Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Pteridophytes
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 1617

Missouri Botanical Garden Ferns

Christella chaseana (Schelpe) Holttum
1456716C.J. Kayombo   25891999-07-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Isipii Village, Luvetsi River valley, 0-70 m W of main road to MTC Coffee Farm (Mwenga). Extremely disturbed riverine forest due to cultivation, burning and cutting, with scattered Syzygium cordatum., -8.60416 35.63472, 1375m

Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex Sw.) J. Sm.
1456721C.J. Kayombo   25921999-07-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Isipii Village, Luvetsi River valley, 0-70 m W of main road to MTC Coffee Farm (Mwenga). Extremely disturbed riverine forest due to cultivation, burning and cutting, with scattered Syzygium cordatum., -8.60416 35.63472, 1375m

Selaginella tenerrima A. Braun ex Kuhn
1456724C.J. Kayombo   25941999-07-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Isipii Village, Luvetsi River valley, 0-70 m W of main road to MTC Coffee Farm (Mwenga). Extremely disturbed riverine forest due to cultivation, burning and cutting, with scattered Syzygium cordatum., -8.60416 35.63472, 1375m

1456935C.J. Kayombo   26431999-07-21
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Along road bank to Lulanda Village from Ibwanzi, 100 m from junction of Ibwanzi and Isipii, disturbed area due to road management., -8.59972 35.63916, 1400m

1457019C.J. Kayombo   26581999-07-24
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Lulanda Forest Reserve, Mgwilwa forest patch, Lulanda Village, afromontane disturbed forest., -8.59527 35.63277, 1650m

1457091C.J. Kayombo   26971999-07-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. E of Lulanda Escarpment, Mwenga River valley of Mufindi Coffee Farm, along Mwenga waterfall., -8.62222 35.64388, 1125m

Arthropteris orientalis (J.F. Gmel.) Posth.
1457154C.J. Kayombo   27021999-07-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. E of Lulanda Escarpment, Mwenga River valley of Mufindi Coffee Farm, along Mwenga waterfall., -8.6222223 35.6438889, 1125m

Pseudocyclosorus pulcher (Bory ex Willd.) Holttum
1457201C.J. Kayombo   27301999-07-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Bottom of Lulanda Escarpment, Kigulumati stream bank., -8.61694 35.62388, 1000m

1457208C.J. Kayombo   27321999-07-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Bottom of Lulanda Escarpment, Kigulumati stream bank., -8.61694 35.62388, 1000m

Pellaea viridis (Forssk.) Prantl
1457339Moses A. Mwangoka   11171999-11-26
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). E-facing slopes, Lulugu Village., -4.36666 38.01666, 1400m

1457432C.J. Kayombo   27621999-08-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Ca.1 km E of Lulanda Escarpment at Ifinga, meeting point of Kipemba and Nzendaga streams; stream banks., -8.62666 35.63027, 900m

1457437C.J. Kayombo   27651999-08-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Ca.1 km E of Lulanda Escarpment at Ifinga, meeting point of Kipemba and Nzendaga streams; stream banks., -8.62666 35.63027, 900m

Dryopteris inaequalis (Schltdl.) Kuntze
1457439C.J. Kayombo   27661999-08-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Ca.1 km E of Lulanda Escarpment at Ifinga, meeting point of Kipemba and Nzendaga streams; stream banks., -8.62666 35.63027, 900m

Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Bech.
1458198C.J. Kayombo   29301999-10-25
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, T3. East Usambara Mountains, Mtai Forest Reserve, above Maramba town., -4.9002778 38.7411111, 475m

1461261L. Festo   37A1998-10-16
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Bukoba District; Minziro Village near Kakindo Village along road. Forest., -1.12138 31.48111, 1130m

Huperzia verticillata (L. f.) Trevis.
1461263L. Festo   6B1998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District; Arusha National Park, at edge of Jekukumia River. Forest., -3.24777 36.81083, 2011m

1461953L. Festo   4842000-01-06
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Village, Kaiyamba Hill., -1.0333333 31.5333333, 1140m

1546599G. Massawe   DA421999-07-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.9166667, 1950m

Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A. Braun
1546724A.S. Mkeya   8521997-07-22
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2, Arusha National Park. Little Meru Peak, near top of S-facing slope., -3.2158333 36.7733334, 3650m

1547506D. Price   DA1391999-08-31
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.9166667, 2000m

1547518D. Price   DA1511999-08-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, New Dabaga/Ulangambi, -8.05 35.9166667, 1800m

1547764D. Price   WK3211999-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Nyumbanitu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.8666667 36.3666667, 1460m

Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex Sw.) J. Sm.
1547840D. Price   WK561999-07-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1500m

Thelypteris confluens (Thunb.) C.V. Morton
1547873D. Price   WK861999-07-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu, Udzungwa Mountains, -7.75 36.45, 1820m

Pellaea viridis (Forssk.) Prantl
1549029C.J. Kayombo   32652000-03-11
Tanzania, Mwanza, Magu, T1. Base of Magu Hill, 1 km W of Magu, small town center., -2.5955555 33.4358333, 1160m

Pseudocyclosorus pulcher (Bory ex Willd.) Holttum
3016521Nathan A. Mwangulango   11032003-10-28
Tanzania, Mbeya, Chunya, Lukwati Game Reserve. Riverine forest., -7.5525 32.2575, 1330m

Asplenium theciferum (Kunth) Mett.
11742Roy E. Gereau   37281991-01-26
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Road between Igoma and Kitulo on south slope of Mporoto Mountains, in grassland with tree clumps., -9 33.7, 2360m

Dryopteris pentheri (Krasser) C. Chr.
11772Roy E. Gereau   40031991-02-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains; steep E-facing slope of Ligala Mountain along foot trail from mission at Madunda, at foot of vertical rock wall in transition between woodland and montane forest, with abundant Maesa lanceolata., -9.85 34.45, 2140m

Arthropteris monocarpa (Cordem.) C. Chr.
11842Roy E. Gereau   29901989-01-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Kibwele Estate, Brooke Bond Tanzania; Luisenga Stream, just below dam at Mufindi Rod and Gun Club fishing lodge., -8.6166667 35.35, 1760m

12019Roy E. Gereau   46201992-06-05
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Mporoto Mountains; top of steep-sided ridge S of Ngozi Crater, in relatively undisturbed forest with Cornus volkensii and Macaranga kilimandscharica., -9.0166667 33.55, 2150m

Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex Sw.) J. Sm.
12239Roy E. Gereau   44141991-03-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, E flank of Livingstone Mountains, 8.6 km N of village offices in Mbwila where Luepele River (small tributary of Luana River) crosses road from Mlangali to Ludewa., -9.9 34.53333, 1500m

Lepisorus excavatus (Bory ex Willd.) Ching
14313Roy E. Gereau   31341989-02-12
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Ndumbi River gorge, at foot bridge across river near top of forest below Kitulo (Elton) Plateau., -9.1166667 33.9333333, 2380m

Lepisorus excavatus (Bory ex Willd.) Ching
14337Roy E. Gereau   43411991-03-15
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains; saddle between two highest peaks of Masusa Mountain, in grassland and montane forest., -9.75 34.35, 2120m

Loxogramme abyssinica (Baker) M.G. Price
14393Roy E. Gereau   51561992-11-23
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains, upper tributary SE of Isalo River, ca. 2.5 km NE of Nkanda village beach on Lake Nyasa, in steep-walled valley with miombo woodland and riverine forest., -9.5333333 34.1166667, 980m

15200J.C. Lovett   10991986-12-14
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Lower Ndumbi Valley. Brachystegia manga, B. Boehmii, Monotes, Strychnos, Pterocarpus, woodland., -8.91666 34.08333, 1400 - 1800m

1480661William J. Kindeketa   2091999-11-13
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T2. Chome Forest Reserve, W slope of Chome Forest., -4.2666667 37.9166667, 2000m

1481877G. Massawe   2701999-05-10
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Mang'ula Village. Roadsides at edge of forest., -7.82222 36.86916, 1200m

Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Bech.
17193Daniel K. Harder   13741992-11-02
Tanzania, Rukwa, Sumbawanga Rural, 10 km W of Moravian mission at Tatanda (Livingstone Memorial Mission) on Tatanda - Kasanga road and approximately 9 km W of intersection of this road and Sumbawanga - Mbala (Zambia) hishway, at intersection of road with Nawambo stream. In miombo woodland., -8.45 31.4333333, 1600m

17202Daniel K. Harder   14641992-11-15
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, 6-7 km from Ruanda II (approximately 2 km N of water tank at Ilembo on Ilembo - Mbalizi road), in Mbogo Forest Reserve (Umalila), approximately 2 km SSE of main peak of Mbogo Mountain, in slightly disturbed montane forest., -9.1833333 33.3, 2220m

17220Daniel K. Harder   15181992-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains, Isalo Valley ca 2.0 km NE of Nkanda village beach along coastal path and 2.0 km from coast of Lake Nyasa along Isalo stream. Small ridge top and dry valley miombo woodland., -9.53333 34.1, 620m

Pellaea angulosa (Bory ex Willd.) Baker
17229Daniel K. Harder   15191992-11-28
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Livingstone Mountains, Isalo Valley ca 2.0 km NE of Nkanda village beach along coastal path and 2.0 km from coast of Lake Nyasa along Isalo stream. Small ridge top and dry valley miombo woodland., -9.53333 34.1, 620m

1482656G. Massawe   3641999-07-01
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, T6. Udzungwa Mountains National Park Headquarters, Mang'ula Village. Thick forest with tall trees, climbers and grasses., -7.79111 36.755, 324m

Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Bech.
19158J.C. Lovett   28031987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1700m

Blechnum attenuatum (Sw.) Mett.
19215J.C. Lovett   5891986-03-31
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Kigigo Forest Reserve. Western edge on southern part of Kivere estate. Forest in valleys between scrub in forest pockets. Forest with Arundinaria, Cassipourea gummiflua, Diospyros whyteana, Aphloia theiformis., -8.5833333 35.3333333, 1800m

Blotiella stipitata (Alston) Faden
19264J.C. Lovett   28101987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1800m

Haplopteris volkensii (Hieron.) E.H. Crane
19302J.C. Lovett   6031986-04-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulando Forest. Isolated patch of closed high forest on Uzungwa escarpment. Trees: Cryptocaryia, Parinari, Cylicomorpha, Mitragynia, Anthocleista, Vitex, Entandrophragma, Rawsonia, Polycias fulva., -8.6 35.6, 1430m

Elaphoglossum aubertii (Desv.) T. Moore
19352J.C. Lovett   6121986-04-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Kibwele Estate. Stream above the Luisenga Dam. Streamside forest. Rich cryptogammic cover. Trees : Cryptocaria, Aphloia, Diospyros whyteana., -8.5 35.5, 1900m

Elaphoglossum hybridum (Bory) Brack.
19362J.C. Lovett   6131986-04-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Kibwele Estate. Stream above the Luisenga Dam. Streamside forest. Rich cryptogammic cover. Trees : Cryptocaria, Aphloia, Diospyros whyteana., -8.5 35.5, 1900m

Schizaea medusa L.Y. Kuo, B.Ke, F.W. Li & Rouhan
19372J.C. Lovett   26211987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1250m

Phymatodes scolopendria (Burm. f.) Ching
19392J.C. Lovett   28341987-12-30
Tanzania, Mbeya, Rungwe, Chivanjee. Riverine forest with Syzygium cordatum, Parinari excelsa, Garcinia, Harungana, Afrosersalisia., -9.36666 33.65, 850m

Loxogramme abyssinica (Baker) M.G. Price
19440J.C. Lovett   6181986-04-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Kibwele Estate. Stream above the Luisenga Dam. Streamside forest. Rich cryptogammic cover. Trees : Cryptocaria, Aphloia, Diospyros whyteana., -8.5 35.5, 1900m

Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Bory ex Willd.) Kaulf.
19470J.C. Lovett   6211986-04-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Luisenga stream. Forest edge with Aguaria, Apholia, Macaranga kilimanscharica, Tecomaria, streamside forest with rich cryptogammatic cover., -8.5 35.5

19549J.C. Lovett   26531987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1200m

Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm.
19567J.C. Lovett   47381990-06-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, Kimani Waterfall., -8.9333333 34.2166667, 1500m

19608J.C. Lovett   26631987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1200m

19776J.C. Lovett   8841986-08-04
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Mtai Forest Reserve., -4.85 38.7666667, 1045m

Elaphoglossum Schott ex J. Sm.
19826J.C. Lovett   8881986-08-04
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Mtai Forest Reserve., -4.85 38.7666667, 1045m

19856J.C. Lovett   8901986-08-04
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Mtai Forest Reserve., -4.85 38.7666667, 1045m

Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Bech.
19906J.C. Lovett   8941986-08-04
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Mtai Forest Reserve. Riverine thicket, forest., -4.8833333 38.75, 320m

19956J.C. Lovett   26971987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 400 - 2000m

Arthropteris orientalis (J.F. Gmel.) Posth.
19966J.C. Lovett   26981987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1200 - 2000m

Elaphoglossum hybridum (Bory) Brack.
20026J.C. Lovett   20711987-04-27
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Luisenga stream. Forested stream with Ilex, Dombeya, Trichocladus., -8.5 35.5, 1800m

20095J.C. Lovett   16601987-03-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Ngwazi swamp. Wet meadow grassland., -8.5 35.25, 1830m

Scoliosorus mannianus (Hook.) E.H. Crane
20144J.C. Lovett   27331987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1300m

Athyrium schimperi Moug. ex Fée
20191J.C. Lovett   16921987-03-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Daraja ya Mungu. Kivere estate on the Lulange road. Thicket on rocky outcrops near a stream. 08º35'S 35º20E 1800 m, -8.5833333 35.3333333, 1800m

Huperzia dacrydioides (Baker) Pic. Serm.
20220J.C. Lovett   27491987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1300m

20270J.C. Lovett   27551987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1300m

Ctenitis cirrhosa (Schumach.) Ching
20299J.C. Lovett   27571987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1300m

Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching
20444J.C. Lovett   17221987-03-11
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Idetero House. Garden by dams surrounded by Cupressus plantation, orginally forest., -8.5 35.5, 1900m

Belvisia spicata (L. f.) Mirb.
20484J.C. Lovett   21471987-05-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulando Forest. With Myrianthus, Cassi- pourea gummiflua, Aphloia, Parinari, Xymalos, Chrysophyllum, Cryptocaria, Bersama., -8.5 35.6666667, 1450m

Blotiella stipitata (Alston) Faden
3439828B.J. Harris   6321967-02-18
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, Mazumbai, In forest, -4.8166667 38.5, 1640m

Blotiella stipitata (Alston) Faden
3439837R.B.C. Beeson   3021981-02-01
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, East Usambara Mts. Intermediate / lowland rain forest around Amani, -5.08333 38.66666, 950m

Blotiella stipitata (Alston) Faden
3439841T. Pócs   6125/F1970-02-14
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru Mts, rocky ridge at th NW slope of Lupanga. Mountain Rain Forest, on granitic rocks, -6.86666 37.7, 1750m

Blotiella stipitata (Alston) Faden
3439848T. Pócs   6592/N1972-05-25
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Ukaguru Mts, North of Kilosa town. Mt Kifigo above Uponela village. Mossy forest rich in the tree ferns, -6.33333 37, 1790m

3439851B.J. Harris   3481968-12-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Bondwa, Uluguru Mountains; Forest, -6.8666667 37.7166667, 1640m

3439854T. Pócs   6165/Q1970-04-30
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, NE Uluguru Mts, Kinole. Intermediate Rain Forest, -6.88333 37.75, 1000m

3439864D.P. Gibbon   6051/G1969-10-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru Mts, Bondwa peak; High altitude mist forest, -6.8666667 37.7, 1875m

3439867T. Pócs   6121/C1970-11-14
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru Mts, NW slopes of Lupanga above Morogoro. Mountain Rain Forest, -6.86666 37.7, 1450m

3439872T. Pócs   6290/U1970-11-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Urban, North Uluguru Mts. Mzinga valley above village Mzinga. Wet Mountain Rain Forest, -6.9333333 37.65, 1500m

Huperzia dacrydioides (Baker) Pic. Serm.
3439875D.P. Gibbon   6051/AJ1969-10-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru Mts, Bondwa peak. High Altitude mist forest, -6.85 37.73333, 1875m

Huperzia dacrydioides (Baker) Pic. Serm.
3439885T. Pócs   6573/CI1972-05-18
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru Mts, above Morogoro town. Mountain forest on the NE ridge of Bondwa dominated by Ocotea, Allanblackia and Podocarpus, -6.85 37.73333, 1735m

Huperzia dacrydioides (Baker) Pic. Serm.
3439887W.A. Rodgers   13741981-11-01
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Mwanihana Forest Reserve, Sanje River Area. Uzungwa Mts, Moist intermediate forest Parinari, Newtonia, Cephalosphaeria, -7.8 36.8666667, 1230m

Huperzia holstii (Hieron.) Pic. Serm.
3439890T. Pócs   6154/R1970-04-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru mts, Mwere Valley above Morogoro. Mountain Rain Forest, very wet, mossy, -6.88333 37.66666, 1500m

Huperzia holstii (Hieron.) Pic. Serm.
3439895T. Pócs   6578/PA1972-05-19
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru Mts. Above Morogoro town. Mountain Forest of Allanblackia, Melchiora, Podocarpus on the NE ridge of Bondwa, -7 37.66666, 1740m

3439903T. Pócs   6290/S1970-11-22
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, North Uluguru Mts. Mzinga valley above village Mzinga. Wet Mountain Rain Forest, -6.8 37.8, 1500m

Bolbitis Schott
22415Duncan W. Thomas   36581984-09-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Reserve above Sanje village. Streamside forest, canopy height 30-40 m. "Expedition supported by the National Geographic Society.", -7.8666667 36.85, 950 - 1000m

Bolbitis acrostichoides (Afzel. ex Sw.) Ching
22424Duncan W. Thomas   36591984-09-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Reserve above Sanje village. Streamside forest, canopy height 30-40 m. "Expedition supported by the National Geographic Society.", -7.8666667 36.85, 950 - 1000m

Diplazium nemorale (Baker) Schelpe
22434Duncan W. Thomas   36871984-09-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Reserve above Sanje village. Streamside forest, canopy height 30-40 m. "Expedition supported by the National Geographic Society.", -7.8666667 36.85, 950 - 1000m

Pleopeltis excavata (Bory ex Willd.) Sledge
26217J.C. Lovett   10891986-12-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Top of Kitonga gorge. Image mountain. Brachystegia woodland becoming grass- land at 1700 m., -7.5833333 36.1666667, 1800m

26244J.C. Lovett   26221987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1500 - 2000m

Elaphoglossum lastii (Baker) C. Chr.
26253J.C. Lovett   26261987-12-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Kanga Mountain, Northern Nguru. Expedition supported by the National Georgraphic Society. Moist forest on steep sided mountain with a heath at the top., -6 37.7166667, 1700m

2957839Roy E. Gereau   69712006-03-24
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, S Pare Mountains, ca. 2.5 km SE of Mkanyeni Village on road to Chome, on roadsides and steep, much-grazed mountain slopes with arborescent Euphorbia sp., -4.2583333 37.8741667, 1080m

27442B.E. Mhoro   56531988-02-19
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Kiwanja cha Ndege, Katren, Ifakara.

Lepisorus excavatus (Bory ex Willd.) Ching
28021Peter Lovett   501991-04-29
Tanzania, Mbeya, Mbeya Rural, Southwest-facing Brachystegia woodland on slopes of Mbeya mountain near the small village of Iwala near Lunji Farm. Beginning of dry season. No rain for one week., -8.8333333 33.3333333, 1800m

Microlepia fadenii Pic. Serm.
3448099W.R.Q. Luke   78412001-09-26
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Below Camp 212, -7.8 36.8166667, 1550m

Tectaria gemmifera (Fée) Alston
1007162Roy E. Gereau   58661996-03-02
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural, Gombe National Park, Mitumba Valley below feeding station in rocky riverine forest dominated by Pycnanthus angolensis and Elaeis guineensis., -4.65 29.65, 880m

1007241Roy E. Gereau   59201996-03-05
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural, Gombe National Park, lower Kahama Valley, in drier part of riverine forest near transition to vine and tangle thicket., -4.68333 29.61666, 810m

3452970R.R. Schippers   15531986-09-13
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Kwizu Forest, -4.1166667 37.8833333

Huperzia holstii (Hieron.) Pic. Serm.
3453015C. Holst   88141893-08-00
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, W Usambaras, near Mashewa, Bumba, -4.68333 38.61666

Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Bory ex Willd.) Kaulf.
34393H.O. Suleiman   1251991-03-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Ludewa, Mbwila Village, Nyamlunga Peak in Livingstone Mountains., -9.93333 34.53333, 2080 - 2140m

Page 2, records 101-200 of 1617


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