Search Results (List)

Dataset: iNaturalist-Research Grade
Search Criteria: Martinique; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 12, records 1101-1200 of 2295

iNaturalist Plant Observation - Research Grade

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
31284457Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2013-10-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.352463 55.740376

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
31284360Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2013-10-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.352068 55.740505

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser.
143038061CORDENOS Thierry   2022-11-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.295456 55.759475

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.
150734116François Rousseu   2023-02-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.116611 55.44995

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia heterophylla (Lam.) Willd.
41590047Sylvain Piry   2017-08-22
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Réunion; Le Tampon, Forêt de Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix, sentier botanique, -21.26356 55.60239

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Psidium cattleianum Afzel. ex Sabine
112827865Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-04-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.336357 55.795727

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Mimusops balata (Aubl.) C.F.Gaertn.
40806372Sylvain Piry   2017-08-13
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Mont-Vert les Hauts, Réunion; Saint-Pierre, Piton de Mont Vert, -21.32973 55.54143

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
49431340CORDENOS Thierry   2013-12-15
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île, Réunion, -21.321149 55.573389

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora (Lemoine ex G. Nicholson) N.E. Br.
123955023Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-06-19
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Le Tampon 97430, La Réunion, -21.274151 55.601042

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.
18957470michi1   2014-12-14
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.338718 55.804703

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Antrophyopsis boryana (Willd.) Schuettp.
133316099Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-08-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.325192 55.697701

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Furcraea foetida (L.) Haw.
143492188Roland Godon   2022-12-02
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, L'Entre-Deux, RE-PR, Réunion, RE, -21.230233 55.461188

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynorkis squamosa (Poir.) Lindl.
159662658CORDENOS Thierry   2017-12-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.320228 55.630461

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ageratina riparia (Regel) R. M. King & H. Rob.
92890771François Rousseu   2021-08-25
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, François Isautier, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.327285 55.539993

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.
114130709Augustin Soulard   2021-04-18
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe, RE-PR, RE, -21.375041 55.710781

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
123948840marc_roussin   2022-06-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, GRAND-FONT EXTERIEUR, Entre-Deux 97414, La Réunion, -21.246135 55.465885

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
120513518Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-05-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Pierrefonds, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.306043 55.423127

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
142444177Denis Bastianelli   2022-11-20
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton du Tampon-2, Le Tampon 97430, La Réunion, -21.210528 55.608861

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
30957661Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2011-09-23
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Réunion, -21.194315 55.633432

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
85882814François Rousseu   2021-07-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Louis, RE-PR, RE, -21.204855 55.398559

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
141693258Merek   2022-11-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, RE-PR, RE, -21.313292 55.641007

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
107948511CORDENOS Thierry   2022-03-03
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.292598 55.805228

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anderson
42897843CORDENOS Thierry   2014-06-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, l'Étang-Salé les Bains, Réunion, -21.291162 55.389666

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomariocycas tabularis (Thunb.) Gasper & A. R. Sm.
71211252CORDENOS Thierry   2021-03-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Entre-Deux, Réunion, -21.190412 55.474848

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Erica reunionensis E. G. H. Oliv.
56118826Ryan McMinds   2015-08-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Réunion, -21.19897 55.646429

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
165464231lavena_vcb   2023-04-26
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe, RE-PR, RE, -21.34862 55.792071

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
142882053Roland Godon   2022-11-26
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe, RE-PR, RE, -21.295893 55.791761

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
143634928Roland Godon   2022-12-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Le Tampon, RE-PR, RE, -21.161105 55.57078

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Persicaria capitata (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) H. Gross
40951935Wouter Van Landuyt   2016-03-31
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Arrondissement Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.128396 55.473612

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ptisana fraxinea (Sm.) Murdock
41672768Sylvain Piry   2017-08-23
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion; Saint-Philippe, Forêt de Mare Longue, sentier botanique, -21.35044 55.73959

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Tapeinochilos ananassae (Hassk.) K.Schum.
32430497Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe, RE-PR, RE, -21.364212 55.742554

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Oplismenus hirtellus (L.) P.Beauv.
85882702François Rousseu   2021-07-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Louis, RE-PR, RE, -21.202123 55.3983

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott
49008267CORDENOS Thierry   2014-05-25
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île, Réunion, -21.358717 55.567887

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston
112030266Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-04-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.335396 55.794707

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.
27151416CORDENOS Thierry   2018-05-13
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île, Réunion, -21.35386 55.570696

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
142388941CORDENOS Thierry   2022-11-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Piton de Takamaka, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.307778 55.768889

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Aeranthes arachnites (Thouars) Lindl.
122013504lavero   2015-02-14
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.131911 55.493918

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Angraecopsis parviflora (Thouars) Schltr.
122151598lavero   2011-01-07
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.122943 55.496004

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
80229693CORDENOS Thierry   2021-05-23
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Îlet des 3 Salazes, Réunion, -21.112487 55.450616

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
92891233François Rousseu   2021-08-25
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, François Isautier, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.327285 55.539993

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ixora borboniae Mouly & B.Bremer
105265161CORDENOS Thierry   2022-01-19
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos, RE-PR, RE, -21.140548 55.454501

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth
27342407CORDENOS Thierry   2019-02-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Les Makes, Réunion, -21.192648 55.428285

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Boehmeria grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A. Heller
144290686Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-11-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, -21.197706 55.584028

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
138472523Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-21
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.124861 55.479609

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Forgesia racemosa J. F. Gmel.
142671420Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-10-30
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.318499 55.688899

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Persicaria chinensis (L.) H. Gross
150590441François Rousseu   2023-02-08
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.135889 55.454425

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Epidendrum radicans Pav. ex Lindl.
103354902lavero   2009-08-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Les Makes, Saint-Louis 97450, Réunion, -21.20094 55.411416

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
108109208CORDENOS Thierry   2022-02-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île 97429, La Réunion, -21.357342 55.570316

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Davallia repens (L. fil.) Kuhn
104912819CORDENOS Thierry   2021-12-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.354355 55.738864

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Boehmeria penduliflora Wedd. ex D. G. Long
40686835Sylvain Piry   2017-08-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion; Saint-Philippe, Le Grand Brûlé, Coulée de lave 2007, -21.28585 55.79649

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
41154397Sylvain Piry   2017-08-19
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Grande Anse, Réunion; Petite Île, Piton de Grande-Anse, -21.37092 55.55132

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
141458213cgeron   2022-11-08
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Ravine des Cafres, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.356813 55.514615

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Furcraea foetida (L.) Haw.
35782585Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2019-09-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.112778 55.446944

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
148766329François Rousseu   2023-01-07
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Le Tampon 97430, Réunion, -21.157954 55.557556

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia heterophylla (Lam.) Willd.
138587062Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-21
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.130687 55.495843

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
177965690elchorten   2023-08-12
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Le Tampon, -21.222822 55.526974

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Montanoa hibiscifolia (Benth.) K. Koch
125190768CORDENOS Thierry   2022-06-06
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.190934 55.449706

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruellia brevifolia (Pohl) C. Ezcurra
69771437Christian Grenier   2017-12-15
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Ravine des Cabris, Réunion, -21.28667 55.45632

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cuphea ignea A. DC.
38906143Aurélien Bour   2015-02-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.326369 55.703733

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
112829701Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-04-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.140578 55.454351

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
35779796Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2019-09-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.113489 55.438065

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Antrophyopsis boryana (Willd.) Schuettp.
103239454Augustin Soulard   2021-11-24
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Joseph, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.271063 55.630987

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.
143287748François Rousseu   2022-11-05
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Rue Du 10 Mai 1981, Saint-Philippe 97442, Réunion, -21.369128 55.725247

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
140366322Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Le Tampon 97430, La Réunion, -21.264439 55.601886

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit
150589715François Rousseu   2023-02-08
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos, Saint-Pierre, Reunion, -21.135374 55.453191

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Salvia coccinea Buc'hoz ex Etl.
150589708François Rousseu   2023-02-08
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.137552 55.45426

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
132845559Mathieu Brugal   2022-08-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Réunion, Saint-Philippe, RE, -21.353777 55.740535

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
35773419Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2019-09-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.113253 55.433559

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
36535654CORDENOS Thierry   2019-11-20
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île, Réunion, -21.307686 55.590106

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
150733870François Rousseu   2023-02-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.117844 55.448807

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
147191220Augustin Soulard   2021-04-18
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe 97442, La Réunion, -21.375326 55.710655

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Doratoxylon apetalum (Poir.) Radlk.
32416683Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Philippe, Réunion, -21.355566 55.739662

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Forgesia racemosa J. F. Gmel.
132931301Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-08-15
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île 97429, La Réunion, -21.299304 55.595658

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Murraya paniculata (L.) Jacq.
30606542gyslene   2019-08-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, 42K–52 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, , La Réunion, RE, -21.351372 55.505636

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Cenchrus clandestinus (Hochst. ex Chiov.) Morrone
150737214François Rousseu   2023-02-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.112003 55.439746

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
101601368Denis Bastianelli   2021-11-21
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Les Makes, Saint-Louis 97450, La Réunion, -21.184503 55.430333

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
70492266matmatp   2021-02-21
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Réunion, La Réunion, RE, -21.35227 55.739288

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
149422886Augustin Soulard   2021-08-23
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton du Tampon-1, Le Tampon 97430, La Réunion, -21.198899 55.586379

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P.Beauv. ex J.Presl & C.Presl
150735711François Rousseu   2023-02-09
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Îlet des 3 Salazes, Cilaos 97413, Réunion, -21.113009 55.448454

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
32259610Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-07
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, Réunion, -21.346039 55.602242

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
33303818Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-16
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Réunion, -21.198425 55.628908

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
35789230Jean-Philippe BASUYAUX   2019-09-29
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.116421 55.450527

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
143713413kenbehrens   2022-12-05
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, RE-PR, RE, -21.200179 55.626555

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth.
125153697Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-07-05
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Le Ctre, La Riviere, La Réunion, -21.285616 55.39057

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
127825190marc_roussin   2022-07-21
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, La Plaine des Cafres, Le Tampon 97430, La Réunion, -21.190831 55.536893

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
106333783CORDENOS Thierry   2022-01-27
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph 97480, La Réunion, -21.305532 55.609404

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
38910726Aurélien Bour   2015-02-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.318069 55.709927

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomaridium attenuatum (Sw.) Gasper & V. A. O. Dittrich
38910729Aurélien Bour   2015-02-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.341255 55.694134

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
138258410Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-09-21
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.132748 55.471976

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Boehmeria Jacq.
85882677François Rousseu   2021-07-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Louis, RE-PR, Reunion, RE, -21.200706 55.39899

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
40806124Sylvain Piry   2017-08-13
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Mont-Vert les Hauts, Réunion; Saint-Pierre, Piton de Mont Vert, -21.32756 55.54144

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Psiadia boivinii (Klatt) B. L. Rob.
96776703François Rousseu   2021-09-28
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Canton du Tampon-2, Le Tampon, La Réunion, -21.271327 55.599938

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
143427148Pierre-Louis Stenger   2022-11-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos 97413, La Réunion, -21.124144 55.47909

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
32146036Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Mairie Annexe De Bras Sec, Réunion, -21.142414 55.487865

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
117099606Augustin Soulard   2022-05-15
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, -21.322725 55.640686

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
141694116CORDENOS Thierry   2022-10-11
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Petite Île 97429, La Réunion, -21.358616 55.567926

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
136374494bruille   2022-09-25
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Le Tampon, -21.309942 55.539227

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
101319702Denis Bastianelli   2021-11-17
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Mont-Vert les Bas, Saint-Pierre 97410, La Réunion, -21.331625 55.509911

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
32104266Pieter Huybrechts   2019-09-04
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Cilaos, RE-PR, RE, -21.168491 55.468403

iNaturalist:Research Grade
Image Associated With the Occurence
Epipremnum aureum (Linden & André) G.S.Bunting
65944419Christian Grenier   2017-12-12
Martinique, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, -21.339849 55.803665

Page 12, records 1101-1200 of 2295


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