Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 154, records 15301-15400 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
1311230G. T. Mwiga   271998-10-19
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Urumwa Forest Reserve, Mtakuja village. Forest., -5.17472 32.81388, 1167m

MO:Seed Plants
1311216G. T. Mwiga   201998-10-14
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, Tabora Game Park (zoo). Forest., -5.03361 32.81388, 1168m

MO:Seed Plants
1311099G. T. Mwiga   131998-10-12
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Urumwa forest. Forest woodland., -5.2225 32.82305, 1169m

MO:Seed Plants
1311096G. T. Mwiga   121998-10-12
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Urumwa forest. Forest woodland., -5.2225 32.82305, 1169m

MO:Seed Plants
Trema orientale (L.) Blume
1310840Nathan A. Mwangulango   181998-10-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1310538Moses A. Mwangoka   1311998-11-10
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, Mashindei public forest, Mashindei village, between Kwemadanga Hill and Mavumbi Hill, S of Ambangulu Forest Reserve., -5.0811111 38.4225, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
1311069G. T. Mwiga   11998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru Region. Arusha National Park, Jekukumia. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
1311073G. T. Mwiga   31998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru Region. Arusha National Park, Jekukumia. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
1311077G. T. Mwiga   61998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru Region. Arusha National Park, Jekukumia. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
1311262G. T. Mwiga   411998-11-04
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Municipal Dist; Military range hill; near Tabora Boys' Secondary School, -5.01666 32.8

MO:Seed Plants
Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A. Rich.
1311270G. T. Mwiga   451998-11-06
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Isenga village. Forest., -5.15 32.65

MO:Seed Plants
1311220G. T. Mwiga   221998-10-16
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute (T.B.T.I.). Forest., -5.05333 32.82916, 1165m

MO:Seed Plants
1310861Nathan A. Mwangulango   221998-10-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
1310864Nathan A. Mwangulango   231998-10-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.8416666 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
Cyphostemma braunii (Gilg & M. Brandt) Desc.
1310480Moses A. Mwangoka   1021998-11-05
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, (T3) Ambangulu Forest Reserve, W of Ambangulu campsite above Makweli village., -5.07111 38.40444, 1220m

MO:Seed Plants
Senna singueana (Delile) Lock
1310946Nathan A. Mwangulango   611998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
1310953Nathan A. Mwangulango   671998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
1310950Nathan A. Mwangulango   641998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
1310944Nathan A. Mwangulango   591998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
Apiaceae Lindl.
1310951Nathan A. Mwangulango   651998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
1310952Nathan A. Mwangulango   661998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
Vitaceae Juss.
1310955Nathan A. Mwangulango   681998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
1310956Nathan A. Mwangulango   691998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
1311247G. T. Mwiga   351998-10-21
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute. Forest., -5.05583 32.82944, 1165m

MO:Seed Plants
Grewia L.
1311242G. T. Mwiga   331998-10-21
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute. Forest., -5.05583 32.82944, 1165m

MO:Seed Plants
1311236G. T. Mwiga   311998-10-21
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute. Forest., -5.05583 32.82944, 1165m

MO:Seed Plants
1310807Nathan A. Mwangulango   81998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District: Arusha National Park along camp site. Jekukumia Camp. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
Englerina Tiegh.
1310806Nathan A. Mwangulango   71998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District: Arusha National Park along camp site. Jekukumia Camp. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoestes triflora (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.
1306914G. Massawe   91998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arusha National Park. Jekukumia Campsite beside Jekukumia River., -3.38416 36.79194, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Impatiens meruensis subsp. cruciata (T.C.E. Fr.) Grey-Wilson
1306910G. Massawe   71998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arusha National Park. Jekukumia Campsite beside Jekukumia River., -3.38416 36.79194, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1306912G. Massawe   81998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arusha National Park. Jekukumia Campsite beside Jekukumia River., -3.38416 36.79194, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1305800Roy E. Gereau   61861998-11-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Nambinga Forest Reserve, 16 km by road N of Itete at Frontier Tanzania Forest Camp. GPS, ARC-1960 mean datum, HDOP 5.6., -8.56722 36.49472, 360m

MO:Seed Plants
Leptactina platyphylla (Hiern) Wernham
1307486G. Massawe   491998-10-26
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Head- quarter offices, 4 m outside the gate; thickets on sandy soil., -7.84305 36.88222, 320m

MO:Seed Plants
Arachniodes foliosa (C. Chr.) Schelpe
1305938Roy E. Gereau   62501998-12-14
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, South Pare Mountains; Chome Forest Reserve, NW side of Shengena Peak near small stream in slightly disturbed montane forest with Ocotea usambarensis, Macaranga kilimandscharica and Ficalhoa laurifolia., -4.25 37.91666, 2160m

MO:Seed Plants
Blotiella glabra (Bory) R.M. Tryon
1305908Roy E. Gereau   62251998-12-09
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, South Pare Mountains, Chome Forest Reserve, ca. 3.1 km E of Mhero (Chome Village) near road to Gonja ca. 150 m S of Saseni Stream, at edge of montane forest and one-year-old burned area. GPS, ARC-1960 mean datum, PDOP 4.5, -4.2958333 37.9286111, 1920m

MO:Seed Plants
1307420G. Massawe   331998-10-16
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, at the water intake-Mwaya River and above. Thicket, forest and stony, rocky ground beside Mwaya River., -7.6722223 36.8, 338m

MO:Seed Plants
Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll. Arg.
1307434G. Massawe   371998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa National Park; 10 m above and away from the water intake. Stony, rocky ground beside Mwaya River., -7.83361 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
1307432G. Massawe   361998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa National Park; 10 m above and away from the water intake. Stony, rocky ground beside Mwaya River., -7.83361 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
1311078G. T. Mwiga   71998-08-25
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru Dist. Arusha National Park. Little Meru, rocks around summit., -3.21166 36.77472, 3795m

MO:Seed Plants
1310969Nathan A. Mwangulango   791998-11-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, edge of forest near road to Ifakara., -7.85194 36.88722, 377m

MO:Seed Plants
Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm. f.) R. Br.
1310978Nathan A. Mwangulango   831998-11-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, edge of forest near road to Ifakara., -7.85194 36.88722, 377m

MO:Seed Plants
Becium Lindl.
1310975Nathan A. Mwangulango   811998-11-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, edge of forest near road to Ifakara., -7.85194 36.88722, 377m

MO:Seed Plants
1310875Nathan A. Mwangulango   291998-10-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Around campsite # 3 and near Mwaya River. Habitat: Forest., -7.83472 36.86944, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
1310881Nathan A. Mwangulango   331998-10-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Around campsite # 3 and near Mwaya River. Habitat: Forest., -7.83472 36.86944, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
Costus afer Ker Gawl.
1310886Nathan A. Mwangulango   361998-10-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Around campsite # 3 and near Mwaya River. Habitat: Forest., -7.8347222 36.8694445, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
1310826Nathan A. Mwangulango   141998-10-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
1310898Nathan A. Mwangulango   381998-10-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Around campsite # 3 and near Mwaya River. Habitat: Forest., -7.83472 36.86944, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
1311207G. T. Mwiga   151998-10-13
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Kariakoo Range hills., -5.0491666 32.8183334, 1167m

MO:Seed Plants
1310910Nathan A. Mwangulango   451998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Forest from water intake at Mwaya River up to little water falls. Habitat: Forest, with rock and dry soils on gentle slope and flat areas. Full sun., -7.9336111 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl
1310901Nathan A. Mwangulango   401998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Forest from water intake at Mwaya River up to little water falls. Habitat: Forest, with rock and dry soils on gentle slope and flat areas. Full sun., -7.93361 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
1310903Nathan A. Mwangulango   421998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Forest from water intake at Mwaya River up to little water falls. Habitat: Forest, with rock and dry soils on gentle slope and flat areas. Full sun., -7.93361 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
1311213G. T. Mwiga   191998-10-14
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, Tabora Game Park (zoo). Forest., -5.03361 32.81388, 1168m

MO:Seed Plants
1311264G. T. Mwiga   421998-11-04
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute., -5.05222 32.82916, 1165m

MO:Seed Plants
1310850Nathan A. Mwangulango   191998-10-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
1310829Nathan A. Mwangulango   161998-10-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
1310858Nathan A. Mwangulango   211998-10-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. orbicularis (B.L. Burtt) I. Darbysh.
1310572Moses A. Mwangoka   1391998-11-10
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, Mashindei public forest, Mashindei village, between Kwemadanga Hill and Mavumbi Hill, S of Ambangulu Forest Reserve., -5.08111 38.4225, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
1311075G. T. Mwiga   41998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru Region. Arusha National Park, Jekukumia. Afromontane forest., -3.2469444 36.8088889, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
1311076G. T. Mwiga   51998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru Region. Arusha National Park, Jekukumia. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
1310964Nathan A. Mwangulango   751998-11-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Prince Bernhard Waterfalls. Forest (rocky soil), -7.8425 36.88, 608m

MO:Seed Plants
1310966Nathan A. Mwangulango   761998-11-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Prince Bernhard Waterfalls. Forest (rocky soil), -7.8425 36.88, 608m

MO:Seed Plants
Rothmannia engleriana (K. Schum.) Keay
1311224G. T. Mwiga   241998-10-16
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute (T.B.T.I.). Forest., -5.05333 32.82916, 1165m

MO:Seed Plants
1311222G. T. Mwiga   231998-10-16
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute (T.B.T.I.). Forest., -5.05333 32.82916, 1165m

MO:Seed Plants
1310866Nathan A. Mwangulango   241998-10-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
1310869Nathan A. Mwangulango   261998-10-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
Saba comorensis (Bojer ex A. DC.) Pichon
1310868Nathan A. Mwangulango   251998-10-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
1310949Nathan A. Mwangulango   631998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
1310947Nathan A. Mwangulango   621998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park. Near road to Ifakara at the edge of forest., -7.8575 36.88777

MO:Seed Plants
Antidesma venosum E. Mey. ex Tul.
1311244G. T. Mwiga   341998-10-21
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute. Forest., -5.05583 32.82944, 1165m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Podocarpus L'Hér. ex Pers.
1310804Nathan A. Mwangulango   61998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District: Arusha National Park along camp site. Jekukumia Camp. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
Solanecio mannii (Hook. f.) C. Jeffrey
1310809Nathan A. Mwangulango   101998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District: Arusha National Park along camp site. Jekukumia Camp. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
1310810Nathan A. Mwangulango   111998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District: Arusha National Park along camp site. Jekukumia Camp. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
Clidemia D. Don
1310923Nathan A. Mwangulango   481998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula, Udzungwa National Park; Njokamoni River, Chinese water intake. Habitat: Forest with dry rocky soils and gentle slope in full sun., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
1310929Nathan A. Mwangulango   491998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula, Udzungwa National Park; Njokamoni River, Chinese water intake. Habitat: Forest with dry rocky soils and gentle slope in full sun., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
Celastraceae R. Br.
1310933Nathan A. Mwangulango   521998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula, Udzungwa National Park; Njokamoni River, Chinese water intake. Habitat: Forest with dry rocky soils and gentle slope in full sun., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
1310938Nathan A. Mwangulango   541998-10-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park; between campsite # 1, staff quarters and Mwaya River. Forest., -7.85805 36.83611, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
Vepris Comm. ex A. Juss.
1310801Nathan A. Mwangulango   41998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District: Arusha National Park along camp site. Jekukumia Camp. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
1310803Nathan A. Mwangulango   51998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District: Arusha National Park along camp site. Jekukumia Camp. Afromontane forest., -3.24694 36.80888, 2100m

MO:Seed Plants
Psychotria capensis (Eckl.) Vatke
1310932Nathan A. Mwangulango   511998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula, Udzungwa National Park; Njokamoni River, Chinese water intake. Habitat: Forest with dry rocky soils and gentle slope in full sun., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
Acalypha ornata Hochst. ex A. Rich.
1310930Nathan A. Mwangulango   501998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula, Udzungwa National Park; Njokamoni River, Chinese water intake. Habitat: Forest with dry rocky soils and gentle slope in full sun., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
1310941Nathan A. Mwangulango   561998-10-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa National Park; between campsite # 1, staff quarters and Mwaya River. Forest., -7.85805 36.83611, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
Didymosalpinx norae (Swynn.) Keay
1310961Nathan A. Mwangulango   731998-11-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Sanje post. On way to Sanje Waterfalls. Forest., -7.7666667 36.9

MO:Seed Plants
1310958Nathan A. Mwangulango   711998-11-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Sanje post. On way to Sanje Waterfalls. Forest., -7.7666667 36.9

MO:Seed Plants
Rhodobryum keniae (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
1344335G. Massawe   1911999-04-03
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Beside Sonjo River. Open forest with tall grasses, few trees and some climbers and little undergrowth., -7.4833333 36.25, 1075m

MO:Seed Plants
Peponium vogelii (Hook. f.) Engl.
1343895G. Massawe   991998-12-26
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village. Udzungwa Mountains National Park Headquarters. Open forest., -7.8475 36.8805556, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
Annonaceae Juss.
1344246G. Massawe   1701999-02-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Sonja Village. Thick forest in deep shade., -7.4788889 36.2577778, 327m

MO:Seed Plants
1343831G. Massawe   921998-12-23
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Mang'ula Village at Headquarters. Campsite #3. Forest with dry fallen leaves and brown grasses., -7.8472222 36.885, 600m

MO:Seed Plants
Cleistanthus f. Hook. f. ex Planch.
1345397L. Festo   601998-11-02
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Bukoba District; Minziro Village. Kakindo. Forest along road, 4 km inside forest., -1.1213889 31.4811111, 1130m

MO:Seed Plants
Pterobryopsis hoehnelii (Müll. Hal.) Magill
1344606L. Festo   21998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District; Arusha National Park, at edge of Jekukumia River. Forest., -3.2477777 36.8108333, 2011m

MO:Seed Plants
1344789L. Festo   531998-10-29
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Bukoba District; Minziro Village downward from Kaiyamba Hill. Grassland., -1.04 31.535, 1220m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Afrocarpus dawei (Stapf) C.N. Page
1344709L. Festo   271998-10-12
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Bukoba District, Minziro Village near Gozi-Kakindo Village. Forest interior. 4 km west of road., -1.12138 31.48111, 1130m

MO:Seed Plants
1344391G. Massawe   2101999-04-04
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Mwanihana Forest Reserve and summits. Thick, tall forest with abundant moisture, many rocky areas and abundant grass., -7.8 36.86666, 2020m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Camonea umbellata (L.) A.R. Simões & Staples
1343908G. Massawe   1011998-12-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village. Udzungwa Mountains National Park Headquarters. Disturbed forest around offices., -7.8430555 36.8825, 320m

MO:Seed Plants
Millettia semseii J.B. Gillett
1344251G. Massawe   1731999-02-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, T6. Mkamba Village. Thick forest., -7.51333 36.67222, 380m

MO:Seed Plants
Hilsenbergia nemoralis (Gürke) J.S. Mill.
1344249G. Massawe   1711999-02-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, T6. Mkamba Village. Thick forest., -7.5133333 36.6722223, 380m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1346264Gabriel Simon Laizer   961999-01-21
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, T2. Munduli Forest Reserve. Near Onjoro Ondare Village., -3.40194 36.63027, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1343520G. Massawe   641998-12-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Forest edge beside road with many grasses and climbers., -7.6775 36.8463889, 320m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1346001Gabriel Simon Laizer   641999-01-04
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, T2. Monduli Forest Reserve. Below Kinamuke Spring 6 km from Imbibia Village., -3.2472222 36.5508333, 1880m

MO:Seed Plants
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal
1346292Gabriel Simon Laizer   1071999-02-16
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, T2. Monduli Forest Reserve. Mwandeti Forest near Engalaoni., -3.2586111 36.5408333, 1780m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1345554L. Festo   1071999-01-06
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Bukoba District; Minziro Village; Nyakahanga Street, near Nyanikindo River, lower side of Katechureka Hill, outside village. Grassland, thicket and other disturbed areas., -1.04 31.5261111, 1150m

Page 154, records 15301-15400 of 38672


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