iNaturalist:Research Grade
1710393 Rafael Medina 2013-02-17
Amhara, Amhara, Ethiopia, 11.748722 38.988418
MO:Seed Plants
353461 Gilbert 4276 1976-05-08
Ethiopia, Sidamo, 55 km S of Dilla along new road, ca. 2 km S of Fisseha Guenet, 6.05 38.1833333, 2390m
MO:Seed Plants
101085298 P. Kuchar 20655 1994-06-28
Ethiopia, Eastern Maraghe Region. Jijiga. 5 km from Jinacsan on road to Kojar., 9.5166667 42.5666667, 2200 - 2300m
MO:Seed Plants
101346767 Jonquil W. Ash 1004 1971-06-26
Ethiopia, Shoa province. Sq. 59B. Near Ankobar, 162 km north east of Addis Ababa on Ankobar road., 3310m
MO:Seed Plants
101346769 Jan J.F.E. de Wilde 4756 1969-03-08
Ethiopia, South face of Gara Mullata Mountains, about 50 km due W of Harrar., 9.2 41.7666667, 2600m
US 2481037 W. Burger 1694 1962-05-04
Harar Prov, Edge of forest. 'Rain forest' south of the summit of Gora Mulatta Mtn along road to Bedenno.
US 2819850 J. Ash 3035 1975-06-27
In grassy road banks, between Gouder 3747:0800, Square 68.B. and Ghedo 3727 0600, Square 57.C. On Addis Ababa to Didessa and Gambela road. Shoa province.
US 2480702 W. Burger 1918 1962-06-10
Harar Prov. On steep slopes near brook-under forest cover. West of mtn. Gara Mullata Mtn., 9.25 41.77
K000499344 M.G.Gilbert; T.G.Jefford 4276 1976-05-08
Sidamo:55km. S. Of Dilla along new road. 2km S. of fisseha Guenet., 6.05 38.18
35841.000 Ash, Mrs J. 1065 1971-07-18
K000345983 Schimper 1125b 1838-07-05
Prope Enschedcap
K000345984 Schimper 1125a 1838-07-05
Prope Enschedcap