Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 83, records 8201-8300 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
111991L.B. Mwasumbi   162391992-06-11
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, NE foot and lower slopes of Rungwe Mountain, ca. 4 km NNE of Rungwe Peak and 5 km SSE of Kiwira Forest Station., -9.1 33.68333, 2280 - 2400m

MO:Seed Plants
111496J.C. Lovett   16851987-03-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Daraja ya Mungu. Kivere estate on the Lulange road. Thicket on rocky outcrops near a stream. 08º35'S 35º20E 1800 m, -8.58333 35.33333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
111098J.C. Lovett   18551987-03-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo plateau. High altitude grassland between Kitulo and Matamba., -9.08333 33.83333, 2600m

MO:Seed Plants
111386J.C. Lovett   9291986-10-14
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi grassland in clumps of trees on termite mounds., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
110377Greg C. de Nevers   32811984-04-14
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Mikumi National Park: flood plain; grassland with scattered trees., -7.25 37.16666

MO:Seed Plants
110986Roy E. Gereau   47751992-06-16
Tanzania, Mbeya, Kyela, Kyela District; ca. 14 km by road SSW of Bulongwa and 4 km S of Utengule near Ilevelo, on W side of top ridge of Livingstone Mountains, in lightly grazed natural grassland with some planted Pinus patula., -9.41666 34.05, 1940m

MO:Seed Plants
Indigofera hilaris Eckl. & Zeyh.
111298J.C. Lovett   9231986-09-23
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Recently brunt grassland on road to Kivadula farm. Between the Dar-Lusaka road and the old main road., -8.3833333 35.3333333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Fabaceae Lindl.
111282J.C. Lovett   9221986-09-23
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Recently brunt grassland on road to Kivadula farm. Between the Dar-Lusaka road and the old main road., -8.3833333 35.3333333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Fabaceae Lindl.
111330J.C. Lovett   9271986-09-23
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Recently brunt grassland on road to Kivadula farm. Between the Dar-Lusaka road and the old main road., -8.3833333 35.3333333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
111202J.C. Lovett   37651989-12-19
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Between Mshewe and Muvwa villages. Acacia woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
110203J.C. Lovett   19551987-03-05
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Brachystegia. Pterocarpus, Combretum woodland on Madibira road just before the escarpment., -8.25 35, 1350m

MO:Seed Plants
Kotschya aeschynomenoides (Welw. ex Baker) Dewit & P.A. Duvign.
110970C.J. Kayombo   9111989-08-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Uhafiwa - Luhega Forest., -8.41666 35.75, 1350m

MO:Seed Plants
110211J.C. Lovett   23771987-11-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. At top of lake., -8.5166667 35.1666667, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Kotschya uguenensis f. (Taub.) F. White
110242J.C. Lovett   23791987-11-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. At top of lake., -8.5166667 35.1666667, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
110280J.C. Lovett   23841987-11-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. At top of lake., -8.5166667 35.1666667, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
110407J.C. Lovett   23941987-11-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. At top of lake., -8.5166667 35.1666667, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
110328J.C. Lovett   21781987-05-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, Ruaha National Park. Mwayangi, Ruaha River Camp., -7.6666667 35.1666667, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Crotalaria cleomifolia Welw. ex Baker
110558J.C. Lovett   22011987-05-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Wet meadow grassland., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Kotschya aeschynomenoides (Welw. ex Baker) Dewit & P.A. Duvign.
110651J.C. Lovett   22141987-05-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Wet meadow grassland., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
110423J.C. Lovett   19751987-04-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Grasslands at bottom of escarpment on new Mgololo, to Sawala road, in river valley., -8.66666 35.5, 1150m

MO:Seed Plants
110463J.C. Lovett   19791987-04-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Grasslands at bottom of escarpment on new Mgololo, to Sawala road, in river valley., -8.66666 35.5, 1150m

MO:Seed Plants
110495J.C. Lovett   19831987-04-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Grasslands at bottom of escarpment on new Mgololo, to Sawala road, in river valley., -8.66666 35.5, 1150m

MO:Seed Plants
111442J.C. Lovett   33681989-11-19
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Brachystegia, Uapaca, Syzygium, Faurea, Protea woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
111456J.C. Lovett   33691989-11-19
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Brachystegia, Uapaca, Syzygium, Faurea, Protea woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
111426J.C. Lovett   37861989-12-20
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe village. Woodland with Brachystegia spiciformis, Uapaca kirkiana, Syzygium guineense subsp. guineense, Faurea, Protea., -8.83333 33.33333, 1300 - 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
111528J.C. Lovett   31631988-03-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Penny Penn's farm. Woodland above Ndembera river with Uapaca, Parinari curatellifolia., -8.23333 35.11666

MO:Seed Plants
Fabaceae Lindl.
111616J.C. Lovett   31701988-03-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Penny Penn's farm. Woodland above Ndembera river with Uapaca, Parinari curatellifolia., -8.23333 35.11666

MO:Seed Plants
Eriosema ellipticum Welw. ex Baker
111072J.C. Lovett   33301989-11-17
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Brachystegia, Uapaca, Syzygium, Faurea, Protea woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
111152J.C. Lovett   33371989-11-17
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Brachystegia, Uapaca, Syzygium, Faurea, Protea woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
111568J.C. Lovett   21101987-05-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Irundi Hill. Protea grassland with tree clumps., -8.5 35.25, 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
Glycine wightii (Graham ex Wight & Arn.) Verdc.
111504J.C. Lovett   21071987-05-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Irundi Hill. Protea grassland with tree clumps., -8.5 35.25, 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
Fabaceae Lindl.
111536J.C. Lovett   21091987-05-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Irundi Hill. Protea grassland with tree clumps., -8.5 35.25, 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
Kotschya uguenensis f. (Taub.) F. White
111464J.C. Lovett   7291986-05-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ulete, Swamp at edge of forest below Ghaui's farm. Forest itself dominated by Syzygium cordatum., -8.16666 35.5, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Argyrolobium rupestre (E. Mey.) Walp.
111130J.C. Lovett   14361987-02-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi swamp. Wet meadow., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Oxalis obliquifolia Steud. ex A. Rich.
112701Roy E. Gereau   35001991-01-06
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Base of steep ridge just north of Mbeya Peak in thin soil among gneiss boulders., -8.83333 33.3, 2600m

MO:Seed Plants
Pelargonium luridum (Andrews) Sweet
112507Roy E. Gereau   50771992-11-14
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Umalila Forest Reserve, ca. 7 km W of Ruanda II on road to Izumbwe (2 km SSE of main peak of Mbogo Mountain), on brushy S-facing slopes with scattered shrubs., -9.18333 33.3, 2180m

MO:Seed Plants
112468Roy E. Gereau   37391991-01-27
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, 9.3 km from Mbeya-Kyela highway on road between Igoma and Kitulo on south slope of Mporoto Mountains, in grassland with tree clumps., -9 33.7, 2360m

MO:Seed Plants
112493Roy E. Gereau   40821991-02-27
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Top ridge of Livingstone Mountains (boundary with Makete District and Iringa Region), on trail from Bumbigi to Kitulo in grassland with patches of Sinarundinaria alpina - Hagenia abyssinica forest., -9.16666 33.9, 2700m

MO:Seed Plants
112715Roy E. Gereau   27711989-01-02
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, 31 km NW of Mafinga on Madibira Road in scrubby vegetation in murram soil dominated by Brachystegia spiciformis and Uapaca kirkiana., -8.2 35.1, 1640m

MO:Seed Plants
112736Roy E. Gereau   16141985-01-04
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Arumeru Dist.; ridge southwest of summit of Mt. Meru ca. 4 km above Forestry Training Institute. Mixed evergreen and deciduous woods at top of slope above stream, at edge of pine plantation., -3.3 36.71666, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
112501Roy E. Gereau   28241989-01-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo (Elton) Plateau; rocky hill top above Matamba on road to Kitulo., -9.03333 33.95, 2700m

MO:Seed Plants
Pelargonium luridum (Andrews) Sweet
112034Daniel K. Harder   12301992-10-24
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, 11.0 km SSW of Moravian mission at Tatanda (Livingstone Memorial Mission) on Sumbawanga - Mbala (Zambia) highway, in partially burned miombo at foot of rocky (granitic) hill, [Safu Map]., -8.56666 31.48333, 1790m

MO:Seed Plants
Pelargonium luridum (Andrews) Sweet
112322J.C. Lovett   9211986-09-23
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Recently brunt grassland on road to Kivadula farm. Between the Dar-Lusaka road and the old main road., -8.3833333 35.3333333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Oxalis obliquifolia Steud. ex A. Rich.
113795J.C. Lovett   15861987-02-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi; edge of cultivation near the lake., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
112137C.J. Kayombo   9241989-08-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Uhafiwa. Kotschya woodland., -8.41666 35.75, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
113823J.C. Lovett   14651987-02-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Mt. Selegu. Northern side, ca. 20 km west of Mahange village. Riverine Forest, -7.5 36.16666, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
112481J.C. Lovett   17161987-03-11
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Idetero House. Garden by dams surrounded by Cupressus plantation, orginally forest., -8.5 35.5, 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
113781J.C. Lovett   17951987-03-29
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Chivanje, Tukuyu Tea Estates. Woodland with Uapaca, Faurea, Protea. Riverine forest at 850m with Adina microcephala, Harungana, Garcinia, Anthocleista, Parinari excelsa., -9.5 33.58333, 850 - 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Julbernardia globiflora (Benth.) Troupin
111138J.C. Lovett   29131988-01-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Upper Ndumbi Valley. Brachystegia woodland., -8.91666 34.08333, 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
Ormocarpum P. Beauv.
111488J.C. Lovett   29501988-01-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Elphon's Pass. Floodplain with Commiphora, Acacia., -7.36666 36.7, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
111362J.C. Lovett   18801987-03-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Lower Ndumbi Valley. Commiphora, Acacia woodland., -8.83333 33.83333, 1100m

MO:Seed Plants
115632Peter Goldblatt   82901986-11-26
Tanzania, Ruvuma, Songea Rural, Madaba District Waterfall 9 km west of Madaba Roadcamp, 3500 ft. Woodland and riverine thicket., 1068m

MO:Seed Plants
Desmodium repandum f. (Vahl) Poir. in F. Cuvier
110755J.C. Lovett   8601986-06-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, IFAKARA Mwanihana Forest Reserve above Sanje Village. Moist forest on edge of Gologolo mountains overlooking the Kilombero flood plain., -7.75 36.91666, 1250 - 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
110320J.C. Lovett   32321988-04-10
Tanzania, Dodoma, Mpwapwa, Mangalisa. Forest with Protea grassland glades., -7.15 36.4, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
110503J.C. Lovett   40941990-02-07
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Old cultivation at base of Pungaluma hills. Edge of Songwe and Pungaluma coffee plantations., -8.9 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
109180L.B. Mwasumbi   165761992-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Nkanda village, Mwasing'ombe stream, SW slopes of Livingstone Mountains., -9.56666 34.11666, 474 - 480m

MO:Seed Plants
109204L.B. Mwasumbi   165831992-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Nkanda village, Mwasing'ombe stream, SW slopes of Livingstone Mountains., -9.56666 34.11666, 474 - 480m

MO:Seed Plants
Senna singueana (Delile) Lock
110947J.C. Lovett   6771986-05-04
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Ruaha Valley, 400 km from DSM on Dar- Lusaka road. Under shady fig. Riverine closed woodland with baobabs on east side of road and dry woodland/scrub on the west side., -7.4 36.5, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
110971J.C. Lovett   6791986-05-04
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Ruaha Valley, 400 km from DSM on Dar- Lusaka road. Under shady fig. Riverine closed woodland with baobabs on east side of road and dry woodland/scrub on the west side., -7.4 36.5, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A. Rich.
110219J.C. Lovett   5811986-03-21
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Lukosi River Valley, by the fallen baobab and milestone about 10 km from the start of the Kitonga gorge on the Dar-Lusaka road. Riverine woodland., -7.6666667 36.25, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
115787B.E. Mhoro   62741989-09-05
Tanzania, Tanga, Handeni, Kwankonje. Open woodland areas., -5.25 38.2, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
113809J.C. Lovett   18781987-03-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Lower Ndumbi Valley. Commiphora, Acacia woodland., -8.83333 33.83333, 1100m

MO:Seed Plants
Fagaropsis angolensis (Engl.) Dale
117193L.B. Mwasumbi   135191987-11-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, T7. Nyehamutwe, Lunyanya (Hagafilo) Village, 10 km SE of Njombe on road to Songea. Seasonally wet swamp. Soft black soil., -9.4 34.75, 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
Clausena anisata f. (Willd.) Hook. f. ex Benth.
117373J.C. Lovett   23031987-09-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Tree clump in grassland., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Vepris amaniensis (Engl.) Mziray
117357J.C. Lovett   8691986-08-03
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Amani forest, near the guest house. Moist forest., -5.16666 38.58333, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
115895C.M. Taylor   85081989-01-11
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Along the Morogoro road ca. 6 km E of Mahenge village. Dry Commiphora-Acacia brush, canopy ca. 6-8 m tall., -7.63333 36.23333, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
114539Roy E. Gereau   46621992-06-12
Tanzania, Mbeya, Kyela, Kyela District; ca. 14 km by road SSW of Bulongwa and 4 km S of Utengule near Ilevelo on W side of top ridge of Livingstone Mountains in lightly grazed natural grassland with some planted Pinus patula., -9.41666 34.05, 1940m

MO:Seed Plants
116726C.J. Kayombo   3531989-03-27
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Igowole. Eucalyptus plantation and pine plantation., -8.51666 35.16666, 1850m

MO:Seed Plants
Clausena anisata f. (Willd.) Hook. f. ex Benth.
117187Peter Goldblatt   80861986-11-15
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbozi, Mbozi District 52 km north of Tunduma, road to Sumbawanga; woodland., -8.81666 32.76666

MO:Seed Plants
112126C.J. Kayombo   7161989-08-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Uhafiwa - Luhega. Forest., -8.41666 35.75, 1350m

MO:Seed Plants
112498H.O. Suleiman   391991-03-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo Plateau; open grassland, along river stream., -9.08333 33.96666, 2400m

MO:Seed Plants
111242J.C. Lovett   27141987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1200m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
111027J.C. Lovett   6851986-05-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, Lukosi River Valey, by the fallen baobab and milestone about 10 km from the start of the Kitonga gorge on the Dar-Lusaka road. Riverine woodland., -7.66666 36.25, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
114402Z.K. Rulangaranga   561989-07-31
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni, Pande Forest Reserve. Forest., -6.7 39.08333

MO:Seed Plants
114353Alwyn H. Gentry   622861988-04-28
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, Pugu Forest Reserve: 25 km SW of Dar- es-Salaam, near Kisarawe. Mature slightly disturbed forest on steep hills. TRANSECT 5, -6.83333 39.08333, 150 - 200m

MO:Seed Plants
114355Alwyn H. Gentry   623681988-04-30
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni, Pande Forest Reserve: 25 km NW of Dar es-Salaam. Forest on flat terrain, merging with savannah. TRANSECT 4, -6.66666 39.08333, 80m

MO:Seed Plants
Oxalidaceae R. Br.
112575J.C. Lovett   41811990-02-14
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Old cultivation at base of Pungaluma hills. Edge of Songwe and Pungaluma coffee plantations., -8.83333 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
Zornia apiculata Milne-Redh.
111552J.C. Lovett   18981987-04-03
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Sao Hill Pines. Grassland in pine plantation., -8.5 35.58333, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston
110987J.C. Lovett   16331987-03-02
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, On road outside Ruaha National Park boundary, 5 km beyond fork to Idodi. Acacia, Commiphora, Combretum bush with tetse flies., -7.66666 35.33333, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
111576J.C. Lovett   35871989-12-04
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Streamside forest on the Pungaluma Hills with Ficus, Trilepisium, Khaya, and Ensete., -8.83333 33.33333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
111402J.C. Lovett   31501988-02-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda. Moist forest., -8.6 35.61666, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
111218J.C. Lovett   25001987-10-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Tree clumps., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
111250J.C. Lovett   25041987-10-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Tree clumps., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Cordyla densiflora Milne-Redh.
111322J.C. Lovett   10341986-11-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, 400 km from DSM on Dar-Lusaka Road. Ruaha Valley. Under shady fig. Riverine thicket with Sorindeia madagascarensis, Afzelia quanzensis on south side of road. Dry Commiphora, Acacia scrub with baobabs on north side of road., -7.4 36.5, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
111449J.C. Lovett   18921987-04-03
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Sao Hill dambo. Wet meadow grassland., -8.5 35.58333, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
111210J.C. Lovett   20781987-05-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Irundi Hill, eastern end. Protea grassland with tree clumps., -8.5 35.25, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Acacia sieberiana var. woodii (Burtt Davy) Keay & Brenan
111090J.C. Lovett   16441987-03-02
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, 31 km from junction of main road and never ending road. Underneath two Afzelia trees on the way up escarpment., -7.66666 35.33333, 1100m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Argyrolobium tomentosum (Andrews) Druce
111338J.C. Lovett   16681987-03-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Kigogo, near the old forester's house., -8.58333 35.33333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
110995J.C. Lovett   22681987-09-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Recently burnt grasslands of Pine plantation firebreaks., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
111035J.C. Lovett   22711987-09-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Recently burnt grasslands of Pine plantation firebreaks., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
111074J.C. Lovett   22761987-09-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Recently burnt grasslands of Pine plantation firebreaks., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
111170J.C. Lovett   22841987-09-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Recently burnt grasslands of Pine plantation firebreaks., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
111258J.C. Lovett   22941987-09-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Recently burnt grasslands of Pine plantation firebreaks., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
111290J.C. Lovett   22971987-09-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Recently burnt grasslands of Pine plantation firebreaks., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
111512J.C. Lovett   23181987-10-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Luisenga Stream. Forest with Mystroxylon, Aphloia, Ilex, Cryptocaria, Garcinia kingaensis., -8.6333333 35.3, 1750m

MO:Seed Plants
111416J.C. Lovett   3288A1989-11-16
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Brachystegia, Uapaca, Syzygium, Faurea, Protea woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
111058J.C. Lovett   10081986-10-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Recently burnt grasslands above Lake Kihanga., -8.5 35.25, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
111178J.C. Lovett   10191986-10-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Recently burnt grasslands above Lake Kihanga., -8.5 35.25, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Eriosema bauchiense Hutch. & Dalziel
111608J.C. Lovett   9511986-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Sao Hill burnt grassland by a small stream with Faurea and Apodytes., -8.4333333 35.2833333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Commiphora Jacq.
120369Alwyn H. Gentry   622431988-04-27
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, Pugu Forest Reserve: 25 km SW of Dar- es-Salaam, near Kisarawe. Mature slightly disturbed forest on steep hills. TRANSECT 2, -6.83333 39.08333, 150 - 200m

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