaud 3389 2021-09-21
São Tomé and Príncipe, São Tomé, Vallon à droite du sentier entre Pico de São Tomé et Pico Pequeno., 0.26795 6.53877, 1887m
MO:Seed Plants
1456792 Moses A. Mwangoka 1047 1999-11-20
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). W-facing slope along trail to Shengena Peak., -4.2652778 37.9202778, 2250m
MO:Seed Plants
103112281 N. Gavin-Smyth 32 2019-03-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Uluguru Nature Reserve, Mgeta River., -7.12395 37.63389, 2395m
MO:Seed Plants
1547418 Peter B. Phillipson 5138 1999-11-14
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Summit of Shengena Peak. [GPS Arc 60, Altimeter]., -4.26555 37.93055, 2445m
MO:Seed Plants
1456777 Moses A. Mwangoka 1043 1999-11-20
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). W-facing slope along trail to Shengena Peak., -4.2652778 37.9202778, 2250m
MO:Seed Plants
1456020 G. Massawe 462 1999-11-22
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). Along Chome to Gonja path. Area known locally as lgoma., -4.2925 37.9430555, 2035m
MO:Seed Plants
1547425 Peter B. Phillipson 5145 1999-11-15
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, W. side of Reserve, below Shengena Peak. [GPS Arc 60, Altimeter]., -4.29027 37.92972, 1940m
MO:Seed Plants
3301100 A.L. Borhidi 82198 1982-02-23
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, Mzumbai University Forest Reserve. Mossy elfin forest and Philippia heath mosaic on the rocky SAGARA ridge., -4.8 38.5, 1850 - 1980m
MO:Seed Plants
3301105 M. Reekmans 3146 1974-02-24
Burundi, Bururi, Kumuyanga; galerie forestiére., -3.96666 29.75, 2000m
MO:Seed Plants
3301103 J. Lewalle 6106 1971-09-26
Burundi, Bururi, Kumuyange, galerie forestiére., -3.96666 29.75, 1980m
MO:Seed Plants
3310505 M. Reekmans 3622 1974-09-22
Burundi, Bururi, Munini-Kamuyange, galerie forestiére., -4.03333 29.75, 1900m
MO:Seed Plants
199960 J. Lewalle 5663
Burundi, Bururi, -3.96666 29.75, 2000m
MO:Seed Plants
1488387 C.E.N. Ewango 2118 1999-07-22
Rwanda, Gikongoro, Commune Kivu., -2.6744445 29.4141667, 2250m
MO:Seed Plants
1539051 William J. Kindeketa 409 2000-10-04
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Range, Shengena Forest Reserve., -4.295 37.9327778, 1950m
MO:Seed Plants
1577603 Gabriel Simon Laizer 833 2001-02-27
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Forest Reserve, montane forest near Nishekera Waterfalls with Afrocarpus falcatus., -4.2813889 37.9666667, 1760m
MO:Seed Plants
1884447 William J. Kindeketa 1358 2001-09-26
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Forest Reserve; thick undergrowth with scattered trees., -4.3277778 37.9683334, 1775m
MO:Seed Plants
102348996 M. Reekmans 8714 1980-03-06
Burundi, Bururi, Colline Rwamunynyia., -4 29.7833333, 2000m
MO:Seed Plants
102348995 M. Reekmans 6421 1977-09-22
Burundi, Bururi, Munini vallée Syguvyaye., -4.0333333 29.7666667, 1900m
MO:Seed Plants
101988960 H.J. Schlieben 3175 1932-12-28
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Bez. Morogoro, Uluguru-Geb. Lupanga, Nebelwald, gr. Baum 20-30 m. vereinzelt, teils häufig. Blüte orange-rot, sehr hartes Holz., -6.8666667 37.7083333, 1900m
K000240215 Mann, G. 1066
Summit of the peak of St Thomas.
K000240214 Mann, G. 1066
Summit of the peak of St Thomas.
15352.000 Hughes 203 1954-07-15
Tanga Prov, Lushoto Distr.
16588.000 Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. 2536 1953-05-15
Lushoto Distr, W. Usambaras.
15353.000 Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. 1766 1953-03-23
Morogoro Distr, Uluguru Mts.
K000240219 Schlieben 3175 1932-12-28
Distr. Morogoro, Uluguru-Gebirge
K000240218 Procter, J. E. A. 183
Shagayu forest. West Usambaras, Lushoto District, Tanga Prov, T.T.
K000240217 Greenway 6556 1942-07-05