Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMNH-Plantae
Search Criteria: Rwanda; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 569

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375159M. Alcool   11691
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda, Territ. Biumba, Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Karukwanzi., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2914095J. Lebrun   96851938-01-00
Rwanda, Ruandensis, entre Muruwit aet Kamakaba, Ruanda, terriotoire de Kibungu, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Allophylus alnifolius (Baker) Radlk.
US 2375278G. Troupin   56261957-12-22
Rwanda, Province Rwanda, Territory Biumba, Region du Mutara, env. de Mimuli., 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375364G. Troupin   6483*1958-02-24
Rwanda, Kigali, Region du Bugesera, colline Tshohoha, a rpoximite du Lac Thohoha Nord, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375203ex herb. G. Troupin   II745
Rwanda, Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Mimuli. Galerie forestière de la rivière Kakitumba., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375362G. Troupin   64771958-02-24
Rwanda, Kigali, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Kigali. Région du Bugesera, colline Tshohoha. Bords du lac Tshohoba., 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Indigofera vicioides Jaub. & Spach
US 2375267M. Alcool   II829
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda, Territ: Biumba, Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve Irsac, colline Karukwanzi, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375268M. Alcool   II 31
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ. Biumba Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Karukwanzi, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375306M. Alcool   59811958-02-08
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, Region du Mutara, paline Gikandura, savane de fond de vallee., 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gutenbergia marginata (O. Hoffm.) Wild & Pope
US 2375264ex herb. G. Troupin   II826*
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Karukwanzi., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hibiscus ludwigii Eckl. & Zeyh.
US 2914349-. Lejeune   41940-04-11
Rwanda, Sud, Rubona, territ. Nyanza. Marais et collina Mara

Image Associated With the Occurence
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell
US 2375209ex herb. G. Troupin   11751
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ. Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Karukwanzi., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375252G. Troupin   118101959-10-08
Rwanda, Territ. Biumba. Region du Mutara., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3002258W. Robyns   24561926-06-06
Rwanda, Entre Kwinda et Lubengera -territoire: Kibuye, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375108G. Troupin   116211959-03-26
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda; Territ. Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, feserve Irsac, colline Karukwanzi., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375197ex herb. G. Troupin   11739
Rwanda, Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Mimuli., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erigeron grantii Oliv. & Hiern
US 2375160ex herb. G. Troupin   11693
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda, Terr. Biumba, Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli-reserve IRSAC, collins Karukwanzi., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2823586G. Troupin   64831958-02-24
Rwanda, Kigali, Region du Bugesera, colline Tshohoha, a proximite du Lac Thohoha Nord, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375396ex herb. G. Troupin   69651958-04-10
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Kibungu. Parc. Nat. Kagera, plain Ndaytarirahe. Marais à Mimosa pigra.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Clutia abyssinica Jaub. & Spach
US 3588145W. G. D'Arcy   s.n.1975-03-24
Rwanda, Nord, Roadside, Ruhengeri; to 10 km S on Kigali Road, 1700 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375117ex herb. G. Troupin   II 634
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda, territ: Biumba, Région du Maura, environ de Mimuli, réserve RSAC, colline Bibale, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2858470R. E. Pichi-Sermolli   53311956-08-15
Rwanda, Ruanda-Urundi. Monti a sud-est del lago Kivu a 45 Km. da Bukavu lungo la strada per Astrida., 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375114ex herb. G. Troupin   II629
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bibale., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375394M. Alcool   69571958-04-10
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ.: Kibungu. Parc. Nat. Kagara, plaine Ndayitarirahe (Uruwita)

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3698735A. Linström & B. C. Turpin   5832012-09-08
Rwanda, Rugezi Wetland [2.22 km SSW of Colline Butandi in a straight line], -1.5031 29.8961, 2060 - 2060m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375222ex herb. G. Troupin   11766
Rwanda, Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bibare., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375236ex herb. G. Troupin   II 789
Rwanda, Prov. : Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, Region du Mutara, environl de Mimuli, reserve Irsac, colline Mayebe, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375289G. Troupin   57721958-01-14
Rwanda, Province Rwanda, Territory Biumba, Region du Mutara, env. de Mimuli, colline Bibale., 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pavetta gardeniifolia Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2813788-. Michelson   133!1970-11-00
Rwanda, Bugesera, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dombeya rotundifolia (Hochst.) Planch.
US 2375127G. Troupin   11648
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Mimuli., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375238G. Troupin   117911959-10-06
Rwanda, Nord, Territ.: Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Mayebe., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gutenbergia marginata (O. Hoffm.) Wild & Pope
US 2823650G. Troupin   64851958-02-24
Rwanda, Rwandensis, Regio du Bugesera, colline Tschehoha territoire: Kigali., 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Microglossa pyrifolia (Lam.) Kuntze
US 2375319ex herb. G. Troupin   60461958-02-14
Rwanda, Region du Mutara, colline Gakirage. Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Savane a Acacia, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal
US 2375189ex herb. G. Troupin   II.730
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Karukwanzi., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375229ex herb. G. Troupin   11774
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bukire., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2823651G. Troupin   59461958-02-04
Rwanda, Rwandensis, Regio du Mutara, territoire : Biumba., 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acalypha bipartita Müll. Arg.
US 2375219G. Troupin   117621959-08-08
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ. Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Bibare., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bothriocline schimperi Oliv. & Hiern ex Benth.
US 2375187ex herb. G. Troupin   11728
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Bibare., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coptosperma graveolens (S. Moore) Degreef
US 2375128ex herb. G. Troupin   II.649
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda, Territ: Biumba, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimulí, réserve IRSAC, colline Mimuli, Bosquet sur termitière, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill.
US 2375402G. Troupin   71441958-04-19
Rwanda, Nord, Region du Mutara, environ de Nteko, colline Nteko, Biumba, Ruanda, 1420m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acokanthera schimperi (DC.) Schweinf.
US 2375207ex herb. G. Troupin   II749
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Mimuli. Galerie forestière de la rivière Kakitumba., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2276562L. O. Williams   213661958-03-15
Rwanda, Ruanda Urundi, in hills about 5 km. from Usambura., 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375151ex herb. G. Troupin   11681
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bibale., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375174M. Alcool   II 712
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ. Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, collina Mimuli, 427 - 442m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Maerua johannis Volkens & Gilg
US 2375215ex herb. G. Troupin   II757
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Karukwanzi., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2823623A. Christiaensen   8871955-05-24
Rwanda, Bikonoka-territiore: Biumba, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375427ex herb. G. Troupin   74881958-06-19
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda Territ.: Kibungu. Parc. Nat. Kagera, Mihindi (lac Mihindi)., 1305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill.
US 2375168G. Troupin   II.7051959-06-10
Rwanda, Nord, Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC; colline Nteko, Biumba, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1529980H. Humbert   85791929-06-00
Rwanda, Afrique Equatoriale. Volcan Karisimbi (au N.-E. du Lac Kivu)., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2155613Becquet   1871932-12-00
Rwanda, Congo Belge. Ruanda - Mukono, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375223M. Alcool   11767
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ.:Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Nyakagenge. Savana boisee, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhoicissus tridentata (L. f.) Wild & R.B. Drumm.
US 2375087G. Troupin   115961959-03-14
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ. Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ Mimuli, reserve Irsac, colline Nteko., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Senegalia brevispica (Harms) Seigler & Ebinger
US 2375279ex herb. G. Troupin   56411958-01-06
Rwanda, Biumba, region du Mutara, env. de Mimuli, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ipomoea wightii (Wall.) Choisy
US 2375297ex herb. G. Troupin   59351958-02-03
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara., 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2155762H. Scaetta   2 m.1929-00-00
Rwanda, Kasebeye (Ruanda)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Osyris quadripartita Salzm. ex Decne.
US 2375390G. Troupin   69071958-04-08
Rwanda, Kibungu

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hibiscus aponeurus Sprague & Hutch.
US 2375103G. Troupin   116151959-03-25
Rwanda, Nord, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ: Biumba. Loc: Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Nteko., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2276561L. O. Williams   213651958-03-15
Rwanda, Ruanda Urundi, roadside in granitic hills in vicinity of Muramuke., 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375259ex herb. G. Troupin   II.819
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli réserve IRSAC, colline Bukire., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375206ex herb. G. Troupin   11748
Rwanda, Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Mimuli. Galerie forestière de la rivière Kakitumba., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3093332W. G. D'Arcy   77231975-02-12
Rwanda, Parc des Volcans, low wet meadow, Karisimbi/ Visoke saddle, 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375185G. Troupin   II725
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bukire., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3072638W. G. D'Arcy   75071975-01-31
Rwanda, Parc des Volcans. Base of Mt. Visoke, SW side., 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375147ex herb. G. Troupin   II.677
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Gikandura., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lippia abyssinica (Otto & A. Dietr.) Cufod.
US 2375118ex herb. G. Troupin   11635
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutura, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bibale., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2914272Ex herb. Fred. L. Hendrickx   7771
Rwanda, Astrida. Bords route prairie., 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3093333W. G. D'Arcy   77181975-02-12
Rwanda, Parc des Volcans, low wet meadow, Karisimbi/ Visoke saddle, 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka
US 2307773ex herb. G. Troupin   11822
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ. Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bukiré., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oxalis radicosa A. Rich.
US 2375248ex herb. G. Troupin   11804
Rwanda, Territ.: Biumba,Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Rutengula., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2823633G. Troupin   50621957-10-22
Rwanda, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bidens grantii (Oliv.) Sherff
US 2375123ex herb. G. Troupin   11641
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve Irsac, colline Bibale, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1529990H. Humbert   86101929-06-00
Rwanda, L'Afrique Equatoriale. Volcan Karisimbi (au N.-E. du lac Kivu)., 3300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375155G. Troupin   116851959-04-10
Rwanda, Nord, Ruanda, Biumba

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3009668A. Christiaensen   15521956-03-23
Rwanda, Kamiranjovu-territorie: Shangugu., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2307757ex herb. G. Troupin   11642
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Minuli, réserve IRSAC, collin Bibale., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375399ex herb. G. Troupin   70191958-04-04
Rwanda, Territ.: Kigali. Région du Bugesera, colline Bihorago, près du lac Tshohoha Sud. Catena 5 V [unsure placement], 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3423344G. Michel   49641957-12-28
Rwanda, Rubona - Inec - Ruanda., 1650 - 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375157G. Troupin   116881959-02-04
Rwanda, Nord, Ruanda prov, biumba territ, region du mutara, environ de mimuli, reserve irsac, colline karukwanzi, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astripomoea malvacea (Klotzsch) A. Meeuse
US 2375230ex herb. G. Troupin   11775
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Nteko., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hibiscus aponeurus Sprague & Hutch.
US 2375201G. Troupin   117431959-05-08
Rwanda, Est, Biumba, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Mimuli. Savane herbeuse, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus mollipes (C.B. Clarke) K. Schum.
US 2375242M. Alcool   II796
Rwanda, Biumba, region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Nyakabira, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2307767M. Alcool   11795
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environs de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Nyakabira., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375374G. Troupin   66261958-03-08
Rwanda, Nord, Ruanda prov, biumba territ, region du mutara, colline karukwanzi

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aspilia africana (Pers.) C.D. Adams
US 2375196ex herb. G. Troupin   2/738*
Rwanda, Biumba, Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve Irsac, colline Mimuli, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
G. Troupin   32771957-05-26
Rwanda, Ruanda. Region du Mutara, env. de Mimuli, colline Nyakagenge. Territ. Biumba., 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Apodytes dimidiata E. Mey. ex Arn.
US 2375391ex herb. G. Troupin   69151958-04-09
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ. Kibungu. Parc. Nat. Kagera, colline Rubira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm. f.) W.T. Aiton
US 2155610Becquet   1481932-00-00
Rwanda, Kitega.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinochloa pyramidalis (Lam.) Hitchc. & Chase
US 2307781M. Alcool   74731958-06-19
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ. Kibungu. Parc. Nat. Kagera, lac Buju; à 13 km Nord de Mihindi., 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grewia trichocarpa Hochst. ex A. Rich.
US 2375380G. Troupin   66711958-03-13
Rwanda, Nord, Prov: Ruanda, Territ: Biumba. Loc: Region du Mutara, coline Bibare

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375120M. Alcool   II637
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda. Territ,; biumba. Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve Irsac, colline Bibale, 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 1529940H. Humbert   84851929-05-00
Rwanda, Montagnes a l'Est de Kisenyi (Ruanda), 2200 - 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375237M. Alcool   11790
Rwanda, Prov. Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, region du Muatara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, colline Mayebe., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2375225ex herb. G. Troupin   II.769
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bibare., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heteromorpha arborescens Cham. & Schltdl.
US 2375154G. Troupin   II.684
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda, Territ.: Biumba, Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Bibare., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Zornia pratensis Milne-Redh.
US 2913720J. Lebrun   95621938-01-00
Rwanda, Babiro, territ. Biumba, Parc nat. de la Kagera

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pogonatum aloides (Hedw.) P. Beauv.
L. O. Williams   s.n.1958-03-21
Rwanda, Ruanda Urandi. On rock, cloud forest, 60 km. west Astrida., 2591m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Crassula aquatica (L.) Schönland
US 1529948H. Humbert   84981929-05-00
Rwanda, L'Afrique Equatoriale. Montagnes a L'Est de Kisenyi (Ruanda). Bord des ruisseaux., 2200 - 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn
US 3015911ex herb. A. Becquet   7791933-08-00
Rwanda, Munhondo, Bumbogo, Kigali, Ruanda., 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 2307764ex herb. G. Troupin   11783
Rwanda, Prov.: Ruanda. Territ.: Biumba. Région du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, réserve IRSAC, colline Mayebe., 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
US 3423378G. Michel   48961957-12-14
Rwanda, Rupoona [Rubona?], Ineac, Ruanda.

Page 2, records 101-200 of 569


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