Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 153, records 15201-15300 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.
1087506Mary A.E. (Mrs. H.M.) Richards   159981962-02-06
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, Nziga Road. Hab. Hard pan, wet long grass., 790m

MO:Seed Plants
Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.
1087844C.F.M. Swynnerton   75A

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1156906Ossian Flock   7001972-06-24
Tanzania, Pwani, Kibaha, Kibaha-Tumbi. Wooded grassland., -6.76666 38.91666

MO:Seed Plants
1192810A.L. Borhidi   846411984-03-05
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, West Usambara Mts, Ndelemai F.R. on the W summit of Ndelemai F.R., 1600 - 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus acuminata (L. f.) Loes.
1192802A.L. Borhidi   820931982-02-21
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, Shume Nature Forest Reserve NW of Lushoto. Mesophilous montane evergreen forest., 1870m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus Molina
1192975C.F. Paget-Wilkes   6181969-08-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, [Lugoda] Secondary forest and bush.

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus Molina
1192990C.F. Paget-Wilkes   6151969-08-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, [Lugoda]

MO:Seed Plants
1192796A.E. Haarer   19311931-09-00
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, Bogandika, Bukoba Dsitrict., 1219m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock
1192953A.L. Borhidi   851611985-01-21
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, (T 3) Region: W. Usambara Mts, Mkussu F.R. Mkindoi summit area., 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus Molina
1192994C.F. Paget-Wilkes   1571969-04-14
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Mufindi

MO:Seed Plants
Gymnosporia coriacea (Guill. & Perr.) Thomson
1192819A.E. Haarer   7971927-10-00
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Mwanga, near Butu {moshi] District., 914m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock
1192956B.J. Harris   51941970-09-27
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Maunga valley above Mzinga village o western slopes of Bondwa-Luhungu ridge, Uluguru Mts. T6., 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus Molina
1192995C.F. Paget-Wilkes   2921969-11-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Mufindi, 1829 - 1981m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus heterophylla (Eckl. & Zeyh.) N. Robson
1192804P.J. Greenway   151241973-06-13
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Vuma Hill area, Kilosa District., 671m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell
1192836C.F. Paget-Wilkes   1661968-09-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Mufundi, 1829 - 1981m

MO:Seed Plants
1192807S.T. Iversen   875071987-05-14
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, S of East Usambara Mts. Tongwe F.R. Drier lowland evergreen forest., 400m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock
1192951C.F. Paget-Wilkes   5531969-07-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Mufundi

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock
1192982P.J. Greenway   145031970-05-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, T7, Mesagati., 792m

MO:Seed Plants
1192997Mary A.E. (Mrs. H.M.) Richards   265531970-12-19
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Nasula, 5100m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus acuminata (L. f.) Loes.
1192793A.L. Borhidi   849711984-03-17
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, West Usambara Mts, Shume F.R. Mlomboza summit., 2290m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell
1192842Mildred E. Mathias   A1171963-07-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, Southern Highlands, near Ifundi about 2 miles nw of junction of Mbeya-Dabaga Rd. south of Iringa. Thorny shrub in open Uapaca savannah.

MO:Seed Plants
1192993H.J. Schlieben   39051933-05-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru-Geb. Urwald., -7.2 37.6333333, 1450m

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus undata (Thunb.) Blakelock
1192971D.M. Bridson   6011984-08-31
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, Ulanga Dsitrict, Uzungwa Mts, sanje, near waterfall Camp: 750 m.

MO:Seed Plants
Maytenus putterlickioides (Loes.) Exell & Mendonça
1192825L.B. Mwasumbi   132501987-08-10
Tanzania, Tanga, Handeni, T3. Near Kwamkono, 10 km SE of Sindeni, Handeni District, scattered thickets or forest patches., 600m

MO:Seed Plants
1202439G. Sally Bidgood   6271988-03-23
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, T7, Njombe District, 11 mi from Makumbako on Mbeya road, -8.85 34.63333, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
1215267L.B. Mwasumbi   105171969-05-22
Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni, Estate Nursery, University College., 40m

MO:Seed Plants
1231253J.C. Lovett   20651987-02-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Lukosi River riverine thicket. About 10 km from base of Kitonga gorge., -7.66666 36.25, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
Cynorchis Thouars
1231267J.C. Lovett   22031987-02-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi; grasslands near Ngwazi village with tree clumps., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
1231261J.C. Lovett   21991987-02-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi; grasslands in Pines with tree clumps with Albizia, Cussonia, Erythrina., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Habenaria Willd.
1231268J.C. Lovett   20641987-02-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Lukosi River riverine thicket. About 10 km from base of Kitonga gorge., -7.66666 36.25, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
1231265J.C. Lovett   21501987-02-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, Isimilia stone age site. Brachystegia woodland., -7.83333 35.66666, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
1231256J.C. Lovett   20521987-01-05
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Below Lulando forest in grassland, Miombo., -8.5 35.75, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Habenaria Willd.
1231259J.C. Lovett   21211987-02-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi swamp. Wet meadow., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
1250989Mildred E. Mathias   A1963-07-21
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, Southern Highlands, Kitapilimwa ca 11 miles east of Iringa-Dodoma.

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
1262846P.J. Greenway   153841973-07-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, District Kilosa, 549m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
1262952H.J. Schlieben   56771934-02-12
Tanzania, Lindi, Lindi Rural, Lindi-Bez. Lutambasee, ca 240 Lichter Wald

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia acuminata (Klotzsch) K. Schum.
1262479P.J. Greenway   153781973-07-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Kilosa Dist. T6, vuma Hill area, mile 14.4 from HQ., 518m

MO:Seed Plants
1267562P.J. Greenway   146251970-10-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, A7, Mwayembe, 853m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia Seem. ex Baill.
1262391P.J. Greenway   147941970-12-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, T. 7, Kiramotonge Hill, N.E. Side, Mile 4.9 from Msembo., 724m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia zanzibarica (Bojer ex DC.) K. Schum.
1263095R.E.S. Tanner   24451955-10-25
Tanzania, Tanga, Pangani, Madanga Chiefdom, Kumbamtoni. On hillside above salt water estuary., 30m

MO:Seed Plants
1267564B.E. Juniper   79
Tanzania, Rukwa, Mpanda, Western Prov, Kibwesa

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
1262735A.E. Haarer   20061931-01-00
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Kibedya. N Kilsa District., 610m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
1262963A.N. Mxnjas   19301970-06-24
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, T6. Ntindani c 3 km Kisarawe to Mwaneromango Road. Closed forest near the road.

MO:Seed Plants
1267481R.E.S. Tanner   12511952-03-03
Tanzania, Mwanza, Geita, Lubanda Parish, Karumo Chiedom, Geita District. In cultivated area; on deep, coarse sand., 1158m

MO:Seed Plants
Begonia oxyloba Welw. ex Hook. f.
1275329A.F. Stolz   1631911-00-00
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Nyassa Hochland - Station Kyimbila, -9.28333 33.65

MO:Seed Plants
1275426A.F. Stolz   15591912-09-17
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Nyassa Hochland - Station Kyimbila, -9.28333 33.65, 1600 - 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Begonia oxyloba Welw. ex Hook. f.
1275318H.J. Schlieben   28651932-10-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Bez. Morogoro, Uluguru-Geb. ca 1000 kinole, Urwald, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Begonia oxyloba Welw. ex Hook. f.
1275315H.J. Schlieben   16981932-01-31
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Mahenge Plateau ca 900 m.

MO:Seed Plants
Gambeya gorungosana (Engl.) Liben
1281684Roy E. Gereau   61431998-01-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda Forest Reserve, Mbwilwa forest patch, along ridge top in Afromontane rain forest. GPS (ARC-1960 mean datum, PDOP 3.1)., -8.6013889 35.6330556, 1560m

MO:Seed Plants
1274547Nonyani   701971-11-00
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, East African Herbarium T3. Lushoto arboretum mixed up with other P. ssp.

MO:Seed Plants
Aphloia theiformis (Vahl) Benn.
1281672Roy E. Gereau   61391998-01-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda Forest Reserve, tree nursery #2, in open valley just N of Fufu forest patch. GPS (ARC-1960 mean datum, PDOP 3.6)., -8.60972 35.62694, 1480m

MO:Seed Plants
Ficus sur Forssk.
1307370G. Massawe   311998-10-13
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, road to Udzungwa Mts. water intake. Forest area with many trees and climbers., 335m

MO:Seed Plants
Hewittia malabarica (L.) Suresh
1307475G. Massawe   431998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Head- quarter offices. Njokamoni River-Chinese water intake; sandy, rocky ground beside river and dry river bed., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros zombensis f. (B.L. Burtt) F. White
1307332G. Massawe   271998-10-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, roadsides to Prince Bernhard Waterfall; sandy soils in thickets., -7.84111 36.83833, 322m

MO:Seed Plants
Grewia L.
1307335G. Massawe   291998-10-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, roadsides to Prince Bernhard Waterfall; sandy soils in thickets., -7.84111 36.83833, 322m

MO:Seed Plants
Fabaceae Lindl.
1307329G. Massawe   251998-10-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, roadsides to Prince Bernhard Waterfall; sandy soils in thickets., -7.84111 36.83833, 322m

MO:Seed Plants
Alchornea laxiflora (Benth.) Pax & K. Hoffm.
1307323G. Massawe   241998-10-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, roadsides to Prince Bernhard Waterfall; sandy soils in thickets., -7.84111 36.83833, 322m

MO:Seed Plants
1307491G. Massawe   531998-11-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Sanje Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Sanje Post Office, Sanje Waterfalls. In tall forest., 578m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1309183Moses A. Mwangoka   171998-10-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, (T7). Lulanda village. Fufu forest., -8.6097222 35.6238889, 1625m

MO:Seed Plants
Satureja punctata (Benth.) Briq.
1306907G. Massawe   41998-08-19
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District; Lake Duluti. At edge of lake., -3.38444 36.79111, 1210m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1309162Moses A. Mwangoka   51998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, (T2). Arumeru District. Arusha National Park. Jekukumia., -3.2469444 36.8088889, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Cynoglossum amplifolium Hochst. ex A. DC.
1309161Moses A. Mwangoka   41998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, (T2). Arumeru District. Arusha National Park. Jekukumia., -3.24694 36.80888, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1306930G. Massawe   191998-10-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, corner (left side) on way to staff quarters., -7.84333 36.88333, 321m

MO:Seed Plants
1307311G. Massawe   221998-10-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, corner (left side) on way to staff quarters., -7.84333 36.88333, 321m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
1305897Roy E. Gereau   62161998-11-15
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, Kiwengoma Forest Reserve, along NE boundary in and just above valley of Magugu Stream, ca. 1 km SSE of WWF residence and office near Nambunju in relatively undisturbed miombo woodland. GPS, ARC-1960 mean datum, PDOP 3.0., -8.32055 38.95888, 230 - 250m

MO:Seed Plants
Acalypha ornata Hochst. ex A. Rich.
1307514G. Massawe   591998-11-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park, headquarters at Prince Bernhard Waterfall., -7.8425 36.88, 330m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Rubiaceae Juss.
1307512G. Massawe   581998-11-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park, headquarters at Prince Bernhard Waterfall., -7.8425 36.88, 330m

MO:Seed Plants
1307518G. Massawe   601998-11-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park, headquarters at Prince Bernhard Waterfall., -7.8425 36.88, 330m

MO:Seed Plants
1307363G. Massawe   301998-10-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village. Roadside to the staff quarters at Udzungwa Mts. National Park, headquarter offices. Thicket with tall trees and many climbers., -7.84305 36.88222, 320m

MO:Seed Plants
Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell
1307474G. Massawe   421998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Head- quarter offices. Njokamoni River-Chinese water intake; sandy, rocky ground beside river and dry river bed., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
1307476G. Massawe   441998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Head- quarter offices. Njokamoni River-Chinese water intake; sandy, rocky ground beside river and dry river bed., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
1307478G. Massawe   451998-10-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Head- quarter offices. Njokamoni River-Chinese water intake; sandy, rocky ground beside river and dry river bed., -7.83361 36.83555, 315m

MO:Seed Plants
Psychotria lauracea (K. Schum.) E.M.A. Petit
1307330G. Massawe   261998-10-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, roadsides to Prince Bernhard Waterfall; sandy soils in thickets., -7.84111 36.83833, 322m

MO:Seed Plants
Microglossa pyrifolia (Lam.) Kuntze
1307334G. Massawe   281998-10-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, roadsides to Prince Bernhard Waterfall; sandy soils in thickets., -7.84111 36.83833, 322m

MO:Seed Plants
1307489G. Massawe   511998-11-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Sanje Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Sanje Post Office, Sanje Waterfalls. In tall forest., 578m

MO:Seed Plants
Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) R. Br.
1307496G. Massawe   551998-11-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Sanje Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Sanje Post Office, Sanje Waterfalls. In tall forest., 578m

MO:Seed Plants
Launaea cornuta (Hochst. ex Oliv. & Hiern) C. Jeffrey
1306928G. Massawe   171998-10-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village. Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices; grassy ground., -7.84166 36.8875, 320m

MO:Seed Plants
1306925G. Massawe   141998-10-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, around Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices., -7.84166 36.8875, 320m

MO:Seed Plants
Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray
1306908G. Massawe   51998-08-19
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District; Lake Duluti. At edge of lake., -3.38444 36.79111, 1210m

MO:Seed Plants
1307309G. Massawe   211998-10-06
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa Mts. National Park. Headquarter offices, corner (left side) on way to staff quarters., -7.84333 36.88333, 321m

MO:Seed Plants
1305737Roy E. Gereau   61611998-10-29
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Nambinga Forest Reserve, 15.5 km by road N of Itete, in forest W of road. GPS, ARC-1960 mean datum, PDOP 4.8., -8.56944 36.48972, 350m

MO:Seed Plants
Chamaecrista parva (Steyaert) Lock
1306919G. Massawe   111998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arusha National Park. Jekukumia Campsite beside Jekukumia River., -3.38416 36.79194, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
1306916G. Massawe   101998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arusha National Park. Jekukumia Campsite beside Jekukumia River., -3.38416 36.79194, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Annonaceae Juss.
1307428G. Massawe   351998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa National Park; 10 m above and away from the water intake. Stony, rocky ground beside Mwaya River., -7.83361 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Brenan
1307440G. Massawe   391998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula Village, Udzungwa National Park; 10 m above and away from the water intake. Stony, rocky ground beside Mwaya River., -7.83361 36.83833, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
Peponium vogelii (Hook. f.) Engl.
1310500Moses A. Mwangoka   1221998-11-08
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, (T3) Ambangulu tea estate, N of factory (0.5 km from factory); disturbed land., -5.0638889 38.4352777, 1000m

MO:Seed Plants
Gambeya gorungosana (Engl.) Liben
1310492Moses A. Mwangoka   1141998-11-07
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, (T7) Ambangulu Forest Reserve, W of factory tea estates (3 km)., -5.0630556 38.4108333, 1280m

MO:Seed Plants
1310466Moses A. Mwangoka   901998-11-03
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, (T3) Ambangulu forest, W of factory, tea estates., -5.07388 38.41805, 1240m

MO:Seed Plants
Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr.
1310973Nathan A. Mwangulango   801998-11-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, edge of forest near road to Ifakara., -7.8519444 36.8872222, 377m

MO:Seed Plants
Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A. Rich.
1310976Nathan A. Mwangulango   821998-11-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, edge of forest near road to Ifakara., -7.85194 36.88722, 377m

MO:Seed Plants
1310878Nathan A. Mwangulango   311998-10-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Around campsite # 3 and near Mwaya River. Habitat: Forest., -7.83472 36.86944, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
1310884Nathan A. Mwangulango   351998-10-07
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Around campsite # 3 and near Mwaya River. Habitat: Forest., -7.83472 36.86944, 300m

MO:Seed Plants
1310827Nathan A. Mwangulango   151998-10-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa National Park. Around park headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains, Mang'ula. Habitat: Thickets., -7.84166 36.8875, 310m

MO:Seed Plants
1311267G. T. Mwiga   441998-11-06
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Ilolangulu village, roadside. Forest., -5.05 32.83333

MO:Seed Plants
1311081Anonymous   81998-10-10
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Igombe forest. Forest woodland., -4.83333 32.7, 1169m

MO:Seed Plants
Combretum molle R. Br. ex G. Don
1311090Anonymous   111998-10-10
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Igombe forest. Forest woodland., -4.8333333 32.7, 1169m

MO:Seed Plants
Cissus L.
1310907Nathan A. Mwangulango   441998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Forest from water intake at Mwaya River up to little water falls. Habitat: Forest, with rock and dry soils on gentle slope and flat areas. Full sun., -7.93361 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
Violaceae Batsch
1310906Nathan A. Mwangulango   431998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Forest from water intake at Mwaya River up to little water falls. Habitat: Forest, with rock and dry soils on gentle slope and flat areas. Full sun., -7.93361 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
Fabaceae Lindl.
1310915Nathan A. Mwangulango   461998-10-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Mang'ula headquarters, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Forest from water intake at Mwaya River up to little water falls. Habitat: Forest, with rock and dry soils on gentle slope and flat areas. Full sun., -7.93361 36.505, 344m

MO:Seed Plants
1311250G. T. Mwiga   371998-10-30
Tanzania, Tabora, Tabora Rural, T4. Tabora Beekeeping Training Institute. Forest., -5.05333 32.82972, 1165m

Page 153, records 15201-15300 of 38672


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