CM505382 Kuchar, P. 24303 2001-04-01
Tanzania, Singida, Singida, 5 km SW of Matongo, -5.22222222222222 34.6888888888889, 1445m
CM506241 Kuchar, P. 24303 2001-04-01
Tanzania, Singida, Singida, 5 km SW of Matongo, -5.22222222222222 34.6888888888889, 1445m
iNaturalist:Research Grade
33512047 Troos van der Merwe 2019-09-22
Gaza, Limpopo National Park, Gaza, MZ, -22.431692 31.383647
MO:Seed Plants
1156811 Jan J.F.E. de Wilde 4719 1969-02-22
Ethiopia, About 13 km on the road from Dire Dawa to Harar., 9.5333333 41.5833333, 1500m
MO:Seed Plants
1782422 William J. Kindeketa 1527 2002-03-27
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural, Mgori Forest Reserve; Pohama Village Forest Reserve; Semi- closed thicket., -4.86666 35.30916, 1370m
MO:Seed Plants
1078435 James S. Miller 8546 1996-06-25
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Arusha District: Along the east side of the gorge of the Themi River, ca. 9 km S of Arusha. GPS, ARC-1960 mean Datum, PDOP 3.0, -3.4488889 36.7038889, 1220m
MO:Seed Plants
1156815 Jan B. Gillett 18778 1969-06-02
Kenya, S of Ngoleni Hill, rainfall c 530 mm., 945m
MO:Seed Plants
1156809 Jan J.F.E. de Wilde 6467 1970-04-18
Ethiopia, Harrar Province, Erer Gota, hills behind and S of the hotel, open Acacia-woodland., 9.5166667 41.3833333, 1200m
MO:Seed Plants
1156812 A. Agnew 9874 1967-12-11
Kenya, Cultivated bushland with Adansonia on sand over basement complex. Kibwezi KAJ. 3000 feet.
MO:Seed Plants
1596124 P. Kuchar 24303 2001-04-01
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural, 5 km SW of Matongo. Thinned thicket, mostly Pseudoprosopis fischeri 4-6m high over Combretum celastroides, Acacia brevispica, Grewia, other shrubs., -5.2222223 34.6888889, 1445m
US 1235698 E. A. Mearns 104 1912-05-20
Abyssinia. Bodessa.
US 2480817 W. Burger 2842* 1963-05-25
Harar prov. On tree near dry river edge Valley east of Gora Gora., 9 42.3
US 2481150 W. Burger 3116 1963-08-15
Harar Prov. Granite Slopes East of Curfocelli and east of the Stone bridge., 9.27 41.85
NY:Vascular Plants
01138689 E. B. Knox 2128 1991-01-16
Kenya, Ndoto Mountains, east side; along trail in valley just above the road head, 1.72 37.25, 750m
NY:Vascular Plants
04827872 P. J. Greenway 7481 1945-06-27
Tanzania, W. Slopes of Oldeiani, Mbulu Dist, Tanganyika, 1829m
Scheffler, G 1906-06-26
Africa, near Kibwezi
K000416929 Hildebrandt, J.M. 2821
Kisui in [Miamba]
K000416930 Johnston, H.H. s.n.
Maungu. Kilimanjaro expedition.