Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO-Seed Plants
Search Criteria: Gabon; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 267, records 26601-26700 of 32796

Missouri Botanical Garden

MO:Seed Plants
Virectaria multiflora (Sm.) Bremek.
103109693Archange Boupoya   18352018-10-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.438557 13.336317, 340m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109461Archange Boupoya   17262018-08-10
Gabon, Estuaire, Berges de la Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.332257 10.338621, 110m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Justicia buchholzii (Lindau) I. Darbysh.
103109477Archange Boupoya   17522018-08-13
Gabon, Ngounié, Région du village Issala., -1.944499 11.787061, 631m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109479Archange Boupoya   17532018-08-13
Gabon, Ngounié, Région du village Issala., -1.944499 11.787061, 631m

MO:Seed Plants
Cryptolepis oblongifolia (Meisn.) Schltr.
103109520Archange Boupoya   17832018-10-22
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.470296 13.218701, 590m

MO:Seed Plants
103109559Archange Boupoya   17912018-10-23
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.470296 13.218701, 590m

MO:Seed Plants
Dissotis Benth.
103109615Archange Boupoya   18082018-10-23
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.470169 13.218619, 542m

MO:Seed Plants
Loudetia arundinacea (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Steud.
103109634Archange Boupoya   18162018-10-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.435882 13.194715, 451m

MO:Seed Plants
Zornia glochidiata Rchb. ex DC.
103109637Archange Boupoya   18172018-10-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.435882 13.194715, 451m

MO:Seed Plants
103109656Archange Boupoya   18242018-10-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.448711 13.212674, 509m

MO:Seed Plants
Murdannia simplex (Vahl) Brenan
103109714Archange Boupoya   18412018-10-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.472055 13.261767, 554m

MO:Seed Plants
Pollia condensata C.B. Clarke
103109720Archange Boupoya   18432018-10-25
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.471078 13.266308, 513m

MO:Seed Plants
Eleocharis variegata (Poir.) C. Presl
103109748Archange Boupoya   18522018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.445825 13.211899, 498m

MO:Seed Plants
103109774Archange Boupoya   18582018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.445553 13.211985, 497m

MO:Seed Plants
Urochloa villosa (Lam.) T.Q. Nguyen
103109812Archange Boupoya   18762018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau de Bagombé, Moanda., -1.580833 13.266977, 614m

MO:Seed Plants
Digitaria diagonalis (Nees) Stapf
103109814Archange Boupoya   18772018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau de Bagombé, Moanda., -1.580833 13.266977, 614m

MO:Seed Plants
Andropogon schirensis Hochst. ex A. Rich.
103109840Archange Boupoya   18852018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau de Bagombé, Moanda., -1.585842 13.27849, 599m

MO:Seed Plants
Sacciolepis africana C.E. Hubb. & Snowden
103109862Archange Boupoya   18912018-10-27
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.480693 13.220415, 512m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109956Ehoarn Bidault   43872019-03-07
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.841972 10.39327, 670m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110049Ehoarn Bidault   44202019-03-09
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84333 10.39425, 645m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Oxyanthus laxiflorus K. Schum. ex Hutch. & Dalziel
103110072Ehoarn Bidault   44262019-03-09
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84384 10.39125, 711m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Noronhia camptoneura (Gilg & Schellenb.) Hong-Wa & Besnard
103110077Ehoarn Bidault   44272019-03-09
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84535 10.38907, 663m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Tarenna Gaertn.
103110123Ehoarn Bidault   44452019-03-10
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.85369 10.40906, 752m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Neoguarea glomerulata (Harms) E.J.M. Koenen & J.J. de Wilde
103110147Ehoarn Bidault   44522019-03-10
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.85571 10.40767, 705m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110155Ehoarn Bidault   44542019-03-10
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.85758 10.4827, 706m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Anubias Schott
103110175Ehoarn Bidault   44602019-03-10
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.85758 10.4827, 706m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110179Ehoarn Bidault   44612019-03-10
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.85765 10.40904, 740m

MO:Seed Plants
103109880Archange Boupoya   18992019-03-23
Gabon, Estuaire, Mondah Cap Estérias., 0.577881 9.349875, 11m

MO:Seed Plants
103109034Archange Boupoya   15612018-02-21
Gabon, Estuaire, Le long de la rivière Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.323354 10.333545, 127m

MO:Seed Plants
103109044Archange Boupoya   15632018-02-21
Gabon, Estuaire, Le long de la rivière Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.325633 10.333816, 128m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Hymenocoleus Robbr.
103109067Archange Boupoya   15692018-02-22
Gabon, Estuaire, Le long de la rivière Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.394748 10.578651, 446m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110184Ehoarn Bidault   44622019-03-11
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, sur la route de Médouneu., 0.86933 10.51742, 590m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K. Schum.
103110204Ehoarn Bidault   44672019-03-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, village Efout Elim., 1.00227 10.90254, 501m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucomphalos capparideus Benth. ex Planch.
103110210Ehoarn Bidault   44692019-03-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, village Efout Elim., 1.00227 10.90254, 501m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Aneilema umbrosum (Vahl) Kunth
103110230Ehoarn Bidault   44762019-03-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, village Efout Elim., 1.00277 10.90292, 610m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Turraea cabrae De Wild. & T. Durand
103110232Ehoarn Bidault   44772019-03-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, village Efout Elim., 1.00277 10.90292, 610m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110251Ehoarn Bidault   44852019-03-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, village Efout Elim., 1.00414 10.90306, 626m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Aidia micrantha f. (K. Schum.) Bullock ex F. White
103110256Ehoarn Bidault   44862019-03-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, village Efout Elim., 1.00414 10.90306, 626m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110261Ehoarn Bidault   44872019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.50626 12.79443, 473m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110285Ehoarn Bidault   44932019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.50265 12.79493, 450m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Nelsonia R. Br.
103110322Ehoarn Bidault   45032019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.49985 12.80202, 483m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Syzygium staudtii (Engl.) Mildbr.
103110340Ehoarn Bidault   45092019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.49985 12.80202, 483m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pycreus subtrigonus C.B. Clarke
103110348Ehoarn Bidault   45112019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.49985 12.80202, 483m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110462Ehoarn Bidault   45402019-03-16
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Nord de Makokou, concession TBNI. Bords de la rivière Wa., 0.84206 12.86055, 472m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109071Archange Boupoya   15712018-02-22
Gabon, Estuaire, Le long de la rivière Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.394748 10.578651, 446m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109094Archange Boupoya   15782018-02-22
Gabon, Estuaire, Le long de la rivière Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.378436 10.5831, 467m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chassalia ischnophylla (K. Schum.) Hepper
103109136Archange Boupoya   15952018-02-23
Gabon, Estuaire, Le long de la rivière Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.34032 10.345384, 115m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109145Archange Boupoya   16032018-02-24
Gabon, Estuaire, Le long de la rivière Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.366276 10.418801, 139m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dischistocalyx T. Anderson ex Benth.
103109156Archange Boupoya   16062018-02-24
Gabon, Estuaire, Le long de la rivière Tsibilé, Monts de Cristal., 0.366449 10.417205, 135m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109255Archange Boupoya   16422018-04-15
Gabon, Ngounié, Route entre Mabanda et Nialy., -2.760925 11.537337, 172m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109259Archange Boupoya   16432018-04-15
Gabon, Ngounié, Route entre Mabanda et Nialy., -2.865902 11.565494, 207m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosema glomeratum (Guill. & Perr.) Hook. f.
103109269Archange Boupoya   1643B22018-04-15
Gabon, Ngounié, Route entre Mabanda et Nialy., -3.032319 11.703708, 195m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109287Archange Boupoya   16472018-04-16
Gabon, Ngounié, Plaine Isseka entre Mabanda et le pont vers la frontière avec le Congo., -3.031104 11.70332, 190m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109374Archange Boupoya   16692018-04-16
Gabon, Ngounié, Plaine Isseka entre Mabanda et le pont vers la frontière avec le Congo., -3.047647 11.681688, 223m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pseudarthria hookeri Wight & Arn.
103109414Archange Boupoya   16782018-04-17
Gabon, Ngounié, Route entre Nzinga et Mabanda., -2.744915 11.493214, 194m

MO:Seed Plants
Scleria woodii var. ornata (Cherm.) Schultze-Motel
103109535Archange Boupoya   17862018-10-22
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.470296 13.218701, 590m

MO:Seed Plants
Zornia J.F. Gmel.
103109564Archange Boupoya   17932018-10-23
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.470296 13.218701, 590m

MO:Seed Plants
103109589Archange Boupoya   18002018-10-23
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.470169 13.218619, 542m

MO:Seed Plants
103109621Archange Boupoya   18112018-10-23
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.473685 13.203935, 593m

MO:Seed Plants
Hyparrhenia diplandra (Hack.) Stapf
103109639Archange Boupoya   18182018-10-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.439503 13.204927, 446m

MO:Seed Plants
Cissus rubiginosa (Welw. ex Baker) Planch.
103109716Archange Boupoya   18422018-10-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.472055 13.261767, 554m

MO:Seed Plants
Palisota mannii C.B. Clarke
103109723Archange Boupoya   18442018-10-25
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.471078 13.266308, 513m

MO:Seed Plants
103109739Archange Boupoya   18502018-10-25
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.44598 13.211961, 498m

MO:Seed Plants
103109780Archange Boupoya   18602018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.441036 13.187039, 508m

MO:Seed Plants
103109859Archange Boupoya   18902018-10-27
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.480693 13.220415, 512m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Palisota plicata E. Bidault & Burg
103109949Ehoarn Bidault   43852019-03-07
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.842138 10.396305, 670m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pauridiantha crystallina (N. Hallé) Smedmark & B. Bremer
103109954Ehoarn Bidault   43862019-03-07
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.841972 10.39327, 670m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Pauridiantha micrantha (A. Chev.) Bremek.
103109976Ehoarn Bidault   43942019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84732 10.40102, 732m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Podococcus barteri Mann & Wendland
103109981Ehoarn Bidault   43952019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84732 10.40102, 732m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110003Ehoarn Bidault   44022019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84769 10.40322, 729m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110006Ehoarn Bidault   44032019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Protected due to name conservation status, 0.85 10.4, 729m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110025Ehoarn Bidault   44102019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84769 10.40322, 729m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110030Ehoarn Bidault   44112019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84769 10.40322, 729m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110032Ehoarn Bidault   44122019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84769 10.40322, 729m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110113Ehoarn Bidault   44422019-03-09
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84388 10.39511, 681m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110145Ehoarn Bidault   44512019-03-10
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.85571 10.40767, 705m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110239Ehoarn Bidault   44792019-03-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Monts de Cristal, village Efout Elim., 1.00277 10.90292, 610m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Floscopa mannii C.B. Clarke
103110280Ehoarn Bidault   44922019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.50265 12.79493, 450m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110290Ehoarn Bidault   44942019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.50273 12.79577, 477m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dichapetalum Thouars
103110294Ehoarn Bidault   44952019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.50525 12.79554, 518m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Floscopa glomerata (Willd. ex Schult. & Schult. f.) Hassk.
103110312Ehoarn Bidault   45002019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.49985 12.80202, 483m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Combretum falcatum (Welw. ex Hiern) Jongkind
103110319Ehoarn Bidault   45022019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.49985 12.80202, 483m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110353Ehoarn Bidault   45122019-03-14
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, PN d'Ivindo, station de recherche Ipassa., 0.49985 12.80202, 483m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110379Ehoarn Bidault   45182019-03-15
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Nord de Makokou, concession TBNI., 0.81281 12.89882, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110382Ehoarn Bidault   45192019-03-15
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Nord de Makokou, concession TBNI., 0.81281 12.89882, 500m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Rutidea DC.
103110422Ehoarn Bidault   45312019-03-16
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Nord de Makokou, concession TBNI. Bords de la rivière Wa., 0.84206 12.86055, 472m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110427Ehoarn Bidault   45322019-03-16
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Nord de Makokou, concession TBNI. Bords de la rivière Wa., 0.84206 12.86055, 472m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Salacia cerasifera Welw. ex Oliv.
103110458Ehoarn Bidault   45392019-03-16
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Nord de Makokou, concession TBNI. Bords de la rivière Wa., 0.84206 12.86055, 472m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Millettia barteri (Benth.) Dunn
103110465Ehoarn Bidault   45412019-03-16
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Nord de Makokou, concession TBNI. Bords de la rivière Wa., 0.84206 12.86055, 472m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109965Ehoarn Bidault   43902019-03-07
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.8475 10.41333, 730m

MO:Seed Plants
103109696Archange Boupoya   18362018-10-24
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.439323 13.336795, 305m

MO:Seed Plants
103109736Archange Boupoya   18492018-10-25
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.461351 13.209685, 591m

MO:Seed Plants
103109744Archange Boupoya   18512018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.44598 13.211961, 498m

MO:Seed Plants
103109777Archange Boupoya   18592018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.446542 13.211624, 508m

MO:Seed Plants
Nelsonia R. Br.
103109782Archange Boupoya   18612018-10-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateau d'Okouma Moanda., -1.441036 13.187039, 508m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109985Ehoarn Bidault   43962019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84732 10.40102, 732m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103109987Ehoarn Bidault   43972019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84732 10.40102, 732m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110016Ehoarn Bidault   44072019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84769 10.40322, 729m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Dielsantha galeopsoides (Engl. & Diels) E. Wimm.
103110037Ehoarn Bidault   44142019-03-08
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84816 10.40213, 721m

MO:Seed Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
103110053Ehoarn Bidault   44212019-03-09
Gabon, Estuaire, Monts de Cristal, vers le secteur Mont Séni. Concession BSG., 0.84286 10.39353, 697m

Page 267, records 26601-26700 of 32796


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