Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Pteridophytes
Search Criteria: Tanzania; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1617

Missouri Botanical Garden Ferns

2980063Moses A. Mwangoka   45482005-11-05
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Evergreen montane rain forest W of (above) Kidatu Dam, with Ocotea usambarensis, Psydrax sp. and Syzygium sp., -7.6833333 36.9, 2350m

Elaphoglossum Schott ex J. Sm.
2980065Moses A. Mwangoka   45502005-11-05
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Evergreen montane rain forest W of (above) Kidatu Dam, with Ocotea usambarensis, Psydrax sp. and Syzygium sp., -7.6833333 36.9, 2350m

Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw.
1515538John A. Mlangwa   3651999-07-20
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T 3. South Pare Mountains, Shengena Forest, W side of Hingilili River, Gonja, in area burned two years ago., -4.2333333 37.95, 1769m

Ctenitis cirrhosa (Schumach.) Ching
2981503Moses A. Mwangoka   40712005-08-09
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural, Ntakata area, evergreen submontane forest with Newtonia buchananii and Funtumia sp., -5.93027 30.21833, 1252m

1576126John A. Mlangwa   12972001-01-10
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division, Suji Kanziani-Heshamba. Hill slope, footpath from Makanya to Suji right after crossing valley., -4.2916666 37.8838889, 1980m

1576282John A. Mlangwa   13602001-02-09
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division. Suji Village. W side of Mayemi, damp area., -4.3666667 37.8833333, 1600m

Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P. St. John
1516861A. Ntemi Sallu   4282000-01-15
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, T3. Maramba Division, Kigongoi Ward, Mpanga Village Forest Reserve., -4.7994444 38.7977777, 780m

1516956John A. Mlangwa   6861999-10-15
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T 3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve. Suji Range. Hemagwinjo., -4.34222 37.90222, 2100m

Nephrolepis Schott
2983379William J. Kindeketa   27882006-02-09
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Vigoi Division; Isongo Ward; Isongo Village; S of Mahenge town along road to Mwaya. Mzelezi Forest Reserve. Collected with O. Nkawamba, G. Simon Laizer, P. Ezrom & S. Bodine., -8.7875 36.71833, 630m

Asplenium rutifolium (P.J. Bergius) Kunze
2989362Gabriel Simon Laizer   14362006-02-12
Tanzania, Morogoro, Ulanga, Kitonga Subvillage. Woodland on top of hill dominated by Markhamia and Dombeya spp. Collected with W. Kindeketa, S. Bodine, P. Ezrom & O. Nkawamba., -8.7794445 36.7094444, 880m

1697212L. Festo   15022001-05-20
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Muhangu Subvillage, in public area and forest margin on hill., -1.04083 31.55805, 1210m

Dryopteris athamantica (Kunze) Kuntze
1697231L. Festo   15092001-05-22
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Muhangu Subvillage, in public area and forest margin on hill., -1.04083 31.55805, 1210m

Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br.
1697398L. Festo   15652001-06-21
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Kakindo Village, area along hill, forest margin and inside forest., -1.14833 31.52138, 1148m

Christella parasitica (L.) H. Lév.
1698290L. Festo   17922001-08-20
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Minziro Village, Kyanumbu Subvillage, in public ground., -1.03222 31.55166, 1180m

Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott
1698306L. Festo   17952001-08-22
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Minziro Village, Kyanumbu Subvillage, in public ground., -1.03222 31.55166, 1180m

Cyrtomium caryotideum (Wall. ex Hook. & Grev.) C. Presl
1710720Moses A. Mwangoka   22792001-08-05
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, (T6) Ukwira montane forest, N facing slopes dominated by Prunus africana, Bridelia micrantha and Nuxia congesta., -7.1 36.61666, 1750m

Lepisorus excavatus (Bory ex Willd.) Ching
1711539Moses A. Mwangoka   23502001-08-11
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, (T6) Rubeho Mountains, Ukwira montane forest, in Mwega area dominated by Macaranga kilimandscharica, Tecoma nyassae, Myrsine sp. and Aphloia theiformis., -7.1102778 36.6408333, 2037m

1711926Moses A. Mwangoka   23852001-08-14
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, (T6) Rubeho Mountains, Ukwira montane forest, in swampy area of water source surrounded by Syzygium sp., -7.1075 36.6366666, 2075m

Grammitis kyimbilensis (Brause) Copel.
3180018W.R.Q. Luke   104872004-09-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu FR Pt 610. Montane forest with sharp ridges & many streams., -7.8 36.5166667, 1720m

Ampelopteris prolifera (Retz.) Copel.
3196569P. A. Luke   94252003-03-20
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountain National Park. Opp Baobab Campsite Pt 379. Riverbank., -7.5166667 36.5833333, 520m

2709839Emanuel I. Mboya   8252004-02-12
Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36277 36.70027, 1424m

Pteris L.
2709840Emanuel I. Mboya   8262004-02-12
Tanzania, Arusha, Arusha, Themi River basin, between Sanawari Bridge and Clock Tower Bridge., -3.36277 36.70027, 1424m

Pteris intricata C.H. Wright
3202189W.R.Q. Luke   103832004-09-07
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Ndundulu FR Camp 590-pt 592. Montane forest with sharp ridges & many streams., -7.8 36.5, 1350m

2734275Roy E. Gereau   67162005-05-22
Tanzania, Dodoma, Mpwapwa, Rubeho Mountains, Mafwemera Forest Reserve, ca. 5 km NNW of Mbuga Village along small tributary of Langangulu River, in montane forest with Phoenix reclinata, Neoboutonia macrocalyx and Dracaena steudneri., -6.93333 36.58333, 1880m

Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw.
2735207L. Festo   19032005-05-28
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, T6. Ukwiva Forest Reserve, Kifuluma area, montane forest., -7.09027 36.65305, 2000m

2736084L. Festo   19952005-06-08
Tanzania, Dodoma, Mpwapwa, Between public areas of Mbuga and Kisi Villages in miombo woodland, dominated by Uapaca kirkii, Faurea saligna, Brachystegia manga, Syzygium cordatum and Vitex payos., -6.94666 36.62805, 1390m

Loxogramme abyssinica (Baker) M.G. Price
2742961Sharon A. Bodine   862005-05-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Ukiwiva Forest Reserve. Montane Rain Forest, Miza area. Scattered Kiggelaria africana, Bridelia sp. Macaranga sp, etc., -7.0711111 36.6383333, 1780m

Asplenium theciferum (Kunth) Mett.
2743642Sharon A. Bodine   872005-05-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Ukiwiva Forest Reserve. Montane Rain Forest, Miza area. Scattered Kiggelaria africana, Bridelia sp. Macaranga sp, etc., -7.0711111 36.6383333, 1780m

793304Duncan W. Thomas   36891984-09-08
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Reserve above Sanje village. Streamside forest, canopy height 30-40 m. "Expedition supported by the National Geographic Society.", -7.8666667 36.85, 950 - 1000m

Pseudocyclosorus pulcher (Bory ex Willd.) Holttum
2750007Sharon A. Bodine   1002005-05-21
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Ukiwiva Forest Reserve. Montane Rain Forest, Miza area. Scattered Kiggelaria africana, Bridelia sp. Macaranga sp, etc., -7.07111 36.63833, 1780m

2754671W.R.Q. Luke   109992005-05-28
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve pt8 - pt9. Montane forest with grassy glades/hilltops & swamps., -7.0833333 36.6333333, 2060m

Blechnum attenuatum (Sw.) Mett.
2754708W.R.Q. Luke   110352005-05-31
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve 2nd Camp - pt15. Montane forest with grassy glades/hilltops & swamps., -7.1 36.63333, 2000m

Blechnum tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn
2754715W.R.Q. Luke   110422005-05-31
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve pt15 - pt16. Montane forest with grassy glades/hilltops & swamps., -7.1 36.65, 2010m

2754728W.R.Q. Luke   110552005-05-31
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve pt16. Montane forest with grassy glades/hilltops & swamps., -7.1 36.65, 2010m

Microgonium erosum (Willd.) C. Presl
2754780W.R.Q. Luke   111062005-06-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve pt15 - pt20. Montane forest with grassy glades/hilltops & swamps., -7.1 36.63333, 1950m

Pseudocyclosorus pulcher (Bory ex Willd.) Holttum
2754782W.R.Q. Luke   111082005-06-02
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve pt15 - pt20. Montane forest with grassy glades/hilltops & swamps., -7.1 36.63333, 1950m

2754793W.R.Q. Luke   111192005-06-03
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, Rubeho Mountains. Ukwiva Forest Reserve pt15 - pt20. Montane forest with grassy glades/hilltops & swamps., -7.1 36.6333333, 1950m

2754845W.R.Q. Luke   111702005-06-08
Tanzania, Dodoma, Mpwapwa, Rubeho Mountains. Kisi Escarpment pt25. Steep rocky miombo woodland., -6.93333 36.61666, 1430m

1305906Roy E. Gereau   62231998-12-09
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, South Pare Mountains, Chome Forest Reserve, ca. 3.1 km E of Mhero (Chome Village) near road to Gonja ca. 150 m S of Saseni Stream, at edge of montane forest and one-year-old burned area. GPS, ARC-1960 mean datum, PDOP 4.5, -4.2958333 37.9286111, 1920m

1305932Roy E. Gereau   62451998-12-14
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, South Pare Mountains; Chome Forest Reserve, NW side of Shengena Peak near small stream in slightly disturbed montane forest with Ocotea usambarensis, Macaranga kilimandscharica and Ficalhoa laurifolia., -4.25 37.9166667, 2160m

Thelypteris pozoi (Lag.) C.V. Morton
1305937Roy E. Gereau   62491998-12-14
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, South Pare Mountains; Chome Forest Reserve, NW side of Shengena Peak near small stream in slightly disturbed montane forest with Ocotea usambarensis, Macaranga kilimandscharica and Ficalhoa laurifolia., -4.25 37.91666, 2160m

2997256Moses A. Mwangoka   42622005-08-24
Tanzania, Rukwa, Mpanda, Wangisi area, riverine forest in miombo woodland with scattered Cordia africana, Markhamia sp. and Manilkara sp., -6.5644444 30.5891666, 1603m

1538739Roy E. Gereau   66002001-02-24
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, South Pare Mountains, Chome Forest Reserve, ca. 1.5 km SW of Kanza Village, in wet premontane forest with abundant Manilkara discolor., -4.3166667 37.9833333, 1360 - 1440m

Huperzia dacrydioides (Baker) Pic. Serm.
3285625P.L. Jannerup   1872001-01-17
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Uluguru North Catchment Forest Reserve: On the path Tegetero-Luhungo; above 1st river down the path E of Camp 3. Crown of a large forest tree, recently fallen. Neighboring canopy 35m tall., -6.91666 37.7, 1810m

Blotiella stipitata (Alston) Faden
3285631T. Pócs   8429C1984-03-06
Tanzania, Tanga, Lushoto, West Usambara Mts, Ndelemai F.R. Montane forest on the W slope of the 1750 m high hill in the centre of Ndelemai F.R., -4.9166667 38.4, 1700m

Asplenium simii A.F. Braithw. & Schelpe
1344613L. Festo   6A1998-08-24
Tanzania, Arusha, Arumeru, T2. Arumeru District; Arusha National Park, at edge of Jekukumia River. Forest., -3.2477777 36.8108333, 2011m

2823786C.J. Kayombo   48662005-05-29
Tanzania, Dodoma, Mpwapwa, Rubeho Mountains, Kibakwe Division, Mbuga Ward, Mbuga Village. Along foot track to Kakwandale from Mafwemera Subvillage. Afromontane forest dominated by Aphloia theiformis, Myrsine melanophloeos, Macaranga sp, Polyscias fulva, Podocarpus sp, Ocotea usambarensis, Nuxia sp. and Morella sp., -6.9427777 36.565, 2200m

Pellaea dura (Willd.) Hook.
2824069William J. Kindeketa   25242005-05-27
Tanzania, Dodoma, Mpwapwa, Mbuga Ward; Rubeho Mountains; Mafwemera Subvillage; along foot track to Dibulilo Subvillage. Woodland dominated mainly by Uapaca kirkiana and a few Brachystegia. Brown soil with mica particles., -6.9088889 36.5872222, 1615m

2829125Moses A. Mwangoka   38132005-05-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, T6. Rubeho Mountains, montane rain forest in Miza area with scattered Bridelia brideliifolia and Macaranga capensis., -7.0775 36.6436111, 1959m

Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Bory ex Willd.) Kaulf.
2829134Moses A. Mwangoka   38192005-05-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilosa, T6. Rubeho Mountains, montane rain forest in Miza area with scattered Bridelia brideliifolia and Macaranga capensis., -7.0775 36.64361, 1959m

2832474E. Njau   9302005-05-22
Tanzania, Dodoma, Mpwapwa, Kibakwe Division, Mbuga Ward. Rubeho Mountains, Mafwemera Forest Reserve, forest dominated by Neoboutonia macrocalyx, Phoenix reclinata, Polyscias fulva, Nuxia sp., -6.9338889 36.5802778, 1945m

Lomariopsis warneckei (Hieron.) Alston
2848250L. Festo   20452005-10-27
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains National Park; montane forest, along stream with Tabernaemontana sp, Garcinia sp, Cassipourea sp. and Dracaena usambarensis., -7.70305 36.87583, 1410m

Blotiella R.M. Tryon
2848528L. Festo   21382005-11-06
Tanzania, Iringa, Kilolo, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, SW of Msolwa Village, scattered Myrsine melanophloeos, Cryptocarya liebertiana, Rytigynia sp, Podocarpus latifolia and Clutia sp., -7.68666 36.87222, 1880m

2854532R.R. Schippers   85T10811985-10-19
Tanzania, Tanga, Muheza, Amani Forest, -5.1333333 38.65, 880m

Asplenium simii A.F. Braithw. & Schelpe
1391331Roy E. Gereau   63551999-11-28
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, ca. 2 km S of Kanyinambuzi Hill, near source of Nyarwiga River in closed swamp forest (dry season, no standing water). [GPS, ARC 60; AM]., -1.0833333 31.55, 1130m

1539999William J. Kindeketa   5672000-12-05
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Gonja-Kanza Village. Maganda Forest Reserve., -4.3166667 38, 1200m

Asplenium theciferum (Kunth) Mett.
1540131William J. Kindeketa   6082000-12-15
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome-Suji Division, Chome Ward, Mhero Village, Mpembeni Street, Sangana Sacred Forest., -4.2822223 37.8961111, 1560m

1540523L. Festo   7492000-08-15
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Kigazi, grassland along Kiraya border of Tanzania and Uganda., -1.00527 31.53388, 1130m

1540624L. Festo   7682000-09-17
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, inside forest along footpath to Bulembe Village, with Acanthus sp., -1.02555 31.60944, 1130m

1540637L. Festo   7862000-10-13
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Nyakabanga sub-village, with fern and Piper spp., -1.05 31.6, 1120m

Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A. Braun
1540701L. Festo   8012000-10-14
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Kikuru Forest Reserve, E of Kagera River., -1.07972 31.62666, 1130m

Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex Sw.) J. Sm.
1540802L. Festo   8742001-02-05
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Kampangi sub-village, near coffee farms along forest margin., -1.0266667 31.5708334, 1170m

Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex Sw.) J. Sm.
3006499C.J. Kayombo   52782006-03-11
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Matundu (0-1 km E of Ruipa River). Forest dominated by Anthocleista grandiflora, Xylopia sp, Alsophila sp, Lettowianthus stellatus, Funtumia sp, Oxyanthus goetzei and scattered Khaya anthotheca and Milcia excelsa., -8.06083 36.33694, 300 - 370m

3006733Y.S. Abeid   19672005-08-02
Tanzania, Rukwa, Mpanda, T4. Tongwe East Forest, Issa River area, W of Issa River. Riverine forest. Collected with: G. Gobbo, M.A. Mwangoka, H. Matama & Mzee Tano., -5.42 30.5819445, 1146m

Microgramma mauritiana (Willd.) Tardieu
3007472C.J. Kayombo   53022006-03-15
Tanzania, Morogoro, Kilombero, Ca. 30 km NE of Kisegese Village, ca. 0.8 km E of Luipa River., -7.9913889 36.38, 530m

Phymatosorus scolopendria (Burm. f.) Pic. Serm.
3008647C.J. Kayombo   53212006-03-20
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Makuyuni Division; Makuyuni Ward; Kimboza Community Forest Reserve, N of River Ruvu; SE end of Kimboza Kibangire Village community forest, dominated by Breonadia salicina, Ricinodendron heudelotii, Zenkerella sp., -7.02472 37.80888, 250 - 260m

1884364William J. Kindeketa   12762001-09-22
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, Chome forest reserve; dominated by Acacia mearnsii, -4.3 37.9166667, 1905m

Arthropteris palisotii (Desv.) Alston
1397438D. Sitoni   7391999-08-12
Tanzania, Kagera, Bukoba Rural, T1. Minziro Forest Reserve, Nyakabanga, evergreen swampy forest., -1.0497222 31.5983333, 1125m

1398057Grace Gobbo   1121999-01-05
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural, T4. Gombe Stream National Park, Kasekela Valley., -4.66666 29.61666, 775m

1398104Grace Gobbo   1181999-01-05
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural, T4. Gombe Stream National Park, E side of Kakombe Valley on way to chimps' feeding station., -4.66666 29.63333, 1060m

1398439C.J. Kayombo   13671998-10-13
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T2. Lulanda Village, Mgwilwa Montane Forest, forest at bottom of Nyangungule Valley; NW of road across Mgwilwa Forest. Flat valley; forest canopy to 15 m high., -8.6055556 35.6338889, 1580m

3373501R. B. Faden   70/6811970-09-28
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Morogoro District: NE Uluguru Mts, Kinole, -6.88333 37.75

3373514D.J. Mabberley   6811971-02-00
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Morogoro District: Nguru South Forest Reserve, E slopes above Kwamanga, -6.16666 37.58333

3373520R. B. Faden   70/6351970-09-26
Tanzania, Morogoro, Morogoro Rural, Morogoro District: Uluguru Mts, E slope of Bondwa, -6.8666667 37.7166667, 1650m

3373542R.R. Schippers   17031987-01-24
Tanzania, Morogoro, Mvomero, Morogoro District: Nguru Mountains between Mhonda & Maskati [Muskat] missions, -6.08333 37.53333, 1900m

1434092John Elia   191999-06-11
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). Along road between Chome and Suji., -4.3130556 37.9141667, 1920m

Pellaea angulosa (Bory ex Willd.) Baker
1923459Y.S. Abeid   14052002-12-23
Tanzania, Rukwa, Mpanda, T4. Tongwe Forest, Issa River, along river bank, Transect #5, Plot #8, Kabamba riverine forest. Collected with A. Hernández A, H. Katandasha & Busoti., -5.44944 30.57611, 1200m

1439158Moses A. Mwangoka   8011999-07-07
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Lulanda Village, Fufu forest patch, along river from S of forest to N, W of river., -8.6155556 35.6216667, 1475 - 1525m

1441037Moses A. Mwangoka   9691999-11-02
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe, T3. Riverine forest on tea estate, Kunga Division (West Usambara Mountains)., -5.0502778 38.3838889, 1100m

1443443Roy E. Gereau   64092000-03-29
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Longido Forest Reserve, ca. 1 km NE of Longido Peak, on open granite rock face in middle of steep NE-facing slope surrounded by dry montane forest., -2.68638 36.7325, 2110m

1443767Roy E. Gereau   64492000-04-04
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Ketumbeine Forest Reserve, ca. 1.2 km N of Elang'atadapashi along foot trail to Ketumbeine Peak, in open river valley forest along Elang'atadapashi Stream., -2.92 36.215, 2100m

Asplenium theciferum (Kunth) Mett.
1448189William J. Kindeketa   2472000-03-29
Tanzania, Arusha, Monduli, Longido Forest Reserve, ca. 1 km NE of Longido Peak, on open granite rock face in middle of steep NE-facing slope surrounded by dry montane forest., -2.6863889 36.7325, 2110m

Dryopteris Adans.
1939278O.A. Kibure   7362002-08-09
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, T7. Kipengere Game Reserve. Montane forest. Vegetation plot No. 20. Work supported by Frontier Tanzania Forest Research Programme., -9.14361 34.42, 2230m

1939535O.A. Kibure   8032002-08-16
Tanzania, Iringa, Njombe, T7. Kipengere Game Reserve. Montane grassland near Frontier base camp 3. Work supported by Frontier Tanzania Forest Research Programme., -9.11666 34.26666, 2500m

1454360Nathan A. Mwangulango   5171999-11-25
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve, Shengena Forest, near Kanza Village. Riverine forest, Mhokevuta River., -4.3244445 37.9933333, 1275m

Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A. Braun
1455551Nathan A. Mwangulango   5601999-11-29
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains, Chome Forest Reserve, Shengena Forest, Maji ya Pili Forest, E-facing slopes., -4.31944 37.97, 1700m

Lepisorus excavatus (Bory ex Willd.) Ching
1944287O.A. Kibure   9472003-04-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Makete, T7. Kipengere Game Reserve. Ukinga Mountains. Vegetation plot 30. Montane forest. With Frontier Tanzania Forest Research Programme., -9.1105556 34.0905555, 2308m

1456024G. Massawe   4661999-11-22
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). Along Chome to Gonja path. Area known locally as lgoma., -4.2925 37.94305, 2035m

1456052G. Massawe   4941999-11-26
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). E side of Reserve above Gonja., -4.2972222 37.9816667, 1330m

Arthropteris monocarpa (Cordem.) C. Chr.
1456192C.J. Kayombo   24851999-07-05
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda Village, bottom of Chahasa Hill, riverine forest along Chanzali River., -8.6036111 35.6027778, 1460m

1456201C.J. Kayombo   24881999-07-05
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda Village, bottom of Chahasa Hill, riverine forest along Chanzali River., -8.60361 35.60277, 1460m

Asplenium rutifolium (P.J. Bergius) Kunze
1456243C.J. Kayombo   25101999-07-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda Forest Reserve, Fufu forest patch; swampy riverine forest along E part of Fufu Stream., -8.6258334 35.6186111, 1500m

1456252C.J. Kayombo   25141999-07-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda Forest Reserve, Fufu forest patch; swampy riverine forest along E part of Fufu Stream., -8.62583 35.61861, 1500m

1456257C.J. Kayombo   25151999-07-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda Forest Reserve, Fufu forest patch; swampy riverine forest along E part of Fufu Stream., -8.6258334 35.6186111, 1500m

1456263C.J. Kayombo   25171999-07-08
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, Lulanda Forest Reserve, Fufu forest patch; swampy riverine forest along E part of Fufu Stream., -8.62583 35.61861, 1500m

Lomariopsis warneckei (Hieron.) Alston
1456294G. Massawe   5031999-11-26
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). E side of Reserve above Gonja., -4.3033333 37.9805556, 1380m

Blotiella stipitata (Alston) Faden
1456314G. Massawe   5101999-11-27
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). Gonja to Chome path., -4.3105556 37.9894444, 1385m

Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. ex Sw.) J. Sm.
1456439C.J. Kayombo   25511999-07-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Lulanda Escarpment, disturbed riverine forest, riverine forest edge., -8.62138 35.62111, 1225m

Dryopteris athamantica (Kunze) Kuntze
1456441C.J. Kayombo   25531999-07-10
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufindi, T7. Lulanda Escarpment, disturbed riverine forest, riverine forest edge., -8.62138 35.62111, 1225m

1456622G. Massawe   5681999-11-29
Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Same, T3. South Pare Mountains. Chome Forest Reserve (Shengena Forest). Along path to Mwaa-Ntenga-Mmbaga just at edge of forest., -4.24444 37.97666, 1575m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1617


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