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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Crotalaria agatiflora, Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. imperialis (Crotalaria imperialis, Crotalaria dawei), Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. agatiflora (Crotalaria megistantha), Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Crotalaria engleri), Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. vaginifera, Crotalaria agatiflora subsp.... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 104

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

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Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM506858Simon, V.   711998-11-28
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli District, Engoishoku forest Road to Monduli juu, Konayasi area, Komoloni village, 1480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM508275Massawe, G.   3861999-07-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural Dist., Udzungwa Mountains, Ndunduru Forest, Kidabaga Village, -8.05 35.9166666666667, 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM508633Phillipson, P.B.   51621999-11-20
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same District, W side of Reserve, near Ngujini Peak, along road to Suji & Bwanbo from Chome, -4.34583333333333 37.9091666666667, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM508635Festo, L.   5222000-01-06
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural Dist., Minziro Village, Kaiyamba Hill, -1.03333333333333 31.5333333333333, 1140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM509587Mwangoka, M.A.   18352001-02-17
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli District, Ketumbeine Forest Reserve, -2.86472222222222 36.2136111111111, 2470m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM509667Kindeketa, W.   3002000-04-05
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli District, Ketumbeine Forest Reserve, flat-topped hill ca 2 km SSE of Ketumbein Peak, -2.89222222222222 36.2194444444444, 2810m

Field Museum of Natural History - Specimens being processed

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0574509FR. A. Maas Geesteranus   61421949-09-06
Kenya, Rift Valley, Nakuru District, Eastern Mau Forest Reserve, camp 11, -0.475 35.975, 2300m

F:In process
Image Associated With the Occurence
V0574569FR. A. Maas Geesteranus   52611949-06-30
Kenya, Nyanza, Londiani District, Tinderet Forest Reserve, camp 4, -0.102778 35.375, 2000m

iNaturalist Plant Observation - Research Grade

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
6300164Marco Schmidt   2017-05-17
Nakuru, Hell's Gate, Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya, -0.891842 36.321275

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
105028181Bernd-J. Seitz   2021-12-17
Meru, Forest, Kenia, -0.024957 37.282205

iNaturalist:Research Grade
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47883553ninian   2020-05-30
Narok, Ololunga, Kenya, -1.074093 35.216872

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
28383172Liam Ragan   2019-07-07
Nairobi, Mimosa Road, Nairobi, Nairobi, KE, -1.21178 36.803813

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3479073Mary A.E. (Mrs. H.M.) Richards   241181969-02-21
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, On the SW side of Mt. meru, Olmotonyi. In Hagenia Forest, -3.28333 36.63333, 2590m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3478663* AGRIC DEPT   41931-09-17
Kenya, Rift Valley, Uasin Gishu, Eldoret, light red sandy soil, 0.5166667 35.2666667, 2104m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3478721Bernard D. Burtt   42251932-09-23
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro, Mbulu District: Oldeai Volcano. North wall of the great Crater, -3.26666 35.43333, 3186m

MO:Seed Plants
3479072Mary A.E. (Mrs. H.M.) Richards   241941969-02-23
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Mt. Meru, on the North side of litlle Meru, Kisimiri. Among high grass on an eroded hillside at the side of the road, -3.15 36.83333, 1646m

MO:Seed Plants
3479184George Taylor   38571935-03-05
Kenya, Western, Mt. Elgon, Mount Elgon, around dam, 1.13333 34.55, 2043m

MO:Seed Plants
3478757R.B. Faden   74/2191974-03-10
Kenya, Nairobi, Nairobi - Mombasa road, near the drive-in cinema. Grassland, -1.325 36.84166, 1640m

MO:Seed Plants
3479213B. Verdcourt   9751953-06-15
Kenya, Rift Valley, Kericho, Waste ground. Sotik. At first suspected of being the cause of girl of 3 year, but found harmless and death proved to be by overdose of Daraprim., -0.7 35.1

MO:Seed Plants
3479178R.E.S. Tanner   44561959-11-22
Tanzania, Mara, Serengeti, lake province: Ikoma, Manjira, Musoma, -2.06666 34.61666, 1372m

MO:Seed Plants
3479029M. Reekmans   22671973-02-04
Burundi, Muramvya, Muramwya, Teza, Plantation de the'., -3.21666 29.56666, 2400m

MO:Seed Plants
3479030M. Reekmans   58551977-03-13
Burundi, Muramvya, Teza, Jachere sur anciame pepimiere a the., -3.21666 29.55, 2250m

MO:Seed Plants
3478901R.A. Maas Geesteranus   52611949-06-30
Kenya, Nyanza, Kisumu, Tinderet Forest Reserve, Camp 4, Savanna - woodland along the south edge of the forest, with scattered Acacia lahai, and extensive clumps of dense brushwood, sloping to the south, -0.10277 35.375, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
3478921G. Michel   59861959-01-03
Rwanda, Butare, Rubona INEAC Ruanda; Colline Kato jacheres, -2.48333 29.76666, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
80184Roy E. Gereau   35231991-01-11
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains; dense forest patches and grassland on saddle N of summit of Msalaba Mountain, near foot trail from mission at Luana., -9.98333 34.58333, 2260m

MO:Seed Plants
79837Roy E. Gereau   42471991-03-14
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains; steep-walled SE-facing valley of Ikelenge River (tributary of Nyamatuli River) on E side of Masusa Mountain., -9.75 34.3666667, 1210m

MO:Seed Plants
109119L.B. Mwasumbi   135351987-11-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, T7. Nyehamutwe, Lunyanya (Hagafilo) Village, 10 km SE of Njombe on road to Songea. Seasonally wet swamp. Soft black soil., -9.4 34.75, 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
1547442Peter B. Phillipson   51621999-11-20
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, W. side of Reserve, near Ngujini Peak, along road to Suji and Bwambo from Chome. [GPS ARC 60, Altimeter]., -4.34583 37.90916, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
3478648A.D.Q. Agnew   92431967-05-05
Kenya, Eastern, Machakos, Kilima Kui-near Ulu-Machakos District; Shallow soil sandy grassland, exposed with low tree cover of Dombeya, Combretum, -1.7833333 37.2333333

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3478734H.W.E. Croockewit   4041957-08-24
Kenya, Rift Valley, Laikipia, Kenya, Mawingo., -0.35 36.31666

MO:Seed Plants
3478749L. Ellemann   3911993-00-00
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro, Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Between Endulen Hospital and Ndiyan. Shrub savanna. Information given by Lepilal Ole Nakuroi, Irking'onde-age group, and saning'o Siroyan Ole Nakuroi, ca 85 years., -3.2 35.26666, 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
3478771* FROMENT   7571960-07-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kasai-Oriental, Mahagi; Nioka, Jachere, 2.16666 30.66666

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3478816P.J. Greenway   136481969-06-02
Kenya, Rift Valley, Narok, Enesambulai Valley; common but scattered in Artemisia afra - Clutia robusta - Stoebe kilimandscarica closed scrub and an underground to Dombeya goetzennii - Schefflera volkensii forest., -0.8 36.11666, 2652m

MO:Seed Plants
3478825R. Gutzwiller   37161958-09-11
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo - Kinshasa; Zone Kabare. Parcelle residentielle, -2.48333 28.8, 1750m

MO:Seed Plants
3478890A. Léonard   55631959-09-18
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kalehe (Kivu); Savane a Hyperrhenia diplandra, -2.11666 28.91666, 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3478900R.A. Maas Geesteranus   61421949-09-06
Kenya, Rift Valley, Nakuru, Eastern Mau Forest Reserve, camp 11. Open savannah woodland (Olea chrysophylla, Dombeya, Juniperus, Acacia lahai and A. abyssinica) and shrubs, at some distance from the Naihi River, dry soil, -0.475 35.975, 2300m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3478669Jonquil W. Ash   28641975-04-06
Ethiopia, Bale, About 10 km south of Coba, on new Maslo road. Square 98B. On escarpment leading up to Saneti Plateau., 7 39.6666667, 3000m

MO:Seed Plants
3478936O.M. Mwangangi   15421970-08-29
Kenya, Nairobi, Roadside on brown loam, associated with Achyranthes, Hibiscus, Solanum, Kalanchoe, Vernonia, Senecio, Euphorbia, Abutilon sp, etc, -1.28333 36.81666, 1650m

MO:Seed Plants
3479031M. Reekmans   96031981-02-15
Burundi, Muramvya, Muramvya, Teza jachere postculturale, -3.21666 29.55, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3479074Mary A.E. (Mrs. H.M.) Richards   267261971-03-10
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Arusha National Park, Mt. Meru. Side of the Mt - low bushes rocky rough ground, -3.23333 36.75, 2591m

MO:Seed Plants
3479021* PIERS   s.n.1952-06-01
Kenya, Rift Valley, Laikipia, North Kinangop, -0.6 36.56666, 2134m

MO:Seed Plants
3479071Mary A.E. (Mrs. H.M.) Richards   234861968-12-26
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Loonguru-m-yu Track off road on the North side of Mt. meru. At the roadside in rocky, stoney, volcanic ground., -3.2 36.7, 1524m

MO:Seed Plants
3479185George Taylor   31971935-01-20
Uganda, Western, Toro: Ruwenzori, Namwamba Valley, Kilembe, on Island in river, 0.2 30.01666, 1372m

MO:Seed Plants
3478937O.M. Mwangangi   19171971-12-19
Kenya, Nairobi, Nairobi, Mathare Valley above Mathare River, between Mathare Police Station & Mathare Village, at the North of Eastleigh Section One. On brown soil near cultivated small Cowpeas gardens surrounded by a recent burnt small grassland, rich in botany with Zornia setosa, Crotalaria, Indigofera, Helichrysum, Hyparrhenia, Sporobolus, Eragrostis etc., -1.25 36.86666, 1650m

MO:Seed Plants
3478996R.E. Perdue   93781967-12-14
Kenya, Rift Valley, Kericho, In scrub, valley below and 0.9 mile (Airline) NW of Ngoina Tea Estate office and Factory., -0.51666 35.05

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3479189M.I. Thulin   36931980-05-16
Ethiopia, Bale, 10 - 15 km SE of Goba on road towards Masslo; Hagenia, Schefflera forest, with Philipia, Hyperium scrub at highe altitudes, 6.96666 40.05, 3200m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
3479240Jan J.F.E. de Wilde   63361970-02-07
Ethiopia, Harerge, Gara Mulatta Mountains, ca 60 km due west of Harrar., 9.23333 41.75, 2700m

MO:Seed Plants
101804013V. Simon   711998-11-28
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Engoishoku forest Road to Monduli juu, Konayasi area Komoloni village, -3.26666 36.46666, 1480m

MO:Seed Plants
102425025Bernard D. Burtt   44451932-06-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru Mts, near Muskati., -6.0666667 37.4833333, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
102425024FRAME   791972-11-19
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro, Ngorongoro Conservation Area; Empakasi Crater, outside south western slope. Western exposure, disturbed soil along road, light brown, well-drained, -2.93333 35.81666, 3000m

MO:Seed Plants
Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. engleri (Harms ex Baker f.) Polhill
102861752Moses A. Mwangoka   80182012-08-18
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Forest Reserve, W part of forest along road to Mhero Village, near boundary of forest., -4.3058333 37.9063889, 1940m

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 630521E. A. Mearns   4981909-06-18
Kenya, Southern N'guaso Nyiro River, "Sotik Country,"British East Africa., 1800 - 2100m

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US 2519805F. G. Meyer   76511961-12-10
Ethiopia, Rim of crater north-facing slopes above Lake Uanci, 25 km. so. of Ambo, Shoa Province., 8.8 37.95, 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 631798E. A. Mearns   18461909-10-17
Kenya, From Camp on Mount Kenia, at lower border of Bamboo zone, westward to the Kasorongai River, British East Africa., 1950 - 2550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3583642P. Rwaburindore   39961996-05-05
Uganda, Toro U2: Mwenge County: Kihura, TR-65-48., -0.5833 30.7333, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 630672E. A. Mearns   6481909-07-09
Kenya, Between the Oljoro-o-Nyon River and Lake Naivasha, crossing the Mau Escarpment, British East Africa., 2000 - 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2695814O. M. Mwangangi & A. Mukenya   15421970-08-29
Kenya, Nairobi Area, Kenya K4, Nairobi District, road-side, Juja on to Kariobangi Road., 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 630947E. A. Mearns   9171909-07-17
Kenya, Vicinity of Lake Naivasha, British East Africa., 1860 - 1950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 630273E. A. Mearns   2591909-05-26
Kenya, Nairobi Area, Vicinity of Nairobi, on the Uganda Railway, British East Africa., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2862810O. M. Mwangangi   7771968-04-19
Kenya, Kenya K3, Naivasha District, S.W. of Lake Naivasha c. 100 yds. from the dhore near Y.M.C.A. Camp., 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 630303E. A. Mearns   2871909-05-26
Kenya, Nairobi Area, Vicinity of Nairobi, on the Uganda Railway, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 630481E. A. Mearns   4591909-06-12
Kenya, Southern N'guaso Nyiro River, "Sotik Country," British East Africa., 1800 - 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 631360E. A. Mearns   13101909-09-21
Kenya, Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath"zone., 3630m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Crotalaria erlangeri (Baker f.) Harms ex Hutch. & Bruce
US 2481163W. C. Burger   14331962-01-07
Ethiopia, Harar prov, NW face of Gara Mullata Mtn, ca. 50 km. due W of Harar., 9.27 41.72, 2500 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1862102P. J. Greenway   75761946-02-04
Tanzania, S. Mbulu Dist, T.T. Nangwa, Mt. Hanang., 2103m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 630127E. A. Mearns   1251909-05-20
Kenya, Nairobi Area, Juja Farm, the estate of W.n. McMillan, near Nairobi, British East Africa., 1500m

New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium

NY:Vascular Plants
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4801957L. Ellemann   3911993-04-22
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro (Distr.), Ngorongoro Conservation Area, between Endulen Hospital and Ndiyan, -3.2 35.27, 1900m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04801956L. Ellemann   8751993-08-29
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro (Distr.), Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Entim e Rotian, close to Rhino-lodge, -3.25 35.52, 2200m

NY:Vascular Plants
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4801961L. Ellemann   8211993-08-22
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro (Distr.), Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Esongoyo, forest 23 km from Alaililai, -3.17 35.47

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4801962L. Ellemann   7531993-07-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro (Distr.), Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Naiyobi, -2.85 35.85, 2300m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04802095D. A. Burney   L621985-04-29
Kenya, Kiambu, K4, near Lari Swamp., 2362m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04802041R. E. S. Tanner   15601953-07-05
Tanzania, Geita, Geita (Distr.), Kaseni Parish, Uzinza Chiefdom, 1158m

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Herbarium Specimens

K000058262Glover, P.E.; Tucker; Gwynne, M.D.; Samuel, S.P.   25111961-08-18
Oltarakwai., -1.5 35.82

K000058256Linder, D.H.   26051927-03-21
East of Nairobi in Athi plains, -1.42 36.88

K000058251Perdue, R.E.; Kibuwa, S.P.   82081966-12-08
Along Thika road, 6.5miles North East of Ruiru., -1.98 37.17

K000058257Evans, M.   109361909-07-19
-1.75 38.7

K000058252Napier, E.R.   1301930-03-28
-1.28 36.82

K000058261McDonald, J.   943
Near Naivasha, -0.72 36.55

K000058255Polhill, R.M.   24121964-03-23
Main Nairobi-Nakuru road, top of escarpment above R.Kedong., -1.05 36.57

Image Associated With the Occurence
K000412755Procter, J.   1513
Mbeya Peak Forest Camp S.H. Province (Also common in Image Forest Reserve, Iringa District)

Image Associated With the Occurence
K000412753Procter, J.   1513
Mbeya Peak Forest Camp S.H. Province (Also common in Image Forest Reserve, Iringa District)

Image Associated With the Occurence
K000412754Procter, J.   1513
Mbeya Peak Forest Camp S.H. Province (Also common in Image Forest Reserve, Iringa District)

K000058260Polhill, E.   231963-09-24
-0.72 36.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
K000058253Faden, R.B.; Faden, A.J.; Ng'weno, F.   2191974-03-10
Nairobi-Mombasa road, near the drive-in cinema., -1.32 36.83

Image Associated With the Occurence
K000058264Gilbert, M.G.   63681981-09-20
c. 12km ESE of Bissel., -2.18 36.87

K000058265Greenway, P.J.   84681950-11-09
The Jex-blakes garden., -1.28 36.82

Image Associated With the Occurence
K000412757Dawe, M.T.   6
Dumu, Buddu Masaka District

K000058259Muka   9021902-06-03

16409.000Hughes, J.   2591954-08-30
Moshi Dist, W. Kilimanjaro

Image Associated With the Occurence
K000412756Procter, J.   1513
Mbeya Peak Forest Camp S.H. Province (Also common in Image Forest Reserve, Iringa District)

K000058254Hucks, H.P.   340
-3 38.67

K000058263Bally, P.R.O.   82601952-07-22
Keroli road K.C., -0.92 36.58

South Dakota State University, C. A. Taylor Herbarium

0016860Gary E. Larson   6848a1981-06-05
Kenya, Serena Lodge, Masai Mara National Reserve

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