Search Results (List)

Dataset: NY-Vascular Plants
Search Criteria: Zambia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1664

New York Botanical Garden, Lynda Steere Herbarium

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
137330R. Milne-Redhead   43031938-01-24
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia: Mwinilunga District, just south of Matonchi Farm

NY:Vascular Plants
00827744A. Angus   28781961-05-23

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
00103717E. A. Robinson   51671962-05-13
Zambia, Kasanshi Dambo, 55 km. east southeast of Riporokoso

NY:Vascular Plants
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1844346N. B. Zimba   9111997-02-19
Zambia, Southern, Chief Mukuni, Songwe Gorge, 2.3 km east of ZESCO generation and transmission sub-station., -17.93 25.85, 960m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
01911951E. A. Robinson   55431963-07-07
Zambia, North-Western, [Kasempa District]: 55 km [...] of Kasempa

NY:Vascular Plants
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01911952E. A. Robinson   67561965-12-31
Zambia, Western, Mongu (Distr.), Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
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Lantana milne-redheadi Moldenke
137701E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead   35421937-12-07
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia; Mwinilunga District; Just west of Matonchi Farm

NY:Vascular Plants
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137702M. A. Macaulay   7351911-00-00
Zambia, Near Mumbwa, -15 28

NY:Vascular Plants
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336770R. G. N. Young   531932-07-13
Zambia, North Rhodesia: Ndola, Itawa River swamps

NY:Vascular Plants
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51306E. A. Robinson   67391965-12-12
Zambia, Western, Barotseland. 40 km NE of Mongu.

NY:Vascular Plants
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51304E. A. Robinson   63801965-02-14
Zambia, Central, Northern Rhodesia. Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. east of Lusaka.

NY:Vascular Plants
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51305E. A. Robinson   15501956-06-02
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia. shiwa Ngandu., 1524m

NY:Vascular Plants
428613J. Borle   254

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
03839071E. A. Robinson   56221963-08-25
Zambia, [Formerly Nothern Rhodesia] Central Province, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129km East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
03839346P. C. Lemon   PL-10081963-11-03
Zambia, Nyika Plateau, Kaulime Pond Margin, 2134m

NY:Vascular Plants
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00682920J. P. M. Brenan   76751947-08-11
Zambia, Western, Barotse. Sesheke. About 2 miles north-west of Masese Valley

NY:Vascular Plants
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04107357L. J. Brass   168791946-07-18
Zambia, Likubula Gorge, 840m

NY:Vascular Plants
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Mascarenhasia variegata Britten & Rendle
4195946L. J. Brass   163691946-06-20
Zambia, Likubula Gorge, 840m

NY:Vascular Plants
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Strophanthus holosericeus K.Schum. & Gilg
04191423W. H. Hodge   A1181951-04-07
Zambia, Northern, Kalambo Falls, 22 miles north of Abercorn on Tanganyika border

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Drosera affinis Welw. ex Oliv.
03839314M. Richards   275441971-11-11
Zambia, Zambia, Serenje D. Kundalila Falls. Swamp near Camp SIG with dark mud., 5000m

NY:Vascular Plants
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04044769E. A. Robinson   65651965-04-15
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), 7 km. U. of Kalene Hill

NY:Vascular Plants
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Euphorbia Lanj.
4048483B. D. Burtt   61931937-05-00
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Tanganyika territory. Abercorn [Mbala]

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Acalypha villicaulis Hochst. ex A.Rich.
3925441J. M. Mutimushi   29771969-05-01
Zambia, North-Western, Solwezi (Distr.), woodland

NY:Vascular Plants
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3925303Collector unspecified   3791968-12-12
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Mbala D, Chipululu Farm, 1676m

NY:Vascular Plants
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04048437B. D. Burtt   62291936-06-18
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Northern Rhodesia; Abercorn District [now Mbala], 2103m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia Lanj.
4048487E. A. Robinson   64261965-03-14
Zambia, Lusaka, Kafue (Distr.), Northern Rhodesia; Central province; Iolanda, N. Bank of River Kafue, near Kafue town. Open sandy ground.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
3925304W. R. Bainbridge   6161962-11-30
Zambia, Southern, Nachitwe forest, Malavwe-Nachitwe Forest Reserve (near Simamba) on Barotse Cattle Cordon Rd., 968m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Alsophila dregei (Kunze) R.M.Tryon
4006426F. White   32481952-09-14
Zambia, North-Western, Northern Rhodesia Solwezi to Kansanchi Mine, mile 5

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4094742P. C. Lemon   PL10491964-03-06
Zambia, Nyika Plateau, Chelinda Forestry Depot, 2134m

NY:Vascular Plants
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313020T. Kassner   21621907-12-27
Zambia, Rhodesia: Katinina Hills

NY:Vascular Plants
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25069E. A. Robinson   47411961-12-21
Zambia, Northern, Kasama District (Mungur). Dry Brachystegia woodland.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
51769E. A. Robinson   47121961-10-01
Zambia, Northern, Northern Rhodesia. 80 km S of Abercorn [= Mbala]

NY:Vascular Plants
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51777E. A. Robinson   50801962-04-17
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia. Kallungu Dambo, 100 km E of Kasama.

NY:Vascular Plants
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11786E. A. Robinson   32431959-01-19
Zambia, Southern, 7 m N of Choma, 1311m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Richardsiella eruciformis Elffers & Kenn.-O'Byrne
431496Mrs. H. M. Richards   53801955-04-09
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia: Abercorn District, Chilongwelo, open ground path to "Plain of Death", 1463m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
25051J. B. Phipps   32331961-04-16
Zambia, Northern, Five miles north of Muzombwe, west side of Mveru-Wa-Ntipa, District Mporokoso. Laterite, grassy, "hard-pan" in "mateshi" thicket. Alt. 3500 ft.

NY:Vascular Plants
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51772E. A. Robinson   49211962-02-04
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia. Kasanshi Dambo, 55 km ESE of Mporokoso

NY:Vascular Plants
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Cyperus mwinilungensis var. major Podlech
11785E. A. Robinson   44311961-03-04
Zambia, Northern, 103 km E of Kasama

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Scleria patula E.A.Rob.
51770E. A. Robinson   36961960-04-04
Zambia, Banks of R. Kafue, 11 km N of Chingola

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
2026Mrs. H. M. Richards   119521959-12-10
Zambia, Abercorn [Mbala] District, Lufubu River, Iyendwe Valley. On path to Shulu Kwesa village., 780m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Scleria arcuata E.A.Rob.
51768E. A. Robinson   51361962-04-29
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia. 80 km S of Kasama.

NY:Vascular Plants
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6701A. H. Gamwell   2161934-04-00
Zambia, Abercorn District., 1463m

NY:Vascular Plants
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11784E. A. Robinson   45611961-03-30
Zambia, Northern, 40 km ESE of Kasama

NY:Vascular Plants
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51778E. A. Robinson   50561962-03-28
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia. Lwena mission, Luwingu District.

NY:Vascular Plants
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51773E. A. Robinson   47421961-12-21
Zambia, Northern, Kasama, Northern Rhodesia. Mungwi.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
413990E. W. B. H. Milne-Redhead   39281938-01-02
Zambia, Mivinilingua District, 0.5 mile S of Matorchi farm

NY:Vascular Plants
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11783E. A. Robinson   40211960-10-29
Zambia, Northern, Kasama, Mungwi

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
11782E. A. Robinson   32071959-01-14
Zambia, Northern, 26 m S of Chinsali, 1341m

NY:Vascular Plants
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51771E. A. Robinson   47231961-12-12
Zambia, Northern, Northern Rhodesia. 8 km E of Kasama

NY:Vascular Plants
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51775E. A. Robinson   44731961-03-13
Zambia, Nyika Plateau, near Rest House., 2150m

NY:Vascular Plants
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51776E. A. Robinson   44731961-03-13
Zambia, Nyika Plateau, near Rest House., 2150m

NY:Vascular Plants
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51779E. A. Robinson   42201961-01-03
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia. Banks of R. Kafue, 11 km N. of Chingola.

NY:Vascular Plants
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00682919A. Angus   30291961-07-22
Zambia, Mongu. 9 miles S. of Memushakendo

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
00827696Mrs. H. M. Richards   190141964-02-13
Zambia, [Data from an additional label associated with the sheet:] Abercorn District. Sandpits Abercorn., 1500m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
00827803A. Angus   29471961-06-25
Zambia, On slope of Kafue Gorge.

NY:Vascular Plants
00827931A. Angus   30431961-07-26
Zambia, Province: S. [Southern?]. District: Li. [Livingstone]. In the Palm Grove, Victoria Falls.

NY:Vascular Plants
00829459N. B. Zimba   9111997-02-19
Zambia, Southern, Chief Mukuni, Songwe Gorge, 2.3 km east of ZESCO generation and transmission sub-station., -17.93 25.85, 960m

NY:Vascular Plants
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04205539B. E. Gates   1401973-07-13
Zambia, Southern, Waste ground outside offices, Lochinvar, Lochinvar National Park.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Kyllingiella microcephala (Steud.) R.W.Haines & Lye
4720977E. A. Robinson   62001964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
04720983E. A. Robinson   32041959-01-14
Zambia, 26m S of Chinsali, 1341m

NY:Vascular Plants
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Nemum equitans (Kük.) J.Raynal
4734589E. A. Robinson   57121963-10-13
Zambia, Central, Serenje (Distr.), Kundalila Falls

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Scleria rehmannii C.B.Clarke
04735198E. A. Robinson   61811964-01-10
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Fimbristylis oligostachys Hochst. ex A.Rich.
04720550E. A. Robinson   45391961-03-17
Zambia, 12 km S of Abercorn

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Schoenoplectiella triangulata (Roxb.) J.Jung & H.K.Choi
4734942E. A. Robinson   58201963-11-16
Zambia, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka, Central Province.

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Kyllingiella microcephala (Steud.) R.W.Haines & Lye
4720981E. A. Robinson   20481957-01-08
Zambia, Southern, Namwala (Distr.), 1006m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
4718868E. A. Robinson   9831954-11-27
Zambia, Muckleneuk, 12m N of Choma, 1280m

NY:Vascular Plants
05000761W. R. Bainbridge   4261961-11-11
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), At lower end of Kariba gorge on banks of the Zambesi at the foot of a sandstone hill., 335m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mariscus pubens (Kük.) Podlech
4721146E. A. Robinson   13401956-02-08
Zambia, Simasunda, 3m NNE of Mapanza, 1067m

NY:Vascular Plants
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4718879E. A. Robinson   25441958-01-01
Zambia, Southern, Kalomo (Distr.), 1280m

NY:Vascular Plants
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4720986Mrs. H. M. Richards   79871957-01-24
Zambia, Kawimbe, Abercorn

NY:Vascular Plants
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Cyperus prieurianus (Steud.) T.Koyama
4719084E. A. Robinson   20811957-01-09
Zambia, Southern, Namwala (Distr.), 1006m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros quiloensis (Hiern) F.White
04998905W. R. Bainbridge   4481961-06-24
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), About 6 miles from Sinazongwe on the main Sinazongwe-Choma road, Sinazongwe Chieftaincy, Gwembe Valley., 762m

NY:Vascular Plants
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04735170E. A. Robinson   17381956-06-24
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Uninji Pans, 1615m

NY:Vascular Plants
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4735354E. A. Robinson   35531960-04-15
Zambia, 95km E of Mwinilunga, 1350m

NY:Vascular Plants
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4720321E. A. Robinson   15371956-06-02
Zambia, Muchinga, Mpika (Distr.), Shiwa Ngandu, 1524m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mariscus pubens (Kük.) Podlech
4721147Mrs. H. M. Richards   80111957-01-30
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Kawimbi

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich.
4812599E. A. Robinson   61411964-01-07
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
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04998916W. R. Bainbridge   4641961-07-02
Zambia, Southern, Gwembe (Distr.), On banks of the Zongwe river about 1 mile upstream from the Sinazongwe-Mwemba road crossing, Sinazongwe Chieftaincy, Gwembe Valley., 503m

NY:Vascular Plants
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4812749E. A. Robinson   68241966-01-29
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
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4812768E. A. Robinson   68751966-03-14
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
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4812788E. A. Robinson   64511965-03-20
Zambia, Central Province 25 km. W. of Lusaka on Mumbwa road.

NY:Vascular Plants
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4812789E. A. Robinson   66381965-04-19
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), Kabompo Gorge

NY:Vascular Plants
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4812790E. A. Robinson   66501965-04-19
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), 25 km. N. of Kabompo Gorge

NY:Vascular Plants
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4812791E. A. Robinson   64951965-03-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
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4393048E. A. Robinson   65611965-03-27
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
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4393049E. A. Robinson   65671965-04-15
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), 7 km. N. of Kalene Hill

NY:Vascular Plants
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4812792E. A. Robinson   67361965-12-20
Zambia, Mongu

NY:Vascular Plants
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4812799P. J. Tyrer   5091962-08-16
Zambia, Bulaya, Chishyela Dambo, N.E. of Mweru-wa-Ntipa., -8.83 29.67, 930m

NY:Vascular Plants
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4393014E. A. Robinson   61241963-12-18
Zambia, 80 km. W. of Chingola.

NY:Vascular Plants
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4721031E. A. Robinson   32161959-01-15
Zambia, Shiwa Ngandu, 1311m

NY:Vascular Plants
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4813655E. A. Robinson   61421964-01-07
Zambia, Central, Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East of Lusaka

NY:Vascular Plants
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4813508E. A. Robinson   66081965-04-17
Zambia, North-Western, Mwinilunga (Distr.), Samahina, NE. of Ikelenge

NY:Vascular Plants
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04720109E. A. Robinson   13031955-06-16
Zambia, Chipembi, 15m E of Chisamba, 1219m

NY:Vascular Plants
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Kyllingiella microcephala (Steud.) R.W.Haines & Lye
4720975Mrs. H. M. Richards   29701959-12-31
Zambia, Northern Rhodesia. Abercorn, 1615m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Kyllingiella microcephala (Steud.) R.W.Haines & Lye
4720978E. A. Robinson   26681958-01-07
Zambia, Central, Mkushi (Distr.), Fiwila, 1341m

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Kyllingiella microcephala (Steud.) R.W.Haines & Lye
4720980E. A. Robinson   13371956-01-26
Zambia, Kabanga, 5m W of Mapanza, 1067m

NY:Vascular Plants
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Cyperus melanacme (Nelmes) Raymond
04718921Mrs. H. M. Richards   81271957-02-09
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Chilongolwelo

NY:Vascular Plants
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4719145E. A. Robinson   15241956-06-01
Zambia, Muchinga, Mpika (Distr.), Shiwa Ngandu, 1524m

NY:Vascular Plants
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Fuirena abnormalis C.B.Clarke
04720660Mrs. H. M. Richards   128971960-07-21
Zambia, Northern, Mbala (Distr.), Sand Pits

NY:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Citropsis daweana Swingle & M.Kellerm.
4822196W. R. Bainbridge   7311963-02-13
Zambia, Southern, Kalomo (Distr.), N.W. & S.W. edges of Siburu forest. Sekute Chieftaincy. Map ref 1725 A4, 945m

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