Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 304, records 30301-30400 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
101875203B.E. Mhoro   4952000-05-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Konga Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.91666 37.6, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
101874739B.E. Mhoro   2652000-06-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Chamanyani Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.81666, 220m

MO:Seed Plants
Zehneria scabra (L. f.) Sond.
101875006B.E. Mhoro   3962000-08-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Milawilila Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.98333 37.75, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
101874729B.E. Mhoro   2602000-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Chamanyani Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.81666, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
101874952B.E. Mhoro   3692000-08-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mangala Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.96666 37.73333, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
Dombeya mupangae K. Schum.
101874709B.E. Mhoro   2502000-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Chamanyani Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.81666, 250m

MO:Seed Plants
101884326Moses A. Mwangoka   13842000-06-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, W part of Kwamngunii Forest Reserve, dominated by Julbernardia., -4.9358333 38.73, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Heteropogon contortus (L.) P. Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult.
101882983John A. Mlangwa   13332001-01-30
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division, Hemramba Wa Mission. Right side of road from Mongoloma to Suji., -4.35 37.8833333, 690m

MO:Seed Plants
Brachiaria deflexa (Schumach.) C.E. Hubb. ex Robyns
101882987John A. Mlangwa   13372001-01-30
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division, Hemramba Wa Mission. Right side of road from Mongoloma to Suji., -4.35 37.8833333, 690m

MO:Seed Plants
Sporobolus festivus Hochst. ex A. Rich.
101882989John A. Mlangwa   13412001-01-30
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division, Hemramba Wa Mission. Right side of road from Mongoloma to Suji., -4.35 37.8833333, 690m

MO:Seed Plants
Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.
101882985John A. Mlangwa   13352001-01-30
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division, Hemramba Wa Mission. Right side of road from Mongoloma to Suji., -4.35 37.8833333, 690m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101882939John A. Mlangwa   12982001-01-10
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division, Suji Kanziani-Heshamba. Hill slope, footpath from Makanya to Suji right after crossing valley., -4.29166 37.88388, 1980m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101882865John A. Mlangwa   12092000-12-14
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Ward, Mhero Village, Mmeni Street. Hemsiru Forest under local government, formerly owned by Kisenge family., -4.3063889 37.9016667, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101882867John A. Mlangwa   12102000-12-14
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Ward, Mhero Village, Mmeni Street. Hemsiru Forest under local government, formerly owned by Kisenge family., -4.30638 37.90166, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
101882871John A. Mlangwa   12192000-12-14
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Ward, Mhero Village, Mmeni Street. Hemsiru Forest under local government, formerly owned by Kisenge family., -4.3063889 37.9016667, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov.
101881218Moses A. Mwangoka   14432000-07-12
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, T3. Kwamgumi Forest Reserve, W-facing slopes near Muzi River., -4.94027 38.72944, 75m

MO:Seed Plants
101881464Moses A. Mwangoka   16202000-08-07
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Igoda Village. Igoda forest patch under T.F.C.G. control, dominated by Parinari excelsa, Macaranga kilimandscharica and Bersama abyssinica, along road E of Lulanda Village., -8.5536111 35.5002778, 1725m

MO:Seed Plants
101881069Moses A. Mwangoka   18402001-02-17
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, T2. Ketumbeine Forest Reserve, montane shrubland dominated by few Nuxia congesta and Crotalaria agatiflora. Collected with R. Gereau, W. Kindeketa, N. Loosikito and M. Mollel., -2.8647222 36.2136111, 2470m

MO:Seed Plants
Aidia crassifolia S.E.Dawson & Gereau
101884020Moses A. Mwangoka   11962000-02-22
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, Protected due to name conservation status, -5.06 38.43, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101881552Moses A. Mwangoka   16582000-09-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Igoda Village. Igoda public forest patch under T.F.C.G. (L.L.F.P.) control, between Ikaning'ombe and Igoda Villages, Ipafu Hill, along old road to Ikaning'ombe., -8.55138 35.5175, 1825m

MO:Seed Plants
101881088Moses A. Mwangoka   18832001-03-01
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. Chome Forest Reserve, montane forest near Mraa Village dominated by Xymalos monospora, Macaranga sp, Newtonia buchananii and Anthocleista grandiflora., -4.2544444 37.9719445, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze
101884294Moses A. Mwangoka   13522000-05-31
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Coconut plantation S of Kwemnyese public forest patch., -4.9155556 38.7275, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
101881261Moses A. Mwangoka   15772000-08-04
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kwezitu public forest along path to peak between Mkalamo and Gonja Subvillages, in montane forest dominated ay Allanblackia stuhlmannii, Anthocleista grandiflora and Parinari excelsa., -4.9880555 38.67, 825m

MO:Seed Plants
101882941John A. Mlangwa   13122001-01-20
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division, Kitororo, Hemramba Wa Mission, junction of footpath from Mongoloma to Mission. Right side of road to Suji., -4.3166667 37.9, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
101884067Moses A. Mwangoka   12392000-05-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, East Usambara Mountains, Kuze Kibago Village. Kwemnyese public forest; W of forest patch., -4.9144444 38.7255556, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cryptolepis calophylla (Baill.) L. Joubert & Bruyns
101884089Moses A. Mwangoka   12412000-05-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, East Usambara Mountains, Kuze Kibago Village. Kwemnyese public forest; W of forest patch., -4.9144444 38.7255556, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101881220Moses A. Mwangoka   14772000-07-20
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, T3. Lowland forest under J.K.T. administration between Churwa Village and Maramba, along road from Kwamtili to Maramba., -4.9075 38.80055, 137m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101881015Moses A. Mwangoka   17592000-10-31
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Public forest patch of Mkonge Village under TFCG (LLFP) control, with scattered tree ferns in swampy area near stream, between tea farm and forest., -8.55694 35.42888, 1725m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ancylobothrys petersiana (Klotzsch) Pierre
101881219Moses A. Mwangoka   14482000-07-13
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kuze Kibago Village, Michungwani Subvillage. Kwemnyese forest patch under Michungwani administration., -4.915 38.7258334, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
101884671Wiland, Justyna   1712001-03-10
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, Baga I Forest Reserve, sloping grassland with scattered shrubs on road to Baga II Forest Reserve., -4.7597222 38.4541667, 1380m

MO:Seed Plants
101884612Wiland, Justyna   1192001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Matembwe Village, wooded grassland on slope with E exposure., -9.24 35.1866666, 1480m

MO:Seed Plants
101884613Wiland, Justyna   1212001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Matembwe Village, wooded grassland on slope with E exposure., -9.24 35.1866666, 1480m

MO:Seed Plants
101884617Wiland, Justyna   1302001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Lupembe Division, Igombole Village, near stream in full sun in tall grassland on slope with S exposure., -9.2816667 35.2552778, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
101884672Wiland, Justyna   1722001-03-17
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Engalaoni Village, Lewama Subvillage, near Monduli Forest Reserve in grazed grassland with scattered trees on black volcanic soil., -3.2283334 36.5158333, 1780m

MO:Seed Plants
101884319Moses A. Mwangoka   13662000-06-12
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Muze riverine forest near Gliricidia sepium and cocoa plantation, W-facing slopes of Kwamngumi Forest Reserve., -4.93777 38.7275, 63m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mondia whitei (Hook. f.) Skeels
101881257Moses A. Mwangoka   15422000-07-27
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kambai Public Forest under T.F.C.G. (Tanzania Forest Conservation Group) control, disturbed lowland forest., -4.98722 38.69416, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cryptolepis calophylla (Baill.) L. Joubert & Bruyns
101881258Moses A. Mwangoka   15432000-07-27
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kambai Public Forest under T.F.C.G. (Tanzania Forest Conservation Group) control, disturbed lowland forest., -4.9872222 38.6941666, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101881818D. Sitoni   12422000-03-22
Tanzania, Mwanza, Magu, Kahangala Ward, Bugabu Village, Nyamuganga Island., -2.52833 33.415, 1100m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101883371Gabriel Simon Laizer   7972001-02-17
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Below (N of) Losirwa village on lower N slope of Ketumbeine Mountain in undisturbed open woodland with Erythrina abyssinica., -2.82722 36.21777, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
101883355Gabriel Simon Laizer   7632001-02-14
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Losirwa Village, Ketumbeine Mountain, dry montane forest dominated by Nuxia and Juniperus., -2.87 36.2066667, 2560m

MO:Seed Plants
101883015John A. Mlangwa   14012001-02-26
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Forest Reserve. Gonja Ward. SW of Kanza Village in forest dominated by Syzygium sp. and Ocotea usambarensis near Heghambu., -4.3438889 37.9772223, 1850m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Impatiens butu Gavin-Sm.
101883012John A. Mlangwa   14002001-02-26
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome Forest Reserve. Gonja Ward. SW of Kanza Village in forest dominated by Syzygium sp. and Ocotea usambarensis near Heghambu., -4.3438889 37.9772223, 1850m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cryptolepis calophylla (Baill.) L. Joubert & Bruyns
101881217Moses A. Mwangoka   14112000-06-29
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kuze Kibago Village (Kwamtiri). Riverine forest between cocoa factory and Michungwani Subvillage., -4.9216667 38.7297223, 75m

MO:Seed Plants
Polysphaeria ntemii S.E. Dawson & Gereau
101884163Moses A. Mwangoka   12812000-05-24
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Protected due to name conservation status, -4.91 38.73, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dregea schimperi (Decne.) Bullock
101882874John A. Mlangwa   12522000-12-15
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome/Suji Division. Mipembeni Street. Sangana Sacred Forest near Sangana River., -4.29277 37.90444, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoxis fischeri var. zernyi (G.M. Schulze) Wiland & Nordal
101884622Wiland, Justyna   1322001-02-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Luponde Village, Mnogwela Street, pine plantation, on Bingu Stream on valley slope with NE exposure., -9.5438889 34.7197223, 2010m

MO:Seed Plants
101884623Wiland, Justyna   1342001-02-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Luponde Village, Mnogwela Street, pine plantation, on Bingu Stream on valley slope with NE exposure., -9.5438889 34.7197223, 2010m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoxis polystachya Welw. ex Baker
101884637Wiland, Justyna   1612001-03-02
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbozi, Karasha Village, disturbed miombo woodland and fallow fields on black loam soil., -9.035 32.9808334, 1450m

MO:Seed Plants
101884217Wiland, Justyna   442001-02-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mindu Hill Forest Reserve; N slope of Mindu Hills above Kasanga 2 Village., -6.8213889 37.6066667, 510 - 530m

MO:Seed Plants
101884614Wiland, Justyna   1222001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Matembwe Village, Mtakuja Subvillage, on laterite in grassland with SE exposure., -9.255 35.1861111, 1420m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoxis fischeri var. zernyi (G.M. Schulze) Wiland & Nordal
101884615Wiland, Justyna   1232001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Matembwe Village, Mtakuja Subvillage, on laterite in grassland with SE exposure., -9.255 35.1861111, 1420m

MO:Seed Plants
101884608Wiland, Justyna   1112001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, On road from Njombe to Lupembe, Nyombo Village, at edge of plantation of Acacia mearnsii., -9.2091667 34.8769445, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoxis polystachya Welw. ex Baker
101884634Wiland, Justyna   1562001-03-02
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbozi, Old Vwawa Village, miombo woodland on black loamy soil., -9.1358333 32.9147222, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoxis fischeri var. hockii (De Wild.) Wiland & Nordal
101884635Wiland, Justyna   1572001-03-02
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbozi, Old Vwawa Village, miombo woodland on black loamy soil., -9.1358333 32.9147222, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoxis polystachya Welw. ex Baker
101884636Wiland, Justyna   1592001-03-02
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbozi, Old Vwawa Village, miombo woodland on black loamy soil., -9.1358333 32.9147222, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
101884632Wiland, Justyna   1492001-02-27
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Above Matamba Village on road to Kitulo Plateau, on black volcanic soil in rocky sloping grassland with N exposure., -8.9938889 33.9033333, 2500m

MO:Seed Plants
101884609Wiland, Justyna   1142001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Near Nyombo Village, Mkoo Stream., -9.2736111 34.9691667, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
101884610Wiland, Justyna   1152001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Near Nyombo Village, Mkoo Stream., -9.2736111 34.9691667, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
101884611Wiland, Justyna   1172001-02-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Near Nyombo Village, Mkoo Stream., -9.2736111 34.9691667, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoxis fischeri var. zernyi (G.M. Schulze) Wiland & Nordal
101884633Wiland, Justyna   1532001-02-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Road from Matamba to Chimala, on plateau above Chimala Escarpment, miombo woodland on laterite with SE exposure., -8.8922222 33.9755556, 1920m

MO:Seed Plants
Lijndenia procteri (A. Fern. & R. Fern.) Borhidi
101881074Moses A. Mwangoka   18682001-02-25
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. Chome Forest Reserve, montane forest dominated by Ocotea, Nuxia and Macaranga spp., -4.2502778 37.9705556, 1725m

MO:Seed Plants
Sclerochiton boivinii (Baill.) C.B. Clarke
101881259Moses A. Mwangoka   15572000-08-03
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kwezitu Village, E of Kwezitu public forest under T.F.C.G. (Tanzania Forest Conservation Group) control, montane forest., -4.9872222 38.6647222, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
101881255Moses A. Mwangoka   15322000-07-26
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Kambai Public Forest under T.F.C.G. (Tanzania Forest Conservation Group) control, dominated by Combretum schumannii, Terminalia sp. and Milicia excelsa., -4.9883333 38.6938889, 100m

MO:Seed Plants
101884621Wiland, Justyna   1312001-02-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Luponde Village, on road to Lusitu in loam soil with NE exposure at edge of Acacia mearnsii plantation., -9.5566667 34.7236111, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
101881689D. Sitoni   11472000-03-12
Tanzania, Mwanza, Magu, (T1) Magu Hills, rocky ground., -2.5966666 33.435, 1190m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101881011Moses A. Mwangoka   17342000-10-19
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Disturbed public forest of Kitwite under Luhunga Village and TFCG control, NW of forest, dominated by Prunus africana, with closed shrubs., -8.54611 35.45888, 1825m

MO:Seed Plants
101881601D. Sitoni   10812000-03-08
Tanzania, Mwanza, Magu, (T1) Nyigogo Ward, Kipeja Village. Permanent swamp edges and in water., -2.5825 33.415, 1125m

MO:Seed Plants
101885154H.J. Schlieben   40681933-07-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Morogoro region, Kombola., -6.0666667 37.5333333, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Kanahia laniflora (Forssk.) R. Br.
101874364B.E. Mhoro   772000-07-16
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Ruvu Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.96666 37.85, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Rothmannia manganjae (Hiern) Keay
101874513B.E. Mhoro   1522000-07-26
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mvuha Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.81666, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
101874288B.E. Mhoro   402000-07-11
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
Rhodopentas bussei (K. Krause) Kårehed & B. Bremer
101874336B.E. Mhoro   632000-07-11
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
101874445B.E. Mhoro   1162000-07-18
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Ruvu Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.96666 37.85, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
Vernonia lasiopus var. iodocalyx (O. Hoffm.) C. Jeffrey
101874551B.E. Mhoro   1722000-07-30
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Kasanga Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.75, 750m

MO:Seed Plants
101874789B.E. Mhoro   2902000-07-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Chamanyani Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.81666, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
101874609B.E. Mhoro   2002000-08-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Kasanga Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.75, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
Keetia venosa (Oliv.) Bridson
101874641B.E. Mhoro   2162000-08-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Kasanga Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.75, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
101875098B.E. Mhoro   4412000-08-26
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Shikurufumi Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.51666, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
101875150B.E. Mhoro   4692000-08-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Bunduki Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.9833333 37.7333333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
101874421B.E. Mhoro   1052000-07-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Ruvu Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.96666 37.85, 450m

MO:Seed Plants
Psychotria zombamontana (Kuntze) E.M.A. Petit
101874621B.E. Mhoro   2062000-08-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Kasanga Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.75, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
Rothmannia ravae (Chiov.) Bridson
101874841B.E. Mhoro   3162000-10-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.8833333 37.9166667, 650m

MO:Seed Plants
Jacquemontia paniculata (Burm. f.) Hallier f.
101874717B.E. Mhoro   2542000-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Chamanyani Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.81666, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
Cyphostemma buchananii (Planch.) Desc. ex Wild & R.B. Drumm.
101874835B.E. Mhoro   3132000-10-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 750m

MO:Seed Plants
101874992B.E. Mhoro   3892000-08-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Milawilila Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.98333 37.75, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
101875076B.E. Mhoro   4302000-08-25
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Shikurufumi Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.51666, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
Vernonia holstii O. Hoffm.
101874241B.E. Mhoro   182000-07-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 650m

MO:Seed Plants
Vitellariopsis kirkii (Baker) Dubard
101874399B.E. Mhoro   942000-07-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Ruvu Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.96666 37.85, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
101874883B.E. Mhoro   3362000-08-13
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 980m

MO:Seed Plants
101875038B.E. Mhoro   4122000-08-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Ngambaula Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.98333 37.73333, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
Keetia venosa (Oliv.) Bridson
101875190B.E. Mhoro   4892000-08-30
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Bunduki Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.98333 37.73333, 1200m

MO:Seed Plants
101875166B.E. Mhoro   4772000-08-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Bunduki Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.98333 37.73333, 1450m

MO:Seed Plants
Psychotria lauracea (K. Schum.) E.M.A. Petit
101875048B.E. Mhoro   4172000-08-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Ngambaula Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.98333 37.73333, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
101874225B.E. Mhoro   112000-07-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 800m

MO:Seed Plants
101874299B.E. Mhoro   452000-07-11
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
Oliverella hildebrandtii (Engl.) Tiegh.
101874332B.E. Mhoro   612000-07-11
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Phaulopsis imbricata (Forssk.) Sweet
101874381B.E. Mhoro   852000-07-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Ruvu Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.96666 37.85, 200m

MO:Seed Plants
101874324B.E. Mhoro   572000-07-11
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.88333 37.91666, 800m

MO:Seed Plants
101874651B.E. Mhoro   2212000-08-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Kasanga Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -7.16666 37.75, 750m

MO:Seed Plants
Asystasia tanzaniensis Ensermu & Vollesen
101874897B.E. Mhoro   3422000-08-13
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Mkungwe Forest Reserve, FTEA region T6, -6.8833333 37.9166667, 1000m

Page 304, records 30301-30400 of 38672


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