Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 175, records 17401-17500 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
1559464John A. Mlangwa   11292000-11-29
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Gonja-Kanza Ward. Chaguto Forest Reserve. Open forest., -4.31666 38, 1280m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhipsalis baccifera (Sol.) Stearn
1559463John A. Mlangwa   11282000-11-29
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Gonja-Kanza Ward. Chaguto Forest Reserve. Open forest., -4.3166667 38, 1280m

MO:Seed Plants
1558797John A. Mlangwa   10092000-11-07
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Pare Mountains. Mbaga Ward, Manka Village. Nakombo River, E side of road from Manka-Gonja, Bushland., -4.16916 37.90138, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Myrsine melanophloeos (L.) R. Br. ex Sweet
1558840John A. Mlangwa   10302000-11-08
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Mbaga Ward. Malai and Tia River. Wooded grassland dominated by Ficus., -4.21388 37.95694, 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1559407John A. Mlangwa   10762000-11-12
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Pare Mountains. Mbaga Ward. Manka Village. Riverine forest, Mkundukundu and Nakombo Rivers. Mwandeni/Kitoghoi., -4.15694 37.93888, 900m

MO:Seed Plants
Orthostichella rigida (Müll. Hal.) B.H. Allen & Magill
1559435John A. Mlangwa   11042000-11-13
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Mbaga Ward. Mank Lutheran Dispensary at Mkundukundu River., -4.1666667 37.9333333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
1547503D. Price   DA1361931-00-00
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1547560D. Price   WK1331999-07-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Empogona acidophylla (Robbr.) Tosh & Robbr.
1547914A. Ntemi Sallu   331997-10-24
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Saintpaulia rock. T3. Kwamngumu Forest Reserve., 400m

MO:Seed Plants
1547792D. Price   WK3471999-11-26
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
Phyllopentas ulugurica (Verdc.) Kårehed & B. Bremer
1547766D. Price   WK3221999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
Setaria plicatilis (Hochst.) Hack. ex Engl.
1547545D. Price   WK121999-07-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
1547874D. Price   WK871999-07-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
1547693D. Price   WK2501999-11-23
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.8 36.41666, 1520m

MO:Seed Plants
1547526D. Price   WK1021999-07-19
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1910m

MO:Seed Plants
Plectranthus seretii (De Wild.) Vollesen
1547542D. Price   WK1171999-08-07
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1920m

MO:Seed Plants
1547769D. Price   WK3251999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
1547812D. Price   WK3652000-02-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains. West Kilombero Forest Reserve. On peak, amongst grass., -7.77944 36.47388, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
1547549D. Price   WK1231999-07-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
1547587D. Price   WK1571999-07-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1920m

MO:Seed Plants
1547706D. Price   WK2611999-12-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.41666, 1450m

MO:Seed Plants
Dicliptera laxata C.B. Clarke
1547708D. Price   WK2641999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1510m

MO:Seed Plants
Floscopa glomerata (Willd. ex Schult. & Schult. f.) Hassk.
1547872D. Price   WK851999-07-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
Heinsia crinita subsp. parviflora (K. Schum. & K. Krause) Verdc.
1547834D. Price   WK501999-07-14
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1780m

MO:Seed Plants
1547519D. Price   DA1521930-00-00
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
1547551D. Price   WK1251999-07-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
1547531D. Price   WK1071999-07-19
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1910m

MO:Seed Plants
Crassocephalum rubens (B. Juss. ex Jacq.) S. Moore
1548004E. Topp-Jorgensen   DA160
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 1980m

MO:Seed Plants
1546819Neduvoto Mollel   112014-00-00
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Monduli Dist, around mount Longido, -2.68333 36.7, 1573m

MO:Seed Plants
Galium bussei K. Schum. & K. Krause
1547612D. Price   WK181999-07-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
1547524D. Price   WK1001999-07-21
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
1547588D. Price   WK1581999-07-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1920m

MO:Seed Plants
1547854D. Price   WK691999-07-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
1547821D. Price   WK391999-07-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
1547981E. Topp-Jorgensen   DA1132017-00-00
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 1980m

MO:Seed Plants
Plectranthus kapatensis (R.E. Fr.) J.K. Morton
1547683D. Price   WK2411999-11-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.76277 36.43138, 1550m

MO:Seed Plants
1547610D. Price   WK1781999-08-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.48333, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Helichrysum kirkii Oliv. & Hiern
1547983E. Topp-Jorgensen   DA1162024-00-00
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Eulophia cucullata (Sw.) Steud.
1547700D. Price   WK2581999-12-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1451m

MO:Seed Plants
1547597D. Price   WK1661999-07-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.48333, 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) R. Br.
1547648D. Price   WK2111999-08-02
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Athrixia rosmarinifolia (Sch. Bip. ex Walp.) Oliv. & Hiern
1547992E. Topp-Jorgensen   DA1251926-00-00
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1547603D. Price   WK1711999-07-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.48333, 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
Asparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop
1547751D. Price   WK311999-07-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
1547776D. Price   WK3311999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
Multidentia crassa (Hiern) Bridson & Verdc.
1547760D. Price   WK3181999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
1547886D. Price   WK981999-07-21
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
1547861D. Price   WK751999-07-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
Leonotis ocymifolia (Burm. f.) Iwarsson
1547590D. Price   WK161999-07-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Lantana viburnoides (Forssk.) Vahl
1547749D. Price   WK3081999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1461m

MO:Seed Plants
1547677D. Price   WK2361999-11-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.8 36.41666, 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
1547645D. Price   WK2091999-08-02
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
1547572D. Price   WK1441999-07-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
1547688D. Price   WK2461999-11-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.76277 36.43138, 1550m

MO:Seed Plants
1547732D. Price   WK2851999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
Alectra sessiliflora (Vahl) Kuntze
1547547D. Price   WK1211999-07-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1920m

MO:Seed Plants
Galium brenanii Ehrend. & Verdc.
1547875D. Price   WK881999-07-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
1547686D. Price   WK2441999-11-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.76277 36.43138, 1550m

MO:Seed Plants
Empogona acidophylla (Robbr.) Tosh & Robbr.
1547794D. Price   WK3491999-11-29
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
1548021E. Topp-Jorgensen   DA97
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 1960m

MO:Seed Plants
1547697D. Price   WK2551999-12-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1450m

MO:Seed Plants
Clutia abyssinica Jaub. & Spach
1547823D. Price   WK401999-07-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacques
1547881D. Price   WK931999-07-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
Rotheca sansibarensis (Gürke) Steane & Mabb.
1547726D. Price   WK281999-07-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

MO:Seed Plants
Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd
1547753D. Price   WK3111999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.86666 36.36666, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
Berkheya echinacea (Harv.) O. Hoffm. ex Burtt Davy
1547985E. Topp-Jorgensen   DA1181926-00-00
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1547986E. Topp-Jorgensen   DA1191926-00-00
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1547528D. Price   WK1041999-07-19
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1910m

MO:Seed Plants
1547972E. Topp-Jorgensen   DA1042012-00-00
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.91666, 1970m

MO:Seed Plants
1547274Peter B. Phillipson   49941998-05-31
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, 57 km from Arusha town., -3.12694 36.69472, 1570m

MO:Seed Plants
Plectranthus L'Hér.
1547275Peter B. Phillipson   49951998-06-13
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Forest behind Teacher Training College., -6.82916 37.70111, 690m

MO:Seed Plants
1547285Peter B. Phillipson   50051998-07-13
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Above Longido village., -2.71972 36.69944, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
1547294Peter B. Phillipson   50141998-07-14
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, NW of Longido village., -2.68805 36.69194, 1935m

MO:Seed Plants
Ocimum kilimandscharicum Baker ex Gürke
1547298Peter B. Phillipson   50181998-08-09
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Along road through Park, near main gate., -3.28722 36.86277, 1450m

MO:Seed Plants
Ocimum lamiifolium Hochst. ex Benth.
1547299Peter B. Phillipson   50191998-08-09
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Along road through Park, near main gate., -3.2825 36.8675, 1450m

MO:Seed Plants
1547351Peter B. Phillipson   50701999-05-25
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Above Olmotoni., -3.27361 36.71666, 2250m

MO:Seed Plants
1547314Peter B. Phillipson   50341998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Along path to transect. Frontier Savanna Camp near Itete, along path to transect., -8.66861 36.485, 450m

MO:Seed Plants
Leucas R. Br.
1547358Peter B. Phillipson   50781999-06-08
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, W side above telecommunication dish. Open area dominated by Protea gaguedi with grasses. disturbed Acacia woodland., -2.6875 36.69111, 1930m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1547359Peter B. Phillipson   50791999-06-08
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, W side above telecommunication dish. Open area dominated by Protea gaguedi with grasses. disturbed Acacia woodland., -2.6875 36.69111, 1930m

MO:Seed Plants
1547361Peter B. Phillipson   50811999-06-08
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, W side above telecommunication dish. Open area dominated by Protea gaguedi with grasses. disturbed Acacia woodland., -2.6875 36.69111, 1930m

MO:Seed Plants
Plectranthus alpinus (Vatke) Ryding
1547308Peter B. Phillipson   50281998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Maio Camp site On banks of Ngare Nanyuki River., -3.2475 36.81138, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
1547316Peter B. Phillipson   50361998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Along path to transect. Frontier Savanna Camp near Itete, along path to transect., -8.66861 36.485, 450m

MO:Seed Plants
Barleria ramulosa C.B. Clarke
1547322Peter B. Phillipson   50421999-01-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, 37 km from Arusha., -3.10527 36.69888, 1555m

MO:Seed Plants
1547354Peter B. Phillipson   50731999-05-25
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Above Olmotoni., -3.28694 36.70444, 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
1547356Peter B. Phillipson   50751999-05-30
Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha, Njiro suburb., -3.42194 36.71222, 1270m

MO:Seed Plants
1547363Peter B. Phillipson   50831999-06-08
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, W side above telecommunication dish. Open area dominated by Protea gaguedi with grasses. disturbed Acacia woodland., -2.6875 36.69111, 1930m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Gladiolus candidus (Rendle) Goldblatt
1547334Peter B. Phillipson   50531999-04-18
Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha, Njiro suburb., -3.42194 36.71222, 1270m

MO:Seed Plants
Cycnium cameronianum (Oliv.) Engl.
1547271Peter B. Phillipson   49911998-05-31
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, 57 km from Arusha town., -3.12694 36.69472, 1570m

MO:Seed Plants
Emilia coccinea (Sims) G. Don
1547273Peter B. Phillipson   49931998-05-31
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, 57 km from Arusha town., -3.12694 36.69472, 1570m

MO:Seed Plants
Tetradenia Benth.
1547297Peter B. Phillipson   50171998-07-19
Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha, Outskirts., -3.35083 36.69361, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Afrocarpus gracilior (Pilg.) C.N. Page
1547439Peter B. Phillipson   51591999-11-20
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, W. side of Reserve, near Ngujini Peak, along road to Suji and Bwambo from Chome. [GPS ARC 60, Altimeter]., -4.34583 37.90916, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1547446Peter B. Phillipson   51661999-11-20
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, W. side of Reserve, near Ngujini Peak, along road to Suji and Bwambo from Chome. [GPS ARC 60, Altimeter]., -4.35027 37.91111, 2050m

MO:Seed Plants
1547328Peter B. Phillipson   50471999-03-10
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Steep E-facing slope covered with dense shrubs., -3.23611 36.52833, 1840m

MO:Seed Plants
Leucas R. Br.
1547336Peter B. Phillipson   50551999-04-26
Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha, At base of Kivesi Mountain., -3.34666 36.72666, 1590m

MO:Seed Plants
Senecio hochstetteri Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich.
1547360Peter B. Phillipson   50801999-06-08
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, W side above telecommunication dish. Open area dominated by Protea gaguedi with grasses. disturbed Acacia woodland., -2.6875 36.69111, 1930m

MO:Seed Plants
1547368Peter B. Phillipson   50881999-06-08
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, W side above telecommunication dish. W-facing scrub., -2.68777 36.68833, 1770m

MO:Seed Plants
Juncus L.
1547383Peter B. Phillipson   51031999-06-11
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Near Chome village, within ericoid vegetation along stream bank. Short turf., -4.30111 37.91972, 1910m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1547345Peter B. Phillipson   50641999-05-06
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, Along trail to Magamba Peak Along road from Mgamba to Gare., -4.7525 38.28944, 1735m

MO:Seed Plants
1547419Peter B. Phillipson   51401999-11-14
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, W. side of Reserve, below Shengena Peak. [GPS Arc 60, Altimeter]., -4.27166 37.91666, 1960m

MO:Seed Plants
1547436Peter B. Phillipson   51561999-11-19
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, W. side of Reserve, NE of Tae village. [Map 1:50,000 Makanya, Altimeter]., -4.31333 37.91055, 1800m

Page 175, records 17401-17500 of 38672


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