Search Results (List)

Dataset: LBV-Botany
Search Criteria: Gabon; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 209, records 20801-20900 of 41569

Herbier National du Gabon

Dracaena waltersii
173766Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12712003-03-03
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles, 'Okeli Forest,' trail M. Gallery forest., -2.133333 14.066667, 420m

173772Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36632002-12-05
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Near WCS ramp at savanna edge and surrounding forests; c. 2 km west of Langoué Bai., -0.17 12.542

173775Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12612003-03-07
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles. Gallery forest along Mpassa River along trails L & D., -2.125 14.068889, 420m

173775Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12612003-03-07
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles. Gallery forest along Mpassa River along trails L & D., -2.125 14.068889, 420m

173778Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36012002-12-01
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. LangouéBai. Southern end at bai edge., -0.189 12.557

173778Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36012002-12-01
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. LangouéBai. Southern end at bai edge., -0.189 12.557

173785Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11782003-03-01
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles. Open gallery forest of Mpassa River with Annonidium, Dacryodes, and Palisota in understory., -2.116667 14.066667, 420m

Mostuea Didr.
173786Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12082003-03-02
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Gallery forest. (Collected 2 km from GPS coordinates.)., -2.216667 14.042222, 420m

173793Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nziengui, B; Moussavou, J-M   4592000-10-31
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Lopé-Okanda Reserve. 2.8 km from Kazamabika going towards Offoué Train Station. Savanna/forest edge. Forest not continuous, but bosques within the savanna., -0.122222 11.718333, 209m

Mostuea hirsuta (T. Anderson ex Benth. & Hook. fil.) Baill.
173797Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35922002-11-30
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Savanna forests near WCS camp and along stream., -0.18 12.545

173816Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11182003-02-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Gallery forest 100 m from wooded grassland., -2.126667 14.067222, 421m

Hypselodelphys violacea (Ridl.) Milne-Redh.
173820Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G   5242000-11-14
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Tchimbélé Dam. Plant trail beginning east of dam. Secondary humid forest., 0.617222 10.421667, 550m

Marantochloa congensis (K.Schum.) J.Léonard & Mullend.
173822Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nziengui, B; Moussavou, J-M   4732000-11-02
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Lopé-Okanda Reserve. 12 km S of Lopé Grand-Débardage Trail - Marantaceae forest., -0.192778 11.592778, 283m

Sarcophrynium brachystachyum (Benth.) K.Schum.
173824Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G; Mintsa Mi-Obiang, E; Ndong, L   5642001-04-28
Gabon, Estuaire, Ekorado-50 km W of Coco Beach on Mitemboni River. 3 km down Chantier Road. Adjacent to road. Primary forest. Specimens alcohol dried., 0.891111 9.943889, 60m

173826Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G; Mintsa Mi-Obiang, E; Ndong, L   5862001-05-02
Gabon, Estuaire, Ngoualé, 15 km S of Ekorado, primary forest. Specimens alcohol dried., 0.863333 10.021667, 60m

Sarcophrynium brachystachyum (Benth.) K.Schum.
173829Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35312002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. In forest at end of bai., -0.187 12.556

173830Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36482002-12-03
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. In uplands off Langoué River. Ca. 1 km north of Langoué Bai.

Dichaetanthera strigosa (Cogn.) Jacq.-Fél.
173847Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12022003-03-02
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Eroding sand canyon along Mpassa River. Harungana forest, Gleichenia on cliffs, quick sand. 12 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles., -2.216667 14.042222, 420m

Memecylon occultum Jacq.-Fél.
173848Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12622003-03-07
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles. Gallery forest along Mpassa River along trails L & D., -2.125 14.068889, 420m

173875Niangadouma, R; Walters, GM   1562003-02-27
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Galerie-Forestière à 100 m de la savane. Sous-bois fermé avec des Palisota, arbuste et lianes. Canopeé moyenne assez ouvert., -2.119 14.06, 468m

Beirnaertia cabindensis (Exell & Mendonça) Troupin
173904Walters, GM; Bradley, AF; Nang-Essouma, G; Mbaniboua, A   10242001-11-30
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Batéké Plateau, Mpassa River watershed. 1 km from Station de Projet de Protection des Gorilles. Savanna-humid forest mosaic. Collections made within 100 m of GPS point and alcohol dried., -2.113 14.075, 400m

173912Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G; Mintsa Mi-Obiang, E; Ndong, L   5482001-04-26
Gabon, Estuaire, 5 km from Ekorado and Mitemboni River. Secondary forest in forestry Chantier. Path starts to N 5 km from Ekorado towards Ngoualé. Specimens alcohol dried., 0.899444 9.956667, 60m

Dorstenia mannii Hook. fil.
173913Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G; Mintsa Mi-Obiang, E; Ndong, L   6122001-05-02
Gabon, Estuaire, Ngoule, 15 km SE of Ekorado. Primary forest. Foothills of Crystal Mountains. Specimens alcohol dried., 0.858333 10.020556, 304m

173949Bradley, AF; Walters, GM; Nang-Essouma, G; Mbaniboua, A   11082001-11-29
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, c. 2 km NE of Gorilla Research Station. Sloping savanna. Primary gallery forest border., -2.114 14.063, 440m

Ochna latisepala (Tiegh.) Bamps
173960Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12112003-03-02
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Gallery forest. (Collected 2 km from GPS coordinates.)., -2.216667 14.042222, 420m

Ochna afzelii R. Br. ex Oliv.
173961Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12802003-03-03
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles, 'Okeli Forest,' trail M., -2.133333 14.066667, 420m

Campylospermum elongatum (Oliv.) Tiegh.
173971Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35042002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

Campylospermum engama (De Wild.) Farron
173977Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R; Dieu M, J de   34912002-11-26
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park, c. 3 km W of Langoué Bai at WCS camp., -0.182 12.545

Campylospermum reticulatum (P. Beauv.) Farron
173979Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R; Dieu M, J de   34962002-11-26
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Ca. 3 km W of Langoué Bai at WCS camp. Savanna-edge habitat., -0.182 12.545

Heisteria Jacq.
174021Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36262002-12-03
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai along eastern border., -0.187 12.558

Coula edulis Baill.
174022Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36532002-12-03
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. In uplands off Langoué River. Ca. 1 km north of Langoué Bai.

Ongokea gore (Hua) Pierre
174025Niangadouma, R; Walters, GM   2082003-03-07
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Parc. Station Projet Protection des Gorilles. Savane forêt galerie; pistes aménageés pour an suivi des gorilles., -2.115 14.068, 424m

174027Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36182002-12-02
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai at main waterhole at north end., -0.186 12.558

Diaphananthe bidens (Afzel. ex Sw.) Schltr.
174037Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36602002-12-05
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Near WCS ramp at savanna edge and surrounding forests; c. 2 km west of Langoué Bai., -0.17 12.542

174038Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R; Dieu M, J de   34672002-11-26
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Ca. 3 km W of Langoué Bai at WCS camp. Savanna-edge habitat., -0.182 12.545

174062Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12352003-03-04
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. 9 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles Lac Loulou. Hymenocardia and Maprounea grassland., -2.16 14.146111, 500m

174075Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R; Passaro, R   12812003-03-09
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Several km south of R16 (Bongoville to Congo border) in grassland along sand road from Bongoville to Equii., -1.666667 13.833333, 460m

174077Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35252002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

Loudetia phragmitoides (Peter) C.E.Hubb.
174080Bradley, AF; Walters, GM; Mbaniboua, A   11702001-12-07
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Gorilla Research Station. Wet savanna and riverine forest mix by Mpassa River., -2.116 14.067, 450m

Andropogon schirensis Hochst. ex A.Rich.
174081Bradley, AF; Walters, GM; Nang-Essouma, G; Mbaniboua, A   10102001-11-22
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, 1 km north of Gorilla Research Station worker's camp. Savanna-forest edge., -2.118 14.062, 380m

Heteranthoecia guineensis (Franch.) Robyns
174091Bradley, AF; Walters, GM; Nang-Essouma, G; Mbaniboua, A   10732001-11-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, c. 10 miles south of Gorilla Research Station, along Mpassa River. Old oxbow by river, swamp rising to steep sand cliffs., -2.211 14.031, 425m

Digitaria brazzae (Franch.) Stapf
174106Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   10952003-02-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Wooded grassland on Kalahari Sands with Hymenocardia acida, surrounded by gallery forest., -2.126667 14.067222, 421m

174107Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11032003-02-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Wooded grassland on Kalahari Sands with Hymenocardia acida, surrounded by gallery forest., -2.126667 14.067222, 421m

Melinis nerviglumis (Franch.) Zizka
174108Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11102003-02-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Wooded grassland on Kalahari Sands with Hymenocardia acida, surrounded by gallery forest., -2.126667 14.067222, 421m

Melinis nerviglumis (Franch.) Zizka
174109Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11112003-02-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Wooded grassland on Kalahari Sands with Hymenocardia acida, surrounded by gallery forest., -2.126667 14.067222, 421m

Leptaspis zeylanica Nees ex Steud.
174111Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11682003-02-28
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Gallery forest along Mpassa River, grassland between forest and base of hill., -2.116667 14.066667, 420m

Setaria sphacelata (Schumach.) Stapf & C.E.Hubb. ex Moss
174112Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11982003-03-02
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Eroding sand canyon along Mpassa River. Harungana forest, Gleichenia on cliffs, quick sand. 12 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles., -2.216667 14.042222, 420m

Leptaspis zeylanica Nees ex Steud.
174115Walters, GM; Bradley, AF; Mbaniboua, A   10332001-12-02
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Batéké Plateau, Mpassa River drainage. 1.81 km from Projet de Protection des Gorilles. Collections made within 1 km of GPS point and alcohol dried., -2.123889 14.053333

174116Walters, GM; Bradley, AF; Mbaniboua, A   10422001-12-02
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Batéké Plateau, Mpassa River drainage. 1.81 km from Projet de Protection des Gorilles. Collections made within 1 km of GPS point and alcohol dried., -2.123889 14.053333

174121Walters, GM; Bradley, AF; Nang-Essouma, G   9902001-11-27
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Batéké Plateau, Mpassa River watershed. 4.2 km N of Station of the Projet de Protection des Gorilles. Savanna with forest edge. Collections made within 500 m of GPS point and alcohol dried., -2.087222 14.071667, 400m

174122Walters, GM; Bradley, AF; Nang-Essouma, G; Mbaniboua, A   8822001-11-21
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Batéké Plateau, Projet de Protection des Gorilles Station. Floodplain forest of Mpassa River. Collections made within 100 m of GPS point and alcohol dried., -2.120556 14.068889, 400m

174125Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nzabi, T; Boumbou, T   6522001-05-13
Gabon, Nyanga, Kwassa. Fishing village next to Banio Lagune. Savanna and primary forest. Specimens alcohol dried., -3.726667 11.01

174126Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35122002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

Paspalum conjugatum P.J.Bergius
174127Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36202002-12-02
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai at main waterhole at north end., -0.186 12.558

174133Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12132003-03-03
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. 6 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles. Hymenocardia grassland along Mpassa River., -2.055 14.072222, 430m

174134Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12722003-03-03
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles, 'Okeli Forest,' trail M. Gallery forest., -2.133333 14.066667, 420m

174136Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36032002-12-01
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. LangouéBai. Southern end at bai edge., -0.189 12.557

174145Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11422003-02-27
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. 50 m from edge of forest. Palisota and Memecylon in closed understory., -2.122222 14.068333, 460m

174146Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11482003-02-27
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Flooded forest., -2.122222 14.068333, 460m

174147Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11702003-02-28
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Gallery forest along Mpassa River, grassland between forest and base of hill., -2.116667 14.066667, 420m

Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. fil.) Underw.
174148Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11922003-03-02
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Eroding sand canyon along Mpassa River. Harungana forest, Gleichenia on cliffs, quick sand. 12 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles., -2.216667 14.042222, 420m

Diplazium welwitschii (Hook.) Diels
174166Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35882002-11-30
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Savanna forests near WCS camp and along stream., -0.18 12.545

Ctenitis pilosissima (J. Sm. ex T. Moore) Alston
174167Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36002002-12-01
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. LangouéBai. Southern end at bai edge., -0.189 12.557

174168Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R; Dieu M, J de   34652002-11-26
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Ca. 3 km W of Langoué Bai at WCS camp. Savanna-edge habitat., -0.182 12.545

Phymatosorus scolopendria (Burm. fil.) Pic. Serm.
174169Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R; Dieu M, J de   3462A2002-11-26
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Ca. 3 km W of Langoué Bai at WCS camp. Savanna-edge habitat., -0.182 12.545

174267Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   10962003-02-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Wooded grassland on Kalahari Sands with Hymenocardia acida, surrounded by gallery forest., -2.126667 14.067222, 421m

Oldenlandia affinis (Roem. & Schult.) DC.
174268Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11052003-02-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Wooded grassland on Kalahari Sands with Hymenocardia acida, surrounded by gallery forest., -2.126667 14.067222, 421m

174269Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11222003-02-26
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Gallery forest with Xylopia in overstory and Memecylon in understory., -2.120556 14.07, 421m

174271Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11332003-02-27
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Hymenocardia grasslands on Kalahari Sands. 1 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles., -2.120556 14.066667, 460m

174272Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11582003-02-28
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Gallery forest next to Mpassa River. Trail A., -2.118889 14.070556, 420m

174273Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11712003-02-28
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Gallery forest along Mpassa River, grassland between forest and base of hill., -2.116667 14.066667, 420m

Pausinystalia macroceras (K.Schum.) Pierre
174274Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   11802003-03-01
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles. Open gallery forest of Mpassa River with Annonidium, Dacryodes, and Palisota in understory., -2.116667 14.066667, 420m

Pseudosabicea mildbraedii (Wernham) N.Hallé
174276Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12212003-03-03
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. 6 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles. Hymenocardia grassland along Mpassa River., -2.055 14.072222, 430m

Chazaliella oddonii (De Wild.) E.M.A.Petit & Verdc.
174277Walters, GM; Niangadouma, R   12752003-03-03
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Projet Protection des Gorilles, 'Okeli Forest,' trail M. Gallery forest., -2.133333 14.066667, 420m

174301Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nziengui, B; Moussavou, J-M   4412000-10-29
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Lopé-Okanda Reserve. Banks of Ogooué River, Lopé Hotel., -0.1 11.597778, 122m

Bertiera racemosa (G.Don) K.Schum.
174311Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G   5062000-11-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Tchimbélé Dam, Crystal Mountains, road N. of dam., 0.630556 10.408333, 553m

174313Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G   5162000-11-12
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Tchimbélé Dam, Crystal Mountains, road N. of dam., 0.630556 10.408333, 553m

174317Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G   5382000-11-14
Gabon, Woleu-Ntem, Tchimbélé Dam. Plant trail beginning east of dam. Secondary humid forest., 0.626667 10.418333, 550m

Sacosperma paniculatum (Benth.) G.Taylor
174319Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nziengui, B; Moussavou, J-M   4542000-10-31
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Lopé-Okanda Reserve. 2.8 km from Kazamabika going towards Offoué Train Station. Savanna/forest edge. Forest not continuous, but bosques within the savanna., -0.122222 11.718333, 209m

Massularia acuminata (G.Don) Bullock ex Hoyle
174322Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G; Mintsa Mi-Obiang, E; Ndong, L   5442001-04-26
Gabon, Estuaire, 5 km from Ekorado and Mitemboni River. Secondary forest in forestry Chantier. Path starts to N 5 km from Ekorado towards Ngoualé. Specimens alcohol dried., 0.897778 9.955, 60m

Oxyanthus laxiflorus K.Schum. ex Hutch. & Dalziel
174329Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G; Mintsa Mi-Obiang, E; Ndong, L   5812001-05-02
Gabon, Estuaire, Ngoualé, 15 km S of Ekorado, primary forest. Specimens alcohol dried., 0.863333 10.021667, 60m

Massularia acuminata (G.Don) Bullock ex Hoyle
174333Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G; Mintsa Mi-Obiang, E; Ndong, L   6132001-05-02
Gabon, Estuaire, Ngoule, 15 km SE of Ekorado. Primary forest. Foothills of Crystal Mountains. Specimens alcohol dried., 0.858333 10.020556, 304m

Psychotria peduncularis (Salisb.) Steyerm.
174334Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nang-Essouma, G; Mintsa Mi-Obiang, E; Ndong, L   6142001-05-02
Gabon, Estuaire, Ngoualé, 15 km SE of Ekorado. Primary forest, foothills of Crystal Mountains. Specimens alcohol dried., 0.85 10.016667, 274m

174341Walters, GM; Stone, JR; Nzabi, T; Boumbou, T   6492001-05-13
Gabon, Nyanga, Kwassa. Fishing village next to Banio Lagune. Savanna and primary forest. Specimens alcohol dried., -3.726667 11.01

174347McPherson, GD   179362000-09-21
Gabon, Estuaire, Crystal Mountains; Tchimbélé Dam region; forested slopes., 0.616667 10.35, 700m

Pauridiantha mayumbensis (R.D.Good) Bremek.
174352Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35062002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

174353Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35072002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

174354Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35102002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

Hallea ledermannii (K.Krause) Verdc.
174355Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35132002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

174356Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35192002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

174357Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35232002-11-27
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform., -0.186 12.557

174359Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   35852002-11-30
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Savanna forests near WCS camp and along stream., -0.18 12.545

174360Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36052002-12-01
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. LangouéBai. Southern end at bai edge., -0.189 12.557

174361Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36292002-12-03
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai along eastern border., -0.187 12.558

174362Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R   36372002-12-04
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Ca. 1.5 north of Langoué Bai near Langoué River and tributaries., -0.173 12.553

174389Stone, JR; Niangadouma, R; Dieu M, J de   34682002-11-26
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Ivindo National Park. Ca. 3 km W of Langoué Bai at WCS camp. Savanna-edge habitat., -0.182 12.545

Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel. ex G.Don) Benth.
174392White, LJT   8091993-05-24
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Station D'études des Gorilles et Chimpanzés. Herbier de la station de SECC. Flore De La Lopé. Certroplacus. Savanna., -0.216667 11.566667

Dictyandra arborescens Welw. ex Benth. & Hook.f.
174395White, LJT   9641993-07-25
Gabon, Ogooué-Ivindo, Station D'études des Gorilles et Chimpanzés., -0.216667 11.566667

174401Niangadouma, R; Walters, GM   1632003-02-28
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Parc. Projet de Protection des Gorilles. Forêt-Galerie. Sentier (A)., -2.121 14.07, 438m

Pauridiantha mayumbensis (R.D.Good) Bremek.
174402Niangadouma, R; Walters, GM   1752003-03-01
Gabon, Haut-Ogooué, Plateaux Batéké National Parc. Station Projet Protection des Gorilles. Galerie-forestière, canopeé ouvert, moyen, sous-bois assez ouvert, Beaucoup de Burseraceae et Annonaceae., -2.116667 14.066667, 510m

Page 209, records 20801-20900 of 41569


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