Search Results (List)

Dataset: NY-Vascular Plants
Search Criteria: Zambia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 15, records 1401-1500 of 1664

New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4809403E. A. Robinson   68941966-03-20
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4809412E. A. Robinson   69291966-04-11
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4809413E. A. Robinson   64291965-03-14
Zambia, Central Province. Iolanda, N. Bank of R. Kafue, near Kafue town.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4809433E. A. Robinson   63941965-03-05
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4809434E. A. Robinson   64471965-03-20
Zambia, Central Province 25 km. W. of Lusaka on Mumbwa road.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04753269E. A. Robinson   67481965-12-22
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4764748E. A. Robinson   67201965-12-22
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4764750E. A. Robinson   68591966-03-05
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4764754E. A. Robinson   68191966-01-20
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04709453E. A. Robinson   62251964-01-19
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4710731E. A. Robinson   62071964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4710737E. A. Robinson   36411960-04-16
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), Matonchi Farm, 1400m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04710735E. A. Robinson   33571960-02-28
Zambia, Copperbelt, Luanshya (Distr.), 1300m

NY:Vascular Plants
5013997Mrs. H. M. Richards   133191960-10-10
Zambia, Fort Jameson District. Luangwa Game Reserve, Rig Lagoon Camp., 600m

NY:Vascular Plants
05017175E. A. Robinson   56121963-08-25
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
5000306E. A. Robinson   51471962-05-06
Zambia, Northern, Kasama (Distr.), 96 kms E of Kasama

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Schoenoplectiella lateriflora var. laterifolia (J.F.Gmel.) Lye
4734904E. A. Robinson   51531962-05-06
Zambia, Northern, Kasama (Distr.), 100 km. E. of Kasama

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
05000425Mrs. H. M. Richards   195411965-01-15
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Chinakila Path to Kaniyka Flats, 1200m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
05000441E. A. Robinson   62851964-12-15
Zambia, Fort Jameson

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
5000444E. A. Robinson   62671964-12-06
Zambia, Central Province R.S.T. Polder on Kafue Flats

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
05000472E. A. Robinson   64481965-03-20
Zambia, Central Province 25 km. W. of Lusaka on Mumbwa road.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mariscus pubens (Kük.) Podlech
4721144E. A. Robinson   31921959-01-13
Zambia, 30m SE of Tunduma, 1341m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04801600P. J. Tyrer   4091962-08-11
Zambia, Bulaya, Chishyela Dambo, N.E. of Mweru-wa-Ntipa., -8.83 29.67, 945m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4720562E. A. Robinson   68461966-02-20
Zambia, 10 km. E. of Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Crassocephalum telmatophilum (O.Hoffm.) Milne-Redh.
05012703E. A. Robinson   57751963-10-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Brachiaria serrata (Thunb.) Stapf
4407440E. A. Robinson   61951964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100 - 129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4802437E. A. Robinson   66321965-04-18
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), Kabompo Gorge

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4802446E. A. Robinson   64931965-03-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex chlorosaccus C.B.Clarke
4710686E. A. Robinson   33191960-02-03
Zambia, Mpongwe, 40m S of Luanshya, 1219m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04720474E. A. Robinson   61141963-12-16
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), Near Katanga border, 18 km. E. of Kalene Hill

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus tenax Boeckeler
4719385E. A. Robinson   61561964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4710741E. A. Robinson   62071964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex chlorosaccus C.B.Clarke
4710687E. A. Robinson   35311960-04-10
Zambia, North-Western, Solwezi (Distr.), 1350m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex chlorosaccus C.B.Clarke
4710688E. A. Robinson   30011959-01-02
Zambia, Nyika Plateau, 2225m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4802206Mrs. H. M. Richards   195341965-01-15
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Chinakila Kaniyka Flats, 1200m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04802269W. R. Bainbridge   7181963-02-01
Zambia, Southern, Kalomo (Distr.), Kalundu, a small "island" of tree savanna to savanna-woodland, rising to +/-50' above the surrounding dambo, about 3/4 mile S.W. of Siburu forest. Sekute Chieftaincy. Map ref. 1725 A4, 945m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4753397W. R. Bainbridge   5151961-07-09
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), Near road bridge across Zongwe river, Sinazongwe area, Gwembe Valley., 488m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04801502Mrs. H. M. Richards   196091965-02-09
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Kalambo Falls, 1200m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4791145E. A. Robinson   58891963-12-11
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), Kalene Hill

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia campylacantha Hochst. ex A.Rich.
4792726W. R. Bainbridge   4751961-07-10
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), Nangombe river, Duleya area, Sinazongwe Chieftaincy, Gwembe Valley., 549m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4792740W. R. Bainbridge   7461963-02-15
Zambia, Southern, Kalomo (Distr.), Narrow Acacia thicket fringing on Nangombe dambo, 1/2 mile south of southern edge of Siburu forest. Sekute Chieftaincy.Map Ref. 1725 A4, 945m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04792738W. R. Bainbridge   4551961-06-29
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), Tsetse Supervisor's house, Sinazongwe, Gwembe Valley., 488m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaecrista mimosoides var. glabriuscula
4799575E. A. Robinson   68411966-02-20
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaecrista mimosoides var. mimosoides
4799534E. A. Robinson   63921965-03-05
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaecrista mimosoides var. mimosoides
4799536E. A. Robinson   64021965-03-05
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaecrista mimosoides var. mimosoides
4799537E. A. Robinson   63931965-03-05
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cryptosepalum exfoliatum subsp. pseudotaxus (Baker f.) P.A.Duvign. & Brenan
04799628W. R. Bainbridge   6631962-12-17
Zambia, Near head of Machili dambo (source), in poor watershed woodland, Momba Chieftaincy. (Only found in northern tip of Kalomo and in Kafue National Park in whole of S. Province., 1052m

NY:Vascular Plants
5021262W. R. Bainbridge   5271961-08-07
Zambia, Southern, Choma (Distr.), Siasikabole-Singani area, 2 miles S. of Singani's court, nr. Muzuma river., 1280m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Bulbostylis schoenoides (Kunth) C.B.Clarke
4710460E. A. Robinson   20291957-01-05
Zambia, 30m N of Choma, by side of Namwala road, 1128m

NY:Vascular Plants
Gymnanthemum glaberrimum (Welw. ex O.Hoffm.) H.Rob.
5021716W. R. Bainbridge   5431961-08-14
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), Road from Masuku Mission down escarpment to Mamba in Mwemba Chieftaincy, Gwembe., 1158m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04798882E. A. Robinson   51871962-05-20
Zambia, Northern, Kasama (Distr.), Chishimba Falls.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dolichos niger
04798903W. R. Bainbridge   8511963-06-12
Zambia, Southern, Choma (Distr.), Mukwhizo Botanical Reservation Proposal, +/- 4 mls. north of Masuku Mission on Sinangambe rd, near Siagatuba. Map Ref. 1727 A1, 1259m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4809748W. R. Bainbridge   5011961-07-07
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), Sinazongwe area, Gwembe Valley., 518m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ormocarpum pubescens (Hochst.) Cufod. ex J.B.Gillett
04810789W. R. Bainbridge   8171963-06-09
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), Along dry watersource in mopane scrub, 2 mls.south of Chaanga (on road to Lukwechele, D.502) Sinadambwe Chieftancy. Map Ref. 1628 A4, 546m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pericopsis angolensis (Baker) Meeuwen
4810932Mrs. H. M. Richards   135751960-11-15
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Kalambo Falls., 1050m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Rattraya petiolata J.B.Phipps
04393526W. R. Bainbridge   7511963-02-23
Zambia, Southern, Livingstone (Distr.), Lip of 5th Gorge, Victoria Falls Trust Area Map Ref. 1725 D4, 877m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04407388E. A. Robinson   57791963-10-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Bulbostylis schoenoides (Kunth) C.B.Clarke
4710469E. A. Robinson   25981958-01-03
Zambia, Central, Mkushi (Distr.), Fiwila, 1219m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pycreus macranthus (Boeckeler) C.B.Clarke
04734654E. A. Robinson   61791964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
5018548E. A. Robinson   55901963-07-28
Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka (Distr.)

NY:Vascular Plants
Macledium plantaginifolium (O.Hoffm.) S.Ortíz
05012850E. A. Robinson   51931962-05-20
Zambia, Northern, Kasama (Distr.), Chishimba Falls.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mariscus involutus C.B.Clarke
04721077Mrs. H. M. Richards   16821956-06-19
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Lake Chila, 1615m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4720526E. A. Robinson   43181961-01-29
Zambia, Hot springs 18 kms W of Shiwa Ngandu, 1300m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4718864E. A. Robinson   61531964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04811881W. R. Bainbridge   7601963-00-00
Zambia, Southern, Livingstone (Distr.), Lip of 5th Gorge, Victoria Falls Trust Area. Map Ref. 1725 D4, 877m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4811985W. R. Bainbridge   6801963-01-24
Zambia, Southern, Kalomo (Distr.), Bombwe forest. Nyawa Chieftaincy. Map ref.1725A2, 945m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4812067E. A. Robinson   63851965-02-14
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4812068E. A. Robinson   65151965-03-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4812073E. A. Robinson   65161965-03-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4812078E. A. Robinson   65261965-03-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4812079E. A. Robinson   65001965-03-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04735116E. A. Robinson   50751962-04-03
Zambia, Mungwi, Kasama

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Bulbostylis schoenoides (Kunth) C.B.Clarke
4710463E. A. Robinson   16791956-06-19
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Lake Chila, 1615m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Tristachya kerstingii (Pilg.) C.E.Hubb.
04709985E. A. Robinson   64061965-03-05
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
5021554E. A. Robinson   55911963-07-28
Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka (Distr.)

NY:Vascular Plants
5021563Mrs. H. M. Richards   129191960-08-01
Zambia, Ufipa District, Abercorn Road, Mpui side of river., 1350m

NY:Vascular Plants
Lippia whytei Moldenke
05002553E. A. Robinson   61701964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Nemum equitans (Kük.) J.Raynal
4734585E. A. Robinson   26811958-01-05
Zambia, Central, Mkushi (Distr.), Fiwila, 1219m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Teclea fischeri (Engl.) Engl.
04822457W. R. Bainbridge   5251961-08-07
Zambia, Southern, Choma (Distr.), Siasikabole area, near Zhimu river, Singani Chieftaincy., 1280m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04822576W. R. Bainbridge   7571963-03-02
Zambia, Southern, Livingstone (Distr.), Near Candalabra pool, where Chiababi stream plunges over Fifth Gorge, Victoria Falls Trust Area. (1/4 miles south of Eastern Cataract) Map Ref. 1725 D4, 875m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Zanthoxylum trijugum (Dunkley) P.G.Waterman
04822622W. R. Bainbridge   6291962-12-11
Zambia, Southern, Kalomo (Distr.), Nachitwe forest, Malavwe-Nachitwe Forest Reserve, 960m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04737113W. R. Bainbridge   5871961-09-10
Zambia, Southern, Choma (Distr.), Siamambo Forest station; dambo in front of resthouse., 1265m

NY:Vascular Plants
Vitex buchananii Baker ex Gürke
05030286Mrs. H. M. Richards   190241964-02-15
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Kalambo Falls., 900m

NY:Vascular Plants
Baccharoides adoensis var. mossambiquensis (Steetz) Isawumi, El-Ghazaly & B.Nord.
05021995W. R. Bainbridge   8151963-06-08
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), In gardens at foot of hill below old Boma Map Ref. 1628 A4, 564m

NY:Vascular Plants
5022017Mrs. H. M. Richards   114981959-10-12
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Kawimbe-Abercorn., 1740m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4791218W. R. Bainbridge   8531963-06-12
Zambia, Southern, Choma (Distr.), Siagatuba/Sinangombe area, +/- 5 mls.nth.of Masuku Mission Map Ref. 1727A1, 1250m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4791219W. R. Bainbridge   5411961-08-12
Zambia, Southern, Choma (Distr.), 8 miles from Choma on the Masuku road. Sinagani Chieftaincy., 1280m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4408507E. A. Robinson   68531966-02-20
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diheteropogon amplectens (Nees) Clayton
04408530E. A. Robinson   64101965-03-05
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis capensis (Thunb.) Trin.
4408961E. A. Robinson   55941963-08-14
Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka (Distr.)

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4408506E. A. Robinson   68041966-01-20
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4791227W. R. Bainbridge   4661961-07-03
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), Makula streams, Sinazongwe Chieftaincy, Gwembe Valley., 503m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4791276W. R. Bainbridge   4471961-06-24
Zambia, On low hill, Zeze area, Sinasongwe Chieftainoy, Gwembe Valley., 518m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4791311W. R. Bainbridge   5661961-08-23
Zambia, Southern, Choma (Distr.), Siagatuba area, 5 miles N.E. Masuku Mission, Singani Chieftaincy., 1250m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4791360W. R. Bainbridge   5711961-08-23
Zambia, Southern, Choma (Distr.), Siagatuba area, nr. Masuku Mission, and whole of S. Choma district between line of rail and the escarpment., 1250m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04802017E. A. Robinson   51851962-05-20
Zambia, Northern, Kasama (Distr.), Chishimba Falls

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04802054E. A. Robinson   51941962-05-20
Zambia, Northern, Kasama (Distr.), Chishimba Falls.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4802383E. A. Robinson   69301966-04-11
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4802386E. A. Robinson   68281966-01-29
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4802388E. A. Robinson   68251966-01-29
Zambia, Mongu

Page 15, records 1401-1500 of 1664


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