Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMNH-Plantae
Search Criteria: São Tomé and Principe; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 117

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Image Associated With the Occurence
Uraria picta (Jacq.) DC.
US 3685870J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   2921980-01-26
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tomé Island, N Coast Praya das Conchas, c. 1 km from the ocean shore, 0.4 6.62, 50m

Calymperes erosum Müll. Hal.
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia & O. Rocha   499952016-11-22
São Tomé and Principe, Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Cross-country route across the summit of the Mesa., 1.5815 7.34789, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 22386A. Moller   811885-08-00
São Tomé and Principe, Island of St. Thomas, Gulf of Guinea, 2130m

Leucophanes molleri Müll. Hal.
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia & O. Rocha   498922016-11-18
São Tomé and Principe, Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, St. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Along the Rio Porco about 300 m above confluence with ocean., 1.55167 7.37833, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Haplopteris owariensis (Fée) E.H. Crane
US 66796F. Quintas   55
São Tomé and Principe, Coast of Guinea. Ins. St. Thomi ad Angolanes. [interpreted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grona ramosissima (G. Don) H. Ohashi & K. Ohashi
US 3685864J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   1921980-01-18
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tomé & Principe, Sao Tomé Island, plantation called Pinheira Alges, c. 8 km S of São Tomé, c. 500 m from seacoast, 0.28 6.72, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
-. Moller & Collector illegible   49=42?
São Tomé and Principe, Guinea Coast of Africa, Isn, St. Thomé et Nollas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Asplenium biafranum Alston & Ballard ex Ballard
US 832549A. Moller   24
São Tomé and Principe, São Tomé Island, Ins. St. Thomas., 1300m

Porotrichum stipitatum (Mitt.) W.R. Buck
J. R. Shevock, M. Nadel & T. F. Daniel   425122013-05-08
São Tomé and Principe, Island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. São Tomé Island. Along dirt road near São Luis west of Bemposta., 0.30592 6.60958, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
J. R. Shevock, T. F. Daniel & R. Drewes   346292010-03-09
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. Along dirt road along the east side of Principe between Infante Henrique and Santo Antonio at the volcanic pinnacles called Two Fingers. NAD 83., 1.58128 7.42583, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pteridium aquilinum var. typicum R.M. Tryon
US 22416A. Moller   331885-06-00
São Tomé and Principe, Guinea Coast, Jus. St. Thoms [interpreted], 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3648628J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   461980-01-10
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome & Principe, Sao Tome Island. east coast. Plantation Agua Ize just above sea level, 0.22 6.73, 10m

Trachypodopsis serrulata (P. Beauv.) M. Fleisch.
J. R. Shevock, T. F. Daniel, M. Nadel & E. Soares   423872013-05-03
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. Obô National Park de São Tomé. At Lagoa Amélia (ancient crater). NAD 83., 0.28056 6.59083, 1410m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 81844-. Moller   ---
Sao Tome and Principe, Pr. Morros de Monte Café, et S. Tomé prope Mongo, 480 - 850m

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll. Hal.
J. R. Shevock & M. Nadel   399462012-04-12
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. Obô National Park. Along Pico de São Tomé Trail along ridge between Estacho Sousa (camping site) and Pico de São Tomé. NAD 83., 0.26528 6.55158, 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Microlepia speluncae (L.) T. Moore
A. Moller   361885-00-00
Sao Tome and Principe, Ins. St. Thome. Coast of Guinea.

J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia, T. F. Daniel & O. Rocha   498712016-11-17
São Tomé and Principe, Island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island. Along dirt road along the east coast at Nova Estrela., 1.61633 -7.42861, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
-. Moller & Collector illegible   51
São Tomé and Principe, Coast of Guinea, St. Thome et Bolar

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella P. Beauv.
US 299487G. Mann   s.n.
São Tomé and Principe, Island of St. Thomas, W. Africa

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2427233A. Moller & P. Quintas   s.n.1885-00-00
São Tomé and Principe, Ile de St Thomé Afrique, 20 - 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Neckeromnion lepineanum (Mont.) S. Olsson et al.
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia & O. Rocha   498092016-11-16
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Headwaters of the Rio Banzu. Steep slopes above the Rio Banzu heading toward the Pico de Príncipe. NAD 83., 1.59111 7.38667, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn.
US 3648627J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   441980-01-10
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tomé Island, east coast. Plantation Agua Izé. Just above sealevel, 0.22 -6.73, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3648629J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   391980-01-10
São Tomé and Principe, São Tomé & Principe, São Tomé Island, east coast Plantation Agua Ize, 0.22 6.73, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Microlepia speluncae (L.) T. Moore
F. Quintas   731885-12-00
São Tomé and Principe, Ins. Rolas. Coast of Guinea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3648605J. J. de Wilde et al.   1831980-01-17
Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tomé Island, plantation Ribeira Peixe, NW, track leading from Mateus Sampaio to Monte Carmo., 0.12 6.6, 100 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3685863J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   471980-01-10
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island, east coast, Plantation Agua Ize., 0.22 6.73, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Porotrichum stipitatum (Mitt.) W.R. Buck
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia, T. F. Daniel & O. Rocha   497912016-11-15
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Watershed of the Rio Banzu. Along the Rio Banzu less than 2 km from ruins of roça S. Carlos do Fundão. NAD 83., 1.60083 7.38708, 190m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psophocarpus scandens (Endl.) Verdc.
US 3685865J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   2021980-01-18
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tomé Island, along the road near Agua Izé, c. 50 m from ocean shore, 0.22 6.73, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Triplophyllum subquinquefidum (P. Beauv.) Pic. Serm.
US 50909A. Moller   371885-06-00
Sao Tome and Principe, Coast of Guinea, Ins. St. Thome.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott
US 2424808A. Moller   461885-00-00
São Tomé and Principe, Africana. Insula de S. Thomé. Ad littora, Cruzeiro da Trinidade, Nova Moka, 15 - 820m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Commelina congesta C.B. Clarke
US 3351434R. Post   141979-00-00
Sao Tome and Principe, Between Rio Abade and Dependencia Nova Olinda

Image Associated With the Occurence
F. Quintas   59
São Tomé and Principe, Ins. Rolas, Coast of Guinea. [interpreted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella P. Beauv.
G. Mann   s.n.
São Tomé and Principe, Island of St. Thomas, W. Africa

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3685868J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   2851980-01-26
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island, N Coast, Praya das Conchas, 0.4 6.62, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 84326F. Quintas   50
Sao Tome and Principe, In St Thomas ad Angolares, Coast of Guinea [interpreted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3685867J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   2861980-01-26
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island, N Coast, Praya das Conchas, c. 1 km from the Ocean shore, 0.4 6.62, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott
US 50990A. Moller   421885-05-00
Sao Tome and Principe, Ins. of St. Thome. Coast of Guinea., 820m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3122203ex herb. Mus. Paris   s.n.
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island

Image Associated With the Occurence
Diplazium proliferum (Lam.) Thouars
US 2424804A. Moller   351885-00-00
São Tomé and Principe, Africa, Insula de S. Thomé, Regione inferiore, Rodia, Monte Café, 50 - 800m

Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll. Hal.
J. R. Shevock & M. Nadel   398742012-04-11
São Tomé and Principe, Island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. São Tomé Island. Obô National Park. Pico de São Tomé Trail between Bom Sucesso toward Lagoa Amelia above junction with Trail do Fugido., 0.28625 6.60056, 1270m

Image Associated With the Occurence
A. Moller   48
Sao Tome and Principe, Coast of Guinea, Ins. St. Thome., 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pseudagrostistachys africana (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm.
US 2185328A. Exell   2831932-11-07
Sao Tome and Principe, Between Vanhulot & Jamar, 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arthropteris palisotii (Desv.) Alston
F. Quintas   72
Sao Tome and Principe, Ins. St. Thomé ad Angolares. Coast of Guinea

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3672169J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   4551980-02-13
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tomé & Principe, Sao Tomé Island, near Morro Carregado, N coast of São Tomé, 0.42 6.62, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tephrosia nana Kotschy ex Schweinf.
US 3685869J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   2831980-01-25
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island, NW coast of Sao Tome, along the road, along the road and underneath coconut plantations., 0.33 6.53

Image Associated With the Occurence
J. R. Shevock & M. Nadel   402752012-04-28
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. East Coast. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Along road toward the volcanic formation called Two Fingers. NAD 83., 1.58444 7.42408, 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3648606J. J. de Wilde et al.   (WALG-series) 3631980-02-05
Sao Tome and Principe, Principe Island, Barriga Brauca, c. 3 km SSW of Maria Correia., 1.57 7.35, 150 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
A. Moller   47 v*1885-00-00
Sao Tome and Principe, Coast of Guinea, Ins. Mt. Thome., 250m

Pinnatella minuta (Mitt.) Broth.
J. R. Shevock & T. Szuts   423632013-04-30
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Just above canyon of the Rio Papagaio at dam site about 2 km above community of Bela Vista. NAD 83., 1.60456 7.40683, 105m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 87234A. Moller   8
Sao Tome and Principe, Afr. occ, S. Tomé, Santa Maria, Nova Moka, Saudade.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3648630J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   861980-01-12
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome & Sao Tome Island, crossing of the road from Sau Joao dos Angolaxes to Rbeira Peixe with the Rio Grande, c. 1 km upstream from the bridge., 0.1 6.58, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 50951A. Moller   311885-07-00
São Tomé and Principe, Ins St Thomé, Coast of Guinea, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3685866J. J. de Wilde   2051980-01-18
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome & Principe, Sao Tome Island, along the road near Agua Ize, c. 50 m from ocean shore, in saline water, 0.22 6.73, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bolbitis fluviatilis (Hook.) Ching
US 51084F. Quintas   581886-00-00
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island, Ins. Thomas ad Angolares, Coast of Guinea

Image Associated With the Occurence
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia, T. F. Daniel & O. Rocha   497962016-11-15
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Watershed of the Rio Banzu. Along the Rio Banzu less than 2 km from ruins of roça S. Carlos do Fundão. NAD 83., 1.60083 7.38708, 190m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sesbania sericea (Willd.) Link
US 3690510J. J. de Wilde   4941980-02-17
São Tomé and Principe, Sao tome & Principe, Sao Tome Island, NNW coast of Sao Tome, on ocean shore in a zone just behind the high water line, 0.37 6.57, 1m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2424916-. Moller & P. Quintas   56
São Tomé and Principe, S. Tome [interpreted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch.
US 3716371J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   1271980-01-14
Sao Tome and Principe, Track leading from Nova Mora to Lgea Amélia, 0.28 6.62, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hylodesmum repandum (Vahl) H. Ohashi & R.R. Mill
US 3672168J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   4741980-02-15
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome & Principe, Sao Tome Island, track from Nova-Moca to Lagoa Amelia, 0.28 6.6, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
F. Quintas   61
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island, Ins N Thomas ad Angolares [interpreted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2185327A. Exell   2381932-11-04
São Tomé and Principe, S. Tomé. Valhulst (Macambrara)., 1067 - 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 66781A. Mohr   381885-06-00
São Tomé and Principe, Ins. St. Thom, Coast of Guima [interpreted], 950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Turraea vogelii Hook. f. ex Benth.
US 2185329A. Exell   5391932-12-09
São Tomé and Principe, Principe. Between Terreiro Velho and the town., 122m

Image Associated With the Occurence
-. Moller   130
São Tomé and Principe, Caixão Grande et Madre de Deus. Insula S. Thomé. Africa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3690511J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   4641980-02-13
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome & Principe, Sao Tome Island, c. 3 km N of Neves. Rocky slope along the road bordering the ocean shore, 0.38 6.58, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pseudagrostistachys africana (Müll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm.
US 3660377R. Randrianaivo, F. Oliveira, A. Alberto, A. Sainto, P. Leton & E. Soares   16422008-09-21
Sao Tome and Principe, Foret de Morvilela Foret Dense., 0.28319 6.46333, 1216 - 1338m

Image Associated With the Occurence
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia & T. F. Daniel   500762016-11-26
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. São Tomé Island, ST. Along road EN-2 between km road marker 53-54 about 17 km north of Porto Alegre and northeast of Cão Grande. NAD 83., 0.08483 6.58683, 90m

J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia & O. Rocha   498262016-11-16
São Tomé and Principe, Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Headwaters of the Rio Banzu. Steep slopes above the Rio Banzu heading toward the Pico de Príncipe., 1.59111 7.38667, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
A. Mocquerys   17
São Tomé and Principe, San Thomé, Roca Ledroma

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2338485T. Monod   120551956-08-28
São Tomé and Principe, St. Tome. St. Tome, eur St. Nicolau.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Wibelia denticulata (Burm. f.) M. Kato & Tsutsumi
US 815878A. Moller   8
São Tomé and Principe, Ins. St. Thomé [interpreted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
F. Quintas   681885-10-00
São Tomé and Principe, Ins St Thomé [interpreted], Coast of Guinea [interpreted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bolbitis fluviatilis (Hook.) Ching
US 2427249F. Quintas   681886-00-00
Sao Tome and Principe, Insula de S. Thomé, Ad Angolares, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Homaliodendron piniforme (Brid.) Enroth
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia, T. F. Daniel & O. Rocha   498452016-11-17
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Along trail to Morro de Leste (Peak) south of Terreiro Velho in Rio Pagagaio watershed. NAD 83., 1.59933 7.411, 330m

J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia, T. F. Daniel & O. Rocha   498662016-11-17
São Tomé and Principe, Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Along trail to Morro de Leste (Peak) south of Terreiro Velho at Agua Da Ponte Grande (stream)., 1.59739 7.41083, 460m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris pentheri (Krasser) C. Chr.
A. Moller   351885-07-00
São Tomé and Principe, Ins St thomas, Coast of Guinea [interpreted], 1950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia & O. Rocha   499602016-11-21
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. Obô National Park de Príncipe. Cross-country route across the summit plateau of the Mesa. NAD 83., 1.58103 7.35117, 520m

Lopidium struthiopteris (Brid. & Brid.) M. Fleisch.
J. R. Shevock, T. F. Daniel, M. Nadel & E. Soares   424352013-05-04
São Tomé and Principe, Island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. São Tomé Island. Obô National Park de São Tomé. Along Do Fugido Traill off of the Pico São Tomé trail toward Morro Provaz near creek originating from Lagoa Amelia., 0.29456 -6.60056, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 59265-. Moller & Collector illegible   66
Sao Tome and Principe, Ins. Rolas et St. Thoms, Guinea Coast of Africa

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3122082ex herb. Mus. Paris   s.n.
São Tomé and Principe

Image Associated With the Occurence
F. Quintas   781886-00-00
São Tomé and Principe, Id. of St. Thomas, Gulf of Guinea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
A. Moller   67
São Tomé and Principe, Coast of Guinea. Jus. St. Thomé, 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch.
US 3716372J. J. de Wilde, J. Arends & E. Groenendijk   3061980-01-28
Sao Tome and Principe, Nova Moca, track to Lagoa Amélia, 0.28 6.6, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coniogramme fraxinea (D. Don) Diels
A. Moller   53
São Tomé and Principe, Coast of Guinea. Jus. W. Thome [interpreted], 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2677645Navel   1361919-09-21
São Tomé and Principe, Ile du Prince, Rivière Ramba Porco [interpreted], 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 294144C. G. Ehrenberg   s. n.1839-00-00
Sao Tome and Principe, St. Thomas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Neckeropsis disticha (Hedw.) Kindb.
J. R. Shevock, C. Garcia & T. F. Daniel   500772016-11-26
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea. São Tomé Island, ST. Along road EN-2 between km road marker 53-54 about 17 km north of Porto Alegre and northeast of Cão Grande. NAD 83., 0.08483 6.58683, 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
J. R. Shevock, T. F. Daniel & O. Rocha   421812013-04-20
São Tomé and Principe, The Republic of São Tomé & Príncipe. Island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. Príncipe Island, ST. East Coast. Along old unimproved road (now a trail) just south from the volcanic formation known as 'Orgaos Basalticos' toward Infante Henrique. NAD 83., 1.58122 7.42583, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott
US 2424826C. Thorold   20631956-09-02
São Tomé and Principe, Roça Cruzeiro, Sao Tome. On cocoa. Very wet area in South of Island, 305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3351435R. Post   11979-00-00
Sao Tome and Principe, Between Rio Abade and Dependencia Nova Olinda

Image Associated With the Occurence
Platycerium stemaria (P. Beauv.) Desv.
US 3131881ex herb. Mus. Paris   s.n.
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island

Stigonema informe var. ferreirai Sampaio
US 140948Junior, S.   s.n.1948-11-27
Sao Tome and Principe, Principe Concelho, Porto Real

Stigonema panniforme var. juniorii Sampaio
US 140949Junior, S.   s.n.1948-11-27
Sao Tome and Principe, Principe Concelho, Porto Real.

Cylindrospermum majus var. carringtonii Sampaio
US 139464Roseira, A.   s.n.1957-12-05
Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome Concelho, Rio Diego Nunes

Oscillatoria roseirai Sampaio
US 140287Roseira, A.   s.n.1954-10-00
Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome Concelho, Praia Pantuis, Lama Grande.

Stigonema panniforme var. cylindricum Sampaio
US 140967Roseira, A.   29291957-10-29
Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome Concelho, Porto Alegre, Praia Lanca.

Quintas, F.   61
São Tomé and Principe, Sao Tome Island, Ins N Thomas ad Angolares [interpreted]

Quintas, F.   59
São Tomé and Principe, Ins. Rolas, Coast of Guinea. [interpreted]

Arthropteris palisotii (Desv.) Alston
Quintas, F.   72
Sao Tome and Principe, Ins. St. Thomé ad Angolares. Coast of Guinea

Moller, A.   67
São Tomé and Principe, Coast of Guinea. Jus. St. Thomé, 850m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 117


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