Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 119, records 11801-11900 of 38672

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
477684J.C. Lovett   7691986-05-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo Plateau by the Numbi stream near the Matamba-Kitulo road. 2500 m. High altitude grassland., 2500m

MO:Seed Plants
476925J.C. Lovett   7931986-05-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo Plateau by the Numbi stream near the Matamba-Kitulo road. 2500 m. High altitude grassland., 2500m

MO:Seed Plants
Bartsia abyssinica var. nyikensis (R.E. Fr.) Hedberg, Holmlund, Mahunnah, R. L. A., B. E. Mhoro, Mziray & Nordenhed
476956J.C. Lovett   7971986-05-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo Plateau by the Numbi stream near the Matamba-Kitulo road. 2500 m. High altitude grassland., 2500m

MO:Seed Plants
477241J.C. Lovett   7601986-05-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo Plateau by the Numbi stream near the Matamba-Kitulo road. 2500 m. High altitude grassland., 2500m

MO:Seed Plants
477281J.C. Lovett   7751986-05-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo Plateau by the Numbi stream near the Matamba-Kitulo road. 2500 m. High altitude grassland., 2500m

MO:Seed Plants
479432Roy E. Gereau   42231991-03-05
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Livingstone Mountains; foot trail from Bumbigi on steep ridge top N of Isalala River, in forest just below hillside Sinarundinaria alpina zone., -9.18333 33.86666, 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
479292Roy E. Gereau   46331992-06-07
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Livingstone Mountains; ca 13 km E of Igoma and 1-2 km NW of Kikondo on road to Kitulo, on mountain slopes below Kitulo Plateau in much-grazed grassland and montane forest., -9.01666 33.76666, 2640m

MO:Seed Plants
Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze
477480Greg C. de Nevers   31551984-03-31
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Mikumi National Park: near park headquarters; grassy savannah with occasional trees., -7.35 37.11666

MO:Seed Plants
479241Roy E. Gereau   45781992-06-04
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Sawago Forest, ca 2 km W of Igoma on top of Mporoto Ridge, in secondary forest with Hagenia abyssinica and Cussonia spicata., -9 33.65, 2300m

MO:Seed Plants
Veronica glandulosa Hochst. ex Benth.
479302Roy E. Gereau   30921989-02-11
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo (Elton) Plateau; just E of Ndumbi River along Matamba-Kitulo road in open alpine meadows., -9.05 33.91666, 2570m

MO:Seed Plants
Hedbergia abyssinica (Hochst. ex Benth.) Molau
479202Roy E. Gereau   37561991-01-27
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, 9.3 km from Mbeya-Kyela highway on road between Igoma and Kitulo on south slope of Mporoto Mountains, in grassland with tree clumps., -9 33.7, 2360m

MO:Seed Plants
Lysimachia djalonis (A. Chev.) U. Manns & Anderb.
479321Roy E. Gereau   44041991-03-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, E flank of Livingstone Mountains, 8.6 km N of village offices in Mbwila where Luepele River (small tributary of Luana River) crosses road from Mlangali to Ludewa., -9.9 34.53333, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Hedbergia abyssinica (Hochst. ex Benth.) Molau
479251Roy E. Gereau   40811991-02-27
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Top ridge of Livingstone Mountains (boundary with Makete District and Iringa Region), on trail from Bumbigi to Kitulo in grassland with patches of Sinarundinaria alpina - Hagenia abyssinica forest., -9.16666 33.9, 2700m

MO:Seed Plants
479193Roy E. Gereau   16851985-01-13
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Arumeru Dist.; City of Arusha; Suye Hill (ca. 2 km east of city center); in fairly dense thicket of secondary growth., -3.36666 36.7, 1460m

MO:Seed Plants
479312Roy E. Gereau   28381989-01-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo (Elton) Plateau; rocky hill top above Matamba on road to Kitulo., -9.03333 33.95, 2700m

MO:Seed Plants
479231Roy E. Gereau   17371985-01-18
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, Arumeru Dist.; west flank of Mt. Meru, near vehicle track from Forestry Training Institute, ca. 0.6 km above upper edge of Pinus patula planta- tion in clearing of shrub growth caused by fire in 1983., -3.23333 36.71666, 2620m

MO:Seed Plants
479753Peter Goldblatt   83201986-11-27
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, Njombe District 36 km along Manda road, Mnewa valley near Luponde Tea Estate, 6900 ft. Grassy dambo., 2105m

MO:Seed Plants
Cycnium tubulosum (L. f.) Engl.
476992Daniel K. Harder   12701992-10-26
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, 34.8 km W of Matai on Matai - Kasanga road. In groundwater forest ca. 1.0 km W of culvert over Kaye (Kae) stream. In thick forest patch at base of slope of Lwasu Hills., -8.3 31.26666, 1535 - 1560m

MO:Seed Plants
Sopubia simplex (Hochst.) Hochst.
476973Daniel K. Harder   11911992-10-24
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, 11.0 km SSW of Moravian mission at Tatanda (Livingstone Memorial Mission) on Sumbawanga - Mbala (Zambia) highway, in partially burned miombo at foot of rocky (granitic) hill, [Safu Map]., -8.56666 31.48333, 1790m

MO:Seed Plants
476982Daniel K. Harder   12111992-10-24
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, 11.0 km SSW of Moravian mission at Tatanda (Livingstone Memorial Mission) on Sumbawanga - Mbala (Zambia) highway, in partially burned miombo at foot of rocky (granitic) hill, [Safu Map]., -8.56666 31.48333, 1790m

MO:Seed Plants
477002Daniel K. Harder   14541992-11-15
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, 7 km from S of Ruanda II (approximately 2 km N of water tank at Ilembo on Ilembo - Mbalizi road). In Mbogo Forest Reserve (Umalila), in mixed forest and on brushy south-facing slopes., -9.18333 33.3, 2180m

MO:Seed Plants
478046B.E. Mhoro   56511988-03-27
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Ruaha Village, Mahenge., -8.9 36.71666

MO:Seed Plants
478057B.E. Mhoro   5654A1988-03-27
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Ruaha Village, Mahenge., -8.9 36.71666

MO:Seed Plants
477231J.C. Lovett   17001987-03-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulange Dam. Grassy banks., -8.58333 35.25, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Cycnium adonense E. Mey. ex Benth.
476995J.C. Lovett   28251987-12-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Grassland at near lake Ngwazi., -8.51666 35.16666, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
477523J.C. Lovett   2600A1987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
477191J.C. Lovett   27381987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1350m

MO:Seed Plants
Cycnium adonense E. Mey. ex Benth.
479331Roy E. Gereau   36381991-01-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains; base of steep scree slope on east face of Msalaba Mountain, along foot trail from mission at Luana., -9.98333 34.6, 1980m

MO:Seed Plants
Diclis ovata Benth.
479343Roy E. Gereau   36421991-01-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains; base of steep scree slope on east face of Msalaba Mountain, along foot trail from mission at Luana., -9.98333 34.6, 1980m

MO:Seed Plants
479442Roy E. Gereau   39731991-02-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains, at and near summit of Ligala Mountain along foot trail from mission at Madunda., -9.85 34.45, 2320m

MO:Seed Plants
Buchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
477566Greg C. de Nevers   33741984-04-30
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Mikumi National Park: near park office., -7.35 37.11666

MO:Seed Plants
Selago L.
478019C.J. Kayombo   9171989-08-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Uhafiwa. Kotschya woodland., -8.41666 35.75, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Jamesbrittenia micrantha (Klotzsch) Hilliard
477545J.C. Lovett   37791989-12-19
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Old cultivation at base of Pungaluma Hills. Edge of Songwe and Pungaluma coffee plantations with Parinari curatellifolia., -8.83333 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
479863J.C. Lovett   41801990-02-14
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Old cultivation at base of Pungaluma hills. Edge of Songwe and Pungaluma coffee plantations., -8.83333 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
477201J.C. Lovett   19001987-04-03
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Sao Hill Pines. Grassland in pine plantation., -8.5 35.58333, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Alectra sessiliflora (Vahl) Kuntze
476786J.C. Lovett   22001987-05-25
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi. Wet meadow grassland., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Buchnera cryptocephala (Baker) Philcox
477599J.C. Lovett   41591990-02-12
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma hills above Mshewe and Muvwa villages, `Shokwa' plateau area. With Protea gaguedii, Protea madiensis., -8.83333 33.33333, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke
477055J.C. Lovett   14041987-02-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Lukosi River riverine thicket. About 10 km from base of Kitonga gorge., -7.66666 36.25, 700m

MO:Seed Plants
Alectra sessiliflora (Vahl) Kuntze
477651J.C. Lovett   43301990-03-07
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Muvwa Valley. Acacia, Bauhinia, Brachystegia boehmii, Combretum woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze
477662J.C. Lovett   43311990-03-07
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Muvwa Valley. Acacia, Bauhinia, Brachystegia boehmii, Combretum woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
477173J.C. Lovett   33561989-11-19
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Brachystegia, Uapaca, Syzygium, Faurea, Protea woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke
477085J.C. Lovett   16371987-03-02
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, On road outside Ruaha National Park boundary, 5 km beyond fork to Idodi. Acacia, Commiphora, Combretum bush with tetse flies., -7.66666 35.33333, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
477094J.C. Lovett   16381987-03-02
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, On road outside Ruaha National Park boundary, 5 km beyond fork to Idodi. Acacia, Commiphora, Combretum bush with tetse flies., -7.66666 35.33333, 850m

MO:Seed Plants
477162C.J. Kayombo   1861989-03-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ibatu. Grass with tree clumps., -8.51666 35.16666, 1845m

MO:Seed Plants
Diclis ovata Benth.
477589J.C. Lovett   40241990-01-31
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Old cultivation at base of Pungaluma hills. Edge of Songwe and Pungaluma coffee plantations., -8.83333 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
Cycnium adonense E. Mey. ex Benth.
477556J.C. Lovett   38021989-12-21
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Beside Mshewe village, near Palule river. Acacia thicket with Brachystegia boehmii., -8.83333 33.33333, 1200m

MO:Seed Plants
477676J.C. Lovett   43501990-03-09
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Beside Mchewe/Mshewe River. Rocky land., -8.83333 33.33333, 1200m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
479804J.C. Lovett   28841988-01-17
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Lower Ndumbi Valley. Dry woodland., -8.91666 34.08333, 1150m

MO:Seed Plants
477262J.C. Lovett   34061989-11-20
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Brachystegia, Uapaca, Syzygium, Faurea, Protea woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1400 - 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
477006J.C. Lovett   34711989-11-25
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Protea scrubland, rocky soil., -8.83333 33.33333, 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach
479812J.C. Lovett   33101989-06-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Luhega forest near Uhafiwa. Moist forest on hilly country., -8.48333 35.81666, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
477292J.C. Lovett   3315A1989-11-17
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Brachystegia, Uapaca, Syzygium, Faurea, Protea woodland., -8.83333 33.33333, 1400m

MO:Seed Plants
477065J.C. Lovett   6741986-04-27
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, 10 km to north of Ngwazi Dam. Rock out- crop by river., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
476966J.C. Lovett   19641987-04-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Grasslands at top of escarpment on new Mgololo to Sawala road., -8.66666 35.5, 1650m

MO:Seed Plants
476976J.C. Lovett   19651987-04-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Grasslands at top of escarpment on new Mgololo to Sawala road., -8.66666 35.5, 1650m

MO:Seed Plants
Buchnera cryptocephala (Baker) Philcox
477221J.C. Lovett   19061987-04-03
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Irundi Hill. Grassland with Protea and small forest clumps., -8.5 35.58333, 1900 - 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
477512J.C. Lovett   19051987-04-03
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Irundi Hill. Grassland with Protea and small forest clumps., -8.5 35.58333, 1900 - 2000m

MO:Seed Plants
476945J.C. Lovett   30151988-02-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Lusitu ridge. Rocky ridge with tree clumps in short grassland., -9.66666 34.66666, 2200m

MO:Seed Plants
Sopubia mannii var. tenuifolia (Engl. & Gilg) Hepper
477181J.C. Lovett   7181986-05-07
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lake Ngwazi swamp., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
477074J.C. Lovett   18441987-03-30
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Grassland with forest patches with Arundinaria and Hagenia., -9.16666 33.66666, 2400m

MO:Seed Plants
476935J.C. Lovett   15371987-02-19
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Kivere Estate. Forest with Rawsonia, Cassipourea gummiflua, Xymalos, Syzygium guineense, Arundinaria, Rapanea, Parinari excelsa., -8.6833333 35.25, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
479820J.C. Lovett   35341989-11-28
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Base of Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Open grassland at edge of cultivated land., -8.83333 33.33333, 1350m

MO:Seed Plants
477025J.C. Lovett   32781989-06-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Between Uhafiwa and Ihangana. Short grassland on clay and stones., -8.5 35.75, 1850m

MO:Seed Plants
Sopubia mannii var. tenuifolia (Engl. & Gilg) Hepper
477123J.C. Lovett   16531987-03-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi swamp. Wet meadow grassland., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
Sopubia lanata var. densiflora (Skan) O.J. Hansen
476915J.C. Lovett   17441987-03-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Little Ruaha River. Grassland and boggy areas near waters edge. Tree clumps on termite mounds in the grass- land. The soil under the grassland is very poor, being murram., -8.35 35.6166667, 1700m

MO:Seed Plants
Cycnium tubulosum (L. f.) Engl.
479541Peter Goldblatt   81531986-11-17
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, Ufipa District 24-25 km south of Sumbawanga; dambo., -8.18333 31.61666

MO:Seed Plants
Lindernia nummulariifolia (D. Don) Wettst.
477211J.C. Lovett   16931987-03-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Daraja ya Mungu. Kivere estate on the Lulange road. Thicket on rocky outcrops near a stream. 08º35'S 35º20E 1800 m, -8.58333 35.33333, 1800m

MO:Seed Plants
Torenia goetzei (Engl.) Hepper
479755L.B. Mwasumbi   134131987-11-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Burned grassland and wet meadow at Itimbo., -10.18333 35.01666

MO:Seed Plants
477151J.C. Lovett   10281986-11-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lake Ngwazi swamp at southern end. Wet grass meadow., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

MO:Seed Plants
479996F.M. Mbago   8551991-08-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Handeni, Genda Genda South Forest Reserve. 1 km W of Genda Genda Village. Dry riverine forest., -5.58333 38.65, 120m

MO:Seed Plants
479272Roy E. Gereau   46121992-06-05
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Mporoto Mountains; SE side of rim of Ngozi Crater, in undisturbed forest with Rapanea melanophloeos, Macaranga kilimandscharica, and Diospyros whyteana., -9.01666 33.55, 2200m

MO:Seed Plants
479402Roy E. Gereau   41901991-03-03
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Livingstone Mountains; foot trail from Bumbigi on steep ridge top N of Isalala River, in forest below hillside Sinarundinaria alpina zone., -9.18333 33.86666, 1900m

MO:Seed Plants
479363Roy E. Gereau   26271988-12-07
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Brooke Bond Tea Estate; Luisenga Stream, in streamside forest and thickets with frost pockets., -8.6 35.3, 1710m

MO:Seed Plants
Torenia goetzei (Engl.) Hepper
477182Daniel K. Harder   11971992-10-24
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, 11.0 km SSW of Moravian mission at Tatanda (Livingstone Memorial Mission) on Sumbawanga - Mbala (Zambia) highway, in partially burned miombo at foot of rocky (granitic) hill, [Safu Map]., -8.56666 31.48333, 1790m

MO:Seed Plants
477022Daniel K. Harder   14771992-11-22
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone mountains, ca 1.0 km SSE of Ngolo Mountain peak, in bowl-like valley head near water hole (no outlet). In frequently over grazed and burned grassland with narrow evergreen forest along small stream., -10.01666 34.58333, 1810m

MO:Seed Plants
477640J.C. Lovett   43191990-03-04
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Ipota area between Mshewe and Muvwa villages. Woodland with Brachystegia spiciformis, B. manga, B. boehmii, Bauhinia, Diplorhynchus condylocarpon, Combretum, Ochna, Faurea. Grass 0.1 m-0.4 m tall., -8.83333 33.33333, 1200m

MO:Seed Plants
479282Roy E. Gereau   30721989-02-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, 17 km W of Makambako on Mbeya road in Lannea-Acacia dwarf woodland on seasonally inundated soil near waterñ filled quarry pit., -8.8333333 34.6666667, 1440m

MO:Seed Plants
Lindernia nummulariifolia (D. Don) Wettst.
477579J.C. Lovett   40231990-01-31
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Old cultivation at base of Pungaluma hills. Edge of Songwe and Pungaluma coffee plantations., -8.83333 33.33333, 1250m

MO:Seed Plants
Lindernia nummulariifolia (D. Don) Wettst.
477632J.C. Lovett   42951990-03-02
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Pungaluma Hills above Mshewe Village. Woodland with Brachystegia spiciformis, Uapaca kirkiana, Syzygium guineense subsp. guineense, Faurea, Protea., -8.83333 33.33333, 1300 - 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
477302J.C. Lovett   13151987-01-04
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural, 20 km West of Iringa on Ruaha National Park road. Cut over Acacia thicket., -7.75 35.5833333, 1600m

MO:Seed Plants
Torenia goetzei (Engl.) Hepper
479561Peter Goldblatt   81551986-11-17
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, Ufipa District 24-25 km south of Sumbawanga; dambo., -8.18333 31.61666

MO:Seed Plants
476985J.C. Lovett   8101986-06-08
Tanzania, Tanga, Tanga, Amboni Estate, Sigi River. Thicket on limestone cliffs by Mombasa road bridge., -5.0833333 39

MO:Seed Plants
477015J.C. Lovett   30631988-02-14
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Nguru Mountains. Forest above Mhonda Mission, Turiani. Moist forest., -6.1166667 37.55, 950m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
479828J.C. Lovett   35571989-11-30
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Field edge in valley at base of Pungaluma Hills., -8.83333 33.33333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
Cycnium tubulosum subsp. montanum (N.E. Br.) O.J. Hansen
477115J.C. Lovett   35421989-11-30
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Field edge in valley at base of Pungaluma Hills., -8.83333 33.33333, 1300m

MO:Seed Plants
483248Roy E. Gereau   39621991-02-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, East flank of Livingstone Mountains; 8.6 km N of village offices in Mbwila where road from Mlangali to Ludewa crosses Luepele River (small tributary of Luana R.) in riverine forest., -9.9 34.53333, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia obtusifolia (Baker) Sprague
483177Roy E. Gereau   27601989-01-02
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, 28.5 km NW of Mafinga on Madibira Road in secondary scrub dominated by Parinari curatellifolia., -8.2 35.11666, 1640m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
85460Frontier-Tanzania   Forest
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
96045Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-08-02
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -7.66666 39.28333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
98664J.C. Lovett   47091990-06-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kimani Waterfall., -8.9333333 34.2166667, 1500m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
107514Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1990-07-15
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji, -8.35 38.93333

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
109018Peter Lovett   5011991-06-21
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Below ridge running northwest from Mbeya peak. Shrubby grassland with Kotschya, Bidens and Crotalaria., -8.83333 33.33333, 2300m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
111597Roy E. Gereau   52081993-12-02
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, Mbizi Forest Reserve, Mbizi Mountains, ca 4 km southeast of village offices in Wipanga, in recently burned short grassland and montane forest., -7.875 31.65722, 2300m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
111605Roy E. Gereau   52131993-12-02
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, Mbizi Forest Reserve, Mbizi Mountains, ca 4 km southeast of village offices in Wipanga, in recently burned short grassland and montane forest., -7.875 31.65722, 2300m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Gonatopus boivinii (Decne.) Engl.
388825Frontier-Tanzania   Forest1991-03-00
Tanzania, Pwani, Kisarawe, -6.15 38.6, 150m

MO:Seed Plants
477171Roy E. Gereau   31861989-02-14
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kitulo (Elton) Plateau; top of waterfall above Matamba-Kitulo road on Ndumbi River to source of right-hand fork., -9.05 33.91666, 2600 - 2650m

MO:Seed Plants
Markhamia zanzibarica (Bojer ex DC.) K. Schum.
483272Peter Goldblatt   81811986-11-21
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Makete District Lower Ndumbi valley south of main road; Brachystegia manga - Combretum woodland.

MO:Seed Plants
481911H.O. Suleiman   1321991-03-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Mbwila Village, Nyamlunga Peak in Livingstone Mountains., -9.93333 34.53333, 2080 - 2140m

MO:Seed Plants
Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach
482109Duncan W. Thomas   35561984-08-23
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Anthropogenic open short grassland with relict forest patches. Canopy height of forest patches 8-15 m. Formerly closed dry forest. "Expedition supported by the National Geographic Socitey.", -8.5 35.33333, 1950m

MO:Seed Plants
Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.
483539J.C. Lovett   47691990-09-24
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, East of Muvwa. East-facing slope. Open Acacia and Cordia woodland with grasses to 2 m tall., -8.83333 33.25, 1350m

Page 119, records 11801-11900 of 38672


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