Search Results (List)

Dataset: NMNH-Plantae
Search Criteria: Kenya; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 104, records 10301-10400 of 10681

National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - Botany

Xanthoparmelia australasica D.J. Galloway
Hedberg, O.   9161948-05-13
Kenya, Western, Mt. elgon, in the crater, 3580 - 3580m

Leptodon smithii (Hedw.) F. Weber & D. Mohr
Perdue, R. E.   9165C1967-11-21
Kenya, Western (obsolete), Vic. Londiani, W. Kenya.

Acrocryphaea latifolia Broth. & P. de la Varde
Troll, C.   58581934-04-00
Kenya, Africa Orient, in Mt. Kenya, in silvis montanis, corticola., 2300m

Aerobryopsis capensis (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch.
Miss Ossent   177a1956-09-28
Kenya, Emli Districtm Irangi.

P.R.O. Bally   (780)-A1938-05-00
Kenya, Chyula North. Kenya Colony.

Alectoria jubata Zahlbr.
Mearns, E. A.   --1909-09-21
Kenya, Mt. Kenia, along train from W Kenia Forest Station to summit.

Amphidium cyathicarpum (Mont.) Broth.
Mearns, E. A.   1580c1909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 1106m

Anacolia laevisphaera (Taylor) Flowers
Bernardi, L.   9123a1962-04-17
Kenya, Iter africanum anno 1962 (Febr.-Apr.) a L. Bernardi peractum. Mt. Kenya, Surinam Track., 4000 - 4400m

Mearns, E. A.   15841909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Mearns, E. A.   15881909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Fries, E.   s.n.1922-02-06
Kenya, Mt Kenia occ.:, regio bambusina in rupibus.

Troll, C.   1061934-00-00
Kenya, Africa Orient, in Mt. Kenya, George Valley., 4250m

Anomobryopsis cymatocheilos
Balbo, P.   s.n.1914-11-03
Kenya, Keneya: Gíambene-su albers. [interpreted]

Collector illegible   s.n.1908-08-20
Kenya, Tusu, lungo il Manisla. [interpreted]

Antitrichia curtipendula (Timm ex Hedw.) Brid.
Balazs, D.   102/m1968-01-20
Kenya, Ostafrika: Kenya-Berg., 2000m

Antitrichia curtipendula (Timm ex Hedw.) Brid.
Hedberg, O.   19791948-08-20
Kenya, Africana. Kenya Colony: M:t Kenya, NW. slopes, epiphytic on a young Podocarpus tree in the lower part of the Hagenia-Hypericum region, close to the path Naromuro - Teleki valley., 3250m

Fries, R. E.   2c/9023c1922-02-02
Kenya, Mt Kenia occid.: regio bambusina in Trun ca Podocarpi.

Mearns, E. A.   15691909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western Slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa., 3630m

Mearns, E. A.   1773a1909-09-28
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Bamboo zone, western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa., 3000m

Verdcourt, -.   20131957-12-12
Kenya, Camp site, clearing in forest on road up. Mount Kenya., 3048m

Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr.
Troll, C.   5899
Kenya, Mt. Kenya; Grorgi Valley., 4250m

Aulacomnium turgidum (Wahlenb.) Schwägr.
Hedberg, O.   17451948-07-29
Kenya, Kenya Colony: M:t Kenya, Western alpine region, on alluvial ground along the small stream below Tyndall glacier., 4400m

Aulacomnium turgidum (Wahlenb.) Schwägr.
Hedberg, O.   17451948-07-29
Kenya, Kenya Colony: M:t Kenya, Western alpine region, on alluvial ground along the small stream below Tyndall glacier., 4400m

Aulacomnium turgidum (Wahlenb.) Schwägr.
Rob., E.   27a?1922-02-02
Kenya, Mt. Kenia occid.: regio alpina superior in duriprato terrestris., 3600m

Barbella africana
Balbo   s.n.1908-08-18
Kenya, Colle Gasangari [interpreted]., 1400m

Barbula indica (Hook.) Spreng.
Balbo, P.   s.n.1912-09-08
Kenya, Valle Singhiso.

Troll, C.   58951934-05-00
Kenya, Africa Orient, in Mt. Kenya, George Valley., 4250m

Mearns, E. A.   15681909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Mearns, E. A.   15811909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Coe   3001957-12-00
Kenya, Telehi Valley, Mt. Kenya., 4298m

Mearns, E. A.   15901909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Coe   3411958-01-00
Kenya, On rocky moraine, Glaciel gravel Telehi Valley, Mt. Kenya., 4267m

Coe   3201957-12-00
Kenya, Around Tarn edge Telehi Tarn, Telehi Valley, Mt. Kenya., 4267m

Mearns, E. A.   15741909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Hedberg, O.   1834c1948-08-06
Kenya, Kenya Colony: Mt. Kenya, Western alpine region on the ridge south of Teleki valley in a small niche., 4000m

Coe   3201957-12-02
Kenya, Over rocks on lake shore Telehi Tarn Mt. Kenya., 4206m

US 631910Mearns, E. A.   19511909-10-21
Kenya, Trail from nyeri to wambugu, 1800 - 1500m

Bersama abyssinica (Planch.) Verdc.
US 3325346Lavranos, J. J.   177451979-10-03
Kenya, Lugusida stream near kericho

Blindia acuta f. prolixa Dixon
Mearns, E. A.   1593 b1909-09-21
Kenya, W slopes of Mt. Kenya, along trail from W Kenia Forest Station to summit., 3630 - 3630m

Brachymenium capitulatum (Mitt.) Kindb.
P.R.O. Bally   B93
Kenya, Ngong Hills, Kenya Colony., 2225m

Brachythecium glareosum (Bruch ex Spruce) Schimp.
Mearns, E. A.   15991909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Brachythecium implicatum (Hornsch. ex Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   1400a1909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Brachythecium longicaule
Balbo   s.n.1908-02-14
Kenya, Karenia. [interpreted]

Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp.
Copley, H.   B1041939-06-00
Kenya, Katito Falls, Karinga River, Mt. Kenya.

Braunia arbuscula (Welw. & Duby) A. Gepp
Balbo   s.n.1908-02-05
Kenya, Karema.

Braunia diaphana (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
Balbo, P.   s.n.1914-11-03
Kenya, Giambene., 2200m

Braunia diaphana (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
P.R.O. Bally   B91
Kenya, Ngong Hills, Kenya Colony., 2256m

Mearns, E. A.   15671909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Mearns, E. A.   15431909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Mearns, E. A.   15411909-09-21
Kenya, Along trail from W Kenia Forest Station to summit, Mt. Kenya., 3630 - 3630m

Hedberg, O.   19481948-08-19
Kenya, Kenya Colony: M:t Kenya, NW. slopes, on the ground in a small glade in the upper part of the bamboo region., 3100m

Hedberg, O.   19481948-08-19
Kenya, Kenya Colony: M:t Kenya, NW. slopes, on the ground in a small glade in the upper part of the bamboo region., 3100m

Hedberg, O.   19481948-08-19
Kenya, Kenya Colony: M:t Kenya, NW. slopes, on the ground in a small glade in the upper part of the bamboo region., 3100m

Copley, H.   B1741939-07-00
Kenya, Aberdares, Karuru River., 2896m

Hedberg, O.   8751948-05-11
Kenya, Kenya Colony: M:t Elgon, in the crater (alpine region). At the foot of Koitobbos, in Alchemilletum., 4130m

Balbo   s.n.1910-02-20
Kenya, Kinangop., 4000m

Hedberg, O.   19311948-08-18
Kenya, Kenya Colony: M:t Kenya, NW. slopes, below one of the uppermost Philippia shrubs., 3600m

Breutelia subgnaphalea (Müll. Hal.) Paris
Fries, R. E.   27c1922-02-02
Kenya, Mt Kenia occid.: regio alpina superior in duriprato terrestris., 3600m

Breutelia subgnaphalea (Müll. Hal.) Paris
Mearns, E. A.   15711909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Breutelia subgnaphalea (Müll. Hal.) Paris
Mearns, E. A.   15761909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Coe   3371958-12-00
Kenya, Around edge of Tarn in clumps. Nanyuhi Tarn, Mt. Kenya., 4176m

Coe   3351958-12-00
Kenya, Around edge of Tarn. Nanyuhi Tarn, Mt. Kenya., 3962m

Balbo   s.n.1908-08-20
Kenya, Zusu. Colle Gatangari., 2300m

Bryum coronatum Schwägr.
Balbo   s.n.1908-01-05
Kenya, Limuru.

Bryum glano-marginatum
Collector unknown   s.n.1908-04-20
Kenya, Nyerí. L. Balho.

Bryum mundtii Müll. Hal.
Joana, B.   74771938-08-00
Kenya, Mutha Hill. Kenya Colony.

Bryum plano-marginatum Dixon
Mearns, E. A.   11461909-09-06
Kenya, Vicinity of Thika.

Bucklandiella crispipila (Taylor) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra
Adamson, J.   241949-03-08
Kenya, Mt. Elgon & Ruwenzori.

Bucklandiella subsecunda (Harv.) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra
Coe   2981957-12-00
Kenya, Moraine, N. Tyndall Glacier, Mt. Kenya., 4298m

Mearns, E. A.   1592 b1909-09-21
Kenya, Along trail from W Kenia Forest Station to summit.

Mearns, E. A.   1339b1909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa., 3630m

Rossman, A.   AR12091977-10-07
Kenya, Near Kipipiri., 2750m

Calothrix parietina
US 111371Talling, I. B.   s.n.1960-12-00
Kenya, Lake turkana (lake rudolf), near slur

Campylopus johannis-meyeri (Müll. Hal.) Kindb.
Mearns, E. A.   16581909-09-25
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition under the direction of col. Theodore Roosevelt (1909-10). Western upper slopes of Mount Kenia, above the "giant heath" zone, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa., 4200m

Campylopus montanus Welw. & Duby
Dummer, R. A.   53381922-03-00
Kenya, B.E.A. Protectorate. Crater. Longonot. Lava boulders., 2438m

Campylopus montanus Welw. & Duby
Dummer, R. A.   50391922-03-00
Kenya, B.E.A. Protectorate. Crater. Longonot. Lava boulders., 2438m

Campylopus montanus Welw. & Duby
Dummer, R. A.   50371922-03-00
Kenya, B.E.A. Protectorate. Crater. Longonot. Lava boulders., 2438m

Goanna   s.n.1938-08-00
Kenya, Wandanyi Hill.

Campylopus procerus (Müll. Hal.) Paris
Mearns, E. A.   17291909-09-28
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Bamboo zone, western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa., 3000m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Adamson, J.   27
Kenya, Mts. Elgon & Runwenzori.

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   15491909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   15581909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   13591909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   15441909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Balbo, P.   s.n.1909-07-18
Kenya, Kinangop., 4500m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   15771909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   15781909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   15481909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Troll, C.   2621934-00-00
Kenya, In Mt. Kenya, George Valley., 4250m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   15531909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Campylopus stramineus (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Mearns, E. A.   15651909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Mearns, E. A.   15941909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Mearns, E. A.   15981909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Mearns, E. A.   16551909-09-25
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western upper slopes of Mount Kenia, above the "giant heath"zone, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to Summit, British East Africa., 4200m

Mearns, E. A.   16591909-09-25
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western upper slopes of Mount Kenia, above the "giant heath"zone, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to Summit, British East Africa., 4200m

Cinclidotus fontinaloides Palisot de Beauvois, 1805
Balbo, P.   s.n.1908-08-02
Kenya, Zuni, Colle Sarougari, huysíe Maníoía. [interpreted]

Cladonia hedbergii Ahti
Mearns, E. A.   !1909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. [illegible text]f Mount Kenia, along the trail from West [illegible text] Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone.

Cladonia hedbergii Ahti
Mearns, E. A.   16001909-09-21
Kenya, African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Cladonia hedbergii Ahti
Mearns, E. A.   15191909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. Western slopes of Mount Kenia, along the trail from West Kenia Forest Station to summit, British East Africa, in the "giant heath" zone., 3630m

Cladonia hedbergii Ahti
Mearns, E. A.   !1909-09-21
Kenya, Smithsonian African Expedition. [illegible text] Mount Kenia, along the trail from West [illegible text]tation to summit, British East Africa, at [illegible text]ers, in the "giant heath" zone.

Page 104, records 10301-10400 of 10681


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