PH00804713 Friedrich R. R. Schlechter 10606 1896-10-00
South Africa, Western Cape, Prope Saron, -33.180783 19.008924, 183m
PH00813015 Friedrich R. R. Schlechter 10606 1896-10-00
South Africa, Western Cape, Regio occidentalis, prope Saron, -33.180783 19.008924, 183m
PH00813016 Friedrich R. R. Schlechter 10606 1896-10-00
South Africa, Western Cape, Regio occidentalis, prope Saron, -33.180783 19.008924, 183m
PH00813017 Max Schlechter s.n. 1897-12-07
South Africa, Northern Cape, Regio namaquensis, Naroep Great Bushmanland
PH00813018 Friedrich Wilms 3282 1883-08-28
South Africa, Western Cape, Devilspeak [Devil's Peak], bei Capstadt, promontor. bonae spei [Cape of Good Hope], -33.954266 18.438111
CM394606 Germishuizen, G. 6514 1993-04-02
South Africa, Cape Province, Williston District, about 42 km N of Williston, on road to Rheebokhyer, about 7 km W of farmhouse, 1207m
F:In process
V0595002F N. S. Pillans 10868 1953-11-00
South Africa, Western Cape, Bishopscourt
F:In process
V0595003F P. MacOwan 557
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Near Grahamstown, 610m
iNaturalist:Research Grade
67244123 fmop_lages 2020-11-05
Namibe, Cunene River Mouth, Angola, -17.239034 11.756504
iNaturalist:Research Grade
21948274 Karim Haddad 2019-04-03
Mila, Oued Seguen, Algérie, 36.213648 6.52136
MO:Seed Plants
100508411 Anonymous 541
South Africa
MO:Seed Plants
100508415 C.F. Ecklon 221
South Africa
US 3510851 M. Muller 1221 1979-08-16
South-West Africa, Ugabmond, near roadside.
US 2688465 T. C. E. Fries, N. T. Norlindh & H. Weimarck 147 1930-08-26
Suecaia in Africam austr. et Rhodesiqam austr, Prov. Cap.: prope Port Elizabeth.
US 553405 M. Schlechter s.n. 1897-12-07
Austro-Africanae, Regio namaquensis, Naroep, Great Bushmarland.
US 201500 J. Medley Wood & S. Schönland 581 1892-10-00
Africa, on damp sandy ground, about 3 miles south of fr. I. [interpreted]
US 3025184 -. Retief & -. Reid 112 1983-10-06
Western Cape, Regio Cape, Beaufort West distr.; farm Aardoorns, along road to Blouwater.
US 2597569 R. Seydel 403 1955-02-02
Südwest-Afrika. Swakopmund, Sw. Mundung. 2-3 m.
US 2567459 B. Maguire 401 1950-09-09
Northern Cape, South Africa, Komaggas, Dist. Namagualand.
US 552486 Schlechter, -- 10606 1896-10-00
Austro-Africanae, Iter secundum, Regio occidentalis Prope Saron
M. Cosson, -. Doumel-Adanson, A. Leburneux, Reboud, W. & et al. s.n. 1883-05-27
N. Africa, Lunit: Porte de Carthage, Tunisie.
US 3431535 W. Lippert 24216 1989-06-22
Tanger-Tétouan, Prov, de Tetouan, 7 km S Sebta (Ceuta) an der Straße nach Tetouan (P 28)., 35.83 -5.35
NY:Vascular Plants
764460 R. Brand 268 2000-10-06
South Africa, Eastern Cape, Sarah Baartman Distr. Mun., Humansdorp. Tidal partion of Huis River at level crossing to N, -34.13215 24.832817
RSA0494892 Davis 70070 1984-05-09
Tunisia, Tabarka, N. of town.
UC485006 P. Font Quer 676 0017-04-30
Morocco, In aquis montis Dr. Zem-Zem, inter Ceuta et Tetauen., 200m
UC1295145 R. Seydel 403 1955-01-28
Namibia, AuBere Namib: Swakopmundung.
UC1077618 R. Seydel 607 1955-06-18
Namibia, Nur an feuchteren Stellen der Swakopmnuendung. Swakopmund., 3m
UC1554842 Moffett 3764 1985-09-21
South Africa, Fisanterivier, 40 kilometers east of Sutherland. Southwest Cape., 1371m
UC1409896 R. D. A. Bayliss 5639 1973-03-19
South Africa, Eastern, Baviaans Kloof., 304m
UC1589890 R. Story 2761 1947-08-10
South Africa, Albany, Region Cape. 3 miles east of Grahamstown., 457m
206201 Schlechter, M 250 1892-01-28
South Africa, Claremont flats
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00132793 Matera, Joseph F58 1993-04-20
Tunisia, Gouvernorat de Bizerte, Région de Ghezala, Parc National de l'Ichkeul Governorat de Bizerte (TUNISIE) 9d37'E - 9d43'E 37d09'N-37d07'N, 37.15 9.616667, 1 - 2m