CM505391 NtemiSallu, A. 907 2002-04-26
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza District, Maramba Division, Bwiti Village, East Usambara mountains, Mgambo Forest Reserve, -4.78361111111111 38.8080555555556, 460m
CM509516 NtemiSallu, A. 884 2002-03-13
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe District, East Usambara mountains, Bombo East II Forest Reserve, -4.81666666666667 38.6666666666667, 400m
CM509517 NtemiSallu, A. 907 2002-04-26
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza District, Maramba Division, Bwiti Village, East Usambara mountains, Mgambo Forest Reserve, -4.78361111111111 38.8080555555556, 460m
MO:Seed Plants
533934 S. Ann Robertson 5616 1988-11-29
Kenya, Coast, K7, Lamu District: Boni Forest Reserve (proposed), 7.7 km W of Marereni and 3 km N of road. Seasonally flooded grassland with patches of woodland and forest, with Balanites wilsoniana, Combretum schumannii, Croton ssp. and Afzelia. Edge of forest patch., -1.71666 41.24166, 12m
MO:Seed Plants
1399721 C.J. Kayombo 1658 1999-01-27
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, T6. Iragua Village, Nambiga Forest Reserve, 5 km W of main road to Itete from Iragua, along Frontier transect, steep slope facing E, forest dominated by Millettia, Lettowianthus stellatus and Bombax., -8.57027 36.48527, 380m
MO:Seed Plants
1558852 John A. Mlangwa 1038 2000-11-09
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Pare Mountains. Mbaga Ward. Karingia Mazameni, Lutheran church playground and Mazameni stony bushland., -4.16666 37.90416, 1800m
MO:Seed Plants
1780040 A. Ntemi Sallu 884 2002-03-13
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, East Usambara mountains, Bombo East II Forest Reserve, woodland forest in vegetation plot no. 11 of East Usambara Biodiversity survey., -4.81666 38.66666, 400m
MO:Seed Plants
1780429 A. Ntemi Sallu 907 2002-04-26
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Maramba Division, Bwiti Village, East Usambara mountains, Mgambo Forest Reserve, lowland forest with mixed vines and bushes, East Usambara Biodiversity survey vegetation plot #4., -4.78361 38.80805, 460m
MO:Seed Plants
1780499 A. Ntemi Sallu 917 2002-05-08
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Maramba Division, Bwiti Village, East Usambara mountains, Mgambo Forest Reserve. Lowland forest along river., -4.78138 38.80722, 450m
MO:Seed Plants
2056958 Reginald M. Graham 2341 1930-03-00
Kenya, Coast, Kilifi, Malindi Distr. Mida., -3.3166667 39.9666667
MO:Seed Plants
3370992 R.B. Faden 71/713 1971-07-28
Kenya, Coast, Kilifi, Sokoke Forest, -3.5 39.83333
MO:Seed Plants
102407517 L. Festo 2601 2006-07-23
Kenya, Coast, Lamu, Hindei to Bargoni., -2.0833333 40.7666667, 15m
MO:Seed Plants
102407514 L. Festo 2786 2006-07-30
Kenya, Coast, Lamu, Sankuri Hill., -1.7 41.35, 60m
MO:Seed Plants
102407914 W. R. Q. Luke 2790 1991-03-23
Kenya, Coast, Kwale, Mkongani North, -4.28333 39.31666, 240m
MO:Seed Plants
102407910 W. R. Q. Luke 9448 1903-04-18
Kenya, Coast, Tana-River, Kurawa - Shekiko, -2.61666 40.26666
MO:Seed Plants
102484844 T. Kässner 416
Kenya, Coast, Kwale, Gadu, -4 39.28333
MO:Seed Plants
102484843 R.B. Faden 74/1232 1974-07-26
Kenya, Coast, Kilifi, Sokoke Forest ca. 3 km. on track S. of Gede to Jilore Forest Station. Brachystegia woodland on tan sand with moderately dense shrub layer. Dominant is Brachystegia spiciformis; other trees are Trachylobium verrucosum & Manilkara sansibarensis. Common shrubs include Canthium spp, Uvaria lucinda, Synaptolepis kirkii, Tinnea aethiopica, Flacourtia indica, Strychonos madagascariensis, Haplocoelum inoploum, Allophylus pervillei, Ximenia sp, Vitex ferrginea, Ochna mossambicensis, Toddaliopsis sansibarensis., -3.3 39.95, 30m
MO:Seed Plants
1438125 Moses A. Mwangoka 642 1999-06-03
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, T3. Magundi Village, public woodland forest 6 km from Korogwe town on road to Ambangulu., -5.11222 38.47111, 500m
US 3256700 -. Luke & -. Robertson 2790
Kwale, Kenya K7, Shimba Hills, Mkongani North. GRID REF : 3919E0417S
K000318880 Shabani 242 1968-12-18
-7.73 38.95
K000318886 Awimbo, J.; Luke, Q.; Robertson, S.A. 5252 1988-07-20
Kararacha to Sokoke, boundary road, -3.5 39.83
K000318867 Semsei, S.R. 2739
-5.53 38
K000318893 Robertson, S.A. 5917 1989-10-12
Bamburi Quarry North edge, -3.97 39.75
K000318870 Peter, A. 20794 1917-02-11
Deutsch Ost Afrika:Landshaft Usambara, -5.83 39.23
K000318873 Archbold, Miss M.E. 3078 1986-02-26
Kwa Mkono Rock, -5.5 38
K000318883 Faden, R.B.; Evans, A. 713 1971-07-28
road to Jilore Forest Station, 3.2km from turnoff on Kilifi-Malindi Road, -3.52 39.77
K000318876 Kayombo, C.J. 1658 1999-01-27
Iragua Village, 5 km W of main road to Itete from Iragua, along Frontier transect, steep slope facing E, -8.57 36.44
K000318884 Faden, R.B.; Faden, A.J. 1232 1974-07-25
ca. 3km on track S of gede to Jilore Forest Station, -3.33 39.95
K000318894 Moore, S. 5885 1989-08-23
Kaya Diani, -4.27 39.58
K000318874 Archbold, Miss M.E. 3107 1986-03-10
Kwa Mkono, -5.5 38
K000318890 Robertson; Luke 2790 1991-03-23
-4.28 39.32
K000318877 Wallace, G.B. 62 1932-03-26
K000318869 Peter, A. 21102 1917-02-18
Deutsch Ost Afrika: landschaft Usambaras, -10.67 39.63
K000318897 Graham, R.M. 2341
-3.32 39.97
Afrocanthium pseudoverticillatum subsp. somaliense
K000412417 Thulin, M. 6303 1989-05-15
c. 12 km on the road between Mogadishu and Balad, Aliyale.
K000318871 Peter, A. 22254 1917-12-06
Deutsch Ost Afrika:landschaft Usambaras Maneno Mbangu, -4.95 38.77
K000318895 Graham, R.M. 2341
Mida, Malindi distric., -3.32 39.97
K000318882 Dale, I.R. 38
-3.52 39.77
K000318879 Bruce, Miss E.M. 377 1934-12-24
-7.17 37.67
K000318887 Ngonyo, M.; Robertson, S.A. 7103 1995-04-09
-3.25 39.67
K000318896 Graham, R.M. 2341
-3.32 39.97
K000318878 Welch, J.R. 403 1957-10-19
E.A.T.R.O camp 8 miles NE of Kingolwi Station[Kingolwira] Moiogoio, -6.7 37.85
K000318875 Archbold, Miss M.E. 3322 1990-11-09
Kwa Mkono rocky hill top., -5.45 38.27
K000318868 Peter, A. 40495 1926-05-22
Kwamkwe(near Hale), -5.43 38.97
K000318889 Luke, Q.; Robertson, S.A. 6307 1990-05-31
-4.32 39.52
K000318881 Gilbert, M.G. 6052 1981-04-03
Manyani, just S of Malindi Point, -3.08 38.5
K000318885 Faden, R.B.; Evans, A. 713 1971-07-28
road to Jilore Forest Station, 3.2km from turnoff on Kilifi-Malindi Road, -3.52 39.77
K000318891 Robertson; Luke 5616 1988-11-29
7.7km West of Marereni and 3km north of road., -1.72 41.24
K000318872 Faulkner, Mrs. H.G. 1959 1957-02-17
-5.13 39.12
K000318888 Luke 3152 1992-05-09
Kidongo Area, Twds Trans 19,20, -4.32 39.32
K000318892 Robertson; Luke 1563 1988-12-03
-2.37 40.5
K000318898 Correia, M.F.; Torre, A.R. 17222 1968-01-17
ao km. 15 do rio Ligonha, estrada para Naburi (Jg), -16.8 39.53