Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 60, records 5901-6000 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
Megathyrsus infestus (Andersson) B.K. Simon & S.W.L. Jacobs
100948618Paul M. Peterson   237982012-05-07
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni, University of Dar es Salaam, grassy area between track/basketball courts and Sam Nujoma Road along small trail., -6.7805556 39.2133333, 49m

MO:Seed Plants
Trisetopsis elongata (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Röser & A. Wölk
100948713Paul M. Peterson   240902012-06-02
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, NE of Sumbawanga., -7.8958333 31.7030556, 2253m

MO:Seed Plants
Trisetopsis milanjiana (Rendle) Röser & A. Wölk
100942773Paul M. Peterson   240182012-05-28
Tanzania, Njombe Region: Makete District: At 64 km W of Njombe on road towards Tandala., -9.3091667 34.2827778, 2387m

MO:Seed Plants
Disakisperma obtusiflorum (Hochst.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow
100940000Paul M. Peterson   241982012-06-12
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Mwanga, Below the North Pare Mountains, 2 km N of Kisangiro Village., -3.5991666 37.5513889, 771m

MO:Seed Plants
Pentameris pictigluma (Steud.) Galley & H.P. Linder
100941908Paul M. Peterson   240312012-05-29
Tanzania, Njombe Region: Just S of Katulo National Park (SW entrance) on road between Makete and Igoma., -9.1625 33.8922222, 2719m

MO:Seed Plants
Pentameris chrysurus (K. Schum.) Galley & H.P. Linder
100945922Paul M. Peterson   243312012-06-23
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro National Park, along trail from Big Tree Camp to Shira 1 camp on Lemoshso Route to Kibo., -3 37.19, 3026m

MO:Seed Plants
Aristella keniensis (Pilg.) Röser & H.R. Hamasha
100948652Paul M. Peterson   243242012-06-22
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Hai, Kilimanjaro National Park, 8 km W of Londorossi Gate., -2.9883333 37.0866666, 1747m

MO:Seed Plants
Cenchrus massaicus (Stapf) Morrone
100941888Paul M. Peterson   240712012-06-02
Tanzania, Rukwa, Mbezi Forest Reserve, NE of Sumbawanga. Along road and Mwambazi creek., -7.9091667 31.6766667, 2151m

MO:Seed Plants
Cenchrus polystachios (L.) Morrone
100948629Paul M. Peterson   238232012-05-17
Tanzania, Lindi, Kilwa, At Rushungi., -9.4311111 39.5952777, 0 - 9m

MO:Seed Plants
Cenchrus ramosus (Hochst.) Morrone
100948633Paul M. Peterson   244072012-07-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mikumi National Park., -7.3038889 37.0844444, 493m

MO:Seed Plants
Cenchrus thunbergii (Kunth) Morrone
100941897Paul M. Peterson   240072012-05-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Njombe Region: Makete District: At 64 km W of Njombe on road towards Tandala., -9.3091667 34.2827778, 2387m

MO:Seed Plants
Paspalum conjugatum P.J. Bergius
100982435B. Verdcourt   1281950-03-28
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Amani., -5.1 38.6333333, 915m

MO:Seed Plants
1839027P.J. Greenway   154541973-07-16
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Kilosa Dist, R. of Tanganyika. Locally common on a grey cracking clay with Sorghum-Chloris gayana-Cordia-Dalbergia melanoxylon-Allophylus-Euphoriba-and Hyparrhenia-Setaria grassland on a river bank. T6, Kipiri Water Hole, Mile 18.1 from HQ, 503m

MO:Seed Plants
Zonotriche inamoena (K. Schum.) Clayton
100982490C. Pedersen   9361972-03-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Urban, Iringa, just E of College of Natural Education., -7.7666667 35.7166667, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Snowdenia petitiana (A. Rich.) C.E. Hubb.
100982444C.F. Paget-Wilkes   4711969-04-03
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, -8.5833333 35.25, 1830 - 1980m

MO:Seed Plants
Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd.
2312182FRAME   971973-03-15
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro, T2. Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Empakaai Crater, western outer rim. Western exposure, well-drained brown soil., -2.91666 35.8, 3000m

MO:Seed Plants
Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd.
2312188G. Sally Bidgood   21251991-03-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, T7. Njombe Distr.: Poroto Mts, Kitulo Plateau, Ndumbi Valley. Montane grassland along small stream, rich dark brown volcanic soils., -9.05 34, 2500m

MO:Seed Plants
1850079G. Sally Bidgood   12471988-04-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Kimboza Forest, near Kibungo Mission. Evergreen coastal forest on crystalline limestone outcrops. Chlorophora, Rhodognaphalon and Terminalia sambesiaca dominant., -7.01666 37.81666, 450m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
100983930C.F. Paget-Wilkes   8481970-05-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Mufindi., -8.5833333 35.25, 1830 - 1980m

MO:Seed Plants
90209063Marshall R. Crosby   15296a1972-12-14
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulugura Mountains, NW slopes of Palata, 9 Km SSW of Morogoro, -6.9 37.7, 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
Moraceae Gaudich.
924423Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Fabaceae Lindl.
924500Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Kiwengoma Forest. Rufiji District, Coat Region, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
924460Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Loganiaceae R. Br. ex Mart.
924548Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1487172R. K. Brummitt   181021986-11-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo Plateau above Matamba, near waterfall on headwaters of Ndumbi R., -9.03333 33.93333, 2550m

MO:Seed Plants
924428Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Northern edge of the Matumbi Highlands. Dry scrub and Riverine Coastal Forest., -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Rubiaceae Juss.
924543Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
90207003POCS   6069/H1969-11-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, PARATYPE. Uluguru-Mountains. Ridge going NW from Lupanga-Peak, above Morogoro., -6.850831 37.704981, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Campylopodiella diversifolia V. Leroy bis & Thér.
90206985CORNELIS   s.n.1936-02-00
Tanzania, TYPE. Escarements d'Usambara. Ruanda-Urundi., -4.902003 38.582593, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
90207129T. Pócs   6004/N1969-08-16
Tanzania, Morogoro, ISOTYPE. Uluguru-Mts, above Morogoro, near Morningside., -6.866667 37.716667, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Fissidens inclusus Bizot & Dury
90207131T. Pócs   6398/A1971-02-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, ISOTYPE. Nguru Mts. Mountain forest on the ridge S of Kwamanga village above Mhonda Mission near Turiani., -6.15 37.6, 1400 - 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
90207132POCS   6309/N1970-12-13
Tanzania, Morogoro, ISOTYPE. Uluguru Mts. Subalpine elfin forest on the top of Bondwa., -6.905506 37.67325, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
90207363T. Pócs   6898/C1973-02-27
Tanzania, Morogoro, ISOTYPE. East Africa, Uluguru Mts. On granitic stones along the road leading from Morningside to the top of Bondwa, above Morogoro town, in montane rain forest., -6.889279 37.671611, 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
Papillaria africana (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
90189777Marshall R. Crosby   13235a1972-12-22
Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha National Park: Vicinity of confluence of Jekekumia River and Ngarenanyuki River. 5 km E by S of summit of ash cone in Meru Crater., -3.25 36.81666, 2200m

MO:Seed Plants
Papillaria africana (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
90190664Marshall R. Crosby   9112a1972-12-22
Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha, Arusha National Park: along road to Kitoto, vicinity of Ngarenanyuki River. 8 km E by S of summit of ash cone in Meru Crater., -3.25 36.83333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
90205566W. R. Q. Luke   110842005-06-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve pt18. Montane forest with grassy glades/hiltops & swamps., -7.11666 36.65, 2030m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
90208337Eustace W. Jones   6372/BB1971-01-07
Tanzania, Protected due to name conservation status, -4.81 38.5, 1750 - 1880m

MO:Seed Plants
Acroporium Mitt.
90212224T. Pócs   88184/m1988-09-14
Tanzania, NGuru Moutains in Morogoro Distrct. Ericaceous heath on the small E summit between CHAZI and DUIKURURA valleys WNW of Mhonda Mission, -6.11125 37.552711, 1575m

MO:Seed Plants
Acanthocladium trichocolea (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
90209278Eustace W. Jones   6372BU1971-01-07
Tanzania, West Usambara mts. Mossy forest dominated by Podocarpus, Melchiora Schliebenii and Ocotea usambarensis in the University Forest Reserve of Mazumbai On the sharp ridge W of the Village, -4.902003 38.582593, 1750 - 1880m

MO:Seed Plants
Acanthocladium trichocolea (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
90209279T. Pócs   6284/aa1970-11-15
Tanzania, N Uluguru Mts. SW ridge of Lupanga above the Village MBETE, -6.883333 37.7, 1500 - 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Acroporium megasporum (Duby) M. Fleisch.
90212226T. Pócs   6913/d1973-03-28
Tanzania, Uluguru Mts, N of Bunduki Forest St. MOntane Forest on the S ridge of Mt. Kifuru, -7.02426 37.621303, 1700 - 1875m

MO:Seed Plants
101016813P.J. Greenway   66791943-04-21
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Amani., -5.1 38.6333333, 915m

MO:Seed Plants
924969Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1992-03-05
Tanzania, Tanga, Tanga, -5.08333 39.03333, 20m

MO:Seed Plants
3472850R.E.S. Tanner   38551957-11-30
Tanzania, Arusha, Ngorongoro, Ngorongoro National Park, -3.16666 35.58333, 2135m

MO:Seed Plants
101042118A.L. Borhidi   821731982-02-23
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, University Forest Reserve near Mazumbai., -4.8 38.5, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.
101023826J.O. Ndege   852017-08-07
Tanzania, Kaskazini Unguja, Kaskazini B, Middle of Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest., -5.98625 39.3520667, 41m

MO:Seed Plants
924551Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
924738Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
Grewia L.
101023740J.O. Ndege   192017-07-14
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2702833 39.4249167, 2m

MO:Seed Plants
3439453L.B. Mwasumbi   138911987-12-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mts. 90 km North of Morogoro town, -6 37.7166667

MO:Seed Plants
Grewia conocarpa K. Schum.
924717Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Cola minor Brenan
101023717J.O. Ndege   22017-06-20
Tanzania, Kaskazini Unguja, Kaskazini B, Middle of Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest., -5.9998 39.36215, 20m

MO:Seed Plants
Rinorea Aubl.
101023818J.O. Ndege   762017-08-03
Tanzania, Kaskazini Unguja, Kaskazini B, Mchekeni Cliff., -5.9848 39.3538833, 40m

MO:Seed Plants
Rinorea angustifolia subsp. ardisiiflora (Welw. ex Oliv.) Grey-Wilson
924752Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
Rinorea elliptica (Oliv.) Kuntze
924966Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1993-03-03
Tanzania, Tanga, Tanga, -5.08333 39.03333, 20m

MO:Seed Plants
924938Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1992-08-08
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.31666 39.01666, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Caloncoba welwitschii (Oliv.) Gilg
924449Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
101023798J.O. Ndege   602017-07-25
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2779833 39.4150167, 9m

MO:Seed Plants
Peponium vogelii (Hook. f.) Engl.
101023761J.O. Ndege   342017-07-20
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2708 39.4188667, 4m

MO:Seed Plants
Peponium leucanthum (Gilg) Cogn.
924932Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1992-08-08
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Protected due to name conservation status, -8.32 39.02, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
1920668A.F. Stolz   17421899-00-00
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe

MO:Seed Plants
101023806J.O. Ndege   682017-07-28
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kati, Mchamvi [Michamvi]., -6.15 39.5, 15m

MO:Seed Plants
Rorippa micrantha (B. Heyne ex Roth) Jonsell
101036848M.I. Thulin   7221970-08-14
Tanzania, Dodoma, Mpwapwa, At Ruaha River c. 4 km west of Mtera bridge., -7.0833333 35.95, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
Pachystela brevipes (Baker) Baill. ex Engl.
924860Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
Bequaertiodendron magalismontanum (Sond.) Heine & J.H. Hemsl.
924792Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
Manilkara sansibarensis (Engl.) Dubard
924592Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, Kazimzumbwi Forest, Coast Reg. Groundwater and dry coastal forest types on the Pugu Hills, south of Kisarawe., -6.9666667 39.05, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros zombensis f. (B.L. Burtt) F. White
924509Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.9333333

MO:Seed Plants
Diospyros greenwayi f. F. White
101023821J.O. Ndege   802017-08-03
Tanzania, Kaskazini Unguja, Kaskazini B, Mchekeni Cliff., -5.99905 39.36115, 20m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros natalensis (Harv.) Brenan
411131Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-02-25
Tanzania, Pwani, Bagamoyo, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A. DC.
409942Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-08-02
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -7.66666 39.28333, 15m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros zombensis f. (B.L. Burtt) F. White
411145Frontier-Tanzania   Forest
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros zombensis f. (B.L. Burtt) F. White
1926304P. Kuchar   251872002-03-09
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural, Ihanja Div. 6 km N of Ihanja. Slightly undulating uplands, buff ?sandy silt. Open degraded thicket 1.5-4 m high, codominated by Combretum celastroides, Dichrostachys & Croton polytrichus, also abundant Burttia, Lannea fulva, Diospyros., -4.99444 34.68888, 1590m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros greenwayi f. F. White
410052Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-12-01
Tanzania, Tanga, Handeni, -5.53333 38.63333, 320m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
409911Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-08-16
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Utete District, Coast Region. Coastal Forest on sand beside the sea at the mouth of the Rufiji Delta., -7.6666667 39.2833333, 15m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
410006Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-08-23
Tanzania, Tanga, Handeni, -5.53333 38.63333, 450m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros shimbaensis f. F. White
410979Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-24
Tanzania, Pwani, Bagamoyo, -6.15 38.6, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
411148Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-01-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
411128Frontier-Tanzania   Forest
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
410014Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-11-29
Tanzania, Tanga, Handeni, -5.53333 38.63333, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
409926Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros brucei f. F. White
411153Frontier-Tanzania   Forest
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Northern edge of the Matumbi Highlands. Dry scrub and Riverine Coastal Forest., -8.35 38.9333333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
409966Frontier-Tanzania   Forest
Tanzania, Pwani, Mafia, -7.83333 39.91666, 10m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros mafiensis f. F. White
411156Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Myrsine melanophloeos (L.) R. Br. ex Sweet
101023784J.O. Ndege   452017-07-22
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2777833 39.4249333, 1m

MO:Seed Plants
Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill.
101023763J.O. Ndege   352017-07-20
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2668 39.4151833, 3m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Anisophyllea pomifera Engl. & Brehmer
101015975A.F. Stolz   1802
Tanzania, Kyimbila District (North of Lake Nyasa).

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101048875C.F. Paget-Wilkes   1391968-09-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Forest edge., -8.5833333 35.25, 1830 - 1980m

MO:Seed Plants
Desmodium Desv.
101023766J.O. Ndege   37A2017-07-20
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2790833 39.4137833, 17m

MO:Seed Plants
Teramnus P. Browne
101023735J.O. Ndege   142017-07-14
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2672 39.4230667, 4m

MO:Seed Plants
101023757J.O. Ndege   372017-07-22
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2790833 39.4047833, 17m

MO:Seed Plants
Mucuna gigantea (Willd.) DC.
101023752J.O. Ndege   282017-07-15
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kusini, Jozani National Park., -6.2760833 39.42195, 3m

MO:Seed Plants
1889793P.J. Greenway   145771970-10-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, On the Iringa Escarpment above the Great Rusha River Bridge on the Dodoma-Iringa Road.

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1884524Y.S. Abeid   10582001-07-25
Tanzania, Rukwa, Mpanda, Rukwa- Kigoma Border, Crater., -5.1 30.38333, 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston
924880Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1884355D. Sitoni   6221997-07-31
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Manga Forest; scrub; lowland forest with Milicia excelsa, Albizia spp., -5.01666 38.76666, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn.
924720Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-01-31
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1884358D. Sitoni   6251997-08-01
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Manga Forest; scrub; lowland forest with Milicia excelsa, Albizia spp., -5.0166667 38.7666667, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Craibia zimmermannii (Harms) Harms ex Dunn
101023829J.O. Ndege   882017-08-09
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kati, Jozani National Park., -6.1934667 39.37075, 30m

MO:Seed Plants
924743Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-02-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, Kazimzumbwi Forest, Coast Reg.; on the Pugu Hills, south of Kisarawe., -6.9833333 39.05

MO:Seed Plants
101023804J.O. Ndege   662017-07-27
Tanzania, Kusini Unguja, Kati, Jozani National Park., -6.2602333 39.3726, 20m

Page 60, records 5901-6000 of 38672


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