Search Results (List)

Dataset: iNaturalist-Research Grade
Search Criteria: Martinique; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 2295

iNaturalist Plant Observation - Research Grade

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
41811164Sylvain Piry   2017-08-26
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Les Makes, Réunion; Saint-Louis, Forêt des Makes, près Petit Mapou, -21.17798 55.42704

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ageratina riparia (Regel) R. M. King & H. Rob.
96777796François Rousseu   2021-09-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, La Réunion, -21.274213 55.601389

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
150734539François Rousseu   2023-02-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.116003 55.450359

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
100792056François Rousseu   2021-11-02
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Voie cannière, 97455, Saint-Pierre 97410, Réunion, -21.322696 55.488999

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
143622420A. Moore   2022-11-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Réunion, Saint-Philippe, RE, -21.312108 55.801155

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Angraecum bracteosum Balf.f. & S.Moore
71084132CORDENOS Thierry   2021-03-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Entre-Deux, Réunion, -21.213444 55.463642

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
101332036Denis Bastianelli   2021-11-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Mont-Vert les Bas, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.331961 55.510294

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
142916344Roland Godon   2022-11-26
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe, RE-PR, Réunion, RE, -21.285093 55.744958

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
142529968Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-10-25
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île 97429, La Réunion, -21.36936 55.567075

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chassalia corallioides (Cordem.) Verdc.
36554508CORDENOS Thierry   2019-11-20
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île, Réunion, -21.303836 55.591868

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
142364982Denis Bastianelli   2022-11-19
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Terre Sainte, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.340883 55.479456

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomaridium attenuatum (Sw.) Gasper & V. A. O. Dittrich
39413236CORDENOS Thierry   2020-02-24
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île, Réunion, -21.301952 55.591476

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
146352465CORDENOS Thierry   2022-11-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.297811 55.770998

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Angraecum bracteosum Balf.f. & S.Moore
122624908lavero   2014-03-01
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.164529 55.477348

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Hedychium gardnerianum Sheph. ex Ker Gawl.
6193048José Ignacio Márquez Corro   2017-03-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Arrondissement of Saint-Pierre, Reunión, -21.120253 55.484712

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper borbonense (Miq.) C. DC.
32413890Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe, Réunion, -21.350367 55.739475

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia tetraphylla (G. Forst.) Hook. & Arn.
144139473Roland Godon   2022-12-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, L'Entre-Deux, RE-PR, RE, -21.23325 55.499096

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ageratina riparia (Regel) R. M. King & H. Rob.
113699178François Rousseu   2022-04-23
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Riviere Langevin, Saint-Joseph 97480, Réunion, -21.311975 55.641899

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.
150738685François Rousseu   2023-02-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos, Saint-Pierre, Reunion, -21.132384 55.472549

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
174379236François Rousseu   2023-04-02
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Le Tampon 97430, Réunion, -21.192418 55.638928

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
68643465Christian Grenier   2017-12-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Ravine des Cabris, Réunion, -21.287868 55.456607

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
35779986Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2019-09-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.113867 55.43883

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Persicaria capitata (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) H. Gross
41942040CORDENOS Thierry   2006-04-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île, Réunion, -21.358713 55.567935

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
96778121François Rousseu   2021-09-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, La Réunion, -21.274734 55.601713

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia heterophylla (Lam.) Willd.
148398703Mathieu Brugal   2022-08-15
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Réunion, Saint-Louis, RE, -21.193533 55.426987

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Erica reunionensis E. G. H. Oliv.
74538934Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2016-09-25
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.233433 55.647626

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
65156292Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2007-02-15
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Plaine des Remparts, Réunion, -21.246971 55.650625

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
85882855François Rousseu   2021-07-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Louis, RE-PR, RE, -21.207545 55.399078

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
143427171Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-11-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.124144 55.47909

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
32332112Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-08
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, Réunion, -21.32102 55.640339

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
140366372Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.279515 55.603328

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Asystasia intrusa (Forssk.) Blume
140658985Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-10-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île 97429, La Réunion, -21.369501 55.570173

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynorkis inermis (Thouars) Hermans & P.J.Cribb
142688494CORDENOS Thierry   2022-11-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.30248 55.758193

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Thunbergia grandiflora (Roxb. ex Rottler) Roxb.
32429987Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe, RE-PR, RE, -21.363367 55.742359

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
140362043Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.288252 55.597615

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynorkis ridleyi T.Durand & Schinz
144139252Roland Godon   2022-12-10
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Reunion, -21.049612 55.494731

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cenchrus clandestinus (Hochst. ex Chiov.) Morrone
150733871François Rousseu   2023-02-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.117492 55.449751

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
27342410CORDENOS Thierry   2019-02-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Les Makes, Réunion, -21.192661 55.428253

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Astelia hemichrysa (Lam.) Kunth
35776016Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2019-09-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.112934 55.434082

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
114304492Augustin Soulard   2021-04-08
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Pierrefonds, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.314074 55.422507

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lophospermum erubescens D. Don ex Sweet
64318622CORDENOS Thierry   2014-11-30
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Grand Bassin, -21.18132 55.535122

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia brevifolia (Pohl) C. Ezcurra
51839793CORDENOS Thierry   2020-05-14
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Entre-Deux, Réunion, -21.247572 55.486118

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
142444683Denis Bastianelli   2022-11-20
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Joseph, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.237756 55.649542

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
167147445lavena_vcb   2023-04-19
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île 97429, La Réunion, -21.340778 55.556335

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
108930354zefrid   2022-03-19
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos, -21.157055 55.468796

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Forgesia racemosa J. F. Gmel.
140362054Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Le Tampon 97430, La Réunion, -21.274463 55.601479

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomariocycas tabularis (Thunb.) Gasper & A. R. Sm.
46533189CORDENOS Thierry   2020-05-14
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.260795 55.663295

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Forgesia racemosa J. F. Gmel.
41428285Sylvain Piry   2017-08-22
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Réunion; Le Tampon, Forêt de Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix, sentier botanique, -21.26449 55.60199

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
41374863Sylvain Piry   2017-08-20
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion; Saint-Philippe, Rivière Langevin, chemin de Grand Galet au Cap Blanc, -21.28753 55.65278

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
141064666flovh   2022-11-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, RE-PR, Réunion, RE, -21.231875 55.64907

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Jumellea triquetra (Thouars) Schltr.
74821610CORDENOS Thierry   2021-04-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île, Réunion, -21.304811 55.592168

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
124999244marc_roussin   2022-07-01
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Bras de la Plaine, La Réunion, -21.230206 55.495563

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Calanthe sylvatica (Thouars) Lindl.
103010943CORDENOS Thierry   2021-12-07
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, RE-PR, Réunion, RE, -21.26055 55.643818

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
143713387kenbehrens   2022-12-05
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, RE-PR, RE, -21.213337 55.613299

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Microsorum scolopendria (Burm. fil.) Copel.
69414265Christian Grenier   2017-12-07
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Ravine des Cabris, Réunion, -21.285239 55.459311

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
137408625Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.361547 55.779643

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Antrophyopsis boryana (Willd.) Schuettp.
103568997CORDENOS Thierry   2021-12-07
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.27107 55.630316

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Obetia ficifolia (Poir.) Gaudich.
140253677Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-26
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.327839 55.541304

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
120513542Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-05-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Pierrefonds, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.306043 55.423127

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pseudoscleropodium purum (Hedw.) M. Fleisch.
169340176Claudine AH-PENG   2023-06-25
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton du Tampon-2, Le Tampon 97430, Réunion, -21.206199 55.607485

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
18978475michi1   2014-12-05
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, l'Étang-Salé les Bains, Réunion, -21.291032 55.38951

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
169796535Wolfgang Bittermann   2023-06-26
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.130094 55.471141

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
44562593Ulf Swenson   2009-02-18
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos, Réunion, -21.11656 55.450989

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
35775441Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2019-09-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.113297 55.433655

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
120513503Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-05-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Pierrefonds, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.306043 55.423127

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
96778398François Rousseu   2021-09-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, La Réunion, -21.276702 55.602139

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
120652526Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-05-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Îlet des 3 Salazes, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.113338 55.452945

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Forgesia racemosa J. F. Gmel.
123955008Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-06-19
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Le Tampon 97430, La Réunion, -21.274151 55.601042

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heteropogon contortus (L.) P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult.
109946032François Rousseu   2022-03-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.137183 55.45387

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynorkis squamosa (Poir.) Lindl.
163107012CORDENOS Thierry   2017-12-19
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.275137 55.637091

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Polystachya cultriformis (Thouars) Lindl. ex Spreng.
38910745Aurélien Bour   2015-02-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.341255 55.694134

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
51613872CORDENOS Thierry   2014-12-22
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, les makes, -21.197955 55.413939

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
41428119Sylvain Piry   2017-08-21
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Mont-Vert les Hauts, Réunion; Saint-Pierre, Piton de Mont Vert, -21.328 55.54117

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs
109946263François Rousseu   2022-03-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.136678 55.453334

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
31428070Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2016-09-23
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.375171 55.710393

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Syzygium borbonicum J. Guého & A. J. Scott
31279048Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2013-10-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.354231 55.739221

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Marchantia globosa Brid. ex F. Weber
167671165ana_bratu   2023-06-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, L'Entre-Deux, RE-PR, RE, -21.199351 55.493617

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Polyscias repanda (DC.) Baker
31280789Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2013-10-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.352785 55.740008

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Hedychium gardnerianum Sheph. ex Ker Gawl.
27342419CORDENOS Thierry   2019-02-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Les Makes, Réunion, -21.192637 55.428226

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Polypogon fugax Nees ex Steud.
144909936François Rousseu   2022-12-10
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, L'Etang, Saint-Louis, Réunion, -21.30107 55.405509

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
38910665Aurélien Bour   2015-02-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, -21.360393 55.683621

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
65694733Christian Grenier   2017-12-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Pierrefonds, Réunion, -21.293605 55.447917

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ageratina riparia (Regel) R. M. King & H. Rob.
64883441Christian Grenier   2017-12-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Pierrefonds, Réunion, -21.294461 55.435912

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
109947851François Rousseu   2022-03-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.13934 55.458918

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
113697437François Rousseu   2022-04-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Ilet Chicot, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.123888 55.447281

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Bertiera rufa A.Rich. ex DC.
174747477Augustin Soulard   2021-11-24
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.275041 55.63059

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
143427159Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-11-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.124144 55.47909

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
41375883Sylvain Piry   2017-08-20
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion; Saint-Philippe, Rivière Langevin, près Grand Galet, -21.3013 55.64372

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
30606665gyslene   2019-08-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, 42K–52 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, , La Réunion, RE, -21.351528 55.505448

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
165472385lavena_vcb   2023-04-26
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Rue de la crétoise, Saint-Joseph, -21.344307 55.666361

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
142671404Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-10-30
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.317449 55.686882

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Combretum indicum (L.) Jongkind
147475372CORDENOS Thierry   2023-01-15
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île 97429, La Réunion, -21.328379 55.552076

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.
144369795François Rousseu   2022-12-10
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, L'Etang, Saint-Louis, Réunion, -21.297773 55.408052

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees
113697972François Rousseu   2022-04-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Ilet Chicot, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.122654 55.447891

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia brevifolia (Pohl) C. Ezcurra
123938951marc_roussin   2022-06-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, GRAND-FONT EXTERIEUR, Entre-Deux 97414, La Réunion, -21.245364 55.465608

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
129531300marc_roussin   2022-08-05
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Pierrefonds, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.31328 55.441623

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
39082891CORDENOS Thierry   2020-02-20
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.296851 55.640841

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynorkis rosellata (Thouars) Bosser
142387740CORDENOS Thierry   2022-11-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.308224 55.770068

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ageratina riparia (Regel) R. M. King & H. Rob.
99436791CORDENOS Thierry   2014-09-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île 97429, La Réunion, -21.358696 55.568307

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Astelia hemichrysa (Lam.) Kunth
38770116Aurélien Bour   2015-02-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Piton de Bois Vert, Réunion, -21.277313 55.697481

Page 5, records 401-500 of 2295


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