Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 191, records 19001-19100 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
Tabernaemontana ventricosa Hochst. ex A. DC.
2716184Moses A. Mwangoka   31272004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
2716164Moses A. Mwangoka   31152004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
Tricalysia A. Rich. ex DC.
2716188Moses A. Mwangoka   31292004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
2716170Moses A. Mwangoka   31182004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
2716171Moses A. Mwangoka   31192004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
Pseuderanthemum subviscosum (C.B. Clarke) Stapf
2716185Moses A. Mwangoka   31282004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
2716179Moses A. Mwangoka   31262004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov.
2716145Moses A. Mwangoka   31072004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, miombo woodland in lowland area E of Kanga Mountain, with scattered Dombeya spp., -5.99805 37.74333, 476m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus Molina
2716147Moses A. Mwangoka   31082004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, miombo woodland in lowland area E of Kanga Mountain, with scattered Dombeya spp., -5.99805 37.74333, 476m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
2715895Moses A. Mwangoka   34692004-10-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Riverine forest between Turiani and Mitbwa Sugar Estate along Mbulumi River., -6.14916 37.59888, 425m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A. DC.
2714444Moses A. Mwangoka   33682004-09-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Mkindo Forest Reserve, Mkindo riverine forest, dominated by Afzelia quanzensis, Pteleopsis myrtifolia and Brachystegia spp., -6.21666 37.53333, 437m

MO:Seed Plants
Bullockia mombazensis (Baill.) Razafim., Lantz & B. Bremer
2714465Moses A. Mwangoka   33752004-09-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Mkindo Forest Reserve, Mkindo riverine forest, dominated by Afzelia quanzensis, Pteleopsis myrtifolia and Brachystegia spp., -6.2166667 37.5333333, 437m

MO:Seed Plants
2716285Moses A. Mwangoka   31592004-08-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, N-facing slopes near Kwafiruka Subvillage in Mziha Village., -5.89305 37.70638, 571m

MO:Seed Plants
Pollia condensata C.B. Clarke
2716294Moses A. Mwangoka   31632004-08-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, N-facing slopes near Kwafiruka Subvillage in Mziha Village., -5.89305 37.70638, 571m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
2716276Moses A. Mwangoka   31562004-08-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, N-facing slopes near Kwafiruka Subvillage in Mziha Village., -5.8930555 37.7063889, 571m

MO:Seed Plants
Begonia wakefieldii Gilg ex Engl.
2716287Moses A. Mwangoka   31602004-08-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, N-facing slopes near Kwafiruka Subvillage in Mziha Village., -5.89305 37.70638, 571m

MO:Seed Plants
2716282Moses A. Mwangoka   31582004-08-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, N-facing slopes near Kwafiruka Subvillage in Mziha Village., -5.89305 37.70638, 571m

MO:Seed Plants
2716292Moses A. Mwangoka   31622004-08-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, N-facing slopes near Kwafiruka Subvillage in Mziha Village., -5.89305 37.70638, 571m

MO:Seed Plants
Ludwigia speciosa (Brenan) Hoch, Goldblatt & P.H. Raven
2716153Moses A. Mwangoka   34912004-10-25
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Mbulumi riverine forest between Mhonda and Kilimanjaro Subvillages (Turiani), with scattered Albizia sp. and Synsepalum msolo., -6.14194 37.59527, 425m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros whyteana f. (Hiern) F. White
2715850Moses A. Mwangoka   34602004-10-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, near Mzinga River in montane forest with Khaya anthotheca, Parinari excelsa and Cylicomorpha parviflora., -6.13333 37.53333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. nitida (B.L. Burtt) I. Darbysh.
2715864Moses A. Mwangoka   34652004-10-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, near Mzinga River in montane forest with Khaya anthotheca, Parinari excelsa and Cylicomorpha parviflora., -6.13333 37.53333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
2715858Moses A. Mwangoka   34612004-10-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, near Mzinga River in montane forest with Khaya anthotheca, Parinari excelsa and Cylicomorpha parviflora., -6.13333 37.53333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
2715859Moses A. Mwangoka   34622004-10-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, near Mzinga River in montane forest with Khaya anthotheca, Parinari excelsa and Cylicomorpha parviflora., -6.13333 37.53333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
2715751Moses A. Mwangoka   34322004-09-30
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, montane forest with Allanblackia sp, Drypetes sp. and Cyathea manniana., -6.13333 37.51666, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Grewia L.
2716473O.A. Kibure   12212004-03-30
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural, T5. Secondary growth W of Ilianja Village., -5.52916 34.65138, 1514m

MO:Seed Plants
Grewia L.
2716474O.A. Kibure   12202004-03-30
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural, T5. Secondary growth W of Ilianja Village., -5.52916 34.65138, 1514m

MO:Seed Plants
Vanqueria Raf.
2716476O.A. Kibure   12172004-03-30
Tanzania, Singida, Singida Rural, T5. Secondary growth W of Ilianja Village., -5.52916 34.65138, 1514m

MO:Seed Plants
2716007Emanuel I. Mboya   10752004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
2716002Emanuel I. Mboya   10712004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
Oxalis L.
2716005Emanuel I. Mboya   10732004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
Apium L.
2716015Emanuel I. Mboya   10802004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
2716022Emanuel I. Mboya   10832004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
2716027Emanuel I. Mboya   10872004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
Annonaceae Juss.
2716010Emanuel I. Mboya   10772004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
2716025Emanuel I. Mboya   10852004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
2716021Emanuel I. Mboya   10822004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, National Natural History Museum, lawns., -3.36666 36.69555, 1409m

MO:Seed Plants
2716216Moses A. Mwangoka   31382004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716269Moses A. Mwangoka   31542004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716225Moses A. Mwangoka   31422004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716222Moses A. Mwangoka   31402004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716230Moses A. Mwangoka   31442004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.7333333, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716224Moses A. Mwangoka   31412004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716267Moses A. Mwangoka   31532004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716234Moses A. Mwangoka   31462004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
Heterotis rotundifolia (Sm.) Jacq.-Fél.
2716273Moses A. Mwangoka   31552004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716204Moses A. Mwangoka   31342004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
Vepris Comm. ex A. Juss.
2716231Moses A. Mwangoka   31452004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716205Moses A. Mwangoka   31352004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2715693Moses A. Mwangoka   34092004-09-27
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, E-facing slopes near Mlaguzi Village, montane forest with scattered Newtonia buchananii, Parinari excelsa, Macaranga capensis and Shirakiopsis elliptica., -6.15 37.53333, 1225m

MO:Seed Plants
2716187Moses A. Mwangoka   34962004-10-28
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru Landscape Forest Reserve, with scattered Macaranga capensis, Ocotea usambarensis and Podocarpus spp.; canopy height of Ocotea usambarensis ca. 40 m; vegetation cover ca. 40%; aspect 20º; understorey species: Podocarpus sp, Xymalos monospora, Syzygium sp. and Psychotria goetzei; lianas: Rutidea orientalis, Begonia spp. and Solanecio sp., -6.06694 37.49805, 2006m

MO:Seed Plants
2716189Moses A. Mwangoka   34972004-10-28
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru Landscape Forest Reserve, with scattered Macaranga capensis, Ocotea usambarensis and Podocarpus spp.; canopy height of Ocotea usambarensis ca. 40 m; vegetation cover ca. 40%; aspect 20º; understorey species: Podocarpus sp, Xymalos monospora, Syzygium sp. and Psychotria goetzei; lianas: Rutidea orientalis, Begonia spp. and Solanecio sp., -6.06694 37.49805, 2006m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
2716265Moses A. Mwangoka   35032004-10-28
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru Landscape Forest Reserve, with scattered Macaranga capensis, Ocotea usambarensis and Podocarpus spp.; canopy height of Ocotea usambarensis ca. 40 m; vegetation cover ca. 40%; aspect 20º; understorey species: Podocarpus sp, Xymalos monospora, Syzygium sp. and Psychotria goetzei; lianas: Rutidea orientalis, Begonia spp. and Solanecio sp., -6.0669445 37.4980555, 2006m

MO:Seed Plants
2715874L.B. Mwasumbi   141841988-01-20
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Amani (Type locality). Rain forest with Odyendea/Maesopsis eminii/Anisophylea., -5.1 38.63333, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov.
2715964Emanuel I. Mboya   10652004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2714641Emanuel I. Mboya   10062004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Brachiaria deflexa (Schumach.) C.E. Hubb. ex Robyns
2714639Emanuel I. Mboya   10042004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Canna L.
2715952Emanuel I. Mboya   10532004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2715939Emanuel I. Mboya   10402004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2714630Emanuel I. Mboya   9952004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2714631Emanuel I. Mboya   9962004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2714648Emanuel I. Mboya   10122004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2714722Emanuel I. Mboya   10212004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Euryops chrysanthemoides (DC.) B. Nord.
2715953Emanuel I. Mboya   10542004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2715942Emanuel I. Mboya   10432004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2714636Emanuel I. Mboya   10012004-04-01
Tanzania, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36861 36.69583, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
2716141Moses A. Mwangoka   31052004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, miombo woodland with scattered Brachystegia microphylla, Combretum spp. and Acacia polyacantha., -5.99972 37.74444, 430m

MO:Seed Plants
Vernonia glabra (Steetz) Vatke
2716121Moses A. Mwangoka   31002004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, miombo woodland with scattered Brachystegia microphylla, Combretum spp. and Acacia polyacantha., -5.99972 37.74444, 430m

MO:Seed Plants
Chlorophytum filipendulum subsp. amaniense (Engl.) Nordal & A.D. Poulsen
2716176Moses A. Mwangoka   31242004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
Marantochloa leucantha (K. Schum.) Milne-Redh.
2716190Moses A. Mwangoka   31302004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, near Kanga Village., -5.9980555 37.7433333, 525m

MO:Seed Plants
Setaria P. Beauv.
2716162Moses A. Mwangoka   31142004-07-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, miombo woodland in lowland area E of Kanga Mountain, with scattered Dombeya spp., -5.99805 37.74333, 476m

MO:Seed Plants
Setaria megaphylla (Steud.) T. Durand & Schinz
2716311Moses A. Mwangoka   31662004-08-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, N-facing slopes near Kwafiruka Subvillage in Mziha Village., -5.89305 37.70638, 571m

MO:Seed Plants
2716228Moses A. Mwangoka   31432004-08-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Forest Reserve, Kwakingiro, E-facing slopes near Kanga Village with scattered Pandanus spp, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Euphorbia spp. and Manilkara sulcata., -6 37.75, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
2716264Moses A. Mwangoka   35022004-10-28
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru Landscape Forest Reserve, with scattered Macaranga capensis, Ocotea usambarensis and Podocarpus spp.; canopy height of Ocotea usambarensis ca. 40 m; vegetation cover ca. 40%; aspect 20º; understorey species: Podocarpus sp, Xymalos monospora, Syzygium sp. and Psychotria goetzei; lianas: Rutidea orientalis, Begonia spp. and Solanecio sp., -6.0669445 37.4980555, 2006m

MO:Seed Plants
2715887L.B. Mwasumbi   138231987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mts. 90 km N of Morogoro town. Open river line forest., -5.9833333 37.75, 460m

MO:Seed Plants
Indigofera rhynchocarpa Welw. ex Baker
2716104A. Peter   491021915-08-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, Lanschaft. O. Usambara. Urwald am Lutindi, Südseite., -4.9 38.61666, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
2715869M.I. Thulin   31151978-06-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru Mts, near Maskati Mission, Mgundwilio Mt. Rough grassland., -6.05 37.43333, 1550m

MO:Seed Plants
2719706Moses A. Mwangoka   33392004-09-04
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Temeke, T6. Raskutani Lagoon of Ngaramia River near Indian Ocean with scattered Barringtonia racemosa, Kigelia africana and Dombeya sp., -6.93583 39.50222, 7m

MO:Seed Plants
2718388Moses A. Mwangoka   32072004-08-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along margin of forest W of Mafuta Village., -6.07888 37.56444, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
2718392Moses A. Mwangoka   32082004-08-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along margin of forest W of Mafuta Village., -6.07888 37.56444, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
2719542Moses A. Mwangoka   32832004-08-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, E-facing slopes of Mbuzini, near Kwamfuko Peak with scattered Parinari excelsa, Sorindeia madagascariensis and Tabernaemontana sp., -6.0716667 37.5472222, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach. & Thonn.) Taub.
2719536Moses A. Mwangoka   32792004-08-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, E-facing slopes of Mbuzini, near Kwamfuko Peak with scattered Parinari excelsa, Sorindeia madagascariensis and Tabernaemontana sp., -6.07166 37.54722, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
Shirakiopsis elliptica (Hochst.) Esser
2719539Moses A. Mwangoka   32812004-08-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, E-facing slopes of Mbuzini, near Kwamfuko Peak with scattered Parinari excelsa, Sorindeia madagascariensis and Tabernaemontana sp., -6.07166 37.54722, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf
2719537Moses A. Mwangoka   32802004-08-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, E-facing slopes of Mbuzini, near Kwamfuko Peak with scattered Parinari excelsa, Sorindeia madagascariensis and Tabernaemontana sp., -6.07166 37.54722, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
Vitex L.
2719520Moses A. Mwangoka   32772004-08-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, E-facing slopes of Mbuzini, near Kwamfuko Peak with scattered Parinari excelsa, Sorindeia madagascariensis and Tabernaemontana sp., -6.07166 37.54722, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.) R. Br. ex Vatke
2718303Moses A. Mwangoka   31762004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
2718311Moses A. Mwangoka   31832004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
2718297Moses A. Mwangoka   31712004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock
2718332Moses A. Mwangoka   31922004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
2718325Moses A. Mwangoka   31892004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
Leptaulus holstii (Engl.) Engl.
2718309Moses A. Mwangoka   31812004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
2718308Moses A. Mwangoka   31802004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Baill.
2718310Moses A. Mwangoka   31822004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
2718305Moses A. Mwangoka   31772004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
2718306Moses A. Mwangoka   31782004-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru South Forest Reserve, along path to Ubili Village E of Diwale River between Mafuta and Ubili Villages, montane forest., -6.07416 37.5575, 748m

MO:Seed Plants
2718458Moses A. Mwangoka   35512004-10-30
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Landscape Forest Reserve, Kwevikori Rock along ridge to Kwezinyambo Peak, surrounded by forest with scattered Erica sp, Cussonia sp. and Macarania capensis. Vegetation cover: 80%; canopy height: 15 m (Morella salicifolia); understorey: Osyris lanceolata, Plectranthus sp, Bidens pilosa, Helichrysum odoratissimum; liana: Schefflera sp., -6.07083 37.50472, 2124m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
2718348Moses A. Mwangoka   35432004-10-30
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Landscape Forest Reserve, Kwevikori Rock along ridge to Kwezinyambo Peak, surrounded by forest with scattered Erica sp, Cussonia sp. and Macarania capensis. Vegetation cover: 80%; canopy height: 15 m (Morella salicifolia); understorey: Osyris lanceolata, Plectranthus sp, Bidens pilosa, Helichrysum odoratissimum; liana: Schefflera sp., -6.0708334 37.5047222, 2124m

MO:Seed Plants
Synsepalum brevipes (Baker) T.D. Penn.
2719591Moses A. Mwangoka   32992004-08-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, riverine forest, Kwechazungu, Dikulula River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Strombosia scheffleri., -6.07777 37.54694, 855m

MO:Seed Plants
2719611Moses A. Mwangoka   33072004-08-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, riverine forest, Kwechazungu, Dikulula River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Strombosia scheffleri., -6.07777 37.54694, 855m

MO:Seed Plants
Heterotis rotundifolia (Sm.) Jacq.-Fél.
2719660Moses A. Mwangoka   33172004-08-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, riverine forest, Kwechazungu, Dikulula River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Strombosia scheffleri., -6.07777 37.54694, 855m

MO:Seed Plants
Mimusops schimperi Hochst. ex A. Rich.
2719603Moses A. Mwangoka   33042004-08-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, T6. Nguru South Forest Reserve, riverine forest, Kwechazungu, Dikulula River, dominated by Parinari excelsa and Strombosia scheffleri., -6.07777 37.54694, 855m

Page 191, records 19001-19100 of 38672


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