Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 293, records 29201-29300 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101397706H. Balslev   0171974-09-11
Tanzania, T1, Bukoba. Around Kahororo sec school just N of Bukoba town., -1.3333333 31.8166667, 1140m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101397789C.F. Paget-Wilkes   9231971-07-05
Tanzania, Mufindi, Ngmalala., 1829 - 1981m

MO:Seed Plants
101404247Moses A. Mwangoka   101452021-12-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ibata Village Forest Reserve of Mhanga, riverine forest dominated by Strombosia scheffleri and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20618 36.05548, 1330m

MO:Seed Plants
Grewia L.
101404257Moses A. Mwangoka   101522021-12-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Ibata Village Forest Reserve of Mhanga, near waterfalls, dominated by Cassipourea gummifera and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20508 36.0541, 1390m

MO:Seed Plants
Synsepalum (A. DC.) Daniell
101404259Moses A. Mwangoka   101542021-12-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village, Kiingia Forest Reserve, montane forest dominated by Myrianthus holstii and Croton sylvaticus., -8.18301 36.07978, 1570m

MO:Seed Plants
Gymnosporia (Wight & Arn.) Hook. f.
101404264Moses A. Mwangoka   101562021-12-18
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Mhanga Village, Ibata Village Forest Reserve, submontane forest dominated by Entandrophragma excelsum and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20398 36.06261, 1175m

MO:Seed Plants
101404243Moses A. Mwangoka   101412021-12-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Boma la Mzinga public forest, along path to Mngeta, montane forest dominated by Tabernaemontana stapfiana, Macaranga capensis var. kilimandscharica and Maesa lanceolata., -8.20464 36.055511, 1380m

MO:Seed Plants
Aidia Lour.
101404246Moses A. Mwangoka   101442021-12-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ibata Village Forest Reserve, Ibata Waterfalls, dominated by Ficus sycomorus, Polyscias fulva and Newtonia buchananii., -8.205025 36.05479, 1340m

MO:Seed Plants
Cassipourea gummifera Tul.
101404251Moses A. Mwangoka   101472021-12-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Ibata Village Forest Reserve of Mhanga, near waterfalls, dominated by Cassipourea gummifera and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20508 36.0541, 1390m

MO:Seed Plants
Brillantaisia madagascariensis T. Anderson ex Lindau
101404252Moses A. Mwangoka   101482021-12-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Ibata Village Forest Reserve of Mhanga, near waterfalls, dominated by Cassipourea gummifera and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20508 36.0541, 1390m

MO:Seed Plants
Cola Schott & Endl.
101404260Moses A. Mwangoka   101552021-12-18
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Mhanga Village, Ibata Village Forest Reserve, submontane forest dominated by Entandrophragma excelsum and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20398 36.06261, 1175m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock
101404266Moses A. Mwangoka   101582021-12-18
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Mhanga Village, Ibata Village Forest Reserve, submontane forest dominated by Entandrophragma excelsum and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20398 36.06261, 1175m

MO:Seed Plants
101404272Moses A. Mwangoka   101632021-12-19
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Vikamata riverine forest, dominated by Myrianthus holstii and Polyscias fulva., -8.19387 36.068, 1410m

MO:Seed Plants
101404282Moses A. Mwangoka   101702021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata submontane forest, near waterfalls in Ibata Valley, dominated by Cephalosphaera usambarensis and Treculia africana., -8.21879 36.06233, 760m

MO:Seed Plants
101404283Moses A. Mwangoka   101712021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata submontane forest, near waterfalls in Ibata Valley, dominated by Cephalosphaera usambarensis and Treculia africana., -8.21879 36.06233, 760m

MO:Seed Plants
101404284Moses A. Mwangoka   101722021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata submontane forest, near waterfalls in Ibata Valley, dominated by Cephalosphaera usambarensis and Treculia africana., -8.21879 36.06233, 760m

MO:Seed Plants
101404269Moses A. Mwangoka   101602021-12-18
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Mhanga Village, Ibata Village Forest Reserve, submontane forest dominated by Entandrophragma excelsum and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20398 36.06261, 1175m

MO:Seed Plants
101404278Moses A. Mwangoka   101662021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata forest patch along path to Ibata Valley near Mhanga River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Phoenix reclinata., -8.21647 36.05995, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
101404286Moses A. Mwangoka   100422021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, Kwakabokou area, dominated by Funtumia africana, Manilkara sulcata, Trilepisium madagascarense and Celtis gomphophylla., -5.50925 37.49094, 1020m

MO:Seed Plants
Remusatia vivipara (Roxb.) Schott
101404250Moses A. Mwangoka   101462021-12-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ibata Village Forest Reserve of Mhanga, riverine forest dominated by Strombosia scheffleri and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20618 36.05548, 1330m

MO:Seed Plants
101404258Moses A. Mwangoka   101532021-12-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village, Kiingia Forest Reserve, montane forest dominated by Myrianthus holstii and Croton sylvaticus., -8.18301 36.07978, 1570m

MO:Seed Plants
Erythrococca Benth.
101404267Moses A. Mwangoka   101592021-12-18
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Mhanga Village, Ibata Village Forest Reserve, submontane forest dominated by Entandrophragma excelsum and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20398 36.06261, 1175m

MO:Seed Plants
101404281Moses A. Mwangoka   101692021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata submontane forest, near waterfalls in Ibata Valley, dominated by Cephalosphaera usambarensis and Treculia africana., -8.21879 36.06233, 760m

MO:Seed Plants
101404560N. Gavin-Smyth   1962022-06-18
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, West Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve. Off the road to Grewal’s old sawmill, rock outcrop with Aloe, Kalanchoe, and Maytenus spp., -4.7248167 38.2666833, 1990m

MO:Seed Plants
Cyanthillium wollastonii (S. Moore) H. Rob., Skvarla & V.A. Funk
101398776Moses A. Mwangoka   100112021-08-02
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, S Pare Mountains, Chome Nature Reserve. Along road to Bwambo Village., -4.3352 37.91891, 2035m

MO:Seed Plants
Viola L.
101404515N. Gavin-Smyth   1862022-06-17
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, W Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve, Kwehondo, open outcrop at peak, with Erica and Hypericum spp. Evidence of fire in recent years., -4.715 38.2983333, 2169m

MO:Seed Plants
101404518N. Gavin-Smyth   1882022-06-17
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, W Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve, Kwehondo. Along ridge in forest disturbed by recent fire, with Ocotea, Syzygium and Nuxia spp., -4.71415 38.3024833, 2251m

MO:Seed Plants
101404540N. Gavin-Smyth   1912022-06-17
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, W Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve, Kwehondo. On slope along ridge of montane forest, with Macaranga and Ocotea spp., -4.71685 38.30455, 2140m

MO:Seed Plants
101404549N. Gavin-Smyth   1922022-06-17
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, W Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve, Kwehondo. Montane forest with Macaranga, Podocarpus, and Ocotea spp., -4.7175833 38.3037667, 2184m

MO:Seed Plants
101404556N. Gavin-Smyth   1942022-06-18
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, West Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve. Off the road to Grewal’s old sawmill, sunny opening in montane forest with Pouteria and Dombeya spp., -4.7253667 38.2669333, 1916m

MO:Seed Plants
101404244Moses A. Mwangoka   101422021-12-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village, unprotected land between Uzungwa Scarp and Kilombero Nature Reserves, swampy area dominated by Harungana madagascariensis, Morella salicifolia and Albizia gummifera., -8.2037 36.05489, 1420m

MO:Seed Plants
101404270Moses A. Mwangoka   101612021-12-19
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Vikamata riverine forest, dominated by Myrianthus holstii and Polyscias fulva., -8.19387 36.068, 1410m

MO:Seed Plants
Tricalysia A. Rich. ex DC.
101404279Moses A. Mwangoka   101672021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata forest patch along path to Ibata Valley near Mhanga River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Phoenix reclinata., -8.21647 36.05995, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
101404280Moses A. Mwangoka   101682021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata forest patch along path to Ibata Valley near Mhanga River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Phoenix reclinata., -8.21647 36.05995, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
101404552N. Gavin-Smyth   1932022-06-17
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, West Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve. Eucalyptus plantation on steep slopes below Kwehondo., -4.7221 38.2990167, 1904m

MO:Seed Plants
Sorindeia Thouars
101404571N. Gavin-Smyth   2002022-06-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Bumbuli, W Usambara Mountains, near Mazumbai Forest Reserve (Sokoine University of Agriculture). On road through tea farms, leading into forest reserve., -4.8186 38.5048167, 1583m

MO:Seed Plants
101398819Moses A. Mwangoka   100382021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, Kwelubantu area W of Kilwa Village, dominated by Manilkara sulcata, Celtis gomphophylla and Antiaris toxicaria., -5.51345 37.49488, 1120m

MO:Seed Plants
101398806Moses A. Mwangoka   100282021-08-08
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, Amani Nature Reserve, Mbomole area, cardamom farm mixed with Allanblackia stuhlmaniii and Anthocleista grandiflora., -5.095891 38.62646, 960m

MO:Seed Plants
101398813Moses A. Mwangoka   100342021-08-10
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, Amani Nature Reserve Center, evergreen montane forest along the road to Mbomole and Monga Tea Estate, dominated by Maesopsis eminii, Anthocleista grandiflora and Parinari excelsa., -5.08803 38.62669, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
101398815Moses A. Mwangoka   100362021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, near Kilwa Village, Kwambanta area, forest dominated by Celtis gomphophylla, Funtumia africana and Synsepalum cerasiferum., -5.51896 37.4958, 1040m

MO:Seed Plants
101398820Moses A. Mwangoka   100392021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, Kwelubantu area W of Kilwa Village, dominated by Manilkara sulcata, Celtis gomphophylla and Antiaris toxicaria., -5.51345 37.49488, 1120m

MO:Seed Plants
101404664N. Gavin-Smyth   2152022-06-21
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, ca. 5 km N of Amani Nature Reserve and 2.6 km W of Longuza Forest Plantation. Makanya, on way to Derema Coldo., -5.0500333 38.6627833, 1114m

MO:Seed Plants
101404661N. Gavin-Smyth   2122022-06-21
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, ca. 5 km N of Amani Nature Reserve and 2.4 km W of Longuza Forest Plantation. Makanya, on way to Derema Coldo., -5.0486 38.6633667, 1114m

MO:Seed Plants
Sclerochiton boivinii (Baill.) C.B. Clarke
101404662N. Gavin-Smyth   2132022-06-21
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, ca. 5 km N of Amani Nature Reserve and 2.4 km W of Longuza Forest Plantation. Makanya, on way to Derema Coldo., -5.0486 38.6633667, 1114m

MO:Seed Plants
101404679N. Gavin-Smyth   2222022-06-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Ukaguru Mountains, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve. Montane forest., -6.3612833 36.9103667, 2163m

MO:Seed Plants
101404681N. Gavin-Smyth   2232022-06-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Ukaguru Mountains, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve. Rocky stream in montane forest., -6.3599333 36.9099833, 2008m

MO:Seed Plants
101404686N. Gavin-Smyth   2242022-06-25
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Ukaguru Mountains, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve, Mnyera. Bald W-facing rock faces., -6.3723 36.9364333, 2052m

MO:Seed Plants
Impatiens uzungwaensis Grey-Wilson & Frim.-Møll.
101404720Andrea Bianchi   1712019-11-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ca. 2.4 km E of Uzungwa Scarp Nature Forest Reserve, in riverine forest with Anthocleista grandiflora, Bridelia microcarpa, and Synsepalum cerasiferum., -8.2769445 36.0461111, 973m

MO:Seed Plants
101404672N. Gavin-Smyth   2192022-06-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Ukaguru Mountains, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve. Elfin forest covered in moss, with Syzygium and Schefflera spp., -6.3679333 36.9166667, 2172m

MO:Seed Plants
101398804Moses A. Mwangoka   100262021-08-08
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, Amani Nature Reserve center, -5.1012 38.6291, 910m

MO:Seed Plants
101398805Moses A. Mwangoka   100272021-08-08
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, Amani Nature Reserve, Mbomole area, cardamom farm mixed with Allanblackia stuhlmaniii and Anthocleista grandiflora., -5.095891 38.62646, 960m

MO:Seed Plants
101404712N. Gavin-Smyth   2282022-06-25
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve. Mnyera Peak, with Erica, Rytigynia, Syzygium, and Schefflera spp., -6.3734 36.9391, 2136m

MO:Seed Plants
101404721Andrea Bianchi   1722022-06-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Kimboza Forest Reserve, limestone forest., -7.0333333 37.7833333

MO:Seed Plants
Englerina Tiegh.
101404565N. Gavin-Smyth   1972022-06-18
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, W Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve. On road to Grewal’s old sawmill., -4.7247667 38.2666833, 1905m

MO:Seed Plants
101404253Moses A. Mwangoka   101492021-12-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala ward, Ibata Village Forest Reserve of Mhanga, near waterfalls, dominated by Cassipourea gummifera and Newtonia buchananii., -8.20508 36.0541, 1390m

MO:Seed Plants
101404271Moses A. Mwangoka   101622021-12-19
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Vikamata riverine forest, dominated by Myrianthus holstii and Polyscias fulva., -8.19387 36.068, 1410m

MO:Seed Plants
Cola Schott & Endl.
101399146Moses A. Mwangoka   100462021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, Kwakabokou area, woodland dominated by Acacia polycantha, Macaranga capensis var. capensis and Sterculia appendiculata., -5.52361 37.48671, 975m

MO:Seed Plants
Pollia condensata C.B. Clarke
101399171Moses A. Mwangoka   100512021-08-15
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North (Derema?) Forest Reserve, evergreen montane forest E of Lulago Village, dominated by Myrianthus holstii, Newtonia buchananii, Cylicomorpha parviflora and Parinari excelsa., -5.62736 37.49226, 1290m

MO:Seed Plants
101399174Moses A. Mwangoka   100522021-08-15
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North (Derema?) Forest Reserve, evergreen montane forest E of Lulago Village, dominated by Myrianthus holstii, Newtonia buchananii, Cylicomorpha parviflora and Parinari excelsa., -5.62736 37.49226, 1290m

MO:Seed Plants
101399197Moses A. Mwangoka   100542021-08-15
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguru North (Derema?) Forest Reserve, Kwa Semhake area. Disturbed forest in cardamom farm dominated by Albizia gummifera, Antiaris toxicaria and Macaranga capensis var. kilimandscharica., -5.63078 37.48616, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
101404585N. Gavin-Smyth   2052022-06-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Bumbuli, W Usambara Mountains, Mazumbai Forest Reserve (Sokoine University of Agriculture). Stream with many large rocks, in montane forest., -4.8285 38.5079333, 1544m

MO:Seed Plants
101404276Moses A. Mwangoka   101642021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata forest patch along path to Ibata Valley near Mhanga River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Phoenix reclinata., -8.21647 36.05995, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
Aframomum K. Schum.
101404285Moses A. Mwangoka   101732021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata submontane forest, near waterfalls in Ibata Valley, dominated by Cephalosphaera usambarensis and Treculia africana., -8.21879 36.06233, 760m

MO:Seed Plants
101404521N. Gavin-Smyth   1892022-06-17
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, W Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve, Kwehondo. Along ridge in open forest disturbed by recent fire., -4.7137167 38.3044167, 2226m

MO:Seed Plants
101404535N. Gavin-Smyth   1902022-06-17
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, W Usambara Mountains, Magamba Nature Reserve, Kwehondo. Along ridge in montane forest disturbed by recent fire., -4.7146667 38.3053167, 2210m

MO:Seed Plants
101404578N. Gavin-Smyth   2022022-06-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Bumbuli, W Usambara Mountains, near Mazumbai Forest Reserve (Sokoine University of Agriculture). On road through tea farms, leading into forest reserve., -4.8186 38.5048167, 1583m

MO:Seed Plants
101404673N. Gavin-Smyth   2202022-06-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Ukaguru Mountains, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve. Elfin forest covered in moss, with Syzygium and Schefflera spp., -6.3679333 36.9166667, 2172m

MO:Seed Plants
101404676N. Gavin-Smyth   2212022-06-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Ukaguru Mountains, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve. Elfin forest covered in moss., -6.3670167 36.9223, 2209m

MO:Seed Plants
101404613N. Gavin-Smyth   2072022-06-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Bumbuli, W Usambara Mountains, Mazumbai Forest Reserve (Sokoine University of Agriculture). On road through forest reserve., -4.83005 38.5051333, 1568m

MO:Seed Plants
Calvoa Hook. f.
101404620N. Gavin-Smyth   2082022-06-21
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, ca. 5 km N of Amani Nature Reserve and 2.4 km W of Longuza Forest Plantation. Makanya, disturbed area of forest., -5.0473 38.6648833, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
101404718Andrea Bianchi   1162019-11-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Gologolo Ridge, on rock outcrop partially covered in mosses and herbs., -7.6833333 36.8833333, 2250m

MO:Seed Plants
Begonia oxyloba Welw. ex Hook. f.
101404663N. Gavin-Smyth   2142022-06-21
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, ca. 5 km N of Amani Nature Reserve and 2.4 km W of Longuza Forest Plantation. Makanya, on way to Derema Coldo., -5.0486 38.6633667, 1114m

MO:Seed Plants
101399156Moses A. Mwangoka   100472021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, Kwakabokou area, woodland dominated by Acacia polycantha, Macaranga capensis var. capensis and Sterculia appendiculata., -5.52361 37.48671, 975m

MO:Seed Plants
101404669N. Gavin-Smyth   2182022-06-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Ukaguru Mountains, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve, at entrance into forest, next to road., -6.3641333 36.9279333, 1831m

MO:Seed Plants
Plectranthus L'Hér.
101404688N. Gavin-Smyth   2252022-06-25
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Ukaguru Mountains, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve, Mnyera. Bald W-facing rock faces., -6.3723 36.9364333, 2052m

MO:Seed Plants
Erythrococca Benth.
101399168Moses A. Mwangoka   100502021-08-15
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North (Derema?) Forest Reserve, evergreen montane forest E of Lulago Village, dominated by Myrianthus holstii, Newtonia buchananii, Cylicomorpha parviflora and Parinari excelsa., -5.62736 37.49226, 1290m

MO:Seed Plants
101399200Moses A. Mwangoka   100552021-08-15
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nderema (Derema) Forest Reserve, SE of Lulago Village. Montane rain forest dominated by Myrianthus holstii, Leptonychia usambarensis, Ficus sycomorus and Cylicomorpha parviflora., -5.63105 37.4856, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
101398803Moses A. Mwangoka   100252021-08-08
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, Amani Nature Reserve center, -5.10155 38.62849, 920m

MO:Seed Plants
101398811Moses A. Mwangoka   100322021-08-09
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, Amani Nature Reserve Center, dominated by Maesopsis eminii, Cephalosphaera usambarensis and Macaranga capensis var. kilimandscharica., -5.10101 38.62986, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101393218J.M. Lovett   10601986-12-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Disa fragrans subsp. deckenii (Rchb. f.) H.P. Linder
101393618H.J. Schlieben   45711934-01-18
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro

MO:Seed Plants
101404242Moses A. Mwangoka   101402021-12-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Boma la Mzinga public forest, along path to Mngeta, montane forest dominated by Tabernaemontana stapfiana, Macaranga capensis var. kilimandscharica and Maesa lanceolata., -8.20464 36.055511, 1380m

MO:Seed Plants
Drypetes Vahl
101404277Moses A. Mwangoka   101652021-12-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Kimala Ward, Mhanga Village Forest Reserve, Ibata forest patch along path to Ibata Valley near Mhanga River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Phoenix reclinata., -8.21647 36.05995, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101404478Leonard J. Brass   173731946-08-21
Tanzania, Nchena-chena, North Nyasa District., 1340m

MO:Seed Plants
Bersama Fresen.
101404579N. Gavin-Smyth   2032022-06-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Bumbuli, W Usambara Mountains, near Mazumbai Forest Reserve (Sokoine University of Agriculture). On road through tea farms, leading into forest reserve., -4.8186 38.5048167, 1583m

MO:Seed Plants
Senecio mabberleyi C. Jeffrey
101404711N. Gavin-Smyth   2272022-06-25
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Protected due to name conservation status, -6.37 36.94, 2136m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101404429A.E. Haarer   21241931-08-00
Tanzania, Tanganyika Terr.; Bukoba Distr., 1219m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101404436H.J. Schlieben   1211931-01-30
Tanzania, [Dist. Tringa], 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
101405287B.J. Harris   38011969-12-09
Tanzania, Chenzema to Mgeta, west Uluguru Mtns.

MO:Seed Plants
101398812Moses A. Mwangoka   100332021-08-10
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, Amani Nature Reserve Center, evergreen montane forest along the road to Mbomole and Monga Tea Estate, dominated by Maesopsis eminii, Anthocleista grandiflora and Parinari excelsa., -5.08803 38.62669, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
101398814Moses A. Mwangoka   100352021-08-10
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, E Usambara Mountains, Mbomole Village along boundary between Amani Nature Reserve and Monga Tea Estate, dominated by Maesopsis eminii, Macaranga capensis var. kilimandsharica and Parinari excelsa., -5.09322 38.61045, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
101398821Moses A. Mwangoka   100402021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, Kwakabokou area, dominated by Funtumia africana, Manilkara sulcata, Trilepisium madagascarense and Celtis gomphophylla., -5.50925 37.49094, 1020m

MO:Seed Plants
101398822Moses A. Mwangoka   100412021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, Kwakabokou area, dominated by Funtumia africana, Manilkara sulcata, Trilepisium madagascarense and Celtis gomphophylla., -5.50925 37.49094, 1020m

MO:Seed Plants
101398823Moses A. Mwangoka   100432021-08-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North Forest Reserve, Kwakabokou area, dominated by Funtumia africana, Manilkara sulcata, Trilepisium madagascarense and Celtis gomphophylla., -5.50925 37.49094, 1020m

MO:Seed Plants
101404713N. Gavin-Smyth   2292022-06-25
Tanzania, Morogoro, Gairo, Mamiwa Kaskazini (North Mamiwa Kisara) Forest Reserve, Mnyera Peak. Montane forest just below summit., -6.3722667 36.9370333, 2047m

MO:Seed Plants
101399164Moses A. Mwangoka   100482021-08-15
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, Nguru North (Derema?) Forest Reserve, evergreen montane forest E of Lulago Village, dominated by Myrianthus holstii, Newtonia buchananii, Cylicomorpha parviflora and Parinari excelsa., -5.62736 37.49226, 1290m

MO:Seed Plants
101399207Moses A. Mwangoka   100562021-08-15
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nderema (Derema) Forest Reserve, SE of Lulago Village. Montane rain forest, riverine area dominated by Newtonia buchananii, Celtis gomphophylla and Parinari excelsa., -5.92824 37.48551, 1310m

MO:Seed Plants
101399213Moses A. Mwangoka   100592021-08-16
Tanzania, Tanga, Kilindi, Nguu Mountains, unprotected land between Nguru North and Nderema (Derema) Forest Reserves, Masimbani area in W part of Lulago Village. Riverine forest dominated by bamboo with cardamom farms., -5.6275 37.47513, 1145m

MO:Seed Plants
101404566N. Gavin-Smyth   1982022-06-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Bumbuli, W Usambara Mountains, near Mazumbai Forest Reserve (Sokoine University of Agriculture). On road through tea farms, leading into forest reserve., -4.8175667 38.5039333, 1523m

MO:Seed Plants
101404583N. Gavin-Smyth   2042022-06-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Bumbuli, W Usambara Mountains, Mazumbai Forest Reserve (Sokoine University of Agriculture). Stream with many large rocks, in montane forest., -4.8285 38.5079333, 1544m

Page 293, records 29201-29300 of 38672


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